The Harder I Fall (14 page)

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Authors: Jessica Gibson

BOOK: The Harder I Fall
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“Really? You’re making me a grandma?” She flew to them and hugged them, pressing kisses to both of their cheeks.

“I was dying to tell you last night, but Seth said this would be better.” Sienna wiped at the tears on her cheeks.

“This was perfect. You both have made me so happy.” She beamed at them.

Samuel hugged Seth and they talked quietly off to the side.

Levi nudged me and pushed a present at me. “Go on, you know you want to.”

I tore through the paper and found a brand new MacBook Air. I gasped, looking at Ruth who was smiling brightly.

“Levi said you could use a laptop so you didn't always have to go to the library to study.”

It was such a thoughtful gift. I got up and hugged her tightly. “Thank you.”

“You are more than welcome, honey. Now scoot over and open the rest of those gifts.”

An hour later, we were all still in the family room, surrounded by piles of wrapping paper, and all of our gifts. I had gotten the laptop, an iPad, a brand new iPhone with the service contract already taken care of, a leather messenger bag, and a gift card for new pointe shoes from the little ballet store in town by campus. I also got tons of leotards and tights, more than I’d ever owned in my life. Levi got a lot of the same things except the ballet stuff. He got a new laptop and iPad and iPhone. He also got a mountain of clothes and a ton of books.

“Are you happy?” he whispered.

“My heart is so full of love right now, Levi; you have no idea.”

“Good, you deserve all of this, and more. I love you so much, Becca.” He slid a small black box over to me.

“What is this? You already got me my present.”

“Just open it.” I did, and inside, nestled against the velvet, was a beautiful diamond solitaire necklace that matched my earrings perfectly.

“This is too much.” I covered my mouth with my hand.

“No, it’s not nearly enough.” He kissed me. “Do you like it?”

“It’s amazing, Levi, truly perfect.” I turned so he could slip it around my neck.

“Come with me?” He pulled me to my feet and we slipped out of the room while everyone was busy with their gifts.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“To finish what we started this morning.” The look of hunger in his eyes made my stomach flip. His lips were on me as soon as we got near my door. He had both hands fisted in my hair and my back against the wall.

I walked us into the room so we wouldn't be interrupted. He had his shirt off before the door was fully clothed. “What’s gotten into you?” I giggled as he stripped off my robe and tore at my shirt.

“You. You’ve gotten into me, under my skin.” He crushed his mouth against mine with such primal energy it made my toes curl.



some more?” Levi asked me over breakfast the next morning.

“Yes! I’m so excited to see everything. Where are we going first?”

“I thought we could go see Times Square and all the stuff over there before the ballet tonight. Sound okay?”

“Sounds perfect.” I grinned.

“Don’t tire her out too much. I want a shopping day tomorrow.” Ruth winked at me.


“Yeah, I want to take you everywhere.” She patted my hand.

I nodded and took a sip of my coffee.
More things?
I already felt spoiled after Christmas.

“Stop thinking so much; just go with it,” Levi whispered

After breakfast, Levi and I set out into the city to explore. Times Square was amazing. So much activity and color. There were people everywhere. I didn’t think I’d ever been in a crowd that big.

“It’s something, isn't it?” he asked.

“Yeah, kind of overwhelming. I didn't expect so many people.”

“Well, it’s New York, kind of par for the course.”

“Yeah, but you saw where I grew up.” I laughed.

“Point taken. How about lunch? I want to take you to a little place down the street. Best burgers around.”

“I’m game.”

We strolled hand in hand through the busy streets and I was in Heaven. Levi was so good for me; he brought me out of myself and let me feel again. I stopped and pulled his lips down to mine for a quick kiss.

“What was that for?” he asked.

“Nothing. I’m just really happy, and you’re the reason for it.”

“I always want to make you happy.” He brushed his lips against mine.

“You’re doing a great job at it.” I smiled.

The rest of the day was a blur of activity. We saw everything there was for me to see in the few hours we were downtown. We headed home in a cab so we could get ready for the ballet with his parents.

“Did you kids have fun?” Ruth asked when we found her in the living room reading.

“The best time ever,” I said enthusiastically.

“Becca, I laid out a dress for you on your bed for tonight.”

I had never been one to get excited about fashion, but I ran up the stairs to my room to see what she got for me. It was a delicate burgundy tulle dress. It reminded me of a tutu, and I had to think that’s what she was going for when she picked it up. The top was simple with a sweetheart neckline and thin straps. At the waist, layers and layers of tulle fell down to just past my knees. It was really beautiful. I ran back down and hugged Ruth tightly. “It’s perfect; thank you.”

“It’s nice to spoil a girl every now and again. God blessed me with all boys, so I tend to go all out for the special girls in their lives. Now run up and get showered. The hairdresser and makeup artists will be here in an hour.” She kissed my cheek and shooed Levi and me out of the room.

“Can I see the dress?” he asked just outside of my room.

“Nope, I want you to be surprised.” I slipped into the room and locked the door. I took a bath in the huge jacuzzi tub in the bathroom and used some ridiculously fancy bath products that made me smell like heaven. Emerging thirty minutes later scrubbed and polished, I dressed in a fluffy robe with a towel wrapped around my head.

“Becca, are you decent?” Ruth’s voice called from outside the door.

“Yeah, hang on.” I tied my robe a bit tighter and opened the door for her.

“The hair and makeup people are here; if you would rather they start with me first, that’s fine.”

“No, just tell me where you want me and I’m there.”

“Emile, Amber, in here first, please.” She ushered in a tall, thin man with long dark hair and dark eyes, and a glamazon of a woman with screaming red hair and green eyes.

