The Inner Struggle: Beginnings Series Book 7 (3 page)

BOOK: The Inner Struggle: Beginnings Series Book 7
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“Normal, Frank,” Andrea calmly told him. “We expect normal lung functioning in a few days. We checked the ratio, it’s good. We’re giving him a steroid equivalent to make him stronger.”

“So sad.” Frank brought his face closer to the plastic. “He looks so defenseless. So helpless.”

“He is right now,” Andrea told him. “But with time and prayer, I’m certain he will be fine. You’ll see a difference in a few days.”

“Look at his little arm, Andrea. You have it strapped down.”

“We have to keep the IV in there. He’s a wiry little guy,” Andrea smiled.

“Why isn’t his name anywhere?” Frank looked at the sign that stated. ‘Ellen’s baby boy’

“I didn’t put anything up because, well, to be honest with the way you have been acting the past few hours, no one knew what you were going to do.”

“What do you mean?” Frank asked.

“There was some talk that you would disown this child because of . . . you know.” Andrea smiled again and ran her hand down Frank’s back. “I know we don’t see eye to eye Frank, but let me just say to you, you coming to the clinic and being in here so calm is the best thing to do. Not raging to kill Henry is even better. I know you want Ellen back, and you handling this so unlike yourself, so mature . . .” She snickered when Frank gave her a look of disgust. “You’re going about it the right way. Everyone said you wouldn’t. I kind of thought you’d be like this. You know as well as I do, if you go in there tearing Henry apart, you can forget about Ellen.”

Frank smiled and touched the baby one more time. He retracted his hand from the glove. “You know what Andrea? You’re right. Thanks. I know exactly what I’m going to do now.” He tapped her on the cheek and gave a smirk.

This surprised Andrea. “Did you change your mind about something?”

“You can say that.” Frank stared down at the baby.

“I hope I didn’t make things worse.”

“Nope, better.”

“Good. I’ll let you visit with . . .” She stopped talking as she stepped back. “What is his name?”

“Nick,” Frank nodded so assuredly. “Nicholas Robert Slagel.”




Henry kept up his pace all the way to the clinic. He even ran down the hall so quickly by Jenny Matoose that she didn’t see him. Or at least Henry hoped she didn’t. With his hands behind his back, and an excited look of a kid upon his face, he bolted into Ellen’s room. “Hey El.”

“Henry,” Ellen grinned.

Dean released the grip he held on Ellen’s hand and sat back. “Passing by again Henry?”

“No, it’s safe now. Everything is under control.” He caught his breath and walked over to the bed. “I’m sorry for not being here.”

“That’s O.K. Henry, your life is so much more important. Dean kept me company.”

“Thanks Dean.” Henry grabbed a chair and pulled it to the other side of her bed. “Here, El. I got this for you.” He handed her the wildflower.

“Oh, Henry,” Ellen sniffed it. “That is so sweet. Dean, isn’t he sweet?”

“He’s a pip.” Dean rested his elbow on his knee and his chin on his palm.

Henry sat down and grabbed Ellen’s hand. “I’m so glad you’re O.K. El.”

“Dean saved my life, Henry.”

Henry smiled at Dean, “I owe you.”

“You’ll pay too,” Dean pointed his finger.

“Hey El,” Henry spoke upbeat, “guess who I saw when I was running down the hall?”


“Jenny Matoose.”

“Aw Henry, what is she doing here?”

“Staring at the babies.”

“Henry.” Ellen squeezed his hand. “Have you seen the baby?”

“Not since he was born. I’m kind of afraid.”

“You should be. He still looks the same. He still looks like you.”


“Yes, he does.”

“Now see.” Henry lifted his hand. “I don’t get it. How did that happen?”

Dean trying hard to contain his laughter or sarcasm couldn’t. “Seeing how I’m the most qualified medically to answer that question, I will. You see, Henry, I’ll tell you how it happened. You two were having sex back when you weren’t supposed to be.”

Henry shook his head. “No, Dean, we didn’t. We never had sex.”

Dean laughed. “Henry, come on, you are the only Asian man in this community.”

Ellen added. “But we didn’t have sex. We never slept together. Ever. We’re very platonic.”

