The Initiation of Ms Holly (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels) (9 page)

BOOK: The Initiation of Ms Holly (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels)
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‘You involved an outsider, Vivienne. Do you know how dangerous that is? How stupid?’

‘Stupid?’ She grunted and bore down against Lorelei’s mouth. ‘I doubt if the man has ever had as much fun, and all at The Mount. How he’ll brag to his friends and superiors.’ She curled her fingers in Lorelei’s hair again and pulled her closer. ‘I’m sure Rory gave him the ride of a lifetime. It’s a win-win situation.’ With a flick of her wrist, she motioned the Asian in and as if on cue, Lorelei lifted her arse out of the water so the strap-on could slide easily into her soapy cunt.

He could tell by the tension in Vivienne’s thighs and stomach and by the way her areolae rose like they were caressing her engorged nipples that she was about to come. The woman could come endlessly, and with a sense of resignation brought on by the painful tug in his crotch, he figured that was exactly what she planned to do. It was going to be a very long night.

With a little whimper and a gasp, Vivienne orgasmed, and rewarded Lorelei with a kiss before she motioned the Asian woman to her and began to stroke the strap-on while Lorelei moved to the rear to examine the woman’s pout and finger her sensitive anus, already gripping and relaxing from her auto-stimulation.

Vivienne took the strap-on into her mouth and began to deep-throat it. Then as though she had suddenly remembered he was still there, she pulled away and looked up at him. ‘Of course you’re right, darling. Rory and Alex were just doing their job, but,’ she heaved a deep-chested sigh and turned her back to him, bending over and opening her pussy for the strap on. ‘You I can punish, and I will. You’re off to bed without any pussy.’

By bed, she meant her bed, a place to which the party was more than likely to migrate relatively soon. A place where he would have to ignore the fact that everyone was coming but him. They would all make certain he was very aware of that fact.

He left the room with some relief, though not much. If he had not gone to Rita’s rescue tonight, he would have been the one rewarded with Vivienne’s full attention. That was something that he craved much less since he met Rita Holly, and, though he tried to hide it, Vivienne was not easily fooled.

Stiffly, he slipped out of his clothes to the wet sounds of pleasure coming from the next room. He tried to ignore his reflection in the mirrored walls, not an easy task since Vivienne loved to watch herself, whether she was fucking or not. As he eased his boxers down over his hips, the metal of his chastity belt flashed in the soft lamp light and reflected in the mirror.

He ran his hand over the tight weave of metal that caged his aching penis. It had been a long time since his punishments had involved the wearing of the blasted thing. And he wouldn’t have had to now if he’d been able to hide his desire for Rita a little better. Vivienne didn’t care who he fucked. It had never mattered until now. But then he had never been so bold as to bring a lover to The Mount, as to want that lover to be a part of more than just one night of his life. He stroked the metal again. Yes, he would pay dearly. Vivienne would make sure of it. But he hoped that if he took his punishment and kept his head low for a while, she would let him off the leash.

Carefully, he sat back against the head board and folded his legs into a full lotus position. It wasn’t the most comfortable thing to do in a chastity belt, but necessary, nonetheless, as he prepared himself for the meditation he used when he had to sublimate his desire, when he knew there would be no release. As he settled into position and tried to breathe deeply, his heart suddenly skipped a beat as he remembered how Rita had fought to keep him from cutting her chastity belt off, how she had refused to give in because she was determined to successfully complete her initiation. And if she did … He dared not hope what that might mean for either of them.

‘Oh God, oh God, I’m coming,’ Lorelei shouted from the bathroom over a wave of giggles and groans.

It was definitely going to be a long night. But if Rita could endure, so could he. They would endure together, and that thought eased his discomfort considerably.

Chapter Eight


‘What?’ Rita looked up at Kate, forgetting the chunk of bread in her hand and the swans and Canada geese pressing in all around. The two had decided to enjoy a spring walk through St James’s Park and get a little sun while there was some to get.

