Read The Hunt Club Chronicles Bundle Online

Authors: Heather Boyd

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

The Hunt Club Chronicles Bundle (8 page)

BOOK: The Hunt Club Chronicles Bundle
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Another gasp escaped as his master stroked his prick rapidly.

The duke leaned into him. “Considering I’m about to stick your prick in my mouth again, Henry, you’d better call me Nathan.”



Chapter Nine


Nathan couldn’t hold back from Henry any longer. Especially not when he writhed on the bed in such obvious abandon. Nathan stroked the hot prick in his hand, watching for the glint of wet seed at the tip. Henry’s desire fuelled his own to an alarming degree and he couldn’t resist swiping his tongue across the tip, enjoying the gasp from Henry. His skin was like silk against his tongue, and Nathan suckled on the tip, attempting to gather as much of his desire as he could.

Strong fingers curled into Nathan’s hair as he kissed Henry’s silky soft cockhead and continued lower. Poking out his tongue, Nathan nudged the stones around in the hairy sack, slurping back saliva as desire rode him hard. He was starving for Henry and he was more than happy when his servant widened his thighs.

Unable to resist, Nathan dropped his head between Henry’s thighs and drew one of his stones into his mouth. The scandalous softness between his lips pulled a grunt from deep inside. He gently suckled Henry’s elusive nut, but it pulled up tight to his body, so he flicked his tongue over the tensed skin, licking the ridges until Henry groaned.

He slipped the tip just past his lips, letting the silky smooth head rest on his tongue. Henry groaned again, fist pulling hard on Nathan’s hair and he moaned as arousal thickened his prick.

Prying his servant’s prick upright, he fisted him with one hand, tongued his slit, before sliding his mouth down as low as it could go. Nathan gave Henry the same treatment he liked for himself and his servant responded with deep grunts and groans.

He settled into a steady rhythm, sucking and pulling until Henry’s hips bucked, pushing his prick deeper into his mouth.

Henry tugged on Nathan’s hair. “I’ll spend soon.”

Nathan lifted up to tell him to wait but Henry’s release splashed across his face and lips. He lapped it quickly, eager not to miss a single drop of his taste.

Henry pulled their faces close. “You shouldn’t do that.”

“Try to stop me. You taste so good.” Nathan kissed Henry, letting his hard prick rest against the other man’s thigh.

Henry’s hand burrowed between them.

Instinctively, Henry knew exactly how hard to squeeze. He roughly pumped Nathan’s aching flesh and he groaned at the feel of Henry’s experienced hand on his flesh. Oh God, he was good. So much better than any lover before.

Nathan let him stroke him toward a release he’d been dreaming of since he’d rescued him, since they’d first kissed, since they’d first met. He tried to hold back, but Henry snuck his other hand lower and palmed his balls, holding them between strong fingers. Nathan jerked and spilled over Henry’s belly.

They both watched his release slide along Henry’s pale skin in the moonlight. His lover captured the stream before it touched the sheet and brought his hand to his mouth to taste. Desire tightened Nathan’s balls. “You don’t have to do that.”

“But I wanted to taste you.” Henry licked his fingers clean as he lay subsided against the pillows. “Lay on your belly for me.”

Nathan hesitated, unsure what Henry had in mind. He turned over and rested his upper body on his arms. “Like this?”

Henry licked his lips. “Yes.”

Desire made him squirm, rubbing his freed prick against the bedding. Henry shifted further down the bed until he lay flat on his back. He trailed his hand across his own belly, coating his fingers with Nathan’s seed.

Nathan held his breath as damp flesh brushed over his ass and then probed between his cheeks. Gasping at the ferocity of desire that climbed his spine, Nathan thrust against the bedding.

Henry smacked Nathan’s bottom hard. “None of that now, Nate.”

Hearing his servant, his lover, whisper his name stilled the retort he wanted to utter. He hadn’t been spanked since he was in short pants, yet the sensation was altogether different. Arousing, instead of humiliating.

Henry’s probing intensified, pushing deeper between his cheeks. Nathan stiffened and then groaned as his lover pressed harder, invading his depths.

“Hmm… this won’t do, up on your hands and knees, Your Grace.”

Nathan mustn’t have moved fast enough because Henry’s hand struck again, hard and sure he had the right to.

Nathan groaned and assumed the position. “Is this what you want?”

He didn’t look at Henry. He thought he was blushing and grown men didn’t blush, but dear God he found he liked the sweet pain of punishment.

“No.” Another stinging slap. “Crawl until you are over the top of me.”

Nathan set his hands level with Henry’s ribs and bracketed him with his legs. His body hovered, thickening prick and heavy balls dangling directly over Henry’s thighs.

“Move further up.”

There was no slap this time, but he didn’t need the punishment to become more aroused. He inched forward as Henry’s damp fingers slid up from below, penetrated deeper into his ass. Nathan winced as the invading fingers wiggled. Part pain, part pleasure—robbing him of speech. There was no blood left in his brain.

Henry fingered his ass, pausing to stretch his entrance, turning Nathan into a man only capable of grunting. He raised his eyes to see his lover. Henry’s mouth twisted as he thrust his fingers, he paused and then greater pressure invaded his hole. Another finger, a thicker claiming. Henry lifted his chin and joined their mouths together.