“It wouldn’t feel right,” Henry said. “We were alone one time and that would be the closest we got. It was outside Beginnings after she and Frank broke up over her affair.”

“We were drinking,” Ellen added. “I think we kissed, but I passed out drunk.”

“No sex,” Henry said.

Dean’s mouth dropped open. “Both of you were drunk?”

“I was,” Ellen said. “The whole night is a blur. I was upset, crying. A mess.”

Dean stared hard at Henry. “What about you, Henry? What did you do after she passed out.”

“Went to sleep.” Henry said. “Like she said, we kissed, but in the middle … she was out.”

Ellen laughed. “That had to be a blow for you, Henry, me passing out in the middle of kissing you.”

“It wasn’t meant to be,” Henry said. “It didn’t feel right anyhow, El. Frank is my best friend.” His eyes shifted and he paused. “Why are you staring at me like that Dean?”

“Nothing. No reason.” Dean inhaled deeply. “But the baby is yours, Henry. There’s a reason and that reason is sex.”

Henry shrugged. “Maybe it was one of those time machine ripple things. Maybe in the time frame me and El changed, we fooled around.”

Dean shook his head slowly back and forth. “That’s a Jason question. Something is not right.”

Ellen asked. “I’m not lying, Dean. I would be honest, why lie now.”

“I’m not saying you’re lying, El,” Dean told her.

“So you’re saying I am?” Henry asked.

“No.” Dean shook his head. “I’m saying something isn’t right.”

Ellen opened her mouth to speak, but gasped. Her face drained of color. “Henry, hide. Frank is coming.”

“No.” Henry shushed her. “He’s not coming. Joe has him.”

“I’m telling you, Henry, he’s coming.”

Dean nodded. “Listen to her Henry she has Frank sensors. That radar is going off. Beep--beep.”

“For you information Mr. Smartie pants,” Henry took on edge, “A radar doesn’t make noise.”

Dean indicated to the door. “Yeah, but Frank does.” “Shit.” Henry sprung up backing up. “Frank. Frank, I thought . . .”

Frank ignored him, and moved to Ellen. “Hey.” He sat on the bed next to her. “How are you?”

Ellen apprehensively accepted the kiss he gave her. “Scared at this moment you’re going to yell or hate me.”

“Never,” Frank shook his head.

“Are you going to beat up Henry?” Ellen asked.

“No, I’m not going to beat up . . .” Frank swallowed. “…Henry.” He turned his head to the side and gave a hard to give smile to Henry. “I’ve calmed down a lot and done a lot of thinking.”

“Frank.” Ellen took his hand. “There’s something you should know. Henry and I . . .”

“Got married. I know.” Frank held up his hand.

“What!” Dean blasted. “Married? When? What the hell, Henry?

“Dean.” Henry remained calm. “It isn’t why you think. We thought it would just put an end to everything if she was married to me. It would end the you and Frank bickering and fighting and solve it with me. Don’t turn a blind eye, Dean. Think about it. And … the marriage …it’s platonic.”

Dean shook his head. “You’re a real piece of work, Henry. Platonic before or after you got her pregnant.”

“He didn’t get me pregnant, Dean,” Ellen said. “I told you, I never slept with him,” She looked at Frank. “We don’t know how this happened, Frank. Time machine? I don’t know. I swear.”

Dean interjected. “I believe that’s what you believe, El.”

“What are you saying, Dean?” Ellen asked. “Are you saying I’m lying?”

“Nope.” Dean shook his head and stared at Henry.

“You think I am?” Henry said.

“Yeah, Henry, I do. I think this whole chivalrous act you have going is just that, an act.”

“Stop.” Frank held up his hand and stayed calm. “If they say they don’t know how Ellen got pregnant with the baby, then we have no choice to believe them. And the marriage, well, we need to respect that. Whatever their reasons for being married, they are married now.”

It started out as a simple hard breath of laughing air that escaped Dean, then it turned to several, and Dean started to laugh. “Oh shit. Henry and Ellen, you aren’t buying this act, are you?”

Frank turned sharply to Dean. “Shut the fuck up, Dean. This isn’t an act.”

“Yeah right.” Dean stood up. “I also believe you buy this marriage of convenience while, mind you, you buy the story that neither one of them remember conceiving a baby that looks just like Henry.”