‘Edward. I think he’s married. I mean look how secretive it all is. He sends a limo and whisks you off to The Mount. Then you’re back the next day as moody as a bear, and you won’t tell me anything.’ Kate raised her hand. ‘Don’t get me wrong. I’m not being judgmental or anything. I just don’t want you to get hurt.’

Rita pulled her jacket around her against a sharp spring breeze and continued feeding the geese. She wished she could tell her friend everything. She really could use someone to talk to. ‘He says he’s not. Married, I mean.’

‘Yeah well blokes will say anything to get shagged, won’t they?’

If only it were that simple. Since Alex had returned her to her flat after the Owen incident, she’d not heard from Edward. Owen was strutting around the office bragging about his night at The Mount, so she assumed Aurora had convinced him he’d had a wonderful time. Trying to imagine Owen and Aurora together served to remind her just how indebted she was to the woman.

No one from The Mount had made any effort to explain what had happened, and she knew no more now than she did when she was in the thick of it. Anger and frustration drove her research, but so far, every angle she had tried was a dead end. As an initiate, she was no better off than anyone else in London. She had to wait to be invited, and since Vivienne had drugged Owen there had been no invites. Perhaps it didn’t matter that Vivienne had broken the rules. Perhaps Vivienne was as good as her word, and when Edward had removed Rita’s chastity belt, the initiation was over. If that were true, she would at least like to know.

She dusted the bread crumbs from her jacket and walked on. ‘You said you found some interesting things about The Mount?’

‘Possibly. I’ve been researching Victorian England, mostly the sexual mores of the time. You know, for the novel.’ Before Rita could respond, she continued. ‘I know, I know, I’ve been researching the novel for ages, but your secret encounters at The Mount inspired me.’

The novel was just a hobby. Kate made a decent, and happy, living tutoring rich foreign students in English and freelancing for trade journals.

‘What does any of that have to do with The Mount?’ Rita asked.

‘Secret societies.’


‘You know, there’s a secret society for everything, the Masons, the Knights Templar. I figured if it worked for Dan Brown it might work for me too. Anyway, I started researching, and I came across this, well it appears to be a secret sex cult. Mind you, it’s Victorian, but I get the feeling it might be even older. I know it sounds insane, but the coincidences are amazing.’

The butterflies in Rita’s stomach were doing the tango. If she’d had to describe her experience at The Mount so far, based on what was nearly a total lack of knowledge, a secret sex cult would sum it up pretty well. ‘Why do you think it has anything to do with The Mount?’

Kate shrugged and turned her face to the sun. ‘I don’t know, probably just read too many wild rumours in the gossip rags, you know about all the shagging and sex rituals that supposedly go on there. Still, it’s an interesting premise, don’t you think? Wouldn’t that be something if there was a lot more to The Mount than just a trendy hang-out for the rich and secretive?’

‘Yeah. That would be something all right. I’d like to read what you found. I mean since I’ve been there and all, it’s sort of interesting to me.’

Kate shivered and pulled her jacket tighter. ‘Come on, I’m freezing. Let’s have a cuppa and warm up. Liz is off to Russia, so I have the place to myself.’ Kate’s flat mate was an airy-fairy massage therapist who believed she was a Siberian shaman in a previous incarnation.

When they arrived, Kate made tea and booted up her laptop on the coffee table. The two looked on side by side, sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the couch.

‘You’ve got to be kidding,’ Rita said, as Kate pulled up a vintage erotica site.

‘No, seriously. Look at this.’ With a few key strokes they found themselves looking at erotic pen and ink drawings from the early Victorian age, drawings detailed enough to make Rita’s pussy clench, and to make her blush at sharing such intimacy with her best friend. She scooted closer and squinted at the screen. ‘Are they all from Greek mythology?’

‘Some.’ Kate replied. ‘Some are modern, well as modern as Victorian stuff can be. Didn’t you say you know Latin?’

‘I can stumble through, yes. Why?’

