The Journal Keeper (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (22 page)

BOOK: The Journal Keeper (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Rianne’s eyes prickled with the threat of tears as she read the note, a sense of family stealing over her that she hadn’t felt since her grandfather had passed away. Again she reached up to finger the purple stone at the base of her throat, smiling slightly as she imagined Dorin’s and Nikolas’s faces upon seeing the necklace.

“It’s almost time, my lady. Are you ready?” Carme asked, giving her an encouraging smile.

“Yeah. I think I am.” Rianne smiled, turning from the mirror.

The other women left the room first, all chattering excitedly about the ceremony. Rianne took a deep breath, knowing after today she would never be the same. There would be no turning back, no second-guessing. Just her, Nikolas, and Dorin for the rest of their lives.

Stepping into the hallway, Rianne closed the bedroom door behind her, shutting the door on her old life. It was time to start a new life with Nikolas and Dorin. Walking down the hallway, she said a silent good-bye to those she’d left when she came to Laurasia. Her parents, Lynda, Dr. Cull, everyone at Cull Industries. The list was incredibly short and that in itself let her know that she was making the right choice. Already she couldn’t imagine starting her day without talking to Carme or going through the day without seeing Nikolas sparring or getting a slow smile from Dorin.

She looked up as she turned down the stairs and was greeted with one such smile. His tunic matched the color of her dress with gold embroidering across the torso and arms. She gave him a shy smile as she came to stand in front of him, placing her hand in his. His eyes lingered briefly on the necklace before he met her gaze.

“Your mother sent it to me,” Rianne explained, fingering the large amethyst.

“And she was right to. It will soon be yours when I take my place as king. You look beautiful,” Dorin assured her, kissing the back of her fingers gently.

“You’re not so bad yourself,” Rianne complimented, running a hand along the soft fabric of his sleeve.

“Are you ready?” Dorin asked, his thumb stroking the back of her hand.

“Where’s Nikolas?” Rianne asked, looking around for him.

“He’s waiting for us in the throne room,” Dorin told her, beginning to lead her in that direction.

“I’m so nervous,” Rianne admitted breathlessly.

Dorin stopped them just outside the throne room, ignoring the footmen waiting for them, and turned her until they were face to face. He took her hands in his, bringing them up to rest against his chest.

“You know Nikolas and I will be there for you, no matter what. There’s nothing to be nervous about. This ceremony is just a formality for the people. The real bonding will happen later tonight,” Dorin explained, kissing their joined hands.

“I think that’s what I’m most nervous about,” Rianne whispered breathlessly.

“It’ll be okay, Rianne. Nik and I would never hurt you,” Dorin promised.

“I know,” Rianne croaked, swallowing back tears.

Dorin pressed his lips to her forehead before nodding to the footmen on both sides of the throne room doors. They opened the doors, and Rianne stepped through, Dorin at her side, to see Nikolas waiting for her beside King Silal, his ice-blue eyes focused completely on her. Her hand clenched around Dorin’s arm as she noticed the hundreds of people lining either side of the aisle. Some of them were dressed in clothing so fancy and sophisticated, it would’ve been appropriate for a ball hosted by the president of the United States. She could hardly believe this was the life she was going to live, that she would soon be a queen.

“Just remember, we love you,” Dorin whispered in her ear before handing her off to Nikolas.

She fought back tears as he leaned down to kiss her sweetly.

“You look beautiful,
,” Nikolas murmured, reaching up to brush back an escaped strand of hair.

“Thank you,” Rianne breathed back, squeezing his hands.

Together they turned to face Silal as the ceremony began.


* * * *


Rianne felt as though her face was going to crack from smiling for so long. The ceremony had ended hours ago, but the entire castle was still buzzing with celebration. She sat between Dorin and Nikolas as they received well-wishes and words of encouragement for their future together. Before them, the ballroom was filled with dancers, all of them laughing gaily as their partners twirled them around. Even the king and queen were among the partiers, obviously enjoying a carefree night of frivolity.

