The Imprisoned Dragon and the Witch (19 page)

BOOK: The Imprisoned Dragon and the Witch
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Standing up in one swift move, holding her against him, he strode towards the stairs. “I hope there are no bruises,
mo chroi
, ‘cause I’m horny as hell!”

Starr’s laughter the best sound he had heard in a long time as they made it to their room.




Serge stood nervously in front of his Alpha, usually a fair Wolf but one that could, at times, be temperamental. He waited until he raised his eyes, motioning with his hand for Serge to talk.

“Alpha, as you no doubt know, I found my mate while in the Rockies. Her name is Kyra and she is living here with me. I would like to ask if you would honor us with a proper mating ceremony. I’ve already received permission from Ronan to ask you.”

Serge waited, watching for even a small tic of his Alpha’s face to give him a clue as to his present mood. He wasn’t quite sure what he would do if he declined, which was his right, especially as Kyra had left her own Pack under a cloud.

If his own Alpha thought Kyra’s would come and make trouble then he may not agree. After all, it would be the Alpha that had to defend both Serge and Kyra in the face of any backlash. His stomach clenched at the thought of not having a mating ceremony, knowing it would break Kyra’s heart.

Jason, his Alpha, nodded once, his face thoughtful before he answered. “As I understand things, Kyra didn’t leave on the friendliest of terms.”

Serge’s heart sank. “No, her Alpha said he already didn’t have enough females for his Pack. However, as you know, we don’t usually have a choice in the matter when it’s a truemate and not just a mating of convenience. Kyra is my truemate, Alpha.”

Jason stared into Serge’s face, as if looking for any deception in his words. Serge stood up straighter, holding himself stiff under his Alpha’s scrutiny. “I see. A truemate? Well, Serge, there’s nothing I can do but agree. I cannot be the cause of keeping truemates apart. However, if her Alpha comes looking for trouble I expect you to be at my side.”

Serge smiled widely. “Absolutely. I would take him on myself if he appears here.”

Jason cocked his head to the side. “You would? You would take on an Alpha for this female?”

Serge didn’t hesitate. “Yes, I would.”

Jason stood up, smiling. “Then the woman is definitely your truemate if you would do such a thing. Now, when’s the party and who’s organizing it?”

Serge returned the bear hug Jason gave him before replying. “We were hoping to have the ceremony in front of everyone who wants to attend, just before the party, in the rec hall, this coming Saturday. Sam’s organizing everything. Or rather, I think he has Charmaine doing it.”

“Okay, we’ll do the ceremony at seven and go straight onto the party. Congratulations, Serge, I wish you and your mate many healthy cubs.”

Serge beamed as his Alpha shook his hand, “Thank you,” he answered before turning to go and find Kyra. She was waiting in his apartment, desperate to know the outcome.

He wanted to tell her face to face, so it was Sam’s number he rang on his phone. “It’s a go for Saturday. Ceremony at seven followed by party.”

Sam’s cheeky voice bellowed in his ear. “Yay! Congrats, Serge, my man! I’ll make sure everything is all set up.”

He said a quick, “Thanks,” then hung up, his speed picking up as he rushed back to his mate. Smiling as he went. He was going to strip her down and make love to her until both of them were overcome with exhaustion.
“Just as well our apartments are soundproofed!”
he thought, because he was going to make her scream his name over and over again as he came deep within her.




Sam turned to Charmaine, “Mating ceremony and party is a go for Saturday. Do you want to do some shopping for something to wear? I’d like to take this as an opportunity to introduce you and, well, truth is, and I want to show you off.”

Charmaine blushed. “I’ve got some things being delivered tomorrow, I got a nice green dress I’d like to wear and I’ve got matching sandals coming too. Though I’m not sure about being around so many people. I’m a little nervous.”

He moved over to sit beside her on the sofa. “Hey, I’ll be with you and Esther will be there with Celeste. You’ll be fine, but if you want to leave early just let me know and I’ll bring you home.”

