The Judgment of Paris (83 page)

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Gustave Geffroy, quoted in Distel et al.,
Gustave Caillebotte,
p. 222.
p. 269.
The Painter's Eye,
p. 180.
Spire Pitou,
The Paris Opéra: An Encyclopedia of Operas, Ballets, Composers and Performers
(Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1983), pp. 47—8.
p. 345.
Ibid., p. 166.
Histoire de I'Art depuis les premiers temps chrétiens jusqu 'à nos jours,
vol. 8, part 2, p. 567.
Ibid., p. 581.
Maîtres de la Belle Époque
(Paris: Hachette, 1966), pp. 49—55. For a good summary of Meissonier's unfavorable place in the art history of the twentieth century, see Hungerford,
Ernest Meissonier,
p. 3.
"Preface: Éloge d'Ernest Meissonier," p. 17.
Mainstreams of Modern Art
(New York: Holt, Rhinehart & Winston, 1981), p. 127.
Thuiller, "Preface: Éloge d'Ernest Meissonier," in
Ernest Meissonier: Retrospective,
p. 17. Thuiller does not identify the critic.
Quoted in ibid.
For the collapse of Anatole France's reputation, see Zeldin,
Taste and Corruption,
pp. 65-8.
p. 341.


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