The Heartbreak Cafe (5 page)

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Authors: Melissa Hill

BOOK: The Heartbreak Cafe
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thank goodness I wore this dress, Ruth thought satisfactorily. She
swung her hips ever so slightly; might as well give him something
to look at.

the ladies’ room, she took a moment to freshen up and gather her
thoughts. These last few days had been incredible, and she still
couldn’t believe how much ass-kissing was coming her way tonight.
Feeling the love from Hollywood’s most powerful was what she’d
always dreamed of and now she had it.

also had a lot of champagne and her head was spinning just a
little, although it was probably a combination of alcohol and the
intoxication of being so celebrated, she figured.

She was
still pinching herself that the TV series had become such a ratings
success and that according to the Hollywood press, she’d been a
major part of that success. Her agent Erik had just copper-fastened
an amazing second-series contract for her and with the way things
were going she wouldn’t have to worry about money for a long time
to come. There would be no more soul-destroying auditions, no more
stereotyped walk-on parts and best of all, no more sniping and
smart remarks from the Irish media. Hell, if this Emmy nomination
happened there could even be a L’Oreal contract in the works so
nobody back home could accuse her of being a failure now, could

Throughout her first few years in LA the media in Ireland had
been relentless in their criticism, apparently only too delighted
that Ruth Seymour hadn’t managed to break through. While in the
beginning Ruth had been reasonably confident, she still had no
illusions about how hard she’d have to work and what she needed to
do to make it in this town – although she honestly didn’t envisage
it would take so long. Her home country’s criticism had been very
hard to take and she just hoped that when she returned this time,
things would be different.

So while
she was looking forward to her return, she certainly wasn’t looking
forward to the ten-hour flight across the Atlantic, especially not
after all this champagne.

again sod it, she thought; tonight certainly wasn’t the night for
being sensible and she could sleep as much as she wanted on the
(first class) flight. Ruth knew better than most how fickle
Hollywood could be, so best to soak up as much of the fantasy as
possible while it lasted.

speaking of fantasy ...

When she
came back out Troy was leaning casually against the wall

Hello there,’ he said in an unmistakably flirtatious

Hello yourself.’

Man I love that accent,’ he gasped with a shake of his head
and for a brief moment, Ruth wasn’t sure what he was referring to
before it dawned on her. Damnit, alcohol often caused her to slip
back into her Irish brogue, something she’d really rather didn’t

Still, if
it worked for Troy…

smiled. ‘You never know, maybe next season the guys might write in
an affair for you with someone Irish.’

Me cheat on you with some piece of skirt? Not a chance.’ He
sidled closer and brushed an imaginary piece of lint from her
shoulder. Ruth shivered. While the critics often described their
on-screen performance as ‘sizzling’, in all the scenes they’d had
together, she’d never really thought about Troy in that way. And
whether it was the champagne or just the way he was looking at her,
she was beginning to understand what they were talking

I think you’re mixing me up with Mia,’ she teased. ‘It
wouldn’t be cheating.’

Yeah it would,’ Troy replied, gently pushing her into a
shadowy corner by the pay phones. Ruth’s breath caught in her
throat as he inclined his head and kissed her hungrily on the

He drew
his head back and smiled softly. ‘Much better when it’s not for the
cameras, huh?’

You can say that again,’ she agreed breathlessly, as he moved
in for another kiss.

But he
was right; this was nothing like kissing him on set – when usually
they were surrounded by a dozen people or more – this was … this
was incredible.

He ran
his hands gently across her body, faintly brushing her breasts
through the thin material of her dress before moving them back down
the small of her back and playing with the hem of her dress. His
tongue was hot and eager as he explored her lips and her mouth and
she pressed herself against him, her head swimming with a heady
combination of alcohol and lust.

couldn’t believe that she was in the arms of Troy Valentine and he
was kissing her, really kissing her!

You are so beautiful Ruth – did I tell you I’ve wanted to do
this since the first time I saw you?’ He littered her neck with
kisses and his lips eventually made their way to her cleavage, just
stopping where the fabric began. As he went lower; she could feel
his breath on her skin through the fabric and knew he was just as
excited as she was.

Well what
took you so long then? she wanted to say, hardly unable to believe
how incredible this night was turning out to be. It was the
ultimate Hollywood fairytale – so much better than she could have
possibly dreamed and she really didn’t want it to end.

Eventually Troy moved his mouth away, and looked into her
eyes. She could feel his chest rising and falling against her.
‘Ruth, let’s get the hell out of here.’

morning light streamed in through the windows. Ruth tentatively
opened her eyes, only to be hit with a major headache. Slowly
moving her head off the pillow she turned to confirm what she now
really hoped was just a dream. Oh hell…

co-star was lying on his back next to her, and while he was still
unmistakably handsome, the raw magnetism that was so much in
evidence last night was no longer apparent. What the hell had she
done? Troy moved in his sleep and began snoring heavily, and Ruth
suspected that when he woke up his headache would be just as bad as

She sat
up slowly and looked around. Where on earth were they? Trying to
recall the events of the previous evening, she vaguely remembered
her and Troy deciding to leave the party separately, so as to not
get anyone suspicious. They had decided that they would go to the
Chateau Marmont, not the most inconspicuous place for celebrities,
but quite obviously, neither of them were thinking

Troy must
have called ahead, or certainly someone did, because she didn’t
remember checking in, and hazily recalled the concierge meeting her
upon arrival and ushering her to a room. This room.

