Read The Hot Floor Online

Authors: Josephine Myles

The Hot Floor (26 page)

BOOK: The Hot Floor
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I could scream as loud as I wanted to.

I didn’t want to scream right now, but I did want some attention. A moan escaped me as I watched Evan slip his hand around to tease Rai’s hole.

“Hmmm, I think our little fucktoy wants some attention,” Rai teased.

“He’ll have to ask louder than that,” Evan said.

He enjoyed it, the bastard, making me flush scarlet as I begged them to do something to me. Anything. But I could do it now, especially when I was bound. It was easier to ask for what I wanted when shackled. It gave me freedom.

“Please,” I begged. “I want to taste you. Both of you. Please!”

“Aww, he asks so nicely,” Rai said. “I think we should let him. What do you think?”

Evan gave a wolfish grin. “I think he gets his own way far too often, the spoilt brat.” But then the teasing lilt fell away from his voice, and I heard the need lurking beneath. “Christ, you look fucking gorgeous like that, chuck. So hot.” He turned back to Rai. “Love the way that new cock ring pushes his bollocks out.”

Rai murmured his agreement as they walked over. This was the toughest part for me. The being-on-display part, being adored. I wanted it, craved it, but it was excruciating pleasure, having them discuss me. The way I looked.

“Look at what a good lad he is, keeping himself all hard and ready for us. Are you being a good lad?” Evan demanded, holding my chin in a firm yet gentle grip. “Keeping that dildo held in for me?”

“Yep. Feels good. Heavy.” Heavy was the right word for a two-pound replica of Evan’s cock. I had to position the base against my ankles so it didn’t slide out. “Thank you for letting me try it.” I knew it was Evan’s favourite toy—he’d told me enough times over the last couple of months.

“Reckon I’m getting as much of a kick out of it as you are,” Evan said.

“Too right.” Rai moved forward so that his cock nudged my cheek. I turned my head, mouth open, chasing him. “Oh, so eager. What a good little fucktoy. I think you deserve a reward.”

“Bloody right I do.” Because I might be a passive submissive—so I’d discovered—but that didn’t mean I couldn’t stick up for myself. And besides, the two of them loved it when I backchatted in a scene. “Come on. I want a taste.”

And so they gave it to me, Evan bending his knees so they could line their cocks up in front of me. I lunged forward. “Fuck!”

The chain attaching my wrist cuffs to my ankle cuffs stopped me from reaching them. All I got was a stolen lick, the flavours of their precome mingling on my tongue. “More!”

I swear, just hearing me beg made them both ooze more precome. The scent of musky sex filled my head, and I moaned. “Please.”

“Look, he’s dripping all over the rug,” Rai said, sounding awed. I glanced down to see I was indeed leaking like a tap in need of a plumber…and his willing assistant. Good thing I had the two of them on hand.

I was about to beg again when Evan shuffled forwards, bringing Rai with him, and then my whole world centred around the delicious problem of trying to fit both of them in my mouth at once. It was impossible, I knew, but it didn’t stop me trying. Hands landed on my head, Rai and Evan each taking a fistful of hair as they took it in turns to push into my mouth.

The tempo of their thrusts sent me soaring, floating on the sweet bursts of pain from my scalp and my knees and my overstretched lips.

Rai shot first. Even with my eyes shut I knew it was him. He just doesn’t make my jaw ache like Evan does, but I can taste the difference anyway. He’s sweeter than Evan. As he pulled out with a whimper, Evan pushed in, stretching my lips.

“Hey, love, you ready for some serious face fucking?”

I looked up and tried to say yes around a mouthful of cock. Evan smiled sweetly, then kissed Rai. Christ, they looked so hot, eating each other’s faces. I was flying so high, I could come just from watching. It was only the pressure of the ring keeping me back.

“Could you suck him for me, pet? I want to watch our fucktoy shoot his load while I fuck his face.” Evan’s voice came out all husky with need, and I groaned. Oh yes, that was a great idea.

