The Hard Way (Box Set) (29 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Burke

Tags: #BIN 07020-02261

BOOK: The Hard Way (Box Set)
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She shrugged her shoulders and her coat seemed to shimmer down her body, leaving her in the leather cat suit, her mahogany skin glowing against the dark material. “Your people are to blame for what is befalling you now, Johansen. Your people are the filth and the scum that I have come to despise more than my dependence on human blood. Your people made me what I am today, little one. And I think I’m due a little payback, don’t you?”

Johansen shuddered, feeling the tight hard body above him, the coolness of her cheeks against his face as she hissed her words. A whimper escaped his throat and, he was almost ashamed to admit, a tingle rose in his groin. His cock needed no excuse to react to a beautiful creature; the fact that her fangs were at his throat became a non-issue.

The heat of her body, the feel of actual contact… it was almost too much. And the threat she represented… his blood tingled and his mind snapped into hunt mode.

Maybe she wasn’t insane after all. Maybe there was something left for him to do here. Maybe this one would be around for a while. Admittedly, he was a spoiled, running, coward of a prince, but he never turned down a good piece of pussy. That she was humanoid in shape was all the better. But her talking -- he’d never thought he would be saying this after so long a drought of intelligent contact, but… “Will you please shut the fuck up?”

The words were still rusty, his voice rough with disuse, but it was enough to make the vampire pay attention. “Excuse me?” she hissed, her eyes glowing an eerie red, the color of aged brandy, as she lifted her head and stared at the Dryad beneath her in disbelief.

“I said shut the fuck up. It’s a quaint human term for be quiet, as you are annoying me.”

The vampire sat back on her heels, her wide-spread thighs encasing his upper body as she rested both hands on her hips. “Excuse me?”

“There is no excuse for you,” he snapped back. He lifted his hands to sink them behind his head, arching up his hips and jostling her a bit. She placed both her hands on his chest to hold her balance, glaring, hard.

“You barge in here, looking sexy and lost, only to pounce on me and try to make me your lunch? Please tell me, former human, what game are you trying to play?”

“I am playing no game, Dryad. I am here… um…”

“You don’t have any idea why you are here. Same as me,” he sighed.

“You really didn’t bring me here?”

“The three men on the elevator with their pretty asses? That was all me?”

“You do have a point.” She shifted lower, making him hiss as her pelvis pressed against the thick, growing flesh beneath her.

“And you’re sitting on it,” he reminded her. He arched his hips again, a sly smirk crossing his lips. “What are you going to do about it?”

“I could,” she purred, “drain you until it disappeared, but that would get me no answers.”

“And it would severely impede my day. Or is it night?” he asked, eyeing the female that sat atop his body as if she owned it.

“Night, Einstein.” She rolled her eyes, then tried to roll off the Dryad now that he wasn’t any fun to play with.

Hard, blue-tinted hands on her thighs stopped her. “And where do you think you’re going?”

“Getting the hell off of you and finding a way to get the hell out of here?” Her singsong voice seemed to be just the thing to agitate him further.

“What about making good on what your actions are promising me?”

“I promised you a bite and a suck…”

“Yeah, suck me,” he purred, his tongue flicking out at her, its unusual forked length drawing her attention.

“Man, you are full of surprises,” she answered, her interest piqued. “You kind of intrigue me.”

“Good, cause I kind of want your body.”

“And just like that, I’m supposed to give it to you?” Her eyebrows rose, as did her rate of breathing. Those magnificent breasts quivered behind all that leather.

“No. I expect I’ll have to fight you for it, like every other good thing in my life.”

“So now I’m good?”

“You had better be,” he growled, arching his hips and tilting her off his body and onto the mattress beside him. He ignored her squeak of surprise and quickly reversed their positions. “You had better be
good, for what you were offering.”

“A bite…”

“And a suck,” he breathed, noting that her pupils were beginning to dilate in her growing need. The peaks of her breasts hardened beneath the constricting leather, and her heart had begun to pound.

“I only suck my friends,” she purred, licking her own lips, exposing dainty fangs that were just a mite too sharp and shiny to be human.

“And your enemies?” he asked, leaning toward those glowing red eyes like a moth to a flame. “What do you do to your enemies?”