Troy had made it here first, because he was already waiting with
more Cristal. Ugh, she groaned, her stomach turning at the thought
of alcohol. She looked at the floor to see her glorious silver
dress lying in a heap on the ground beside the bed and her thirteen
hundred dollar (albeit free) shoes were thrown haphazardly on
opposite sides of the room. What the hell was she going to do? She
couldn’t leave in last nights’ clothes, not if the paparazzi had
been tipped off and were waiting; she would have to get Chloe to
bring her some.

becoming too much to handle, she rested her head back on the
pillows and closed her eyes.

More from
last night began to come back, although really it was probably only
a couple of hours since they’d settled down to sleep. Troy’s
playboy reputation sure was deserved and whatever about his brains,
he certainly had star power where it counted. He’d been pretty
incredible, so much so she recalled –slightly embarrassed now –
that it was a wonder security weren’t called they were so loud. Or
perhaps they were? Either way, they were celebrities and the hotel
was probably used to that kind of thing, Ruth reassured herself,
feeling somewhat shamefaced but at the same time, oddly

something was niggling at her, something at the very edge of her
consciousness. But what? OK, so she didn’t make a habit of sleeping
with other actors, and certainly not guys like Troy. But it had
been a surreal and excitingly intoxicating night. It almost felt
…right. Anyway it wasn’t as if –

the niggly feeling that had been bothering her came sharply into
focus. And just like that, the pleasant reveries she’d been
experiencing a moment ago deserted her. Ruth started to breathe
heavy, oh …oh no.

jumped out of the bed and started to survey the remains of the
night before, clothes, champagne bottles, sheets, her purse, his
phone … and the condom.

Oh no, oh
no, they must have done it a hundred times. Suddenly all the
details came rushing back to her in Technicolor; him moving on top
of her, her laughing and wrapping her legs tightly around him like
she couldn’t get enough of him. The condom splitting … the two of
them pausing for a second but then continuing on


Ruth felt
bile rising in her throat. She raced into the bathroom and stared
in horror at herself in the mirror. The glossy goddess from last
night was long gone. Her mascara was smeared on her face, her hair
was dull and shag-tangled and she could feel sticky sweaty residue
on her skin. She leaned heavily on the bathroom’s marble counter
and turned on the water, splashing it on her face while she
repeated a mantra to herself over and over.

couldn’t be happening…it wasn’t happening… it wouldn’t happen. Not
now, not after last night, not with him. Not when everything was
falling into place, when her life was exactly how she wanted it to
be, when she was living the dream.

stifled a sob. She had to get out of here, and fast.

She crept
back into the bedroom and helped herself to one of the rich, white,
terrycloth robes the hotel provided. Troy was still sleeping
heavily and careful not to wake him, she took her phone out of her
purse, and made her way outside onto the balcony.

answered on the first ring. ‘Chloe, it’s Ruth, I need you to bring
me some clothes to Chateau Marmont, as fast as possible,

Are you OK? I’ve been so worried, I never heard from you after
the party and well, your flight is today and I….’ the concern in
her assistant’s voice was palpable. Ruth looked at her watch and
wanted to cry; she was supposed to be on a plane to Dublin in a few

damn, damn.

I know, please just hurry, OK?’

Sure, but what on earth are you doing in the Chateau

Ruth bit
her lip. ‘I kind of … met someone.’

Oh – anyone I know?’ Chloe teased gently, and for some reason
her playful tone made Ruth feel better – as if real Hollywood stars
got up to this kind of thing all the time.

Well …Troy Valentine, actually,’ she admitted wincing, yet at
the same time she couldn’t help but feel sort of …proud.

expected, Chloe was seriously impressed. ‘Troy Valentine? Wow!
Sounds like one hell of a night.’

forced a smile. It would have been, apart from … ‘It was but look,
I really need to get out of here soon in order to make my flight,
so if you could –’

Got it. I’ll be there soon, don’t worry, you’re all packed,
we’ll get you to the airport on time. And don’t forget to slip in
the Manolos.’

swallowed back tears, realising she never wanted to see those shoes

Chloe, there’s one other thing … something else I

Sure, what is it, what can I do?’

thought about it. She could trust Chloe, couldn’t she? Of course,
she could, this kind of thing happened all the time in this town,
and her worldly-wise assistant probably wouldn’t bat an eyelid.
Either way, she didn’t have much of a choice, as she could hardly
saunter out in public for it – either here or back home, could

I need you to buy me something and put it in my suitcase
before you get here,’ she said, her voice shaking. ‘Something

Of course. What do you need?’

This has to be just between us, OK?’

Goes without saying. Name it.’

swallowed hard and closed her eyes.

The morning after pill.’

Chapter 4

Nina had
spent her first night in Lakeview tossing and turning, thinking
over all of her problems. She knew that the quiet of the
countryside and the travelling that she did that day should have
knocked her out, but instead she lay awake staring at the

She was
bothered by many things; to start with, the break-up with Steve.
This time last month she had been as happy as she’d ever been, with
no clue of what was to come and certainly no reason to suspect that
anything was amiss.

How could
I have been so stupid? she wondered bitterly. Still, no matter how
much she loved him, or how much he’d hurt her, she knew she’d made
the right decision in ending the relationship. But as if breaking
up with him wasn’t bad enough, they’d worked together in the same
company and Nina knew she couldn’t bear having to face him every
day – especially now – which was why she’d decided to pack up her
entire life in Galway and come back East. As things stood, she had
no relationship, no job, and a whole lot of other

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