She smiled into his face. “Home,” she all but breathed.

“Yes, home. Our home,” he said quietly, hoping she understood the importance of his words.

“I like that, home,”

He leaned down, brushing his lips against hers in a gentle kiss before pulling back. “Safe. I’ll keep you safe.”

Her hand reached up, tugging his hair and pulling him back down into a kiss that was nothing like the chaste ones they had engaged in ‘til now. His reaction was immediate, his cock hardening painfully within his jeans. A moment later he forced himself away. “Soon, when you’re ready and not before.”

Again, a blush crept up her face. “I think I’ll be ready soon. You are...special.”

Sam stroked her face gently before curling her luscious red hair in his fingers. “As are you. We are meant for each other, baby, that’s what you’re feeling. But, your body needs to have healed properly, your bruises, your injuries. There’s no rush.”

Charmaine nodded, leaning in and placing her head on his chest. “I’m not so sure, ‘bout the ‘no rush’ part. I’m feeling things I couldn’t even imagine so, Sam, when I say it’s’s time.”

His heart stuttered at the conviction in her voice, holding her firmly against him. “Well, then, you should see me properly before then. I mean, my fangs. I don’t want to scare you when the time comes.”

She pushed away. “Okay, show me.”

Sam frowned. “Are you sure?”

“Yes,” she said as he allowed his razor sharp fangs to descend.

He stared intently into her eyes, looking for any flicker of fear but saw none. One of her hands coming up and a finger stroking his canines. “Be careful, they’re very sharp. I don’t want you cutting yourself on them. The truth is, I’m not sure what the scent of your blood will do to me.”

“Why?” she asked as she continued to study his mouth.

“You’re my mate and I already crave your blood. If I smell it now, well, I’m afraid I’d do something to scare you.”

Charmaine’s gaze shifted, locking with his. “Will it hurt?”

He was about to shake his head but stopped himself before his fangs sliced through her finger. “No, in fact, it will be...pleasurable.”


“Yes, really. Our bites can be done in two ways, anger and pleasure. If done in anger, the pain is indescribable as is the pleasure. Please don’t worry, I’ll never hurt you.” Sam needed a cold shower before he took things to the next level.

“I see. Well, I guess I’ll find out soon enough.” Charmaine’s hand moved and he retracted his fangs, standing up quickly.

“I kinda need a cold shower about now. Why don’t you go online and make sure everything’s ordered for the party. I’ll make sure there’s enough alcohol ordered when I come back. Wolves can put it away like no other beings. Lucky it’s on a Saturday or the office would be missing quite a few the next day.”

Charmaine reached a hand out, holding his, the tingle as their skin touched reminding them both of their status. He pulled her hand up, bending down to place a kiss on it before releasing it and heading to his room.
“A long, long cold shower!”
he thought as he entered his bathroom.

As he stripped off, entering the frigid water, he was amazed at the self-restraint he was using. He didn’t even know he
any and certainly had never used it in the past. Now, with Charmaine, he knew he had to. If he didn’t he would scare her, possibly push her away from him and
he couldn’t allow to happen.

The feelings she caused deep inside him causing him to feel as if his heart would burst. Happiness enveloped him every time he looked at her. The way her red locks tumbled around her face, her skin so pale it was almost translucent. Beauty personified in his eyes.

Standing under the water until his arousal abated, he finally left the confines of the shower.
“I hope it’s not too long now,”
he thought as he looked at his large, empty bed. Desperate to have his Witch in it, waiting on him to join her. Bliss.




Charmaine watched Sam until he was gone from sight down the hallway. Contemplating whether to follow him. Shaking her head, she laughed wondering at the direction her mind was going. As his jeans enclosed ass disappeared from view she sighed,
“I wonder what our first time will be like. Will I be scared? No, I’m not scared of Sam, I love him.”

She sat up straight – where had that come from? When had she changed from just finding him attractive, well hot was the word she’d been using inside her head, but when had that changed? She wasn’t sure.

