The Hairdresser Diaries (36 page)

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Authors: Jessica Miller

BOOK: The Hairdresser Diaries
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Nala took a liking to my dad right away. He was very pleased at the fact that I finally got a dog. Cole insisted he cook for everyone; I had to convince my dad to let him. Alex and Tyler also joined us for dinner. It was probably one of the best family dinners I ever had.

The next day was hectic. Getting everything together and finished for Kristi’s wedding tomorrow and all the last minute preparations. I was glad I took off the whole weekend. After rehearsal and the dinner we headed home and I crashed almost instantly. Thankfully Kristi’s wedding wasn’t until five, so I could sleep in. I didn’t even bother to get undressed.

Sometime in the middle of the night I started to hear voices, they were all jumbled together. I got up out of bed to investigate, but I couldn’t see anything because it was pitch black. I felt my way around and only found open air. I struggled and strained to hear the voices, thinking maybe if I just stopped and focused I could figure out what they were saying.

I couldn’t get a clear read on what was being said, but I started to recognize the voices. I heard everyone, all my friends; Alex, Jessie, Peyton, Nate, Landon, Kelly, Kristi, Savannah, and some others I didn’t recognize. They were all jumbled together and I couldn’t separate what each was saying. By the tone of their voices, I could tell they were sad though, but why?

Suddenly I was jolted awake. I looked around my room, confused. I could have sworn I got out of bed, but here I was still lying down, under the covers. I turned my head and saw Cole sleeping peacefully and that was all I needed to make this horrible feeling go away. I wrapped myself around him and went back to sleep.

I still woke up early in the morning, well if you call ten early—I do. I went downstairs to make everyone breakfast, but my dad had beaten me to it.

“Good morning Dad.”

“Good morning sweetheart, sleep well?”

“Just fine.” I lied, but there was no reason to worry him over a silly dream.

“What time must you head over to the salon?”

“Around twelve.”

“I’m surprised you’re even awake, I’d figure you’d sleep until you had to get up.”

“I can get up before noon you know.”

“Not usually,” he laughed and ruffled my hair. “Why don’t you wake everyone else up?”

This should be fun I thought to myself. Tyler and Alex had spent the night and stayed in his old room, forcing Trina to stay in our parent’s room. My dad insisted he’d be fine sleeping on the couch. He knew it would be better than sharing a bed with Trina since she kicks.

I decided to start with Trina first, I knew she would be the worst.

When I opened the door, she was sprawled across the bed, covers wrapped around her. I grabbed the blanket and ripped it off her as hard as I could which caused her to fly off the bed. I didn’t mean for that to happen, but it made it worthwhile.

“What the hell,” Trina complained crawling back on the bed.

“Time to get up.”

“Nooo,” she mumbled into the pillow.

“If you get up now, I’ll let you wake up Tyler.”

She propped up her head one eye open. “Okay.”

I quickly ran into Tyler’s room to warn Alex before Trina went on the attack. Alex quietly and quickly got out of the bed and we stood by the door. Trina arrived with a whistle in her mouth. She jumped on Tyler’s bed, and started to jump up and down blowing the whistle obnoxiously. Alex and I started cracking up.

Tyler did not find it as funny. He sat up and took one look at Trina, she squealed and ran and hid behind us. “Come here you,”

Tyler said to Trina.

She started screaming and tried to run from the room, but he caught her by her pajama pants. He picked her up and body slammed her on the bed.

“Tatum help!” I started imitating my best karate moves, but the only thing I knew was what I learned from watching the Karate kid movies, which basically was nothing. I pretended to Karate kick Tyler and he grabbed my foot and twisted it knocking me to the ground. I got up and tackled him onto the bed. With my arms and legs wrapped around him from behind I yelled, “Quick Trina, give him a nuggie!” She did.

We were making so much noise we woke up Cole and my dad came up stairs to see what was going on. Tyler had broken free and tried to put Trina in a headlock. She gave him an Indian burn and he let go. I knocked him to the floor, sat on his back, pulling his arms and legs behind him.

“Say Uncle,” I said out of breath.

