The Greek Rule (The Greek Series) (2 page)

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“Undoubtedly, a worthy cause. I look forward to contributing in any way needed. In any
” he emphasized, causing the flame deep inside her to flare up.

When he turned back to his friend, Athena tucked a strand of hair behind her ear with uncertain hands. She couldn’t decide what to make of the powerful Alexandros Strintzaris. Known for being a ruthless businessman, he was now friendly and supportive despite the recent clash of interests in the Cretan property. Alexandros’ next question confused her further.

“Luca, where are we with the monetary situation? Will we need Strintzaris Enterprises to fund half the project?”

“No, no, we will save your name and influence for a different time,” said Luca. “Between us, tonight will exceed the amount necessary for the home. We’ll surpass our projected goals. Miss Lakis has single handedly secured the most generous donations from our industry.” He awarded her a proud smile. “It seems that no one is able to refuse or minimize her requests.”

“I know I never could,” Alexandros added.

It was her turn to raise a mocking eyebrow and smile. “Duly noted. Now if you gentlemen will excuse me, I have a ball to attend.”

Both men stood as she left the lounge.


Alexandros watched Athena’s departing form, loving the way her tight suit skirt swayed with each step. His friend’s hand on his shoulder guided him to sit, and Alexandros turned his attention back to Lucas.

“Something you care to discuss?” Lucas asked. “Perhaps our magnificent Miss Lakis?”

“No. I know who Miss Lakis is. I just didn’t know how much more I’d like to know her.” He blew out his breath with a low whistle. Letting his hands express deeper feelings, Alexandros gestured in a repetitive circular pattern while he spoke. “She is rather intriguing.”

“Don’t let her pretty face fool you. She’s a remarkable and shrewd businessperson.”

“I don’t doubt that, but I was speaking more on a personal level. She has close ties to my family, yet she does not bother to contact me about a donation. I would have doubled any request she made.” Alexandros motioned to the waiter for drinks.

“Give her more credit. Besides, she knew you’d be here tonight if it were necessary. Don’t feel cheated. Your eyes will have their fill of her
the ball. She organized a very successful event this week, and you know that I am not very easy to please.”

Luca looked directly at Alexandros and leaned forward, placing his elbow on his knees. “To answer your next question, our relationship is strictly professional.”

“I know,” Alexandros said, nodding his head confidently.

“And how could you be sure your sources are correct? Are your ties that strong?”

“They are,” he replied as he leveled a focused gaze his friend’s way. “Now stop trying to make me dance to your tune, and tell me what you have been doing with yourself. How is that lovely young bride you keep locked away at a Boston university?”





Chapter Two



Alexandros leaned against the cold marble column and watched Athena meticulously entice each person during her thirty-minute presentation on the children’s home.

“Because of your generosity, children facing an at-risk future will have a safe place to call home, a place in which to feel secure. We will not allow the tumultuous events that bring these young ones to us to follow them into adulthood. The children will only know the love and care in which this haven will be run, and they will feel
love that has made such a place a reality.”

Applause resonated in the hall. Athena smiled and raised a dainty hand to acknowledge a few of the guests individually. Working from left to right, she recognized over twenty sponsors, each one beaming with pride from her attention.

“I would like to thank Luca Giardetti for conceiving the idea for the children’s home, and honoring me with the opportunity to contribute some of
love.” She turned and walked to where her employer stood. Taking his hands in hers, she kissed his cheeks. “Thank you, Luca, for allowing me to work on this. It is the greatest gift I’ve ever received.”

Everyone in the room cheered, and applause rang out again. Luca hugged her, took a bow, and then kissed both her hands. As the other man’s lips touched her skin, a shot of possessiveness rammed Alexandros in the gut. It was too cozy, too intimate.

Damn, she was chummy with her boss. If she wanted a man to give her projects so she could shine,
could do it. Athena could work for and thank him. And he wasn’t married.

She wiped a tear from the corner of her eye before returning to the podium. “The warmth that fills this room is only the beginning. Thank you, everyone, for your support. Please enjoy the ball.”

He could see Athena was in her element. Knowing more than just the fund-raising side of selling an idea, she was a master marketer and financial analyst in one enticing package. Carrying herself like a veteran model on a Paris catwalk, Athena left the stage and glided across the ballroom acknowledging each of the sponsors, but one. Him.

Confident and brilliant, she was the brightest star of the night. She seemed completely unaware of her affect on the room’s male population. If the amount of gazes following her every move indicated this appeal, then she appealed to both married and unmarried men alike.

Alexandros grinned smugly. Eventually, he’d have this amazing creature for his own. It didn’t matter if she was avoiding him at all cost, she’d change her mind.

She was incredible. Her long lean body had just the right amount of curves, especially from the angle she afforded him throughout the night, her rear.

Occasionally he stole a look at the sparkling brown eyes, or caught a glimpse of her dazzling smile as it flashed across her golden face and her lips shimmered with sensuality. What he wouldn’t give to enjoy that view on a daily basis.

Why hadn’t she approached him yet?

He would find a spot for her in his organization in a heartbeat. She could be a great addition to the Strintzaris team. Instead, she worked for the competition.

Then it hit him. Maybe, just maybe, it was because of the personal connection that she chose to work for Giardetti. She didn’t seem like a woman who would pull strings, namely by approaching his brother, to land a job.

Well, now that Alexandros had met her, she wouldn’t have to approach his brother. He’d find the way to bring her to his side. Professionally, and perhaps with a few personal benefits when the time was right.

