The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: The Husband Beside Me (The Devil Trilogy Book 2)
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“He’s a good man, Addie. I'm happy for you,” my father said earnestly.

“Thank you, Dad,” I grumbled, biting my lip

I closed the door not too gently only because I had this overwhelming need to hit something. Everyone around me thought I hit the jackpot. If only they knew I had sold my soul.

Daimon was outside of his car, which was blaring Moderat’s “Bad Kingdom”. He was pacing until he finally saw me walking over to him.

“I guess having to remind you who’s paying is the only way I could see you,” he said, his voice low and callous.

“And what am I supposed to say to you if I want to see you? I don't get it, Daimon. Fine! You bought me, but fuck, we’re getting married tomorrow and not once, not once, could I reach you and talk to you this week,” I shouted.

“What did it matter? It’s not like we’re in love. You don't need my permission to do things. I gave you free rein for fuck’s sake,” he said grimly.

“You’re right. How stupid of me!” I snapped, hitting my forehead.

“Look, at least you’re getting the wedding you want. Think about it as a consolation prize,” he sighed, leaning up against his car, putting his hands in his front pocket.

“What? A consolation prize?” I said in shock.

“Addie, the wedding, at least it should be the way you want. I honestly don’t care. I could have just as easily married at city hall. This was for you, not me,” Daimon stated, his sky blue eyes looked firmly at me as his lips curled and smiled devilishly.

“It goes to show you how much you know me. I would have rather just signed a fucking piece of paper instead of doing all this,” I said seriously.

No you wouldn’t have. You like this. You might not know it now, but tomorrow, you’ll be having the time of your life,” he grinned.

“I would, if I was marrying the man I loved, but I’m not. I’m marrying you,” I said bluntly.

“Ouch.” He grabbed his heart and feigned pain.

“Why are you here anyway?” I asked, my frustration sparking my curiosity.

“I just wanted to see my bride-to-be before our wedding day.” He shrugged.

“Come on, Daimon. What’s the real reason?” I asked pointedly.

“That was my reason.” He pushed off his car and walked over to me, his eyes finding mine. His intense stare fixed me to my spot. “At this time tomorrow, you will be Mrs. Daimon Evans,” he said in a hushed voice, caressing my cheek with his knuckles. “It’s been a long time coming.” He smiled enigmatically. At his touch, I melted a little, enjoying the heat of his fingers, but with his words, I came back to my senses and pushed his hand off me.

“Your family?” I asked, taking a step back.

“They might not show.” He smiled, still looking at me intently.

“And Clara?”

“She might be there tomorrow,” he said nonchalantly as he took a step closer to me.

“What? Why?” I asked surprised.

“Because I invited her.”

“Why would you do that?” I hissed as I backed away.

“Because I want her to see me marrying you,” he said seriously.

“I swear, Daimon, if she causes a scene—”

“Then we’ll handle it together.” He moved closer to me and lowered his face so he could be at eye-level. I pulled back a little, not knowing what he was doing. “Night, my Addie, my sweet Addie. I’ll see you tomorrow at the altar.”

Daimon walked back to his car and drove off, leaving me as confused as ever.
Him and his mood swings.


“WAKE UP!” I barely heard Elissa as she shook me at six in the morning.

“What?” I said groggily.

“Oh, for God’s sake! Let’s go, girl. You’re getting married today! You need to take a shower so we can head out to get your makeup and hair done,” she continued to shout. Each word she said only made me feel more exhausted. It was going to be a long fucking day.

After taking my shower, I stood in front of my mirror and wiped off the excess steam covering it. Once I saw my reflection, I took a good look at myself.
Stupid, Addie, you went and sold yourself to the devil and now what? You want pity? You want someone to feel sorry for you? Too fucking bad!

“Addie? Come on. We have to get going,” Elissa prompted as she knocked on the door.

“Coming.” I wiped away a few stray tears.

