The Juice Cleanse Reset Diet (22 page)

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Authors: Lori Kenyon Farley

BOOK: The Juice Cleanse Reset Diet
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Reset Your Energy
By now, you probably feel better than ever. At this point of the program, many people begin to feel like they can live on much less sleep. Enjoy your newfound energy, but continue to aim for seven to eight hours of sleep each night.

Reset Your Metabolism
Your body is now completely clear of processed foods, additives, and chemicals that may have previously interfered with your digestion.

Reset Your Taste Buds
Relish in how wonderfully sweet the season’s best fruits and vegetables taste to you at this point. If post-reset, you lose this sense of satisfaction from fruits and vegetables, take that as your signal that it’s time to get back to a mini reset.

Reset Your Digestive System
Your morning lemon water continues to be an important part of your daily ritual for digestive health.

Reset Your Weight
Do the three-day juice cleanse from
chapter 4

Reset Your Beauty
Continue with skin brushing. Moisturize with organic coconut oil. Drink lots of water.

Reset Your Exercise
Do forty-five to sixty minutes of fat-burning cardio. Listen to your body to determine length.

Drink Water!

Avoid the mistake of decreasing your water consumption before an event. It’s well documented that your metabolism slows down when calorie consumption decreases too drastically, and, as a result, your body stores fat in case it needs it later. This same pattern applies to water. If your body is deprived of water, it’ll hold on to the water it has in case it needs to survive a long period without water. This leads to water retention, stagnant energy, and toxins being stored. On the other hand, the more you flood your body with high-quality, filtered water, the more easily your body releases excess water and eliminates toxins in doing so. Drinking loads of water before a big event helps your skin glow and helps eliminate bloat.

Days 20 and 21

Two days to go!! You’ll ease back into solid foods by integrating salads and light snacks. Approach your big event looking and feeling your best!

Reset Your Attitude and Your Mindset
Affirm yourself and tell everyone who will listen how great you feel and what you have
accomplished. Aim to surround yourself with people who support and love your best self. No one has the power to bring you down, but it’s much easier to live your best and healthiest life when the people around you support your awesomeness.

Reset Your Energy
Sugar-, carb-, and caffeine-induced peaks and valleys of your energy should be a distant memory by now.

Reset Your Metabolism
Know that you’re able to listen to your body and judge when you’re truly hungry and when you’re thinking of food out of boredom or to fill an emotional need. Your metabolism is back in working order now that you’re free from hormone-filled foods and other chemically manipulated foods that interfere with your body’s signals.

Reset Your Taste Buds
On these final days of your supercharged reset, pay attention to how delicious real food tastes. Make a conscious decision to stick with eating real food only. This alone will greatly improve your health.

Reset Your Digestive System
Now that your system is working efficiently, you can easily tell how various foods influence your digestion. Vow not to ignore the many messages your body sends.

Reset Your Weight

Breakfast: Green juice or green smoothie

Lunch: Any green salad from this book

Snack: Any snack from this book

Dinner: Juice or smoothie of choice

Reset Your Beauty
Enjoy your facial on day 20. On day 21, indulge in a great body scrub, followed by coconut oil moisturizer. Optional sauna session.

Reset Your Exercise
Do sixty minutes of fat-burning cardio. You have come this far. Make sure you fit in these last two sweaty sessions.

Bravo!!! You completed your twenty-one day supercharged reset and will present your best self at your big event.


You’re about to embark upon ten days to change. Dedicate yourself to this plan for ten days and you’ll feel and look your absolute best in time for your big day.

The Supercharged Reset Plan:

• Two days of accelerated preparation

• Six days of juices or smoothies

• Two days of liquid meals for breakfast, meal of your choice for lunch, and a liquid dinner

Let’s do it!

Days 1 and 2

These two days are about getting you ready for your upcoming six-day juice and smoothie cleanse. Following these two prep days will help you transition into the all-liquid days with ease.

Reset Your Attitude and Your Mindset
When you choose to make yourself a priority, there are no limits to what you can accomplish! What can you eliminate from your life to create more time for yourself each day? Can you to take a hiatus from social media, give up a TV program, wake up an hour earlier each day, or give up a social engagement?

Reset Your Energy
You may experience a dip in your energy these first few days as you wean off of sugars, caffeine, and food additives. Know that it’s temporary and will pass.

Reset Your Metabolism
By eliminating processed foods from your diet, your metabolism recalibrates to its optimal level.

Reset Your Taste Buds
Begin each morning by drinking 1 cup of warm water with a big squeeze of fresh lemon. This morning ritual stimulates digestion and promotes alkalinity while enhancing elimination and decreasing cravings.

Reset Your Digestive System
Sip on herbal detox teas throughout the day (
this page
) to begin waking up your cleansing organs.

Reset Your Weight

Day 1: Turn to
this page
and follow the meal plan for Two Days Before the Juice Cleanse.

Day 2: Turn to
this page
and follow the meal plan for One Day Before the Juice Cleanse.

Reset Your Beauty
Skin brush daily and do a body scrub on day 2. After showering or bathing, moisturize with coconut oil.

Reset Your Exercise
Do forty-five minutes of fat-burning cardio upon rising, on an empty stomach. If you feel up to it, you may opt to add a second forty-five-minute cardio session on day 2.

Need a Pick-Me-Up?

If your energy lags and you need an extra boost to help you power through your cardio sessions, feel free to incorporate antioxidant-rich green tea for instant energy.

Days 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8

You’re about to embark upon six spectacular days of juices and smoothies. Make sure that you have all of your ingredients and get ready to feel fantastic!