“This mating thing must be very potent,”
she thought as she pondered on her feelings some more. Excitement and happiness vying for equal places inside her.
she thought to herself, probably sooner than Sam thought.

With a soft smirk, she went to her own room, getting ready for bed and sliding in beneath the covers. She could still hear the shower running in the bathroom next door.


Chapter 19


Starr woke with a smile on her face, Ronan knew because he was lying, watching her. His eyes raked down her front, only one small bruise still visible on her side. Their lovemaking the previous evening had started off slow and sensual but ended up fast, furious and a little rough.

He bore his own bruises to prove it. Where Starr’s teeth had broken through his skin in the throes of passion. Ronan knew they would take a day or so to heal, having found out early on that a bite from a Dragon does not just disappear as any other would. He traced a hand down her side, over her breast and continued down. As his fingertips reached her hip, he grasped it and pulled her forwards.

“Good morning, Puff.”

She laughed into his face. “I see you’ve been awake a while and my, my, what’s that pressing into my belly?”

Ronan hissed as she pressed herself even closer, trapping his hardness between their bodies. “Oh, I think you know,” he chuckled as she slipped beneath the covers.

Her lips nipped and kissed all the way down his front, right down to his throbbing cock. When she took him into her mouth, he couldn’t stop the soft groan that escaped. One of his hands fisted in her hair, pulling her closer as his hips started to move. “Fuck, Starr, you’re gonna kill me!”

Her resulting laughter around him bringing him nearer to the brink. As she cupped his balls, took him deep, his body quivered in ecstasy. The feel of him deep inside her wet mouth always a pleasure he craved. As Starr moved her tongue along the underside of him, he held her head firmer, pushing in with abandon as she took him higher and higher. She moaned and the vibrations in her throat took him over, spilling his seed down her throat, his body shaking with the strength of his orgasm.

Starr kept her mouth on him, slowing her movements, licking him entirely until she moved back, a smile on her face as she looked up at him. Reaching down, he pulled her up into his arms. “
! That’s a good way to start the day!”

She chuckled against his chest. “So glad you enjoyed. Now, what are we doing today?”

Ronan’s mood sobered as he cupped her chin, “Talk. Today, tomorrow, for as long as it takes we’re going to talk...about Talon. You need this,
mo chroi
, you need to grieve and to heal your soul.”

The look of pain that crossed her face pained him, deep down inside. “We’ll stay here until that’s done.”

“What if it takes more than a few days, Ronan?”

He kissed her hair. “Then we’ll be here for an extended stay. We’re not leaving until I know you’ve started the grieving process properly. So, let’s start. Tell me about him. I want to know everything and we’ll take it from there.”

Starr settled against him, his arms holding her close, not saying anything for a few minutes. He waited her out and soon she started talking. That day, the next day, and the next, they talked not only about Talon, but her entire family. Her stories were sometimes so funny, it had them both laughing so hard that tears ran down their faces. Other times, the tears on Starr’s were of sadness and loss.

They made love with unrestrained abandon, sometimes soft and gentle, sometimes wild and rough. The outside, enclosed and private, Jacuzzi saw more than its fair share of their exploits! They rode horses, Starr having an affinity with the animals that Finbar respected greatly.

They went for long walks, going nowhere in particular, just walking...and talking. Margaret met Starr’s Dragon more than once, being so bold as to stroke it one time before she backed away with wonder in her eyes. Ronan rode its back, flying across the desert so low that the downdraft from its massive wings caused mini sandstorms.

The days passed, some in a blur of laughter and activity. Others in sadness and tears. At all times he stayed close, helping her to start the process of healing. Praying that this time alone would help to mend her broken heart.




Sam stood at the front as the ceremony progressed, in his official capacity of being in charge in Ronan’s absence. He held Charmaine’s hand as they watched Serge and Kyra be bound together for eternity. Serge looking handsome in a suit (which Sam had never seen him in before and was surprised Kyra had managed to get him to wear) and Kyra in a long, flowing dress of dark green.