The morning was kind of exciting, much to my confusion. I was being primped and prettied up at the venue. When Jessica brought me here, I knew this was the place I wanted. It was The Foundry. It looked gorgeous, plus they had the space available. The wedding was going to be held in the Greenhouse area, while the reception would be held in the main space. It looked like a converted factory from the 19
century. It was stunning with its red brick walls and high ceilings, which had windows that let in the light of the day. Iron railings held up a mezzanine area, which added to the whole effect. It was a glorious space. I had rented the whole place. Jessica wanted each space they had available for drinks and cocktails for our guests.

I was in one of the rooms that was designated for the bride, when Sofia finally made it. I watched as she entered and looked at me through the mirror. She was fully dressed in a deep-red halter dress; she looked so grown up, just what I wanted for her. My hairdresser had just finished putting on my veil, which was held snugly behind my low bun.

“You look amazing,” Sofia said, as she inched closer to me.

“Thanks,” I responded nervously, swallowing the lies that were eating me up.

“I can’t wait to see your dress,” Sofia smiled at me through the mirror.

“It’s a fucking stunner,” Elissa told her, startling my sister. “Hi, I’m Elissa, your sister’s friend.” She held out her hand and waiting for Sofia to take it.

“Hi, I’m Sofia.”

“I know. Your sister talks about you all the time. She’s pretty proud of you.” Elissa winked and smiled.

“Thanks,” Sofia said shyly.

“So, I’m thinking it’s about time to put on that dress,” Elissa suggested as she moved around and unzipped the bag that held it.

“Wait!” I shouted as I held up my hand. I began to hyperventilate; the room feeling smaller, the air too thin to breathe in.

“I know you’re freaking out, but Daimon is out there, somewhere, waiting to see his bride. You wanted this too, so don’t get cold feet now,” Elissa took charge and spoke to me directly, making me focus on her.

“I’m not getting cold feet. I’m just… I’m just…scared,” I finally admitted.

“You? Scared? Since when?” Sofia asked, surprised at my mini meltdown.

“Since now!” I shouted.

I was sitting and wishing this was all happening with the one I loved. I could rely on him right now. He’d know how afraid I was and talk to me through the door, telling me he was waiting for me and that it was him and I together forever. But no, I had Daimon. The one who was probably out there getting drunk or angry at me for something I didn’t do right.

“I’ll get you a drink,” Elissa said, leaving the room.

“Addie? Are you okay? I mean, you look like you’re about to do something you don’t want to.”
Sofia, stop trying to pry. I'm begging you
. I tried to project my thoughts at her as she rested her hand on my shoulder.

“I'm fine. It’s just jitters. It’s been a long, stressful week and it’s all getting to me now.” I smiled, reassuring her and placing my hand on hers.

Elissa came back with Jessica in tow, both holding drinks.

“Okay, sweetheart, I’m letting you have one drink. No more than that. This is one of the biggest social events of the year and I need it to be perfect.” Jessica handed me my whiskey.

“Not helping,” I gritted through my teeth.

“Come on. Daimon loves you. He told me to let you do what you like. This is your wedding day. He said that all that mattered was you being happy. If you’re happy, he’s happy. So just go out there and show him this beautiful creature he’s about to marry,” Jessica urged as she nodded at me.

“You’re fucking good,” Elissa said, laughing.

“It’s my job,” Jessica smiled.

I took a healthy swing of my drink and stood up, readying myself for my dress. Fucking Jessica, making sure I had the perfect corset to match. The thing was killer around my waist, cinching it in and looking sexy as hell. I pulled off my robe and Elissa nearly fell over.

“WOW! Daimon’s going to come in his pants tonight,” she shouted, her eyes bugging out.

“Elissa,” I yelled.

“What? You not only have the sexiest fucking corset I have ever seen, but you’re wearing garters too. Damn, girl!” Elissa pointed.

Jessica and Sofia helped me with my dress, which took longer than I thought. When we were done, it was amazing. I looked into the mirror and it was as if I was watching a stranger. I didn’t know who this person staring back at me was. A small knock came at the door and pulled me away from the mirror. I moved to the side, just in case it was Daimon. Why you ask? I don’t know.

