The Heart's Journey: Stitches in Time Series #2 (31 page)

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Nick got out and rounded the hood. “You know you don’t want to do that,” he told her, his eyes alight with mischief.

He swept Naomi up into a kiss that had some tourists laughing and clapping as they stood observing on the sidewalk.

She beat her hands on his chest. “Stop that! You know you can’t behave like that!”

“I’m not Amish yet,” he told her, unrepentant.

Backing away, Naomi tried to look stern. “And at that rate, you’re not likely to be.” She glanced around her. “What if the bishop had seen you?”

He winked at her before strolling back to his side of the vehicle and getting in.

“Men!” Naomi huffed as she walked inside the shop.

, men,” said Anna, suddenly feeling like a balloon that was deflating. She sighed and went inside.

The interior of the shop, crammed with colorful fabrics, yarns, and supplies, raised her spirits. What would she have done if her grandmother hadn’t asked her and her two cousins to join her in opening it? she wondered as she walked to the back room to store the sandwiches in the refrigerator.

She’d needed the creative work, the company, the daily routine so much after Samuel died. What did people who were grieving do when they didn’t have the support of their loving
family and community, the people they worked with in a job that fulfilled them?

Chiding herself for the way she’d vacillated between self-pity and sadness during the sleepless night, she stopped, closed her eyes, and thanked Him for reminding her that she should be grateful for all she had and not to focus on what she didn’t.

Determined to live with a grateful heart—even if it meant moment by moment today—she walked back into the shop to ask her grandmother what she should do first.

If you enjoyed
The Heart’s Journey
and haven’t picked up the first book in the Stitches in Time series, here’s a glimpse of
Her Restless Heart

Come meet Mary Katherine, her cousins Naomi and Anna, and their beloved grandmother, Leah, who run a very special shop in Paradise, Pennsylvania. Each young woman is devoted to her Amish faith and lifestyle, each is talented in the traditional Amish crafts and in new ways of doing business—yet each is unsure of her path in life and love. It will take a loving, insightful grandmother to guide them gently to see they can weave together their traditions and their desire to create, and forge loving marriages and families of their own.

And now for a sneak peek into the first chapter of
Her Restless Heart
, Book 1 of
Stitches in Time
, Mary Katherine’s story.


year ago, Mary Katherine wouldn’t have imagined she’d be here. Back then, she’d been helping her parents on the family farm and hating every minute of it.

Now, she stood at the front window of Stitches in Time, her grandmother’s shop, watching the
moving about on the sidewalks outside the shop in Paradise. Even on vacation, they rushed about with purpose. She imagined them checking off the places they’d visited: Drive by an Amish farmhouse. Check. Buy a quilt and maybe some knitting supplies to try making a sweater when I get back home. Check.

She liked the last item. The shop had been busy all morning, but now, as people started getting hungry, they were patronizing the restaurants that advertised authentic Amish food and ticking off another item on their vacation checklist. Shoofly pie. Amish pretzels. Chow chow. Check.

“Don’t you worry, they’ll be back,” Leah, her grandmother, called out.

Smiling, Mary Katherine turned. “I know.”

She wandered back to the center of the shop, set up like the comfortable parlor of an Amish farmhouse. Chairs were arranged in a circle around a quilting frame. Bolts of fabric of
every color and print imaginable were stacked on shelves on several walls, spools of matching threads on another.

And yarn. There were skeins and skeins of the stuff. Mary Katherine loved running her hands over the fluffy fibers, feeling the textures of cotton and wool and silk—even some of the new yarns made of things like soybean and corn that didn’t feel the same when you knitted them or wove them into patterns but some people made such a fuss over them because they were made of something natural, plant-based, or more sustainable.

Mary Katherine thought it was a little strange to be using vegetables you ate to make clothes but once she got her hands on the yarns, she was impressed. Tourists were, too. They used terms like “green” and “ecological” and didn’t mind spending a lot of money to buy them. And was it so much different to use vegetables when people had been taking oily, smelly wool from sheep and turning it into garments for people—silk from silkworms—that sort of thing?

“You have that look on your face again,” her grandmother said.

Mary Katherine smiled. “What look?”

“That serious, thoughtful look of yours. Tell me what you’re thinking of.”

“Working on my loom this afternoon.”

“I figured you had itchy fingers.” Her grandmother smiled.

She sighed. “I’m so glad you rescued me from working at the farm. And
not understanding about my weaving.”

Leah nodded and sighed. “Some people need time to adjust.”

Taking one of the chairs that was arranged in a circle around the quilt her grandmother and Naomi worked on, Mary Katherine propped her chin in her hand, her elbow on the arm of the chair. “It’d be a lot easier if I knitted or quilted.”

Leah looked at her, obviously suppressing a smile. “You have never liked ‘easy,’ Mary Katherine.”

Laughing, she nodded. “You’re right.”

Looking at Naomi and Anna, her cousins aged twenty and twenty-three, was like looking into a mirror, thought Mary Katherine. The three of them could have been sisters, not cousins. They had a similar appearance—oval faces, their hair center-parted and tucked back under snowy white
, and slim figures. Naomi and Anna had even chosen dresses of a similar color, one that reminded Mary Katherine of morning glories. In her rush out the door, Mary Katherine had grabbed the first available dress and now felt drab and dowdy in the brown dress she’d chosen.

Yes, they looked much alike, the three of them.

Until Mary Katherine stood. She’d continued growing after it seemed like everyone else had stopped. Now, at 5’8”, she felt like a skinny beanpole next to her cousins. She felt awkward next to the young men she’d gone to school with. Although she knew it was wrong, there had been times when she’d secretly wished that God had made her petite and pretty like her cousins. And why had he chosen to give her red hair and freckles? Didn’t she have enough she didn’t like about her looks without that?