He had overheard Kyra saying the color reminded her of the forests around her home in the Rockies and Serge had looked on with unadulterated love in his eyes. As the ceremony neared its end he looked down at Charmaine, also dressed in green but a much brighter color that set off her red locks. The matching shoes making her taller than normal and her head almost reached his shoulder.

She must’ve felt his gaze as she tore her eyes away from the mating and looked up. A smile on her face, her lipstick covered lips so tempting he fought the urge to crush her to him and kiss her into submission. His restraint was wearing thin and he knew if he allowed his own lips to touch hers, then he would want more...a lot more.

Sam was still not sure she was ready for that. Not after what she had gone through at the hands of
Na Cúnant Dorcha
. He swore he would wait until she was ready but his short temper and outbursts at work told him he was nearing his limit.

“Maybe I should go away for a few days,”
he thought as he felt himself harden in his dress trousers. The squeeze of his hand and wink that Charmaine gave him did nothing to quench his thirst to bond with her.

The loud voice of Jason interrupted his thoughts as he announced the couple mated in the eyes of the Pack. Loud cheers and raucous comments filled the hall as the happy couple turned to each other, Serge picking Kyra up and crushing her to his chest as he devoured her lips for all to see.

Watching the passion between the two Wolves only increased his own and he turned away, heading towards the bar. Charmaine followed and as he poured himself a rather large Scotch, she cocked her head to the side. “What would you like to drink?” he asked once he had downed the burning amber liquid.

“A white wine, please.”

Sam poured the drink, turning to hand it to her and noticing the stampede heading their way now the ceremony was over. “Over here or you’re gonna get run over.”

Taking her elbow he ushered her into the corner, handing her the glass and waiting on the mayhem that would probably ensue. Wolf mating parties were usually
! He would normally be right in the middle of it, but, tonight he wanted nothing more than to disappear with Charmaine.

“What’s wrong?” she asked as she sipped her wine, her eyes darting all around the room at the throng of bodies.

“Nothing, how are you? With all these folks?” Sam had arrived early with her so she didn’t need to walk into a packed hall. Meant she got to meet people as they arrived as he thought that might be easier for her. She seemed to take it all in her stride and didn’t seem fazed at all, which surprised him.

Charmaine looked around the hall before answering. “I’m okay, kinda amazed at that, as I thought I’d be scared. But, and I think it’s ‘cause of you, I don’t. Feel scared that is. I feel safe here, Sam.”

“Good, that’s how you should feel here. We’re really just one, rather big, family and look out for each other.”

She nodded, looking up at him as she sipped her wine. He leaned down, whispering into her ear, “You’re looking absolutely beautiful tonight, baby. Stunning and gorgeous.”

Her face flushed as she almost choked on her wine. Composing herself she gave him a cheeky smile. “You’re looking rather hot yourself. Now, do you want to tell me what’s wrong? I can...sense...yes, that’s the word, I can sense you aren’t quite your normal self. You’re uptight ‘bout something.”

His felt the tug in his pants again as she watched him closely. “I’ll be okay. Do you want to dance?”

Changing the subject he took the glass from her hand and laid it on the closest table as she shook her head. “No! I’ve never danced and I don’t want to make a fool of myself, or you.”

Sam laughed. “Hell, you won’t do that. The things I’ve done in the past at these shindigs would curl your hair so don’t worry ‘bout it. It’s a slow one anyway so I’ll keep you close.”

Leading her out into the throng of dancers already moving to the music, he pulled her in close. One hand around her waist and his other cupping the side of her face. “See, just move with me, my little Witch.”

She tangled her hands into the front of his shirt, moving languidly in his arms. At the close proximity her scent filled his senses to overload, causing his cock to harden once more. Charmaine’s eyes widened as they danced, no way for him to hide his arousal when they were so close.