The mating ceremony had been very similar to the weddings Rianne had attended as a child and young adult. Silal had thanked everyone for coming before blessing her union with Nikolas and, through him, Dorin. The only difference was instead of exchanging rings, Nikolas had bitten just beneath her thumb and Dorin just below that. The bites had already healed, a benefit of their saliva, but they were marks she would wear for the rest of her life. She’d been surprised at the lack of pain when Nikolas’s teeth had pierced her skin and had nearly embarrassed herself by moaning aloud when he’d licked away the small trail of blood that had escaped. Dorin’s bite had been no better, and she’d been unable to completely hold back her moan the second time.

She was anxious to finish their bonding, but she would have to wait until they were in the privacy of their own rooms. Rather, the privacy of her room. As of today, the three of them would be sharing her room. Nikolas and Dorin’s rooms would be converted into a private sitting room and study for the three of them. Rianne knew she’d miss working with Silal, but the idea of working beside Dorin was tempting enough that she was sure she’d adapt.

“Do you want to dance,
?” Dorin asked, holding out his hand for hers.

“Oh, I don’t know how,” Rianne said dubiously, though she put her hand in his.

“I’ll teach you,” Dorin insisted, pulling her from her seat.

“He’s a very good teacher,
. You’re in good hands,” Nikolas told her with a smile.

Rianne let him lead her onto the dance floor, one of his arms wrapping around her waist while the other took her hand in his. She took a deep breath as the music began, and Dorin led her through the first steps.

“Don’t look now, but I do believe you’re dancing,” Dorin whispered in her ear before spinning her.

She couldn’t contain her peals of laughter as he continued to twirl and spin her around the room, much to the amusement of others. She knew he was making up the dance as he went along because all the other couples seemed to be following the same steps, whereas Dorin seemed to constantly be executing dramatic moves she never would’ve been able to pull off without him. She squealed in delight when he dipped her unexpectedly, grinning like mad as he brought her back up only to twirl her again.

Dorin gave her a soft smile, pulling her close as the song came to a close. She snuggled her head against his shoulder, her body languid against his. The band who’d been hired to play for the night chose another song, this one slower, softer. Dorin’s arms wrapped around her waist, holding her up as they slowly swayed to the music.

“Are you happy, Rianne?” Dorin asked, his lips dangerously close to her ear.

“Very,” Rianne murmured, her eyes closed in peaceful contentment.

“I am sorry for what you’ve had to give up to be with us, but I promise you you’ll never want for anything ever again,” Dorin vowed, holding her tighter.

“The only thing I gave up that I’ll actually miss is my job, but working with Merlin’s journal will keep me occupied for some time to come. After that, I’m sure I’ll be able to find something to keep me busy while you do the king thing and Nikolas works in the lists,” Rianne teased.

Dorin chuckled into her hair, his lips pressing against her temple as they continued to rock back and forth.

, we will go upstairs, and you will surrender everything to us. Are you ready for that?” Dorin asked.

“More than you could possibly know,” Rianne answered vehemently.

Despite her pre-ceremony jitters, Rianne was eager for the night to begin, to know her two men as intimately as a woman could know a man. She knew the first time would likely hurt, but she was prepared for that. Whatever happened between the three of them tonight she would treasure until the day she died.

“Ah, I think Nikolas is coming to steal you away from me,” Dorin noticed, indicating where Nikolas was cutting a path across the dance floor to get to them.

He didn’t say anything as he came to a stop before them, simply took Rianne’s hand and pulled her away from Dorin. Since Dorin didn’t try to stop him, she went willingly into the big polar’s arms. Dorin gave a slight bow before returning to their seats on the dais at the other end of the room.

The band began playing again, the song neither fast nor slow. Nikolas led her efficiently around the room without the flair Dorin had shown, but she found herself enjoying it just as much. Her head fit perfectly against his chest as he waltzed them around the room.

“Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?” Nikolas asked as they danced past the lion king and eagle queen of Livley.

“Once or twice,” Rianne grinned.

“Well, you do. It makes me wonder what I did that the gods saw fit to give me a mate as beautiful and irresistible as you,” Nikolas murmured.