And Naomi and Anna always looked calm and serene, as they did now. Mary Katherine had always had a problem with that—oh, not with Naomi and Anna. Who could have a problem with them?

No, Mary Katherine had always almost bubbled with energy, and lately it seemed her moods were going up and down like the road on a rolling hill.

“Feeling restless?” Naomi asked, looking at her with concern. Nimbly, she made a knot, snipped the thread with her scissors, then slid her needle in a pincushion.

Anna looked up from her knitting needles. “Mary Katherine was born restless.”

“I think I’ll take a quick walk.”

“No,” Leah said quickly, holding up a hand. “Let’s eat first, then you can take a walk. Otherwise you’ll come back and customers will be here for the afternoon rush and you’ll start helping and go hungry.”

Mary Katherine was already mentally out the door but she nodded her agreement. “You’re right, of course.”

Leah was a tall, spare woman who didn’t appear old enough to be anyone’s grandmother. Her face was smooth and unlined and there wasn’t a trace of gray in her hair, worn like her granddaughters.

“I made your favorite,” Leah told Mary Katherine.

“Fried chicken? You made fried chicken? When did you have time to do that?”

Nodding, Leah tucked away her sewing supplies and stood. “Before we came to work this morning. It didn’t take long.” She turned to Naomi. “And I made your favorite.”

Naomi had been picking up stray strands of yarn from the wood floor. She looked up, her eyes bright. “Macaroni and cheese?”

“Oatmeal and raisin cookies?” Anna wanted to know. When her grandmother nodded, she set down her knitting needles and stood. “Just how early did you get up? Are you having trouble sleeping?”

“No earlier than usual,” Leah replied cheerfully. “I made the macaroni and cheese and the cookies last night. But I don’t need as much sleep as some other people I know.”

“Can you blame me for sleeping in a little later?” Mary Katherine asked. “After all of those years of helping with farm chores? Besides, I was working on a design last night.”

“Tell us all about it while we eat,” Naomi said, glancing at the clock. “We won’t have long before customers start coming in again.”

“I worry about Grandmother,” Anna whispered to Mary Katherine as they walked to the back room. “She does too much.”

“She’s always been like this.”

“Yes, but she’s getting older.”

“Ssh, don’t be saying that around her!”

Leah turned. “Did somebody say something?”

“Anna said she’s hungry,” Mary Katherine said quickly. “And she’s wondering what favorite of hers you made. After all, everything you make is Anna’s favorite.”

Anna poked Mary Katherine in the ribs but everyone laughed because it was true. What was amazing was that no matter how much Anna ate, she never gained weight.

Nodding, Leah continued toward the back room. “We’ll have it on the table in no time.”

Anna grabbed Mary Katherine’s arm, stopping her. “Shame on you,” she hissed. “You know it’s wrong to lie.” Then she shook her head. “What am I saying? You’ve done so much worse!”

“Me? I have not! I can’t imagine what you’re talking about.”

Turning so that her grandmother wouldn’t see, Anna lifted her fingers to her lips and mimed smoking a cigarette.

Mary Katherine blushed. “You’ve been spying on me.”

“Food’s ready!” Leah called.

“Don’t you dare tell her!” Mary Katherine whispered.

Anna’s eyes danced. “What will you give me if I don’t?”

She stared at her cousin. “I don’t have anything—”

“Your afternoon off,” Anna said suddenly. “That’s what I’ll take in trade.”

Before she could respond, Anna hurried into the back room.

Exasperated, Mary Katherine could do nothing but follow her.

The minute they finished eating, Mary Katherine jumped up and hurried over to wash her dishes. “I’ll be right back,” she promised, tying her bonnet on the run as she left the store.

Fall was in the air. She shivered a little but didn’t want to go back for her shawl. She shrugged. Once she got moving, she’d be warm enough.

She felt the curious stares as if she were touched.

But that was okay. Mary Katherine was doing a lot of staring of her own. She had a great deal of curiosity about the
and didn’t mind admitting it.

She just hoped that her grandmother didn’t know how much she’d thought about becoming one of them, of not being baptized into the Amish church.

As one of the tourists walked past, a pretty woman about her own age, Mary Katherine wondered what it felt like being covered in so little clothing. She suspected she’d feel half-naked in that dress she’d heard called a sundress. Although some of the tourists looked surprised when she and her cousins wore bright colors, the fact was that the
certainly didn’t mandate black dresses.

Color had always been part of Mary Katherine’s world. She’d loved all the shades of blue because they reminded her of the big blue bowl of the sky. Her father had complained that she didn’t get her chores done in a timely manner because she was always walking around … noticing. She noticed everything around her and absorbed the colors and textures and spent hours using them in her designs, which didn’t look like the quilts and crafts other Amish women created.

She paused at the display window of Stitches in Time. A wedding ring quilt that Naomi had sewn was draped over a quilt rack. Anna had knitted several darling little cupcake hats for babies, to protect their heads and ears from the cold. And there was her own woven throw made of many different fibers and textures and colors of burnt orange, gold, brown, and green. All echoed the theme of fall, of the weddings that would come with the cooling weather after summer harvests.

And all were silent testament to Leah’s belief in the creativity of her granddaughters, thought Mary Katherine with a smile. The shop featured the traditional crafts tourists might expect, but also the new directions the cousins came up with.

It was the best of both worlds, thought Mary Katherine as she ventured out into the throng of tourists lining the sidewalks.

Jacob saw Mary Katherine exit her grandmother’s shop. His timing was perfect because he’d heard from a secret source what time they took a break to eat at the shop during the day.

He watched her stop to gaze at the display window and she smiled. It was that smile that had attracted her to him. Oh, she was pretty with those big blue eyes and soft skin with a blush of rose over her cheekbones. But her smile.

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