The Hard Way (Box Set) (26 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Burke

Tags: #BIN 07020-02261

BOOK: The Hard Way (Box Set)
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“Enough!” Hatori shouted, throwing his head back at the pleasure his submissive was delivering to him. He leaned over, his hair falling around Evan, shielding his expression as he struggled to maintain control to make this joining easy for his gamma.

Evan obediently pulled his hand away and waited, whimpering as his alpha male hovered over him.

“It isss time,” Hatori finally whispered, tossing his hair back to show eyes that now glittered with a silver undertone, hungry eyes waiting to devour the sight of his gamma.

Evan’s legs pressed together and Hatori rolled him to his left side.

Evan whimpered his distress, thinking his alpha was leaving him. Hatori was quick to reassure him.

“It isss easssier for you this way,” he breathed. “Let me ssshow you.”

Hatori slid behind Evan, letting his hard cock trail over the full, round cheeks of his ass. He positioned himself behind his submissive, spooning him protectively. Evan sighed at the position, feeling safe and enclosed in his alpha’s arms, surrounded by his alpha’s scent.

He closed his eyes for a moment to savor the feeling, then opened them to see something that convinced him he had died and gone to heaven.

Delia sat before him, reclining on her furs, enjoying the show her Alpha partner and their shared submissive were putting on. She spread her legs and toyed with her clit with one plump finger. Her wings were spread out around her, framing the vision of her fingers masturbating her pussy with loving care as she purred her pleasure.

Evan’s attention returned abruptly to the matter at hand when Hatori shifted his top leg, his right leg, forward, and exposed his stretched hole.

Evan whimpered as fear again filled him. This was it, he knew, his taking… but the driving hunger that ruled his existence surged forward, eradicating his anxiety. He arched backwards, gasping as Hatori’s cock rubbed against his opening, spreading more of the body-warmed oil around.

“Delia, watch his eyes,” Hatori called to his alpha partner as his hands ran across Evan’s chest, pinching the nipple he had marked and tugging at it gently. “Tell me ifff it isss too much fffor him.”

“Please!” Evan hissed again, losing himself in the painful sensation funneling through his chest as Hatori placed his cock at the wrinkled lips of his opening.

“Ssshh,” Hatori hissed. “Now, Pet. Now you will be forevvver mine.”

Evan opened his mouth to scream as Hatori pushed the thick head of his cock past the barrier of muscles protecting his ass. But before the sound could escape, two of Delia’s fingers, slick with the moisture of her lust, filled his mouth.

Moaning, Evan wrapped his tongue around those flavorful digits and sucked contentedly as he felt his ass spread and filled by his alpha male.

“Eassssy, Pet,” Hatori murmured, closing his eyes against the sensation of his cock parting the soft, virgin territory of Evan’s body. Tight was not a strong enough word to describe the gripping muscles that snapped closed around the head of his cock.

Evan whimpered in distress, and Hatori murmured softy into his ear, gentling him by caressing his chest and his stomach.

“Pussssh out, little one. Pusssh out like you would repel my invassssion.”

Evan grunted as he forced his muscles to push down and suddenly Hatori slid in deeper. The effort to repel Hatori’s cock opened his muscles and several inches of ribbed cock slipped deep within his ass. Evan wailed at the combination of pain and pleasure and the feeling of being penetrated and overstuffed too quickly.

But before he could even cry out, a tight, wet heat encircled the head of his dick. He looked down to see Delia lying on her side, his softening cock in her hand. “Shh, puppy,” she soothed. “Relax and let it happen.”

Then those generous, rose-colored lips surrounded the head of his cock, and the blood rushed back to fill the stiffening flesh, making him hard and throbbing once more.

“Mmm,” Delia purred. “Virgin seed straight from the tap.”

Evan started at her comment, shuddering as his loss of tension allowed even more of Hatori to push inside Evan’s tight sheath.

“Oh, I know you fucked females before, Puppy, but until you have been fully taken by your alphas, those others were just foreplay.”

Then Hatori, adjusting his position, pulled back a little and thrust in again.

