The Horror Squad 2 (12 page)

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Authors: TJ Weeks

BOOK: The Horror Squad 2
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STEVEN SLOWLY dozed off from the
weakness from lack of food, water and loss of

The blurriness took over his sight. Steven ran
his arm across his face trying to gain better
sight. His sight was still blurry. He could not
see where he was going; he stuck his hands out
in front of him and began walking. Steven
noticed quickly that it was painful to move one
of his arms and one of his legs. He limped a bit
as he walked even though he could not see. He
ran into something and side stepped it and
continued walking.

He could feel hunger coming on and really
needed something to eat, but he wasn’t craving
anything that was in his room. He was craving
what he smelled, which was a live human.
Steven walked to the small mirror that he
remembered he had found and hung in his

Again a different reflection mirrored back at
him as it had before during his dream of his
birthday. His moustache was still gray and his
hair was partly slicked back. The other part
hung in his face. He tried to lift his arm to make
himself look presentable, but could not control
his extremities. Steven quickly gave up after a
few tries. He walked to the door and in his
mind, he was trying to reach out to grab the
door knob but the back of his hand slammed
against it. He was unable to grasp anything. He
could not control himself to do what he wanted.

Steven backed away from the door and
peered down at himself to see that he had lost
control of his bladder and it had ran down his
pants leg and had stained his jeans like it had
been there for months. Steven’s button down
shirt laid open and exposed his concaved chest
and showed two ribs poking through. Blood had
streamed down and mixed in with the urine to
make it brownish orange color. He stared at his
hand trying to will it to work and noticed that
his fingers had all been pushed sideways and
laid on the side of his hand which he thought
explained why he was unable to function to
open a door or fix his hair.

Steven walked forward again and ran into the
door hoping that someone would hear the noise
he was making and help him. How they were
going to help, he was not sure, but he needed
help with something.

He fell backwards after hitting the door with
his body and landed on his ass and rolled. As he
gained his balance, apparently he had lost
control of his bowel movements as well,
because it had squished out of his wrangler
jeans and was all over the floor. He was able to
feel the wetness on the back of his pants and
tried to reach behind him to wipe with his hand
so that he would not be embarrassed when
someone found him.

Steven tried to open his mouth to yell for
someone to help and all that came out was a
groan that scared him. He jumped back at his
own noise.

“I’m a rotter?” He thought to himself.
“Rotters can’t think.”

Steven limped back to the mirror and his face
swayed back and forth in front of it as he tried
to keep his balance. He had started turning the
dirty color of a rotter. It was then that he
noticed the ribs that stuck out were not causing
him much pain and his hand had gone numb as
well. He was able to move the nub that was on
the other side of his body, but only in a circle
motion and it was exposed and out of the sling.

“I am turning right now!” He thought.

His groans got a bit louder and he was unable
to control the clanking of his jaw that rang
throughout his ears.

Now he hoped that no one came into his
room. Would he eat them, would he be able to
contain himself and not take charge on his
friends and make them rotters as well?

The door to his classroom flew open and
Gizmo and TJ appeared in the doorway. Steven
stared at them and limped towards them.

“Are you fucking kidding me? You’re a
rotter?” TJ questioned out loud.

Steven groaned trying to get them to close
the door and leave, but they decided to enter his
room. The two laughed at Steven’s ribs poking
through his chest and the urine and feces
covering his bottom half. Steven walked
towards them and Gizmo placed a hand on his
forehead and pushed back hard to make him

“How the fuck did you become rotter stupid
ass?” TJ asked, as if he was going to answer.

Steven fell and a pop sounded throughout the
room. His ankle had buckled under him and the
bone was now showing through his skin as he
pulled it out from under him to try and stand
but failed.

“Hell, don’t try and get up, we will have to
take you out.” TJ stated to Steven stuck on the
floor as a rotter.

“This has to be a nightmare!” Steven

Steven closed his eyes as he had before and
tried to make himself wake up. He opened his
eyes to Gizmo and TJ standing over him.

“So what the hell do we do with him now?”
Gizmo asked.

“Well, I hate to kill the asshole, we served
together and have been friends for years, but if
he was stupid enough to get turned to a rotter
then so be it right?” TJ questioned out loud.

Steven waved his arms at the two, hoping
that they would realize that he really wasn’t a

“Let’s fuck with him a little bit.” Gizmo

Steven was unable to control himself and
began biting the air each time they got close. TJ
and Gizmo laughed at his moustache bouncing
up and down as he bit the air like a dog trying
to catch a fly. They would step forward and
then back just to watch him chomp down onto

Each chomp of the air he took, pieces of
teeth would fall onto the floor. Steven tried to
stop the want to eat them, but it was inevitable.
The banter went on for a good while before TJ
and Gizmo got tired of watching his teeth fall to
the floor. They soon started pulling at his
moustache each time he leaned forward and
laughed because Steven would pull back and
shake his head with each piece that was left in
their hands.

TJ kicked his feet over, which made him lie
on his stomach.
“I don’t see any bite marks. How in the hell
did he turn?” TJ wondered aloud.

“Shit I don’t know, but this is kind of
entertaining.” Gizmo laughed rolling him back
over with his foot. “Ewwww, look at his ribs,
they are poking out and pieces of skin are
falling off now.”