“It could happen,” Frank said.

“No, it can’t.” Dean wildly threw out his arms. “I’m out of here. This is really disappointing. I expected much more of a reaction out of you, Frank. I’m going to work on a virus to give Henry and solve all our problems. You’ll thank me later, Frank.” With another shake of his head , Dean started to leave.

Frank snapped his fingers. “Dean, can you stay here for another minute with her. I want to talk to Henry.”

This made Dean smile and he sat back down. “I knew it. Sure I’ll stay Frank.”

“Thanks. Henry?”

Henry looked at Frank. “We can talk here.”

“Henry. I need to speak to you alone in the hall. Now.”

“Frank, can it just . . .” Henry shrieked as he was being led out. “Ow Frank, let go of my ear.”

Still tugging on Henry’s lobe, Frank brought him in the hall and shut Ellen’s door. Less than gently, he released Henry.

Henry rubbed his ear. “You could have found another way.” He shook off the pain. “I guess if you aren’t beating me up, I can’t complain.” He watched as Frank just stared at him. “Why do I get the feeling that this isn’t a friendly talk?”

“Because you’re a smart man, Henry.” Frank stepped closer. “As of right now, resolve yourself to the fact that you will pick me as the understanding partner in this so called marriage that you and Ellen have.”

“But Frank, that is Ellen’s choice. I don’t have a say so.”

“Then get one,” Frank told him strongly. “You get one in it. You hear me?”

“I didn’t think you wanted to be the secondary relationship.”

“I don’t but just like you, I’m going to take it and then, just like you, I will be everything she wants and I will take her from you. You hear me? I will take her from you. I have loved her for over twenty years and don’t think I can’t do it. You doubt me? Ask Dean.” Frank grabbed a hold of his arm pulling Henry with him. “See the baby, Henry.”

“Frank I don’t . . .”

“Look.” With force Frank pulled Henry to the window. “Look at his name.”

Henry swallowed. “Nicholas Robert Slagel? You gave him Robbie’s name? I hate Robbie, Frank. I hate him.”

“He’s my brother, Henry.”

“But it’s our baby Frank. you really shouldn’t have named our . . .”

“Stop.” Frank held his hand up. “My baby. Didn’t you just say you and Ellen don’t know how that happened.”

“Well, yeah but …” Henry lowered his voice. “Look at him.”

“I did. Maybe somewhere in my genes I have an Asian uncle. Who knows. ” Frank blew slowly. “Trust me, he’s my baby Henry. I don’t care what you and El say about not knowing how it happened. It happened while I was married to her, so … there are rules about that. Right? What’s the rule on kids being born to a married woman?” Frank asked. “Do you know?”

Henry stuttered as he saw the look in Frank’s eyes. He was so serious, is eyes were glazed over.. “It says whoever is the primary relationship, when the kid is conceived, is the father.”

“Conceived, Henry. I was married to her when you and her conceived this kid. Time machine or lie, it doesn’t matter. The baby is mine, Henry, not yours.”

“What are you getting at, Frank?” Henry asked nervously.

“What am I getting at?” Frank leaned his face close to Henry and spoke in mean whisper. “You fucked me, Henry. You fucked me over big time. You took my life from me. People may think I’m dumb, but I’m not stupid. I don’t buy this ‘I wanna help you out, El, so let’s get married’. You did it for selfish reasons. All this is an act. I see it. Dean sees it. El will too. See that baby boy in there. Nick Slagel? Mine, Henry, mine and under the understanding rules, I have the say so to dictate who raises the kid. Isn’t that right?”

Apprehensively Henry swallowed and answered, “Yes.”

“So I dictate this. I will raise my son, me and Ellen alone.”

“But that’s not fair, Frank.”

“Fair!” Though Frank’s volume level was low, his words were hard enough to go through Henry. “You wanna talk fair to me. Look at all that has happened and then we’ll talk fair. So listen to me. You will not be a part of that kid’s life. You will not raise him, I will. He will not call you Dad. He will not look up to you. You will not see his first step. You won’t hear his first words. You won’t have a thing to do with him. Got that? Enjoy him while he’s here because once he’s with me, Henry Kusakari will be nothing more to him than the fuckin maintenance man in Beginnings.”

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