Stars! Suddenly Evan’s vision was filled with stars and bold white explosions. Hatori’s adjustment allowed the ribbed shaft and swollen head of his cock to run directly over Evan’s prostate, sending shock waves of pleasure surging through his body.

Evan threw his head back and whimpered around Delia’s fingers, tears again trickling from his tightly shut eyes as his body finally relaxed and accepted all of Hatori.

“There, baby,” Delia pulled off long enough to whisper. “That wasn’t so bad, now was it?”

Before Evan could answer, Hatori pulled back and thrust again, gently but deeply, making sure every inch of his ribbed flesh ran against Evan’s pleasure button.

“You are mine!” Hatori hissed on his next thrust. “No one will ever have you like thissss!”

Thrust. “If anyone dares to touch my gamma, I will kill them!”

Thrust, thrust, thrust!

But this time, Evan was forcing himself back, filled with cock, having his own cock sucked, overwhelmed with sensation.

Absently, some part of his mind warned him he would be very sore, and that his taking was not over, but he refused to care. All he felt was the rough, raw pleasure of being forcibly taken, of being mastered, of being subdued and fucked into submission.

He reveled in it.

“Hot, tight, mine!” Hatori hissed, his forked tongue tickling Evan’s ear as he moved faster and faster, reveling in taking what was his by right and by strength, his mastery over his submissive sending fire throughout his body.

Faster and faster he slammed, his hands tightening on Evan’s hips as he thrust as deeply as he could, his balls slapping against Evan’s rounded ass with meaty thunks.


And Evan whole-heartedly agreed as he allowed his body to go limp under his alphas. Allowed his muscles to relax and he pushed his head into the furs, exposing his neck.

“Yes!” he shouted, pulling away from Delia’s fingers. Hatori raised his head and struck, his teeth sinking deeply into the tendons of his neck.

Evan’s vision exploded as his alpha’s teeth sank into his flesh, and somehow he knew this mark too, would be permanent.

Hatori’s cock was a large, cool piece that caressed his walls the right way, that tore gasps and cries of lust from his mouth. It was too much! He was overloading.

“I’m gonna come!” he suddenly shouted.

“No, you will not!” Hatori shouted back, ripping his teeth from his gamma’s neck, slamming his hips forward, feeling himself reaching the end, reaching completion.

Then, in a show of strength, Hatori rolled onto his back, dragging a struggling Evan with him.

Once there, Evan lay back to chest with Hatori. His cock, ripped from Delia’s mouth, was still standing wet and proud as Hatori held his hips still. Uncontrollably, Hatori humped upwards.

“God, yes!” Evan bellowed, throwing his arms out to his sides, his fingers fisting the furs as his alpha male rutted between his cheeks. “More! Please, more!”

“You…” Thrust. “Are…” Thrust. “Mine!”

Then Hatori exploded, washing Evan’s insides with a cool rush of semen that tingled and burned, even as it made Hatori’s continual thrusts easier. He felt Hatori’s seed leak out his ass and run down his balls, and it made him harder, hungrier, more desperate for fulfillment.

Hatori’s thrusts calmed, but he still remained a thick, solid, pillar within his ass. Evan whimpered, still needy, the hunger deep inside him not appeased, until he heard Delia’s laughter.

“Now it’s my turn.”

Chapter Nine


He started to move, first gripping his female’s waist and plunging forward as hard as he could. Then he slammed backwards, dragging his cock from her tight, moist heat and filling himself full of thick, throbbing cock

Animalistic howls and screams erupted from his throat as he threw his head back in ecstasy

He felt his nails explode from his fingers, turning into wicked claws that sank into his female’s generous flesh. The scent of blood, her howls of pleasure, her soft flesh giving under his thrusts
it was absolute power

Then Hatori reached around and began to toy roughly with his nipples, all the while murmuring in his ear
. “
Yesss, little one. Feel usss! I am ssssso deep into you I can feel your heart pulssse. Mmm, little one. You are ssso hot and tight. Does her pusssssy feel good to you? Can you feel it clench around you? You like fucking her, don’t you? Fuck her harder, little one. We are both here for you

Growling, Evan began to slam back and forth, faster and faster as fur began to erupt over his body