As Rai’s lips closed around me, Evan pushed into my throat. I flew through clouds of sensation. Every breath of air I snatched between Evan’s thrusts was the sweetest I’d ever tasted. Every movement of Rai’s tongue the most perfect sensation. Every moment with my two men was filled with love. Security.

When I felt Evan’s hips stutter and I tasted his spunk, I came with a muffled yell. I aimed for the sun, riding a thermal that just kept on rising. Bliss shot through my body, again and again and again.

And then four strong hands caressed me. Unbuckled me. Rubbed my aching knees, my wrists, my ankles. Carried me to bed.

Home wasn’t the bricks and mortar. Home was these two men, making me fly.

Then bringing me safely back down to earth.

About the Author

English through and through, Josephine Myles is addicted to tea and busy cultivating a reputation for eccentricity. She writes gay erotica and romance but finds the erotica keeps cuddling up to the romance, and the romance keeps corrupting the erotica. She blames her rebellious muse, but he never listens to her anyway, no matter how much she threatens him with a big stick. She’s beginning to suspect he enjoys it.

for more about her published stories, saucy free reads and regular blog posts.

Look for these titles by Josephine Myles

Now Available:


Barging In

Handle with Care

The best things in life aren’t free…they’re freely given.


Handle with Care

© 2012 Josephine Myles


Ben Lethbridge doesn’t have many vices left. After raising his little sister to adulthood, he wasted no time making up for the youth he lost to responsible parenting. Two years of partying it up—and ignoring his diabetes—has left him tethered to a home dialysis regimen.

He can do his job from his flat, fortunately, but most of his favourite things are forbidden. Except for DVD porn…and fantasizing over Ollie, the gorgeous, purple-haired skateboarder who delivers it.

Their banter is the highlight of Ben’s lonely day, but his illness-ravaged body is the cruel reality that prevents him from believing they’ll do anything more than flirt. Not to mention the age gap. Still, Ben figures there’s no harm in sprucing himself up a bit.

Then one day, a package accidentally splits open, revealing Ben’s dirty little secret…and an unexpected connection that leaves him wondering if he’s been reading Ollie wrong all this time. There’s only one way to find out: risk showing Ollie every last scar. And hope “far from perfect” is good enough for a chance at love.

Warning: Contains superhero porn comics and a cute, accident-prone delivery guy with colour-changing hair. Readers may experience coffee cravings, an unexpected liking for bad mullets, and the urge to wrap Ollie up and take him home.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Handle with Care:

When the world started to make sense again, a wave of breathtaking shame crashed over me. Not only had I neglected myself enough to have an attack—which hadn’t happened for ages—but I’d thrown myself at Ollie. I leant back against the wall and tried to regain my cool. It seemed to have deserted me, and I couldn’t blame it.

“You okay now?” he asked me.

I nodded. I still didn’t trust myself not to say something stupid.

“Shit, Ben, you had me worried there. Do you need me to call someone for you?”

“No, it’s fine. Just had a hypo. Nothing to worry about. Zoe will be here soon. She’ll sort me out.”

“Zoe? That’s your sister, right?”

“Yeah. She calls in every day on her way into work.”

He nodded, but he still didn’t look happy. I missed his smile.

“Thanks,” I said. “You did exactly the right thing. Sorry I acted like a total wanker. I don’t know what I’m doing when I have an attack.”

There was that curve of his lips I loved so much. “I thought you were drunk at first,” Ollie said.

“No chance.” I smiled back. “No alcohol, no coffee, no cigarettes, no sugar, no sex—”

“No sex? What, your doctor told you that?”

I avoided his eyes. “Not really up to going out and pulling, these days,” I mumbled.

“But you are allowed to have sex, right?”

Ollie sounded really concerned. I looked up into his espresso-brown eyes and tried to smile as I nodded.

“Well, that’s a—”

“Ben! Oh, my God, are you all right?”

Whatever Ollie had been about to say was interrupted by Zoe’s arrival.

“I’m fine,” I told her, but she wasn’t having it.

“You always say that when you’re having a hypo.” She turned to Ollie. “What’s happened? Did you find him like this?”

