The Greatest Traitor: The Life of Sir Roger Mortimer, 1st Earl of March (67 page)

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Authors: Ian Mortimer

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Lanercost Priory, Cumberland: 27
Langton, John (d. 1337), Bishop of Chichester (1305), Chancellor (1307–1310): 38
Langton, Walter (d. 1321), Bishop of Lichfield (1297), Treasurer (1312): 29
Languedoc, France: 252
Larne, Ireland: 67
Latimer, William (d. 1327), Lord Latimer (1299): 270 (n. 11)
Lauderdale, Scotland: 57
Leake, Nottinghamshire: 92, 308
Leche, John de (d. 1313), Archbishop of Dublin (1311): 97
Ledbury, Herefordshire: 105
Leeds Castle, Kent: 23, 111–113, 125
Leicester: 91–92, 151, 198, 217, 312, 314–315, 318
Leicester: Earl of:
Montfort, Simon de; Henry of Lancaster
Leicestershire: 21, 107, 234
Leinster, Ireland: 42, 81, 85, 88
Leinthall, Herefordshire: 228
Leintwardine, Herefordshire: 164, 207, 211, 216, 222–223, 228
Lennox, Earl of: see Malcom, Earl of Lennox Leominster, Herefordshire: 130, 225
Lestrange: Alice de (1282–1348), Countess of Lancaster (1296), Countess of Lincoln (1322): 127, 172, 223, 296 (n. 13)
Lestrange, Ebulo (d. 1335), Lord Strange (1326): 223, 296 (n. 11)
Lestrange, Roger (d. 1311), Lord Strange of Ellesmere: 10
Lestrange, Thomas: 170
Lewes, Battle of (1264): 7
Leybourn, Henry de: 160
Leyburn, William de (d. 1310), Lord Leyburn (1271): 270 (n. 11)
Lezay, Joan de: 321
Lichfield, Staffordshire: 123, 311–312
Limerick, Ireland: 84, 96
Lincoln: 69, 74, 185, 197, 211, 245, 306, 317
Lincoln, Bishop of:
Burghersh, Henry de
Lincoln, Countess of
Lestrange, Alice de
Lincoln, Earl of:
Lacy, Henry de; Mortimer, illegitimate son of Roger and Isabella
Lincolnshire: 107, 233
Lingaigne, Walter de, canon of Wigmore: 164
Linlithgow Castle, Scotland: 46, 56
Lionel of Antwerp (1338–1368), second son of Edward III: 260
Llandaff, Bishop of:
Eaglescliff, John
Llandaff Cathedral, Wales: 76
Llandilo, Wales: 99
Llanthony Priory (near Gloucester,
South Wales): 174
Llwyd, Gruffydd (fl. 1322): 114
Llywelyn ap Gruffydd (d. 1282), Prince of Wales (1246): 8, 10–13, 74
Llywelyn ap Gruffydd ap Rhys ‘Llywelyn Bren’ (d. 1317), lord of Senghenydd and Misguin: 73–76, 70, 81, 87–88, 99–100, 110, 114, 121–122, 157, 160
Llywelyn ap Iorwerth ‘the Great’ (d. 1240), Prince of Wales: 9–10, 12
Llywelyn ap Madoc ap Howel: 75–76
Lochmaben Castle, Scotland: 26
Lombardy, Italy: 252, 259–261
London: 5, 22, 26, 37, 47, 55, 76, 107–108, 111, 113, 122–126, 128, 130, 150–151, 153–155–156, 159, 161, 166–169, 189, 194, 198, 208, 212–213, 215–217, 219–220, 228–229, 231, 235, 242, 282 (n. 16), 309, 311
London, Bishop of: see Gravesend, Stephen
London, Guildhall: 155, 167–168, 215, 217
London, Mayor of:
Chigwell, Hamo de; Bethune, Richard de; Gisors, John de; Grantham, John de
London, St Paul’s Cathedral: 156, 188, 217–218, 235
London, Tower of: 1–2, 87, 113, 115, 121, 125–126, 128–133, 135, 145, 149–151, 153, 156, 160, 172, 193, 200–201, 205, 220, 228–229, 239–241, 266, 310, 316, 318–321
Loudon Hill, Battle of (1307): 31, 58
Loughborough, Leicestershire: 92
Loughsewdy, Ireland: 80, 307
Louis IX (1217–1270), King of France (1226): 16
Louis d’Evreux (d. 1319): 37
Louth, Ireland: 49
Lovaigne, Thomas de (1291–1345): 79
Ludlow, Shropshire: 1, 13, 21, 164, 172, 206–207, 209–211, 215, 228, 242, 283 (n. 19), 313, 316
Lugwardine, Herefordshire: 201
Lusignan family, Counts of La Marche and Angoulême: 13, 133, 215, 271 (n. 10), 272 (n. 6), 319–320
Lutterworth, Leicestershire: 318
Lymbergh, Adam, Keeper of the Privy Seal (1328–29): 203
MacCartan, Lord: 67
McDougal, John (fl 1306), lord of Argyll: 26
MacGilmurray, Lord: 67
MacMortagh, Geoffrey: 45
MacMoylissa, Hugh: 45
Mablethorpe, Robert: 220
Maelienydd, Wales: 21, 78
Magna Carta: 47, 105, 110, 161, 217, 240, 275 (n. 11)
Maguelonne, France: 251, 254
Malcolm (d. 1333), Earl of Lennox (1291): 25
Maltravers, John (
. 1290–1364), Steward of the Royal Household (1328, 1329–30), Lord Maltravers (1330): 23, 82, 95, 104–105, 110, 203, 220, 227