“What is going on?” My dad asked. I smiled all innocently. “Tatum, let your brother go.” I got up and smacked him on the back of the head, he kicked me, then I punched him and so did Trina. “Enough you three.” We all started laughing and mumbled apologies to our dad.

“If you three can behave yourselves, breakfast is done.”

I waited until my dad left and smacked Tyler on the back of the head again. He tripped me and took Trina in a headlock dragging her out of the room.

“Eww Ty, your armpits smell.”

I giggled as Cole made his way over to me. “I see you’re getting along nicely.”

“Well, ya know, we’ve got to beat each other up every once and awhile.” I smiled and kissed him before we headed downstairs to join the rest for breakfast.

My dad was already waiting downstairs. “Tatum, I asked you to wake everyone and all hell breaks loose.”

“That was Trina’s fault.” No way was I taking the blame.

“What! No it wasn’t…Tyler body slammed me.” Trina tried to say.

“That’s because you were jumping on my bed blowing a whistle in my ear.”

Alex and I laughed. I think I even caught a glimpse of a smile on my dad’s face.

“Alright, alright, just no more beating each other up. I thought you kids would have out grown this stuff by now.” Tyler, Trina, and I all looked down at our plates trying to hide our smiles.

After breakfast I gathered all my stuff I needed for Kristi’s wedding and headed over to the salon to set up and get ready for the girls. I had Peyton start to set my hair in rollers before everyone arrived. Once the girls started to show up, the salon was bustling with good spirits. Kristi had brought along some champagne and we made mimosas.

We closed the salon down for two hours so all our attention could be on the girls for the wedding. Those who wanted them, got manicures and pedicures, while the rest sat back and relaxed until it was time to get their hair done. Everything went along swimmingly. Every girl’s hair turned out perfect and Kristi looked absolutely beautiful.

After we finished up at the salon we headed over to the hotel where the reception was being held to finish getting ready. Kristi was starting to get nervous and tipsy from all the champagne she had drunk earlier. I opened up the gift basket from the hotel and made her eat some muffins and fruit. The last thing we needed was her puking her way down the aisle.

After a few encouraging words, she was feeling better and ready to go. Once dressed, we hopped in the limo, and headed to the church. I called Cole on the way over there to make sure things were going okay on his end. He said everything was fine despite a few minor wardrobe changes they had to wait through before Trina finally decided on what to wear. He warned me that he had let her raid my closet and hoped I didn’t mind. I said no, knowing they could have been there for hours waiting for Trina to find an outfit. Once I knew things were good I hung up the phone and took a calming deep breath. Things were perfect and everything was running smoothly.

At the church we had to convince Kristi again that everything would be fine and she could do this. We coaxed her gently out of the limo and had her take one step at a time. If it were up to me, I would’ve dragged her out of the car and bitched over all the shit she nagged me about for this wedding and said, “I don’t care, get your ass in that church and get married, whether you want to or not.”

We all lined up and waited for our cue. The doors to the church opened and one by one we made our way down the aisle. Of course Landon was my escort, he was waiting for me in the middle, but I wasn’t paying attention to him. The first and only person I saw was Cole. When I caught his eye my face lit up. He looked devastatingly handsome in a suit and I could not stop smiling at him.

Even when we were all lined up in the front waiting for Kristi to come down the aisle, Cole was the only one I was looking at and he was looking right back at me.

The ceremony went quicker than I thought it would—thankfully. After, we stood in line and greeted the guests as they walked out leaving me feeling like I was going to have to unscrew my smile when we were done.

“You look absolutely breathtaking,” Cole whispered in my ear.

“Sorry to disappoint you sir, but I’m spoken for,” I teased flashing my ring. Cole just smiled and kissed my hand, then winked at me as he casually strolled down the steps.

Next we headed off to the museum for pictures. Kristi and Nick had their own private limo, while the rest of us gathered into the one we took to the church. The groomsmen had coolers in the limo they came over in, it was filled with beer and goodies and right about now I could use a drink. I didn’t know beforehand they had switched everything around, putting our stuff in their limo. I didn’t complain. It was like walking into a mini fridge, beer and booze everywhere. We chugged a few on our way over to the museum. I slowed down after my third; I hadn’t eaten since this morning and a few pretzels were the only thing we had to hold me over for a while.