Around Henry’s lips, Nathan moaned, writhing on the invading fingers, but not wanting respite. Another pause as Henry shoved his tongue in Nathan’s mouth and added more to his already stretched hole.

Henry held Nathan’s pleasure in his two hands—fingers up his ass, the rest closing on his balls, tugging and driving him toward a familiar ecstasy. Without warning, the sensations stopped.

“Sit down.”

Nathan raised heavy eyes to Henry, but he appeared completely serious. Nathan lowered his ass, but stopped when he butted against his lover’s prick. Was this the time to mention his inexperience of this aspect of lovemaking? “Henry?”

A stinging slap answered his question and he willed his body to keep going. There was resistance, and it stung, but Henry took his time and kept Nathan aroused as he worked to impale himself on the hard prick.

His ass burned.

Nathan took lovers—they didn’t often take him.

He held still, expecting another slap as punishment for stopping. Henry’s fingers skimmed across his belly.

“That’s it, Nate, just sit there and get used to my prick inside you.” Henry’s skin shone with sweat, his breath churned rough and fast. “Christ your ass is sweet. You would tempt a vicar to debauch you if you gave one the chance.”

Nathan shifted at the surprising compliment and Henry slid in further. He winced as his lover invaded, but Henry was patient, letting him adjust to the feel of him. With one hand he stroked Nathan’s softened prick, with the other he pinched and squeezed Nathan’s nipples until both were hard. He shuddered, opening a little further, getting more of Henry’s fire in his ass.

“Move now, I want to fuck you.”

Nathan squirmed, the words adding to his aroused state, but hesitant to start. Henry’s hand slapped him a stinging blow across his thigh. He moved. Pain scalding his ass as he gently fucked himself on the stiff length. Henry stared at where they joined and Nathan forgot about the pain. Henry’s hands gripped his hips and then he moved; fucking Nathan from below with short thrusts, the sting returned until he sobbed with pleasure again. Nathan wrapped a hand around his own length, stroking in time to Henry’s thrusts.

Taking a man deep was torture. He leaned forward, resting one hand on Henry’s bare chest and closed his eyes. Henry’s grip tightened, his short thrusts grew quicker. “Squeeze your ass.”

Nathan did as he was told. The burning thrill of invasion and his furious stroke on his prick pushed Nathan over the edge. His ass tightened around the hard length and the other man shouted as he peaked. Warmth invaded Nathan’s ass, while his seed streaked across Henry skin again.

Nathan collapsed, uncaring of Henry’s sweat damp skin and his release. When the other man’s prick popped free of his ass he wanted him back. He wanted that intense pleasure all over again.


Nathan heaved himself upright to meet his steward’s serious expression. “Sorry.”

He rolled over until he landed on his back, breath churning but uncertain what else he should say. He had rarely lain with a man in a bed before, usually he’d taken his pleasure in quick silent rendezvous. But when Nathan had lain with another man he had known the other outside of it too. But Henry was his servant, his employee and they usually spoke only of business matters and infrequently of his children. What did one say after fucking a servant?

“Are you all right, Your Grace?”

Nathan turned his head. Henry’s frown pierced his discomfort. “Perfectly well, thank you.” As an afterthought he added, “And you?”

Henry’s face split into a rare grin. “Never better, Your Grace.”

Nathan laughed, then ruffled his lover’s hair. “Nate.”

“Nate, then.”

Nathan shuffled and drew Stackpool hard against him. “You do a good job of hiding your inclinations. I never suspected before yesterday.”

The man in his arms stiffened. “I’d rather not hang.”

Nathan drew in a shuddering breath at the thought. “I quite agree with you.” Now that he had Henry close, Nathan took advantage of his proximity to learn his contours. He shaped his hands carefully over his lover’s back and bottom, careful to keep the pressure light and avoid aggravating the injuries. “I’d not like to lose you.”

Henry pressed his lips to Nathan’s chest. “I’ve been your man since the first day, Nate. I’ve no intention of leaving your service unless you dismiss me.”

A bubble of excitement curled within Nathan at Henry’s words. He had often wondered when, not if, he would leave. The knowledge Henry would remain a permanent fixture at Grantley curled his lips into a smile. “Just as well, the children would have become cross.”

The man in his arms chuckled and squirmed closer. “They are wonderful children. You must be so proud to have them.”

Nathan pressed another kiss to Henry’s forehead. “I am. But you must come to me if they run you ragged. I’d not like their constant requests to affect your duties.”

 Henry stiffened, drawing away from Nathan. “Have you been dissatisfied with my performance so far, Your Grace?”

“Hardly.” He captured Henry’s hand and laid it upon his limp prick. Yet, a coil of pleasure stroked his spine as Henry’s fingers curled tight around him. Nathan gasped. “Even more satisfied now.”



Chapter Ten


Sunlight warmed Henry’s back and he turned to savor the heat beating across his face. He didn’t want to go home; he wanted to stay at the cottage forever. Deep contentment stole over him as he listened to the gulls calling from the bay. His lover needed to go home, but he wanted to stay here where they had privacy.

The real world lay in wait, ready to strangle the idyllic pleasures of the cottage. Beyond this secluded property a world of judgment hovered, ready to pounce and condemn them for their desires. Something Henry had feared all his life.

BOOK: The Hunt Club Chronicles Bundle
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