She had to hold back a moan as his thumb rubbed across the bite mark he’d given her just hours ago, her entire body heating up under his low words and barely-there touch. If not for his arm around her, she likely would have slipped to the floor in a giant puddle of mush. As it was, she had to clutch his arm to keep from falling behind in the dance steps.

“Dorin told me you’re nervous about tonight,” Nikolas began, giving her a curious look.

“I was. I still am, if I’m completely honest with myself. But I’m excited, too,” Rianne admitted.

“You know we would never do anything to hurt you, right?” Nikolas asked, his brows coming together in a show of concern.

“I know.” Rianne smiled, remembering Dorin’s same assurance from earlier.

“If at any time tonight, you want us to stop, all you have to do is say so. You’re in charge,” Nikolas promised.

“Really?” Rianne asked, giving him a sly smile.

“Don’t get used to it,” Nikolas rumbled back with a sexy grin.

“Of course not,” Rianne agreed with mock severity.

“Cheeky wench.” Nikolas growled, lifting her up as he turned her around the dance floor.

She gasped, throwing her arms around his neck to keep from falling as he continued to move them in time to the music. Other couples watched as they moved past, their indulging smiles making her blush as she buried her face in Nikolas’s shoulder. It certainly didn’t help matters that she could now feel the hard length of his cock pressing against her stomach. She squirmed in his arms as she felt her panties begin to moisten, whimpering softly when he shifted her against him.

“Gods, Rianne. If you don’t stop we’re going to end up leaving sooner than planned.” Nikolas groaned harshly.

“I’m okay with that,” Rianne whispered breathlessly, her lips fastening to his neck and sucking.

With a tortured moan, he lifted her higher against his chest, his hands going to her hips. Without a thought to the audience they were likely causing, Nikolas slammed his lips against hers, immediately seeking entrance to her mouth. Their tongues battled against one another until she surrendered with a soft sigh, giving over to his dominance. Her hands fisted in his hair as he plundered her mouth over and over, all the while taking them from the dance floor toward the ballroom doors. Breaking the kiss momentarily, Nikolas looked over his shoulder for Dorin.

“Dorin! We’re leaving. Let’s go,” Nikolas called above the suddenly quiet room.

Dorin was already making his way toward them, grinning in amusement at Nikolas’s caveman display. Rianne ignored it all, turning his head back to her until they were once again kissing. She suckled his lower lip until he growled, biting her top lip in an attempt to make her submit, which she did willingly now that she’d regained his attention. When he broke their kiss to climb the stairs, Rianne began attacking every inch of skin she could reach, her fingers fumbling with the laces of his tunic until a large portion of his chest was revealed to her.

“Damnation, Rianne. If you do not stop, we won’t make it to your room,” Nikolas snapped as she nipped at the new exposed skin.

Rianne ignored him, intent on continuing her exploration. She was completely enraptured by the sparse sprinkling of hair that tickled her face and hands as she moved down his body. She felt his pace increase, the sensation causing her to bounce slightly in his arms, creating a delicious friction between her legs.

“Hurry,” Rianne gasped, her nails digging into his shoulders as they rounded the top of the stairs.

“Take her,” Nikolas practically snarled, handing her off to Dorin as they came to her bedroom door.

Undeterred, Rianne pulled Dorin in for a kiss, their tongues tangling between them as his hands moved to cup her ass, grinding her against him. He nibbled on her bottom lip as he backed her into the room, one of his hands snaking up to take hold of a swollen breast. His fingers tweaked the nipple until Rianne cried out, throwing her head back in ecstasy.

“So beautiful,” Dorin murmured, his lips sucking and nipping at her exposed neck.

She felt Nikolas unlacing the back of her gown, causing the material to slip down and pool at her waist, quickly followed by her shift being thrown across the room. He moved closer until his chest pressed against her back, his hands moving around her torso to cup her breasts for Dorin’s lips. Dorin surrendered the nipple he was working to move to the other, his tongue licking the sensitive bud until Rianne was practically sobbing. Everything within her ached, and she needed them to ease it, to bring her to that explosive climax she’d come to crave with every fiber of her being.

. We have all night,” Dorin hushed her, rising to give her a chaste kiss.

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