Ollie took over and explained about his trip to the fridge to find my Lucozade stash, much to my relief as I really didn’t feel like being on the receiving end of one of Zoe’s “look after yourself” lectures.

It took the two of them to help me to my feet and then get me ensconced on the sofa with my feet up on the coffee table. I noticed Ollie discreetly slip the DVD back into the package and place it on my telly. I should have told him not to bother—Zoe would probably want to borrow the damn thing.

Before he left, Ollie turned to me, looking strangely ill at ease and jiggling on his feet.

“Listen, I’d love to come round this evening and check up on you, but I’ve got a shift at the café, and I can’t really let them down.”

Yeah, right. Now he’d seen me properly ill, he couldn’t wait to get away. “I don’t need a babysitter,” I snapped.

“That’s not what I meant.” Bright spots appeared on Ollie’s cheeks. “Christ, you’re hard work sometimes.”

“Well, there’s no need to put yourself out. I’m just a customer, after all.” I regretted the words as soon as they were out, but I wasn’t going to take them back. He’d seen enough of my weakness for one day.

He shook his head at me, muttering as he left the room. I heard the front door slam.

Zoe came through holding two cups of tea and one of my carefully rationed juice bottles.

“Where’s he gone?” she asked. “Benji, did you go and say something stupid?”

I tried to hide my face in the cushions. “Thought you didn’t like him.”

Zoe huffed. “It’s not that I don’t like him. He’s just a bit young for you. At least he can keep his head in a crisis, though. Would have thought you’d be glad to have him stay for tea.”

“He had to get back to work,” I mumbled.

She gave me a long look but obviously decided it wasn’t worth pursuing that line of questioning when I was due a lecture about looking after myself. I strapped myself in for the ride. Zoe was right, and I knew it.



I had a terrible night. Zoe’s words kept echoing round my head, and I cringed with shame every time I recalled how I’d spoken to Ollie. Poor guy must be totally confused about me and my mixed messages. Wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t want to be friends anymore. I still couldn’t swallow Zoe’s assertion that he was “well into me”, but I certainly didn’t want to lose the first real friend I’d made in the last couple of years. I wasn’t counting the ones I’d made online, as I’d told them so much bullshit, they had no idea who I really was.

I needed to make amends in some way. I’d have to invite him round, make him coffee or something. He loved coffee, didn’t he? And at least I’d get the vicarious pleasure of smelling the stuff even if I couldn’t drink any myself. I had a bag of coffee beans in the freezer still, kept just in case Zoe ever needed a pick-me-up on her way into work. My mind made up, I managed a few hours sleep, and although I felt like hell when I eventually woke up, I did manage to pull on some new clothes, eat a bowl of muesli and get my first dialysate bag infused. I was rubbing my eyes in front of my monitor when the doorbell made me jump out of my skin.

I was a bundle of neuroses wrapped up in designer clothing by the time I finally reached the front door. Was he only here because I’d ordered yet another porn DVD? Was he after getting his comics back? How much was I going to have to grovel to get back in his good graces? I knew I couldn’t answer any of these questions without opening the door, so I reached out and turned the handle with a sweaty hand.

“Hey, how ya doing?” Ollie asked, a small smile playing around his lips. He started twirling his wristbands and was jiggling more than usual. “Um, I’m sorry about storming off yesterday. I’m not usually such a drama queen, but I was a bit shaken up by the whole thing.”

I was flabbergasted. I stared at him with my mouth hanging open until the unease in his eyes made me remember my manners. I pulled the door wide open. “You got time to come in for a moment? I could make you a coffee to say sorry for being such an ungrateful tosser.”

He grinned as if in relief, then tore back a Velcro strip on one of his wristbands to reveal a watch face. “Yeah, I could probably spare fifteen minutes or so. I mean, I shouldn’t, but who’s gonna know? I can just say I got stuck in traffic.” He gave me a wicked smile and had a glint in his eyes that made my heart start to pound.

BOOK: The Hot Floor
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