The Greatest Traitor: The Life of Sir Roger Mortimer, 1st Earl of March (70 page)

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Authors: Ian Mortimer

Tags: #Biography, #England, #Historical

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Wake, Margaret (d. 1349), Countess of Kent (
. 1325, she being wife of Edmund of Woodstock): 147, 225, 229, 234, 285 (n. 32)
Wake, Thomas (1298–1349), Lord Wake of Liddel (1317): 158–160, 167–168, 171–172, 200, 211–212, 215, 220, 232–234, 288 (n. 21), 296 (n. 11)
Wales: 10–12, 44, 48, 66, 72–76, 89, 94, 103, 105–106, 114, 129, 131–132–133, 150, 154–155, 166, 174–175, 184, 203, 213, 234–235, 240, 259
Wales, border with England:
Marches of Wales
Wales, Justiciar of:
Mortimer, Roger (1256–1326); FitzAlan, Edmund; Mortimer, Roger (1287–1330)
Wales, Princes of (
see also
Llywelyn): 9, 76
Walkefare, Robert de: 238
Wallace, William (1272?–1305): 24, 28
Wallingford, Berkshire: 34, 128–129, 154–155, 160, 164, 311, 315
Waltham, Hertfordshire and Essex: 108
Walton, Suffolk: 151, 310
Walton-on-the-Naze, Essex: 285 (n. 1)
Walwayn, John: 79
Wardrobe, Keeper of the:
Melton, William
Ware, Hertfordshire: 52
Warenne, John de (1231–1304), Earl of Surrey (1240): 12, 18
Warenne, John de (1286–1347), Earl of Surrey (1304): 18–19, 34–35, 39, 44, 46, 52, 102, 104, 110, 115, 137, 202, 223, 234, 288 (n. 21)
Wark, Northumberland: 29, 57
Warley, Ingelard de: 17
Warwick: 52, 113, 217, 314
Warwick, Earls of:
Beauchamp, Guy de; Beauchamp, Thomas de
Warwickshire: 107
Wasteneys, Edmund: 186
Waterford, Ireland: 88, 97, 309
Waterville, Robert de (d. 1330), Lord Waterville (1326): 79, 158
Waterville, Robert de, of Essex: 79, 150–151
Wear, River, Co. Durham: 180
Weardale campaign: 175, 177–184
Well, Richard de: 249
Welshpool Castle, Wales: 48–49, 114, 274 (n. 38)
Westhall: 234
Westminster: 22–26, 38–39, 43, 53, 66, 77, 100–101, 105, 109, 125–126, 164, 166–168, 191, 239, 263, 277 (n. 9), 304–306, 309, 311, 313–314
Westminster, chronicler of: 191, 194
Westminster Abbey: 22–24, 33, 37, 198, 229
Westmorland: 123
Wetheral Priory, Cumberland: 28
Wexford, Ireland: 97
Wicklow Mountains, Ireland: 42
Isle of Wight
Wigmore, Herefordshire: 2, 8–10, 13, 14, 16, 21, 40, 44–45, 75, 77–80, 93–94, 102, 105, 107, 113, 116–121, 164, 207, 225–227, 275 (n. 11), 281 (n. 11), 297 (n. 20), 304–306, 308–309, 316, 319, 323
Wigmore Abbey: 9, 93, 117–121, 210
Wigmore, Abbot of:
Galeys, Philip de; Clayhanger, John de
William (d. 1337), Count of Hainault (1304): 141, 149, 200, 284 (n. 14)
William the Conqueror (1027–1087), King of England: 2, 151, 163
William the Welshman:
Edward II
Willington, Henry de (d. 1322): 125
Wilton, Wiltshire: 214
Wiltshire: 21, 107, 177, 234
Winchelsea, Sussex: 113
Winchelsey, Robert de (d. 1313), Archbishop of Canterbury (1293): 37, 44, 64
Winchester, Hampshire: 11, 213, 215, 229, 231–233, 316
Winchester, Bishop of:
Woodlock, Henry; Sandall, John; Stratford, John
Winchester, Earl of:
Despenser, Hugh (1261–1326)
Winchester, Statute of (1285): 289 (n. 29)
Windsor, Berkshire: 121, 125, 224, 314–316, 319–321
Wisbech, Cambridgeshire: 314
Wishart, Robert (d. 1316), Bishop of Glasgow (1271): 25–26
Witney, Oxfordshire: 311
Wodehouse, Robert (d. 1345), Treasurer (1329): 227
Wogan, John (d. 1321), Justiciar of Ireland (1295–1313): 34, 43, 49–50, 82, 96
Wogan, Walter de: 279 (n. 4)
Woodlock, Henry (d. 1316), Bishop of Winchester (1305): 37
Woodstock, Oxfordshire: 223, 311, 315–317
Woodstock, Edmund of:
Edmund of Woodstock
Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire: 107, 309
Worcester: 114, 146, 198, 200, 209, 312, 316
Worcester, Bishop of:
Adam of Orleton
Worcestershire: 21, 176, 201
Wormsley, Herefordshire, Prior of: 130, 201
Wyard, John: 159, 201–202, 225, 234, 236, 239
Wychbold, Worcestershire: 322
Wyther, Thomas: 213, 218, 220
Wyvill, Robert (d. 1375), Keeper of the Privy Seal (1326–27), Bishop of Salisbury (1330): 203, 238
York: 44, 51, 64–65, 90, 123–126, 162, 175–178, 183–184, 200, 209, 211, 217, 275 (n. 11), 276 (n. 12), 306, 308, 311–313
York, Archbishop of:
Giffard, Walter; Melton, William de
York, Treasurer of: 10
Yorkshire: 21, 107, 123, 136, 180
Youghal, Ireland: 84, 306
Ystradfellte, Wales: 75, 306
Zeeland, Holland: 310
Zouche, William de la (1276–1352), Lord Zouche (1299): 79, 82, 104, 158, 231