Giving her a lopsided grin he shrugged his shoulders. “Sorry ‘bout that, but I don’t seem able to control it when you’re around.”

Her face flushed, the blush creeping up her neck to cover her cheeks as they continued dancing. For how long? He wasn’t sure, one song morphing into another and still they danced. When the tempo increased, theirs stayed the same, holding each other close as their feet moved in time together.

The entire time Sam had an erection, his cock refusing to soften. Every time he thought it was going to, Charmaine’s body would caress his and it would jump to attention once more. Finally he whispered, “I think I need to go and take a cold shower. I won’t be too long if you want to stay here.”

As she turned her eyes up to his he could clearly see her pupils were dilated, almost as if she were drugged. “Hope you’ve got a good memory.” she said quietly.

“What?” he asked, puzzled.

One of her hands caressed his chest, causing his cock to twitch, as she smiled. “It’s time.”

Sam’s breathing almost stopped at those two words. Remember? Of course he remembered. He would never forget. “Really?” he queried, needing confirmation before his head exploded with need, arousal, happiness and love.

!” she said again, emphasizing it as he picked her up, holding her in his arms and pressing his lips to hers. He moved her in his arms so that he was carrying her properly, his lips staying firmly attached to hers as he walked across the makeshift dance-floor

He could feel people getting out of his way, a second before the room erupted in shouts and screams of encouragement. Some of the comments even causing him to blush as he carried his mate home. As they exited the offices, he moved quicker, entering the adjoining apartment building and making his way to their corner unit.

Charmaine still in his arms, laughing as he fumbled with the door. “Hell! Give me a hand here,” he chuckled as he failed to open the door.

She reached down, turning the handle and pushing the door open. Walking inside he moved straight to his bedroom. A bedroom that was decidedly tidier than normal and also had clean bedding on his large bed. He had cleaned it that afternoon and he was grateful he had. His normally messy room looked far better than was usual.

Sam set Charmaine down on her feet, looking deep into her eyes. “Are you really sure? I’m scared I’m gonna frighten you away. I get kinda intense when aroused.”

He wasn’t kidding, his lovemaking could be overwhelming at times. Charmaine nodded her head, biting her bottom lip and, boy, did that not have his cock twitching again. The mere thought of her lips around it making him so hard it hurt. “I’ll be gentle, I promise,” he said, hoping he could keep that promise.

“I know you won’t hurt me,” she replied, reaching forward to unbutton his shirt.

His eyes followed her delicate fingers as his shirt opened before her, reaching her hands inside to touch his skin. At the sensation of her caress he hissed, reaching behind her to unzip her dress. It fell to the floor, settling around her feet as if she were standing on grass. Stepping back he raked his eyes over her, the small pert breasts covered in dark lace, matching panties and, oh boy, stockings!

“If I’d known you had those on we wouldn’t have gotten out the door earlier,” his voice husky, full of need, as he pulled his clothes off quickly, releasing his arousal for her to see.

He watched as her eyes widened, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. “You still okay?” he asked as he moved closer, running his hands up and down her arms.

Her eyes focused downward for a second before lifting and locking with his. “If you ask me that again I’m gonna punch you. Now, will you take me to bed already?”

Laughing loudly he picked her up, taking her to his bed for the first time. As soon as she was lying down he started to worship her, starting at her lips and moving to encompass her entire body. Her bra and panties were soon flung to the floor but he left the stockings on, running his hands over them time and again.

“Fuck, you are gorgeous, Char!” His lips nipping the inside of her thighs as she moaned loudly.

As his tongue touched her sensitive nub for the very first time she screamed his name. “Sam! Holy crap! What are you doing to me?”

His chest rumbled with laughter as he continued to use his mouth to pleasure his mate for the first time. Bringing her higher and higher until her head thrashed from side to side, sweat glistening on her pale skin. As she started to shiver beneath his hands he nipped the bud between his teeth, Charmaine screaming like a banshee as she experienced an orgasm at the hands of someone who adored her.

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