When we arrived at the museum gardens all the boys were in rare form. The pictures took forever, because most of the guys were already blitzed and we had to convince them to put their beers down until we were done. The weather was perfect, not too hot, and not too cold, just right.

Finally, after an hour of everyone trying to keep a straight face and me trying not to laugh every time the thought of Landon taking a nose dive into the creek came into my head—he fell while trying to pick up a turtle that was flipped on its back—we were finished with the photos. On our way to back to the hotel, I lay back against the seat and closed my eyes, relieved that the day was almost over.

We walked into the reception hall to Fergie’s Glamorous—obviously Kristi’s choice—then stood and waited until the bride and groom entered. Once they were seated, the rest of us took our seats. They made an announcement they would be serving food in ten minutes. “Thank god!” I shrieked. “I’m starving.”

“Me too,” Kelly said. They let our table go first and Kelly and I practically ran to the food. I loaded my plate up with food then passed Cole’s table on the way back to my seat.

“Eating for two? Is there something you need to tell me?” he asked with his sexy smile.

“Ha-ha, no. I just haven’t eaten since this morning and I’m really hungry,” I said embarrassed now looking at my plate thinking maybe I did over fill it a tad too much. Cole just laughed at me and swiped a piece of chicken off my plate.

“God Tatum, you’re such a pig,” Trina said with a disgusted look on her face. I oinked at her and walked back to my chair. I only ate about half of what was on my plate. I guess my eyes were bigger than my stomach.

After dinner I stepped outside to get some air and digest a little. Cole came out and squeezed me from behind. “I wouldn’t squeeze me too tight, I might barf,” I joked, kind of.

The rest of the bridesmaids came out and stole me away telling me we had to quickly run upstairs and set up Kristi and Nick’s room for them. I gave Cole an apologetic look as they dragged me away. I barely got to spend any time with him today.

On our way back to the reception area, I burped really loud and manly in the elevator. “Gross Tatum,” one of the girls said. Kelly and Savannah laughed.

“Excuse me, just making room for cake.” I tried to say with a straight face causing Kelly and Savannah to crack up even more.

When we reached our floor some of the girls rushed off the elevator and Landon stared at me.

“Tatum did you fart?”

“Nope, just burped, I swear.” The way they reacted I don’t blame Landon for thinking otherwise.

Eventually we headed back into the reception area and finally I was able to relax and sit with Cole and my family. I sat on Cole’s lap since there weren’t any extra seats and I’m sure he didn’t mind.

“Are you too tired to dance?” he asked.

“For you, of course not.” Cole led me out onto the dance floor and I laid my head on his shoulder as we swayed to the music. I took a look around at everyone, so happy, cheerful. I watched my friends and family all together having a great time; Landon letting Trina stand on his feet while they danced, Tyler and Alex staring into each other’s eyes acting as if they were the only people in the room. And Kristi, Kristi was so happy, and seeing her face made it all worthwhile.

“May I cut in?” My dad asked. Cole gave a slight bow and handed me over to my dad.

“I have to say, I’m very much looking forward to that being you someday,” he gestured towards Kristi and Nick. I just rolled my eyes and smiled, trying to enjoy the moment.

Trina was now dancing with Cole and trying to teach him some moves. I let out a sigh knowing my life could not get any better than this.

After the cake and the bouquet toss, Cole and I decided to sneak out early. I was exhausted. We said our goodbyes and traveled home.

“Can we make a quick stop, I need cigarettes.”

“You really should quit you know.” Cole didn’t like the fact that I smoked, but never got on my case about it. He pulled into the nearest gas station and I handed him money. “Why can’t you get them?”

“Cause I took off my shoes already and my feet hurt.” I gave him a sad puppy dog face. He rolled his eyes and got out. I saw there were a couple people in line ahead of him so I started fiddling with the radio, trying to find a good station.

All of a sudden I heard a loud bang. I looked up and saw some man running out of the store and I didn’t see Cole.

Instinct took over and I threw open the car door and ran inside. I stopped before I reached him.

Frozen in fear, I screamed and threw myself to the floor where Cole’s body was lying, bleeding.

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