will not begrudge me using this page to express gratitude to the following individuals. Firstly my wife, Sophie, for her patience and understanding, and my children Alexander and Elizabeth, despite their lack of both. Secondly my agent, James Gill, for deciding this book was worth writing, Will Sulkin, for agreeing with him, and Jörg Hensgen, for helping to bring the book to its final form. Thirdly Paul Dryburgh for sharing some of his research findings on Roger Mortimer, and for discussing various historical points, and Barbara Wright for her many valuable suggestions and corrections, especially with regard to the Wigmore inventories. Fourthly Brian and Jay Hammond for their advice, help and encouragement. Fifthly Zak Reddan and Mary Fawcett for putting up with the family on research trips to London, and for the consequent damage to their possessions and their home. And lastly my wife Sophie again, for continuing to smile at me, and for giving the ever-grinning face of adversity a good smack on the nose.


1. Unpublished primary sources

British Library

Harleian MS 1240 (Black Book of Wigmore)
Add. MS 6041 (fourteenth-century list of Mortimer muniments)
Egerton Charters 8723 (list of Mortimer muniments taken to the Tower, 1322)
Cottonian MSS Charters II 26/27 (letter from Roger Mortimer to Edward II, c. 1317–21)
Cotton MSS Nero A iv (Ludlow Annals)

Hereford Cathedral Library

Documents concerning the rebellion of Roger Mortimer, 1321–2 (calendared in the National Register of Archives list, NRA 6186)

John Rylands Library, University of Manchester

Latin MS 215 (Wigmore Abbey Annals, c. 1096–1307, transcribed in B.P. Evans’s thesis noted below)

Public Record Office

C53/93–117 (witness lists 1304–5–1330–31)
C71/7, C71/10 (Scotch Rolls 1314, 1318)
DL27/93 (Marriage allocation of Edmund Mortimer, 1316)
E101/370/19, E101/371/8/97 (Ordinaries of Roger Mortimer’s household, c. 1304–5)
E101/384/1 (Wardrobe Book, 3 Edward III)