“Addie, it’s me,” my father said quietly. Elissa opened the door and there he stood, with his modern suit and all cleaned up. I smiled the moment I saw him. The feeling of relief washed over me. My father was my comfort.

“Addie,” he breathed, “you look so beautiful.” His eyes glazed with tears.

Jessica and Elissa left, leaving only Sofia. The three of us stood together, not knowing exactly what to say first.

“Daimon is a good man. I’m glad you found someone like him,” my father said sincerely. His words only hurt more because he meant them. I stood in front of my father as he laid out his heart, telling me how happy he was for me, while all I was doing was lying to him, to both of them. “Addie, you will live a good life now. You deserve it.” He smiled and reached out to hug me.

I held back the tears. I was betraying them both, but I was willing to run through fire for them. They were getting the better life they were meant to live, before I fucked it all up. “Here, I want you to have this.” My father held out his hand. He was holding my mother’s bracelet. It was made of white gold with small diamonds. “It was all I could afford for her, but I think she would want you to have it,” he said, while his hands shook as he placed it on my wrist.

“Daddy…” I stopped not able to say another word. A hard lump burrowed into my throat not allowing me to speak.

“Shh, no tears, only smiles,” he said to me, his eyes brimming.

I reached up and wiped the one single tear that fell from my father’s eye. Sofia quietly sobbed behind me. I reached out my hand to her and she came so willingly, that I ached as I held her tightly.

“I love you. I love you both, so much,” I murmured.

“Addie? It’s time.” Jessica knocked on the door.

Sofia pulled away and smiled. She turned around and picked up my white and soft pink peony bouquet and handed it to me. “Okay, let’s get this party started,” Sofia smiled and sniffled.

My father reached out his arm and I intertwined my arm with his. Sofia opened the door and I was taken aback. In just a few hours, the entire place was transformed into a wonderland of flowers and small tea lights. It was utterly breathtaking. Large twigs were placed in an enormous vase on the front table with small white flowers attached to them. A small light from above lit the table, highlighting the place cards. Tiny lanterns lit the walkway for me as I made my way to the Greenhouse where Daimon and the rest of our guests were waiting. Just before we were about to enter, I stopped my father and Sofia.

“It’s okay, Addie,” Sofia said as she squeezed my hand. I took a deep breath and looked over to see Jessica smiling.

“Cue the music,” Jessica said into her mini walkie-talkie.

As the doors opened, soft music played, and both my father and Sofia walked me down the aisle. A white silk carpet laid at our feet. I looked up to see Daimon waiting for me in front of the grand fireplace. Large candles were lit inside the fireplace, while a soft golden light lit the room from all sides. Dazzling white flowers were artistically placed all around, their gentle smell teasing my nose. I could hear the quiet whispers of the guests as I made my way to Daimon, who looked utterly gorgeous in his black suit. He left some stubble and his longish hair was softly slicked back. His striking blue sky eyes zeroed in on me, and in that moment, all I could see was him.

He reached out his hand as my father and Sofia both let go of me, giving me to Daimon. He took my hand and held on tightly. He didn’t say one word to me the whole ceremony. The only thing I heard was his “I do.” He placed a simple white-gold ring on my finger and continued to avoid me. I tried to make eye contact; I wanted his approval. I hated that I sought it, but I wanted it. Once it was my turn, I hesitated saying it.

“Addie?” the officiant said.

“I do,” I murmured. I took the ring and placed it on his finger. I didn’t bother to look at him as I did it.

Disappointment hit me hard. Once the ceremony was finished, Daimon turned to me and smiled. I smiled as well, reminding myself I was blurring the lines. This was all a lie, an elaborate lie. He reached down, taking my face in his hands and kissed me. It was gentle and sweet. It felt divine, like he was melting away all my anxieties. Everyone cheered and he finally broke the spell and released me from his lips. Jessica and her minions came in and ushered everyone out. I found it odd that she did that. I was about to step out as well, but Daimon grabbed onto my hand and pulled me back. The doors of the Greenhouse closed and only Daimon and I remained.

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