“They will take great care of you, darling. See you in a bit.” Ruth winked at me and left the room.

“I’m Emile. I’ll be handling your hair. What were you thinking you wanted to do with it?”

“I’m not sure. That’s my dress over there, so whatever you think will look good with it.”

He settled on leaving my hair loose around my shoulders in soft curls. Amber took over next.

“Any makeup preferences?”

“Nope, I’m a blank canvas. Just not too crazy since we’re going to the ballet to see
The Nutcracker

She turned me away from the mirror and got to work. This was not a new experience for me; when you dance in enough ballet recitals, you get sort of used to being poked and prodded by makeup artists.

“Becca, can I come in?” Levi asked from the hall.

“Nope, you have to wait until I’m all done. Now shoo; I’ll be done soon.” I laughed.

“Fine, but hurry up. I’m lonely out here.”

“Lonely, in a house full of people? Get out of here and stop your whining.”

“Wow, you’re mean now.” He chuckled.

“See you soon.”

“He sounds like he’s way into you.” Amber grinned at me.

“The feeling is mutual. He came in and totally swept me off my feet. I was not at all prepared for someone like Levi.”

“He’s really hot, too, so that’s a plus.”

“I couldn't agree more.”

I let her finish me up, I was eager to go to the show. “Ready to see?” she asked.


She handed me a mirror and I was shocked by the girl I found looking back at me. Gone was the shy teenager, and in her place was a sultry vixen. Amber had done smoky dark grey on my eyes and a plum color on my lips.

“Wow, just wow. You made me look so grown up.”

“Do you like it?”

“I really do.”

“Get dressed and go knock him on his ass.” She waved and went off in search of either Sienna or Ruth. I slipped into the beautiful dress Ruth had bought me and did a little twirl in the mirror. I put on the sky high heels that matched and stood back to look at the whole package put together.

“Becca?” Levi knocked softly on the door. “I can't be patient anymore; please say you’re done.”

“I’m done,” I said softly and opened the door.

His eyes widened and a smile spread across his face. “You look amazing.” He walked around me to see me from all angles. “Those shoes should be illegal.”

“You like them?” I batted my lashes at him.

“Very much.” He stepped toward me but I held up a hand to stop him.

“Oh no, we are not messing up this look, mister. You’re just going to have to wait until after the show for any of that.”

He sighed. “It’s going to be a long night.”

The limo ride to the theater was loud and full of laughter. Ruth had gotten us amazing seats; I was practically vibrating with excitement.

As the curtain rose, and the ballerinas began to dance, I was lost in a trance. They were so beautiful and flawless. Every step, every twirl, was done with perfection. I could imagine myself on that stage with them, dancing.

“What did you think of the show?” Ruth asked in the limo on the way back home.

“It was more than amazing. I can't wait until I’m good enough to audition for the NYC Ballet.”

“You’re already good enough, and I think you’ve probably been good enough since you were sixteen.” Levi squeezed my hand.

I laughed. “I’m not anywhere near ready. Give me a few years.”

“I’ll take you for another few years, I guess.” He pulled me closer to him.

The rest of the trip went by way too quickly. Ruth took me shopping and bought me more clothes than any one person should own. They took me to see the Empire State Building, The Statue of Liberty, and so many other places I couldn't even remember all of them. My favorite part, besides the ballet, was when we went and saw
on Broadway. I annoyed the crap out of Levi by singing all the songs over and over again.

On our last morning with his family, Ruth was all emotional. “It’s been so wonderful having you here, Becca. Please say you’ll come again soon?”

“Of course I will. This has been the most fun I’ve ever had. Going to the ballet was magical.”

“Are you sure you have to go today?” she asked Levi.

“Yeah, Mom, we do. If we want to unwind before classes start.”

“I just love having a full house.” She pinched his cheeks.

Julian picked us up right after breakfast and I annoyed them both with my terrible singing on the whole ride back to campus.





classes again. I’d enjoyed my time in New York with Levi’s family. He was over in my dorm room the night before the new semester started. We were watching movies and he was helping me unpack all of the new stuff his family had gotten me.

“Can we pretend that we’re still on vacation?” I sighed, hanging up the new coat Ruth had bought me on our last day together.

“What’s this? A Becca who doesn’t want to jump back into her crazy routine?” He laughed at me.

“I don’t mind my routine; in fact, I thrive on it. I just don’t want to study until all hours of the night anymore.”

“But you wouldn’t care if it was dancing until the wee hours of the morning?”

“No, I wouldn’t. My feet would probably hate me, though. As it is, we’re already not on speaking terms.” He looked at me with a weird look on his face. “What?”

“I just realized. I’ve never seen your bare feet before.”

“Yeah, I have a thing about people not seeing my feet.”

“Okay, pop those socks off,” he said.

“Not going to happen.”

“Is that a challenge?” He arched a brow and looked at me with a predatory expression on his face.

“You wouldn’t.”

“Try me.”

I ran and threw my boots on my feet so he would have a harder time getting to my bare skin. “Come here,” he said.

“Uh uh.” I stood up and made a break for the door.

“Go ahead and run, baby; I’m going to catch you.”

I got as far as the couch before he caught me and swung me up in the air. I shrieked as he swatted my butt. “Let’s see those toes.”

“Fine,” I giggled. “Let me down and I’ll show you.”

He lowered me to my feet and I sank to the couch to pull my boots off. “I don’t know what you’re expecting here. Dancer’s feet are not pretty. My toes are black and blue.”

“Just curious.” He shrugged.

I peeled my socks off and showed him. “See? Not pretty.”

“Does it hurt? When you dance on your toes?” he asked.

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