2. Published primary sources: record and official publications

Appendix to the 35th Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records
W.W. Blom (ed.),
Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland
, vol. ii (1895)
Calendar of the Charter Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office, 1226–1516
(6 vols, 1903–27), vols 2–4
Calendar of the Close Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office, Edward I, Edward II & Edward III
(21 vols, 1892–1913)
Calendar of the Fine Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office, Edward I, Edward II & Edward III 1327–1347
(5 vols, 1911–15)
Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem and Other Analogous Documents Preserved in the Public Record Office, Edward I, Edward II & Edward III
(13 vols, 1906–52)
Calendar of the Patent Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office, Edward I, Edward II & Edward III
(25 vols, 1891–1916)
Calendar of Various Chancery Rolls: Supplementary Close Rolls, Welsh Rolls, Scutage Rolls, preserved in the Public Record Office 1277–1326
Pierre Chaplais (ed.),
The War of Saint-Sardos
, Camden, 3rd series, 87 (1954)
Adam Clarke, J. Caley, J. Bayley, F. Holbrooke, J.W. Clarke (eds),
Foedera, conventiones, litterae, etc., or Rymer’s Foedera 1066–1383
(6 vols, 1816), vols ii–iii
Philomena Connolly (ed.),
Irish Exchequer Payments
(Irish MSS Commission, Dublin, 1998)
Edmund Curtis (ed.),
Calendar of Ormond Deeds 1172–1350
(Dublin, 1932)
J.T. Gilbert (ed.),
Historic and Municipal Documents of Ireland, A.D. 1172–1320. From the Archives of the City of Dublin, etc
, Rolls series, 53 (1870)
Lambert B. Larking, ‘Inventory of the Effects of Roger Mortimer at Wigmore Castle and Abbey, Herefordshire’,
Archaeological Journal
, xv (1858), 354–62
D. Macpherson, J. Caley, W. Illingworth (eds),
Rotuli Scotiae in turri Londinensi et in domo Capitulari Westmonasteriensi asservati
(2 vols, 1814–19)
James Mills (ed.),
Calendar of the Justiciary Rolls: or, Proceedings in the Court of the Justiciar of Ireland Preserved in the Public Record Office of Ireland 1305–1307
(Dublin, 1914)
Francis Palgrave (ed.),
The Parliamentary writs and writs of military summons: together with the records and muniments relating to the suit and service due and performed to the King’s high court of Parliament and the councils of the realm, or affording evidence of attendance given at Parliament and councils
(4 vols, 1827)
J.R.S. Phillips,
Documents on the Early Stages of the Bruce Invasion of Ireland, 1315–1316
, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. 79, C, no. 11 (Dublin, 1979)
Yves Renouard (ed.),
Gascon Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office 1307–1317
J. Strachey, John Pridden, Edward Upham (eds),
Rotuli parliamentorum: ut et petitiones, et placita in Parliamento (1278–1503): together with an index to the Rolls of Parliament, comprising the petitions, pleas and proceedings of Parliament … A.D. 1278–A.D. 1503
(8 vols, 1767–1832)
Rotulorum Patentium et Clausorum Cancellarie Hiberniae Calendarium
, vol. 1, part 1 (1828)
John Stow,
A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Borough of Southwark
(2 vols, 1754)
A.H. Thomas (ed.),
Calendar of Plea and Memoranda Rolls
preserved among the archives of the Corporation of the City of London at the Guildhall Rolls A1a–A9:AD 1323–1364 (Cambridge, 1926)
Herbert Wood,
The Muniments of Edmund de Mortimer, Third Earl of March, Concerning his Liberty of Trim
, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. 40, C, no. 7 (Dublin, 1932)
Herbert Wood, Albert E. Langman, Margaret Griffith (eds),
Calendar of the Justiciary Rolls, or Proceedings in the Court of the Justiciar of Ireland, I to VII
years of Edward II, Irish Record Office (Dublin, 1956)

3. Published primary sources: chronicles and annals

Annals of Ulster
, vol. ii (1893)
G.J. Aungier (ed.),
French Chronicle of London
, Camden Society, Old series, 28 (1844)
E.A. Bond (ed.),
Chronicon Monasterii de Melsa
F.W.D. Brie (ed.),
The Brut
, Early English Text Society (Oxford, 1906–8)
W.R. Childs, J. Taylor (eds),
The Anonimalle Chronicle, 1307–1334, from Brotherton Collection MS 29
, Yorkshire Archaeological Society Record Series, 147 (1991)
N. Denholm-Young (ed.),
Vita Edwardi Secundi

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