Memorizing each of her visible features and fantasizing about the ones concealed by her cream silk gown, Alexandros was more intrigued by this woman than any woman he’d met before. Helen of Troy could not have tempted him more.

Erotic scenes of covering her body with his own as he tasted the sweetness of her mouth danced in his head. The image of settling between her thighs and claiming her forever had him turning his back on the party to pull his jacket across the front of his body in order to preserve a decent appearance.

Forever? Was he out of his mind? He was not the forever type of man. He liked playing the field, and he’d never made a commitment to any of his lovers. One day he’d settle down, but that was one day, not now.

Kicking himself, he reminded his libido that Athena was not a woman he could play with. The close friendship she maintained with his brother negated the typical rules of a simple romantic tryst. Alexandros would have to control the physical temptation. He was stronger than it was.

Since he needed to establish a friendly and professional relationship with her, he would keep her close by, at least for the time being.

The maitre d’ approached Athena and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and took the phone from him, indicating to the guests to excuse her.


Athena couldn’t wait to tell Tony about the fundraiser’s success. The evening had turned out even better than anticipated, and she stepped out on the terrace to relish the triumph in private.

“Hey, Tony. Glad you called.”

Her brother’s laughter preceded the conversation. “I thought you might need rescuing from a garlicky-breath suitor just about now.”

“Not yet. Thanks for the concern, but I think I can handle myself.”

“Yeah, but you’ll always be my baby sis. So tell me, how is everything going there?”

“Better than I ever could have hoped,” she said, elated at the night’s events. After giving her brother all the details, she assured him she’d try to fly to London and have dinner with him the next night, and then she rang off.

Placing the phone on one of the cocktail tables, she walked the length of the balcony, enjoying the clear sky and cool spring breeze of the night.

A deep masculine voice sounded behind her, shattering her solitude. “You’re an extraordinarily talented and beautiful woman, Athena. Did I mention you look like a true Greek goddess tonight?”

Heat burned her cheeks and she turned to face Alexandros. She’d avoided looking into his sultry eyes all evening, only to find herself on a moonlit terrace, the single recipient of his searing attention.

Dropping her gaze to his strong Grecian nose, then to the sure line of his lips and the defined jaw that met his proud chin, she could not deny he was a very good-looking man. He radiated strength and confidence in every step.

Taking a deep breath, she reminded herself that not only was he standing between her and her future, but men such as Alexandros were emotionally off limits to her. No matter how tempting, she had vowed not to become involved with his type. She would never risk the humiliation of a broken heart again.

“Mr. Strintzaris, I hope you’re enjoying the ball.” She pressed her hands to her stomach. “I would like to thank you personally for your very generous contribution.”

Whom was she trying to fool, speaking to him in this cool manner?

He removed his jacket and gently wrapped it around her shoulders. “It’s a little chilly. You’re shivering.”

Was he that dense to believe the sweet night air had made her shiver, or was he looking for an excuse to come near her? Either way, accepting the jacket put him in very close proximity. The jacket retained his body heat and his scent. Athena settled into it.

She gasped when he leaned forward and brushed back a tendril of hair that blew across her face. The chemistry between them was exceptional, something she had never experienced before. Still, she took a step back. Intimidated by her own delight in his closeness, she wasn’t sure how to respond.

“Athena, why have you been avoiding me?”

Overwhelmed by his ardor, she inched further away. “Excuse me, Mr. Strintzaris?”

“Alexandros. Call me Alexandros. You know our relationship is more than calling me Mr. Strintzaris. We are practically related. Yet, you do not contact me about a donation, and you do not approach me tonight. You have been avoiding me.” His dark eyes said more than his controlled words.

“You’re a friend of Mr. Giardetti. There was no need for me to approach you.”

“I’m your best friend’s future brother-in-law.” He stepped closer to her, but didn’t touch her. “Or have you forgotten that Heather is engaged to a certain Costa Strintzaris, who just happens to be my brother?”

Allowing a few inches between them in the balcony’s shadows, his gaze settled on hers, but he didn’t wait for her to respond. “In less than a month, we will jointly witness Costa and Heather’s marriage. We’ll be their
I’m the best man, and you’re the maid of honor.
I think I deserve to be on a first name basis with you,
koukla mou
” he finished with a term of possessive endearment in his native tongue.

“It’s best to keep tonight on a professional level.” She pulled his jacket closed. This meeting was doing things to her body she’d rather keep concealed.

“No, it’s not
. Professional is not enough.”

“Costa and Heather send their regards,” Athena relayed mechanically after a long pause.

“I’m sure the message wasn’t so unfeeling and cold. In Greek, we say love and kisses.” He lowered his intense gaze to her lips, adding with a husky undertone, “And you are a Greek. You know better.”

She struggled to maintain her composure as he stared at her mouth.

“If you want me to go, just say so,” he breathed against her lips.

Her mouth betrayed her protesting mind as it opened, and leaning forward, she touched her lips to his. Alexandros sealed their kiss, and their bodies came into intimate contact, setting fires deep inside her.

Automatically, she snaked her arms around his neck and invited him to taste. He pressed harder, exploring her warmth with experienced vigor in the art of pleasuring. Drawing her hips tighter against him, he fueled the flames.

Gently cupping her face in his hands, his thumb stroked her trembling lower lip, and he looked deep into her eyes. Athena held his gaze as she smoothed her gown against her and then removed his hands from her face in a slow deliberate move.

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