“I fuck them… over,” she hissed.

Then, before he could react, she lurched up, those dainty fangs extending into something monstrous and evil as they latched onto the skin of his neck, piercing the flesh, releasing the rich blue blood that flowed through his veins.

“I don’t know if I want to love you or hate you,” she gasped. He allowed her to move him to his side, permitted her to take the dominant position, allowed his throat to be savaged.

“Either way --” His hand reached up to grip her shoulders, his nails sliding down the slick leather to latch onto her elbows as his erection sprang into full hardness. “-- it’s a hell of a way to go.”

Chapter Three


His taste was rich like blood, yet light like water and air.

Ash moaned, allowing the rich blue blood to run down into her mouth, coating her throat. She moaned at the flavor, the texture, at the way it sent heat coiling through her stomach and quenched her thirst like nothing else had ever been able to do.

He was addictive, this Dryad of hers.

She sucked hard at his neck, knowing she was leaving all sorts of hickies and bruises, and finding it impossible to care one whit. As for her prey, he was reacting beautifully to her bite, not that the little bastard could react any other way.

But the tendrils of heat that traveled through her body -- that was unexpected. She closed her eyes, concentrating on the high quality of his blue blood, and moaned in delight.

This one was a royal. Royal blood had the added bonus of sustaining her kind for weeks off of one feeding. And it looked like she would be here a while, if the little bastard was telling the truth. She stiffened a bit as she felt hands running through her hair, tugging off her leather band and massaging her scalp, urging her onward in her desperate meal.

It was that more than anything that caused her to pull back.

She absently lapped at the bleeding puncture marks, encouraging the Dryad’s healing, and settled more comfortably on the hot bulge now pressing against her ass in a most teasing fashion. She knew her eyes had taken on a blue tint, the tint of the royal blood that now flowed in her veins, and it was with this new energy that she observed her prey.

“Why did you stop?” he panted, his eyes dilated in pleasure as his hands left the tangle of her hair to run down her back. “Things were just getting interesting, you cock-tease.”

“It wasn’t done to please you.” She tried to sound petulant, but it came out more aggressive than anything. She shrugged her shoulders and continued. “It was done for my benefit. I was hungry, and you are too tempting to let go untasted.”

“And all that shit about your condition being my fault…?”

“Well, it is. You have some fucked up people. Or should I say you are one fucked up fellow. Damn royals.”

He arched one eyebrow as his hips took up a grinding motion against her ass. “Not fucked enough,” he sighed sadly, his hands now resting on her ass, kneading the firm flesh there.

“And not as fucked as you want to be,” she chuckled, grinding her ass back in retaliation, listening to his indrawn hiss of breath as his cock hardened even further.

“That will be settled later,” he informed her archly, ignoring her rolling eyes as he continued to speak. “What do Dryads have to do with you being a vampire?”

“Well, it was one of you bastards who tricked me into this damn existence in the first place.” She sniffed. “You people and your damn deals.”

“You made the bargain.” His hands left her ass to rub up and down her sides.

“True.” She melted a bit, but decided to firm her resolve. One shouldn’t play with one’s food. It was not proper manners. “But then again, it was a life and death thing. I was rash in my decision making.”

“In all my years --” His voice grew deeper as he stroked along the tantalizing length of leather over soft, cool skin. “-- I have never heard of a Dryad turning a human into a vampire.”

“And you discount those legends of us not being able to cross running water?” she asked, before she decided enough was enough. She slapped his hands away, ignoring his disappointed groan, and rose to her feet.

“So they are true?” he asked, his eyes following the long lines of her body as she stretched and rubbed at her obviously full tummy before bending to pull off a boot.

“Crosses don’t mean diddly.” She dropped one boot and immediately started working the other off of her foot. “Garlic is a great seasoning if you like flavorful food and a low cholesterol count. Fire burns anyone, not just vampires, and sunlight only gives my skin a real pretty red-gold tan. You should see me in the summer.”

“Then you are just a blood-sucking psycho who cock teases where she can?” He sat up and began working on the buttons of his shirt.

“No,” she laughed, slapping him on the leg to get him to move over a bit. “I am an immortal blood-sucking nympho psycho who has a real serious taste for Dryads and apparently hotel rooms with no way out.”