Steven finally managed to back himself
against a wall and was becoming angry at their
playfulness with him. He stabled his feet to
stand the best he could and began his clumsy
swayed walk towards them. The two rounded
the teacher’s desk that was at the front of the
room that had been left and separated
themselves from their friend. Gizmo grabbed a
wooden pointer stick that was on the lip of the
dry erase board behind them and began poking
at Steven. He poked him on the shoulder with it
which made Steven stumble backwards. He
poked him in the chest and Steven stumbled
another few steps back.

Steven was getting agitated and could feel
his stomach sinking further into his body
needing food. He did not want to eat his
friends, but at this point, with their smart ass
attitudes of not giving a shit, he was ready to
take them on. Steven limped around to try and
get to the side of the desk that they were on and
TJ and Gizmo would move each time to the
opposite side. Steven reached his hands across
the desk to try and grab one of them to pull
them in and they both took a step back. Steven
fell over the desk and face first onto the hard

Another loud pop sounded through the room.
Gizmo and TJ stood for a moment to see what
would be next and watched Steven roll and then
eventually stand. His neck was now bent over
and part of his collar bone stuck out of the skin
that had become thin with his rotter
transformation. His head laid almost over onto
his shoulder. Steven was unable to feel
anything but a bit of pressure from all of the
protruding bones and went on about his goal to
eat the assholes that were giving him such hell
at this point.

With his neck cocked and his ankle broken,
rib bones protruding out of his chest and his
growls that he was unable to control, he lunged
at them at what he thought was fast but was
really slow enough that TJ and Gizmo were
able to take a few steps back without any
worries. They stepped outside of the door and
into the hallway and let Steven follow. He
growled again and leaned forward in hopes to
get just a piece of one of them. His body hit the
floor again as he tripped over his deformed feet
and landed on his stomach.

“What the hell are y’all doing?” Kris asked
jogging down the hallway.
“Long story, but stay back, he is full blown
now.” TJ put his arm up to his wife.

Steven pulled his head halfway off the floor
and dropped it back down. A bit of slime
splattered as his forehead hit. He raised it again
and pushed himself up to stand this time.

“What the hell!” Kris whispered standing
behind TJ. “Kill him!”

“Man, it’s Steven, he didn’t get bit or
anything, he couldn’t have just turned without
getting into it with one.” TJ explained.

So y’all are just antagonizing the poor guy?”
She questioned.
“What else are we going to do with him?”
Gizmo shrugged.

Steven walked his rotter walk toward them
and each time he would get within arm’s reach
of any of them, Gizmo or TJ would push him
backwards and he would start from square one
of trying to catch a meal.

Steven’s groans became louder and drew out
some of the group from their rooms with the
echoes through the hall.

“What is that noise?” Tina popped her head
out of the door.
“Steven!” Kris exclaimed.
“What! What in the hell have you two
done?” Tina asked.

“We didn’t do shit, we heard noises and
came in and found him like this.” Gizmo

Tina walked up behind her husband and
watched them taunting him with their presence.
“What the hell are we going to do with him?”
Tina questioned.

Gizmo and TJ both shrugged and continued
pushing him backwards each time he would get
close enough to touch one of them. Steven’s
jaw began to dislocate from the side of his face
with each chomping motion he made at them,
the sound of his own skin tearing pierced his
ears and his jaw dropped with only a thread of
skin holding it to his face. His face still made
the motion of the up and down chomping, but
with only a few teeth showing. His skin was
now a pale brown and the blood dripped from
his exposed bones. The smell was intense as it
sauntered down the hallway from his release of
urine and feces that covered his lower half.

“We gotta do something man, we can’t just
leave his ass like this!” Gizmo stated.
He pushed him back again and turned to TJ
with a questioning look on his face.
“Why are you looking at me?” TJ asked.

Steven had finally made it to his goal, he
wrapped his misshaped arm around TJ’s neck.
TJ grabbed his arm and pulled it away from his
neck and placed the palm of his hand on his
forehead. He pushed Steven back hard and he
fell to the floor.

“Really buddy!” TJ said calmly to him.
“Did you see that shit? Your buddy wants to
have you for dinner.” Gizmo laughed.

TJ shot Gizmo a go to hell look then looked
back at Steven. He bent down and grabbed his
broken ankle and turned to drag him back into
his room. Before he was able to get there,
Steven’s ankle tore off and TJ fell forward and
took a knee as he stumbled from the surprise of
the separation. TJ pulled his hand forward and
peered at the bloodied ankle he held. TJ stood
and threw the body part into the room and
turned back around to Steven pulling his way to
him. Steven grabbed TJ’s foot trying his hardest
to bite down when Gizmo kicked Steven in the
face to knock him back. TJ grabbed his other
foot and began to drag him the rest of the way
into his own room. He jerked his body around
and landed him in the middle of his room. He
dropped the leg he held with his own back to
the doorway.

“Kris, go get my big knife. I am going to
take care of this prick.” TJ demanded.

Steven woke up trying to throw his right
hand up, but it was not there, only in spirit. He
sat up, bringing up his knees and started to rock
back and forth with Texas size tears streaming
his face.




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