Read The Hunt Club Chronicles Bundle Online

Authors: Heather Boyd

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

The Hunt Club Chronicles Bundle (9 page)

BOOK: The Hunt Club Chronicles Bundle
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A strong arm wrapped around his waist and pulled him tight against burning hot skin. Henry could never get enough of his lovers touch but Nate was a duke, and as such, had responsibilities awaiting him at home.

Warm pleasure swept over the back of his neck as Nate pressed his lips firmly against Henry’s skin. This would be the only time he could wake up beside his lover. At
, Henry’s chamber was a narrow slice of room at one end of the attic, directly over the children’s nursery. Nate couldn’t risk being found there with Henry at any hour of the day. And Henry doubted he could steal into the duke’s chamber without his ever-present valet finding out.

Firm fingers wandered over his belly, caressing and causing Henry’s body to stir.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning to you too, did you sleep well?”

Nate stared down at him, a foolish grin marking his face. “Like the dead. I haven’t slept so well in years.”

Henry turned his body so that their lips aligned and kissed his lover. Turning over also revealed that Nate was aroused. Another thing they had in common. His own prick had ached since he’d first awakened. He settled Nate between his parted legs and devoted himself to kissing them both awake.

When Nate’s lips slid from his and wandered to his neck Henry had enough sense left to remember what plans they had. “We had better get a wriggle on. The coach might come early.”

Nate’s lips found the perfect spot on Henry’s neck to kiss and, as much as they should stop, Henry offered his throat so his lover could devote his attention to it. His skin tingled and his prick throbbed. Nate aroused him so easily that he had to wonder how he would survive at
without the pleasure his lover gave so effortlessly.

Nate drew back, grinning down at him with mischief in his eyes. “I told Brown
. That gives us,” Nate squinted out the window, “at least three hours alone to play.”

A smile tugged Henry’s lips. Nate was voracious. Henry threw him over onto his back and held him still when Nate protested.

“Now then, I believe you haven’t learnt your proper place, my lord. On your back, both feet in the air, that is how I want you.”

Nate’s breath hitched. “I thought you had to obey me, Henry? I am the master of

Henry’s smile faded. “You cannot rule everything in life, Nate. I accept your authority over my services during the day and you must accept mine at night.”

“It is day now.” Nate tried to throw him over but Henry held firm.

“Perhaps I should rephrase that. At night . . . or in bed.”

Nate pulled Henry’s head down. “What did I do without you to manage me?”

“I imagine you were a trifle overbearing.”

Nate growled at his audacity, but brushed his prick against Henry’s. His lover’s expression changed. The slide of firm prick distracted Nathan from his need to control. Rising above him, Henry stroked Nate’s chest, swirling his fingers over his flat nipples. The buds tightened, peaked, and he pinched them between his fingers, and then tugged. Nate gasped. He liked his pleasure with a sting of pain, but not too much and that suited Henry perfectly.

Letting his nipples go, he dropped low and suckled him. Nate’s fingers threaded through his hair, gasping as he held Henry’s head in place. He caught Nate’s flesh between his teeth and bit down lightly. Nate arched and then his hands slid between them.

Nate’s hand closed over Henry’s prick and he set up a lazy stroke that sent pleasure soaring through every nerve. Henry slid backward, taking his prick out of Nate’s reach and pressed his lips to his damp cockhead. Nate grunted, sounding disappointed but excited just the same.

Taking his time, Henry nibbled down Nate’s length, following the ridges and thick veins with the tip of his tongue. Nate drew his knees up and let them fall to the side so Henry slipped his tongue down between his balls. Nate’s groans grew louder as Henry took the slickened pouch between his lips and massaged with the flat of his tongue.

His lover groaned in earnest, his toes curling from the pleasure. Unwilling to have him spill too soon, Henry released him and kissed up his lover’s hard length, letting his eyes catch on Nate’s. Face flushed, breathing ragged, Nate’s eyes widened.

With slow, deliberate precision Henry inched his lips closer to Nate’s cockhead.

He dragged his mouth to the tip, then swirled his tongue in lazy passes over the tip. Nate stiffened as his teasing tongue pleasured him then Henry opened his mouth wide and took him deep.

Nate’s hips bucked immediately, fucking his mouth and working his prick deeper down his throat. When Henry had him swallowed down to the root, he held still, panting around the thick length. He loved swallowing all of Nate. He let the ridges and bulging veins slip over his taunt lips as he pulled up and pushed down again, shifting position so he was on his knees, sliding closer to Nate’s ass.

Nate clutched his arms, pinching without meaning to. He listened as his lover voiced his enjoyment. His hips moved again, pumping into Henry’s face, speed increasing until he knew Nate was moments away from release. He pulled his mouth off, wrapped his hand firm around his shaft and fisted him until he came.

Pale seed shot high and then flowed over Henry’s knuckles. He wiped Nate’s seed over his own shaft and head and then he pressed into his lover, using Nate’s release to ease the way. His lover’s hole slowly widened and he enjoyed the slide, the slow possession of his duke. Nate’s spasms still twitched his body as Henry reached his limit.