“Good to know your faults,” he chuckled, removing his shirt and tossing it aside.

“Yeah.” She smiled. “That Dryad blood thing is a real bitch.”

“So.” He watched her hands go to the back fasteners of her cat suit. “Why are we undressing?”

“I am undressing because feeding on you has made me horny. You are undressing because you are just a horny individual. If you can get it up after being attacked by a raging nympho blood-sucking vampire with issues, then you are probably kinky enough to satisfy my nympho needs.”

“Oh.” It was the only reply he could muster in the face of this beautiful black woman ripping off her clothing in preparation to screw him. “Yeah,” he muttered as he watched the top portion of leather and thread halter slide down to show the most beautiful pair of firm ripe breasts he had ever seen. “Hooray for nymphos with issues.”

Chapter Four


“Strip.” Ash’s eyes glowed red.

“After you,” he snarled, crossing his arms, his gaze just as intense.

“Humph.” She rolled her eyes. The leather pants of the suit were still tight against the rounded flesh of her ass. She turned her back to him, running her nails across her thighs.

“You like what you see?” she purred, slapping her ass and making the cheeks jiggle.

“I’d like it better if it were bare.” Johansen’s heart raced and his mouth watered. Ash might be crazy, but she had one hell of an ass.

She cackled and winked, then slipped her thumbs under the waist of the suit. Slowly, she began to ease it down. Johansen licked his lips, his hands going to his swollen cock, rubbing it through the layers of cotton that shielded him. Slowly the pants came down, exposing her bare ass one rounded inch at a time, until they rested below her thighs.

“I know you’re going to love this, sugar.” She spoke softly, her hands roaming over her exposed flesh.

Johansen almost swallowed his tongue when she bent over and ran two fingers over the rounded cheeks of her ass and across the curls that guarded her pussy. She was swollen and pink and wet as hell. Her juices ran freely to glaze her thighs as she rubbed her labia in small circles.

“You want to taste me?” she asked, staring at him from over her shoulder, her grin exposing the dainty tips of her fangs.

“You know you want me to.” His voice was husky and deep, his fingers working the buttons that held his pants closed over his blood-engorged cock. He could feel beads of slick pre-cum building up around the head, and he itched to pull back the foreskin to tease his arousal further.

Laughing low in her throat, Ash rose and bent at the knees this time, her eyes locked to his. She eased one leg free of the tight cat suit.

“I want you to eat me like this.” Her breasts quivered with her breathing as she rose up and started toward him. “It makes it nasty when you fuck half-dressed.”

“Nasty.” He chuckled. “I think nasty is about my speed.”

Arching his hips, he tugged his pants down to his knees, hissing as the hard cock slapped against the tight flesh of his stomach, sprinkling droplets of pre-cum like morning dew.

“All for me?” Ash shuddered, stepping closer to the bed and the erect Dryad who stared hungrily at her.

“As much as you can take,” he agreed, patting his thighs and arching his hips.

But when Ash approached the bed, Johansen moved with preternatural speed. Ash found herself lying flat on her back, her legs spread and a horny Fey hanging over her.

“Now I am going to have a little taste…” He roughly spread her legs apart and buried his face in her wet folds of flesh. Moaning, he dug his fingers into her ass, grunting as she arched up into his touch.

His tongue dipped and darted, chasing the musky taste of her as her juices flowed. He slurped and sucked, his tongue flicking at her clit before dropping to her labia, nibbling and sucking at them.

“Oh, God, sugar!” Ash shrieked as she fought against his hold to thrust her hips at him, to get his face deeper into her pussy. “Eat me!”

Shaking his head from side to side, Johansen dropped low enough to manipulate her clit with his nose as his tongue darted into her opening, inhaling her scent and getting her pure essence on his tongue.

“You taste so good, Ash,” he growled, feeling himself begin to unravel. One hand left her ass to drop down to his erection. “Fuckin’ yeah.” He fisted his cock in his hand and whimpered at its swollen state. He knew that if he applied too much pressure, too much stimulation, he would blow against the sheets, and that would be an inconceivable waste. He began to thrust down into his grip with the same rhythm his tongue had taken up slipping in and out of Ash’s cunt.

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