‘Well, look at this.’ A few more key strokes and they were viewing elegant copperplate script beneath a drawing in which Mars, with his armour strewn haphazardly around him, was about to sink a very impressive erection into Venus’s exposed vulva. The script was small and smudged, but Rita could still catch the gist, and it made her pulse race in her throat. ‘It says something like;
Sex is the depth of our animal nature and the highest mount of our divinity. It is our inheritance, our birthright

She squinted closer.
‘Something about
joy, sorrow and
. It is the life force we carry within us and pass on. It is a force too powerful to be regulated by rulers or governments, or religious institutions
’ The last words were smudged and cramped, but Rita stumbled on with the help of a magnifying glass. ‘
We proclaim this in secret and practise it amongst ourselves. But we look to the day when we may share it with the world.

Kate was practically on top of her. ‘I was right then, that is what it says. The highest mount of our divinity, The Mount, get it?’

‘I get it.’ Rita was finding breathing almost as difficult as she had when she wore the chastity belt. ‘It’s probably just a coincidence’. Surely it must be a coincidence. How could it possibly be that this motto, or creed or whatever it was, could have anything to do with The Mount? The two were separated by at least a hundred years. It was only a stab in the dark. It meant nothing, so why did she find it so exciting. ‘Is there more?’

‘Lots more.’ Kate sipped her tea then moved to the next page. ‘I’ve tried to find out who owns the collection these drawings belong to, but I’ve had no joy. Anyway, pretty intriguing, the idea of a secret sex cult, don’t you think? It’s just exactly what I need for my novel. There. You see.’ She lifted her cup in salute. ‘I told you, you inspired me.’

Back home Rita spent several hours poring over the site Kate had found, but no matter how she tried, she could find no actual connection between Victorian erotica and The Mount. As for the Latin inscription, she double- and triple-checked her translation and racked her brain to recall anything written in Latin in the Presence Chamber of The Mount, or anything similar in English. She’d only briefly glanced at a menu when she was there with Owen, and though she was concentrating on other things at the time, she recalled nothing unusual about it. After several hours of frustrating effort, she turned her attention back to the exquisite drawings.

She’d done a fair bit of browsing internet porn sites, but none of them had ever made her wet like this site did. She didn’t know why. It was full of old drawings, and yet those drawings felt alive, almost hypnotic, pulling her into the action. She became Venus about to be impaled by Mars, she became a young Victorian maid about to have her pussy licked by a moustached gentleman, she became Leda being seduced by the swan.

She studied the drawings with one hand in her panties, completely forgetting the reason for her research, enjoying the silken feel of herself, a thing that had intrigued her since childhood. Her breasts, her pussy, the rounded cheeks of her bottom, always, almost like magic, responded to her touch offering endless pleasure and comfort.

Whoever had done the drawings understood that desire to stroke, to pleasure, to revel in what it is that drives humans to sex – with someone or alone. She didn’t know why, but the drawings seemed familiar.

With the images coming to life in her imagination, she shut down the computer and adjourned to the bedroom, where she stripped in front of the mirror, inspecting herself, admiring the dark swell of her labia, the anxious press of her clit, peeking from under its hood as she stroked. Then she settled onto the bed legs-splayed, hips rocking against the friction of her fingers in her pout. It was just getting really good when the phone rang.

‘Hello, darling. Are you all right?’

Everything inside her trembled and warmed at the sound of Edward’s voice, and she forgot how angry she had been. ‘I’m OK. You?’

‘I’m missing you terribly. Sorry I haven’t called. I didn’t dare after what happened.’

‘I thought …’ She clenched the phone and fought back a lump in her throat.

‘You thought what, love?’

‘I thought that it was all over, that Vivienne had decided not to let me continue with the initiation, and that you’d …’

‘That I’d what?’

‘That you’d had enough.’

His laughter came as a surprise. ‘First of all, the decision of whether you continue your initiation is not Vivienne’s to make. And secondly, how can I possibly have had enough when I’m as helpless to get to you as you are to me.’ He groaned. ‘God, Rita, it’s almost beyond endurance when I want you so badly.’

He wanted her. He really did want her. She was still lost in that thought when he spoke again.

‘What are you doing?’

She looked down at her slippery fingers still nestled between her labia. ‘Masturbating.’

‘What a coincidence. I’ve got my cock in my hand right now. Knowing you’re on the other end of the phone, I couldn’t put it back in my trousers if I had to.’