Reset Your Attitude and Your Mindset
Six days of juicing is a big endeavor. Stay focused on your goal and visualize how great you’ll feel upon completing this reset. You can do this!

Reset Your Energy
If you experience fatigue or any other “healing crisis,” visit
this page
for tips to help you to get through the symptoms quickly. Once you do, your energy levels will soar.

Reset Your Metabolism
You’re resetting your metabolism by consuming a juice or smoothie every few hours throughout the day. Do not skip juices.

Reset Your Taste Buds
The juices and smoothies that you’re enjoying are designed to feed your cells the nutrients and enzymes they most need. Upon completing the cleanse, you’ll crave nature’s purest and most nutrient-dense foods.

Reset Your Digestive System
These six days provide your digestive system a well-deserved rest, which allows your system to eliminate stored-up toxins and repair past damage.

Reset Your Weight
Follow the juice cleanse from
chapter 4
for six days.

Reset Your Beauty
Skin brush daily. Moisturize with coconut oil after showering or bathing. Aim to take three detox baths or sauna sessions over these six days and to enjoy two or three body treatments or facials.

Reset Your Exercise
Do forty-five minutes of fat-burning exercise, preferably upon rising. Aim to add an extra session of cardio on two of these six days.

Strength Training

Continue your normal strength-training program, if you have one. If you don’t have one, we advise not starting one at this time for two reasons: (1) you’ll be hungrier, and (2) your muscles may retain extra water when you first start a strength regimen.

You’ll get the most immediate visible results from your cardio. For this reason, we suggest that you focus on this if you don’t have an existing strength-training program or if you do not have enough time for both a cardio and a strength routine.

Days 9 and 10

These two postcleanse days combine juices or smoothies with whole food meals in order to ease you back into eating solid foods while sustaining the benefits you have achieved.

Reset Your Attitude and Your Mindset
You have proven to yourself that you have stellar willpower. Keep this confidence with you and tap into it whenever temptation is in your path.

Reset Your Energy
Your energy levels should be steady now that you have eliminated energy-zapping processed foods, sugars, and additives.

Reset Your Metabolism
Your metabolism is reset to want food throughout the day. Even if you’re not feeling too hungry, avoid skipping meals or juices. You can opt for smaller portions, but continue to feed your body every few hours in order to keep your metabolism high.

Reset Your Taste Buds
You have eliminated cravings for high-fat and sugar-laden foods.

Reset Your Digestive System
If you have any bloating or discomfort as you add food back in, try an herbal tea. For some options, visit
this page

Reset Your Weight
For breakfast, make any smoothie or juice recipe from this book that contains greens. Choose any lunch and snack recipe from
chapter 8
, and for dinner, choose any smoothie or juice recipe.

Reset Your Beauty
On day 9, enjoy your favorite facial and body scrub (see
this page

Reset Your Exercise
On these last two days, do forty-five to sixty minutes of fat-burning, sweat-inducing, toxin-flushing cardio upon rising. Remember, your first workout is in the morning, upon rising, on an empty stomach. If you feel up to the challenge, add a second forty-five-minute session on day 10.

Bravo!!! You have completed your ten-day supercharged reset.


If you follow a healthy, clean eating plan and are pretty happy with your weight, but still have the desire for a mini reset in order to be at your absolute best for a special occasion, the three-day supercharged reset is the plan for you.

The Supercharged Reset Plan:

• One prep day of two liquid meals, one snack, and one solid meal

• Two days of juices and smoothies

Here we go!

Days 1–3

These three days are about quick transformation. Your energy will be boosted, your eyes will be brighter, and your pants will be a wee bit looser—all in just three days.

Reset Your Attitude and Your Mindset

The quickest way to give yourself a mental makeover that is guaranteed to improve your mindset is to practice gratitude. There are two parts to your three-day gratitude practice:

1. Take out a piece of paper and list everything you can think of that you’re grateful for. Include big things like your family and your health, and little things like finding a good parking spot at the store today or finding that thing that has been missing forever. Make a special point to include the unique things that bring you unexpected joy like your favorite song, the amusing billboard you passed by today, or the way your most comfy lounge pants feel when you put them on after a long day. Read this list each morning and evening and add to it. The more time you spend with your list, the more it grows as you find more and more reasons to be grateful!

2. Sometimes people complain simply for the sake of complaining. It’s a way to fill in gaps of silence. Now that you have written your gratitude list and realize that there is so much for you to be grateful for, commit to focus on the positive and indulge yourself in three days of NO negativity. For these three days, vow to abstain from complaining. You may not be aware of how many negative things leave your mouth each day until you make a conscious decision to avoid saying anything negative. When you eliminate negative chatter, miracles can happen—somehow the negative things that you didn’t complain about go away on their own.

Reset Your Energy
In three days, you’ll have more energy and will wake up on the morning of your event feeling refreshed.

Reset Your Metabolism
These three days will kick your metabolism back up to high gear, leaving you burning calories efficiently.

Reset Your Taste Buds
You’ll be amazed at how, in three short days, you can greatly diminish cravings for salty and sugary foods by feeding your body the nutrients that it really needs for vibrant health.

Reset Your Digestive System
Because this is a short reset, you want to be sure to get things moving right away. If necessary, you may consider an herbal tea (see
this page
) to support your detox.

Reset Your Weight

Day 1: This is an accelerated prep day for your two-day juice cleanse. Have a juice or smoothie for breakfast, a meal of your choice for lunch, a snack each day, and a juice or smoothie for dinner.

Days 2 and 3: Turn to
this page
and follow the meal plan for the first two days of the juice cleanse from
chapter 4

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