He held still above him until Nate opened his eyes. Passion-glazed suited the duke. He waited until his lover met his gaze with more clarity. Henry loved the moment when he was on the brink of thrusting, the moment when he controlled their bliss. For however brief a time the pleasure took, he’d become the duke’s master.

He hadn’t always been this dominant, this demanding. But escape from the brothel had given him the freedom to choose his lovers. Most often, lovers were taken in darkness with furtive speed. Having Nate’s gorgeous body within reach heightened his need to dominate; and Henry took whatever control he could. He had none other in his life.

When Nate stroked his chest, Henry enjoyed the touch. When Nate tweaked Henry’s nipples, he adjusted his position so his hands supported his weight, and then began to move. Thrusting in short jabs until Nate’s body relaxed, then lengthening his stroke so that Nate’s tight ring caressed all along his length. Nate wrapped his long legs loosely around his hips, limiting his stroke but connecting their skin so that each slide brought the most pleasure.

Between them, Nate’s prick bobbed, half flaccid and unaroused. As Henry watched, Nate’s prick thickened until he just had to reach out and hold him. The hot, sticky length aroused him and Henry increased his thrusts, hardening as desire took hold.

Nate pinched his nipples, twisting both peaks painfully. He rose higher; dragging Nate up so only his shoulders remained flat to the bed. Holding Nate where he wanted him, feet spread wide in the air, Henry slipped in deeper yet. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t stop. He thrust into Nate with everything he had and cried out as the white light of release stole away everything but the feel of Nate’s body over his.


~ * ~


Nathan stilled Henry’s fidgeting with his hand, readjusting the cravat into place. He’d never dressed anyone before and found the process of covering up his lover as arousing as undressing him. The short carriage ride home would be torture.

“Will you stop fussing?” Henry grumbled and tugged at the unfamiliar knot Nathan had tied.

Sighing, Nathan pushed it back into place. “Leave it be. The carriage should be here and you are far from ready.”

“I think the coach is here. Damn.”

Nathan admired the man before him. So very, very tempting. Henry turned for the bed but Nathan caught his arm and pulled him into another kiss. “Until tonight?”

“Nate, we need to be discreet.”

Hearing his lover use his given name settled any anxiety Nathan felt. They were together, with no barriers between them. Almost an equal—except for rank and Henry’s need to dominate. But he could ignore the first and accept the second if it meant happiness could be his at last. “We will muddle through, Henry, never fear.”

Nathan honestly didn’t know how he was going to juggle a lover and a wife under the same roof and hope to avoid detection, but he couldn’t contemplate not seeing Henry.

Henry bit his lower lip. “As you wish, but for God’s sake, you need to stop glancing at my groin.”

Nathan chuckled. “Forgive me, but I’m well aware that good things reside in those trousers and that I’m allowed to touch.”

He headed for the door but, before he’d traveled more than a few paces, Henry’s hand connected with his rear. Glancing back, Nathan flashed a grin at his bossy servant and fled down the stairs. Brown was waiting.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, Your Grace, a wagon overturned outside the village.”

“What produce was it today? Pumpkin or Turnips?”

Brown had the grace to blush. If he couldn’t come up with a better excuse after all these years, he deserved to be called on it. There had been no overturned wagon—it was just an excuse because he’d lingered with a lover. Nathan could sympathize with the temptation.

“Mr. Stackpool is waiting for you upstairs. Go and fetch our belongings.”

Nathan headed out the front door and climbed into the carriage. Henry joined him a moment later, sitting on the other bench seat, eyebrows drawn together.

Nathan held his peace until the carriage began to move. “What troubles you, Mr. Stackpool?”

Henry sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. “Brown fears there will be trouble awaiting us at
. The duchess has been demanding my whereabouts. She has been hinting that I stole her diary. I didn’t.”

“I know you didn’t.” Nathan caught Henry’s cold hands in his. He met his lovers worry clouded eyes. “I promise you, I’ll deal with her as soon as possible. Someone else wanted to embarrass my wife and I, but I have no idea who.”

Henry nodded once, and stared down at their joined hands. When Nathan could stand his nervous twitching no longer, he tugged his steward across the carriage so they sat side by side. Henry appeared uncomfortable, and to distract him, Nathan fondled his lover’s groin.

“We shouldn’t . . . not here,” Henry whispered, yet drew the blinds over the carriage windows. The carriage rattled along the rutted road and when they rejoined the main road, Nathan drew the drapes on his windows too.

He quickly opened the fall of Henry’s trousers as the carriage gained speed and bent his head. It wasn’t, perhaps, the wisest thing to do, yet Nathan couldn’t go another minute without feeling his lover close. The thick, full prick popped into view and Nathan licked his lips. He pressed a slow kiss to the head, then opened his mouth wide to take as much in as he could.

Above him, Henry’s quick gasp betrayed his pleasure. He grasped Nathan’s waistcoat, but Nathan battered them away. He would spoil Henry for his hard work and devotion whenever he could, and brought him off quickly.

Henry pulled away first, breathing hard, and looking gorgeously disheveled. He set about putting his trousers to rights and Nathan resumed his seat, prick aching with need. Yet a grim happiness washed over him that he had almost demolished his own handiwork. At least he had another excuse to set Henry’s cravat in place again.



BOOK: The Hunt Club Chronicles Bundle
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