Yesss,” his alpha purred. “Let it go. Let it all go

Evan screamed and bellowed. Sensations ran through his body
freedom, joy, the overwhelming, aggressive sexuality he fought so hard to control. This was his freedom, his escape, and he gladly threw himself on the fires of this passion, letting his beast rip free, letting himself be as he was meant to be

Fuck me harder,” Delia screeched, her voice going high-pitched as her back rippled and her wings exploded in a spray of sex and musk. “Harder now, you bastard

And he did, bending low to lap at the moisture beading up on her cocoa brown skin. He knew she allowed such an explosive alteration for his benefit, so he could get his taste of her essence. And she was rewarded by the renewed pounding in her pussy. One of her hands dipped low to caress her own clit in time to the pounding her puppy was giving her

Hatori purred as he buried his face in his submissive’s neck, relishing the feel of the soft pelt that covered his little one’s back. It was not often that his little gamma was allowed to let his beast go. Evan could still perform a full transformation during this time, but allowing his beast to escape this much and effect a partial change helped him gain powerful control he could use beyond the waxing and waning of the moon

He grinned, letting his long tongue flick out to tease the werewolf’s sensitive ears. He leaned low, one hand going between them to tug at his submissive’s balls as he increased the pace of his lunges, making his little one throw his head back and howl yet again

Together, they kept up a driving pace, moving brutally to the awaited climax, writhing and panting, their bodies covered in sweat and other fluids as they strove for climax

Delia was the first to go, rearing back so that her wings enveloped her puppy’s body, forcing his chest against her as she tossed her head back and screeched. It sounded like the victory cry of a great eagle. Her pussy clenched around the hard cock that pounded her, milking it and dragging her puppy’s orgasm from his body as she climaxed

Evan shuddered and growled, and his hips slammed twice more before he began to shoot his hot seed into his alpha female’s clenching depths. He was grateful the climax had been reached so the tension that had built up in his body could dissipate, but at the same time disappointed it all had ended so soon

It was never enough for him, the side effect of being bitten by a wolf in heat during a cherry moon. During the days the full moon waned, Evan would need sex dozens more times to prevent himself from going mad

Hatori was the last to go, hissing and biting at his submissive’s neck as Evan’s anal muscles grabbed him in an attempt to squeeze the very life from his cock. His hands dug into his submissive’s hair, tearing at the slowly receding pelt. He slammed his hips against Evan’s one last time, allowing the milking action of his ass to deliver him to his own gratification

Then all was still. The two alphas disconnected themselves from their gamma and let his limp body drop to the furs

Almost before his body settled, they were there, licking his skin, nuzzling and giving him reassuring caresses, helping him ease into his afterglow after the volatile orgasm that had nearly left him unconscious

You are so good, puppy,” Delia praised, stroking his hair as she cuddled him into her bulk. “Such a strong, brave puppy

Hatori, after a moment’s cuddling, rose to gather the cleansing supplies, a bowl of warm water and soft cloths to clean up his submissive, ensuring Evan was not too damaged

Once after-care was seen to, all three cuddled in the tangled, sex-scented furs, leaving Evan to wonder how he could have ever been afraid of this

One lone thought went to Christopher, the photographer he hadn’t seen since the incident in the mountains. He would try to contact the man later, but for now he just hoped the shy man had found something or someone to ease him through his moon times and offer him the comfort his two alphas eagerly gave to him

Then he closed his eyes, resting, for they would start the rite all over again soon

Being a wolf was not so bad, he mused as he settled in between the warm bulk of his female and the masculine strength of his male

* * *

Delia licked her lips and stared hungrily at the trembling cock awaiting her pleasure.

Hatori always put on one hell of a show, she decided, and the submissive mewls and pleading gasps of their gamma stirred her loins like nothing had in several years.

“Such a lovely mount you hold for me, Hatori,” Delia purred, licking her lips at the memory of Evan’s taste. “So thick and hard.”

“And still you talk when you should be prepared to ride,” Hatori teased, cooing in the whimpering Evan’s ear. “Better hurry and mount him before he loses interest.”

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