She pressed the button to put him on speaker phone so her hands were free. ‘With us, it’s always fucking in the dark. I never see your face, and now I can’t touch you either.’

He chuckled. ‘There are other senses besides touch and sight and smell and taste.

Suddenly she was fighting back tears. ‘This is all that’s left to us.’

‘For now, darling. And for now, we’ll make it be enough.’

‘Are you a monster, Edward?’ She didn’t know where the question came from but once it was out there was no taking it back. ‘Is what Vivienne said the night I stood before the council true? Is there a monster behind the mask?’

There was such a long silence, she feared she had offended him, and he had hung up, but at last he spoke. ‘Vivienne’s right. I am a monster, driven by my urges, by my libido, by my cock, and if I had you here with me now, if it wouldn’t jeopardise your initiation, I would devour you in ways you can’t imagine.’

It was her turn to be silent as the weight of his words pressed in on her, making her heart race with more than a tinge of fear, but making her pussy ache for just such a devouring.

‘I told you I would understand if you didn’t want to go through with the initiation. The monster in me knew, knew from the beginning that we couldn’t be together unless you were willing to do this. But I wanted you so badly that I kept … things from you. I’m sorry.’

‘Maybe I’m a monster too.’ She buried two fingers to the hilt in her slippery cunt and stroked the growing nub of her clit with her thumb. ‘I never imagined I would do what I’ve done and fantasise about doing it again and more. I thought it was just to get to you. But …’

‘But that’s not all you want, is it?’

She didn’t answer, only listened to the acceleration of his breath on the other end of the line.

‘Rita, it’s all right that you liked fucking Alex. What’s not to like? I like fucking Alex.’

‘You’ve fucked Alex?’

His laugh was a breathless grunt. ‘That turns you on, doesn’t it? You’d like to see me fucking Alex, wouldn’t you?’

She shoved a third finger into her cunt as the mental image of Edward drilling Alex like a jack hammer translated into raw heat.

He continued, ‘You’d like to supervise the whole event, hmmm? Maybe with Aurora’s riding crop just to make sure our fucking is up to your standards. My balls ache at the thought of being bent over your knee, Mistress Rita.’

‘Mmmm, and I would spank your bottom so hard for being such a naughty boy, for teasing me like you have.’ There was no hiding her breathlessness as her cunt sucked at her fingers, nor did she try.

‘Are you humping a dildo?’ he asked.

‘My hand. Three, no four fingers,’ she grunted, shoving another one in until her hand cupped her cunt from the inside, her thumb still assaulting her clit at full tilt. ‘A dildo won’t do it when I’m thinking about you. Nothing will properly fill my pussy until I can have your cock. Where are you?’

‘A car park near Brixton. No one else is around, just you and me and the phone.’

‘And Vivienne?’

‘She wasn’t invited,’ by the uneven jerking of his voice, she could tell he was tugging his cock pretty hard.

‘Uncomfortable, are you? she asked.

‘You have no idea. I’ve not had my balls properly emptied since you did the honours in the back of the limo.’

‘In Vivienne’s mouth the other night. That must have been nice.’

‘I was fantasizing about your mouth, on the train,’ he gasped. ‘About you sucking my cock, getting it sticky with chocolate while you cupped my balls and played with your pussy. Oh God, Rita, I feel like I’m gonna burst.’

‘It serves you right. I’ve made a complete slut out of myself for want of your cock, you bastard. And when this initiation is over, oh what I’m going to do to you.’ She thrust and pumped until her arm hurt. She tugged on her nipples until they were engorged and aching. A desperate whimper escaped her throat. ‘Edward, I need you to fuck me, I need you bad, and I intend to have you.’

On the other end of the phone, all she heard was a grunt and a strangled gasp as he came, and that was enough to send her.

When the world stopped juddering, she lay curled around the phone listening to him breathe. ‘I’m doing OK then? With the initiation, I mean.’

‘You’re doing fantastically, darling. Vivienne didn’t win herself any points by trying to sabotage you like she did. Your next test is being arranged now. You can expect it any time after I hang up.’

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