– relationship with Roger: 173
– custody of Edward II at Berkeley: 173, 177, 185
– role in the Berkeley Castle plot: 186, 188–191, 194, 198, 245, 247–248, 250–252, 254, 257, 260, 262–263, 298 (n. 28)
– role in plot to expose the Earl of Kent: 229
– beneficiary of Kent’s forfeited estates: 234
– appointed Steward a second time: 234
Mar, Earl of:
Donald, Earl of Mar
March, Earl of:
Mortimer, Roger of Wigmore
Marche, La, Counts of:
Lusignan family
Marches of Wales: 9, 12, 23, 78, 93, 95, 100, 121, 131, 133, 157, 172, 174, 209, 213, 215, 228, 234, 242
Margaret of France (1282?–1318), Queen of England (1299): 15, 28–29, 33
Margaret, wife of Roger of Radnor: 13
Edward II
: 4, 265
Marshal, Eva, daughter of William Marshal: 12
Marshal, John le (d. 1326): 155–156
Marshal, William (1146–1219), Earl of Pembroke: 12, 226
Marshal, William (d. 1314), lord of Hingham: 38
Maupas, John de (d. 1318): 93
Mauvas, John: 201
Meath, Ireland: 2, 13, 21, 40, 45–46,
49, 68, 70–71, 83, 85–86, 97, 233, 306
Melazzo, Italy: 253–254, 261
Melton, William de (d. 1340), Archbishop of York (1316): 200, 231, 288 (n. 21)
Mercer, John le: 134
Merlin, prophecies of: 9, 15, 30, 226
Methven, Battle of (1306): 26, 28
Micheldever, Thomas de (d. 1326): 160
Milan, Italy: 252, 255
Misguin, Wales: 99
Mohaut, Robert de (1274–1329), Lord Mohaut (1299): 158
Mompesson, Giles de: 79
Monmouth, Richard de: 1, 130, 238, 283 (n. 20)
Mons, Belgium: 310
Montagu, William de (d. 1319), Lord Montagu (1316): 75, 79, 90–92, 95
Montagu, William de (1301?–1344), Lord Montagu (1331), Earl of Salisbury (1337): 227, 235–239, 243, 248–249, 257
Montfaucon, France: 140
Montford, Shropshire: 201
Montfort, Almeric de, son of Simon de Montfort: 10
Montfort, Henry de (d. 1322): 125
Montfort, Simon de (
. 1208–1265), Earl of Leicester (1239): 7–10
Montgomery, Wales: 225, 228, 296 (n. 13)
Monthermer, Ralph de (d. 1325),
Earl of Gloucester (1297–1307), Lord Monthermer (1307): 31
More, Bertrand de la: 186
Morley, Robert de (d. 1360), Lord Morley (1316): 158
Mortimer family records: 79, 121, 277 (n. 12)
Mortimer, Agnes:
Hastings, Agnes de
Mortimer, Beatrice (d. 1383), daughter of Roger: 225, 294 (n. 22), 323
Mortimer, Blanche, daughter of Roger:
Grandison, Blanche de
Mortimer, Catherine, daughter of Roger:
Beauchamp, Catherine de
Mortimer, Edmund (d. 1304), Lord Mortimer (father of Roger): 7, 10–12, 14, 16–20, 94, 97, 269 (n. 1), 270 (n. 6)
Mortimer, Edmund (1302?–1331), eldest son of Roger: 20, 77–78, 82, 121, 153, 170, 210, 215, 271 (n. 10), 319
Mortimer, Elizabeth (1313–1355), wife of Edmund Mortimer (d. 1331): 77–79, 113, 215, 319
Mortimer, Geoffrey, brother of Edmund Mortimer (d. 1304): 10–11
Mortimer, Geoffrey, son of Roger (
. 1308–1372), lord of Couhé (1323): 121, 133, 170, 210, 223, 227, 233–234, 239, 270 (n. 1), 272 (n. 6), 295 (n. 31), 297 (n. 25), 302 (n. 46), 320–321
Mortimer, illegitimate son of Roger and Isabella (b. 1329?): 222–224, 242, 296 (n. 13)
Mortimer, Isabella (fl. 1324–1327), daughter of Roger: 136, 201, 210
Mortimer, Joan (1286–1356), Lady Mortimer (1304), Countess of March (1328): 34, 50, 53, 133, 135, 187, 260, 270 (n. 7), 319–324
– betrothal and wedding: 13–14
– estates: 19, 21, 46, 102, 164, 271 (n. 12)
– relationship with Roger during marriage: 20
– at coronation: 37, 273 (n. 13)
– in Ireland with Roger 1308–9: 40–41
– in Ireland with Roger 1310–12: 45
– inventory of possessions 1322: 119–120, 164
– incarceration 1322–26: 120–122, 129, 135–136, 145
– relationship with Roger after invasion: 164–165, 206–207, 211, 287 (n. 1, 5)
– relationships with her children: 210
– included in Leintwardine chantry beneficiaries: 216, 222
– included in grant to Roger 1330: 233
– treatment by Edward III after Roger’s arrest: 242, 260, 287 (n. 5)
– reclaims Roger’s body: 242, 299 (n. 3)
Mortimer, Joan, daughter of Roger:
Audley, Joan
Mortimer, John, brother of Roger (d. 1318), king’s yeoman: 9, 11, 66, 95, 279 (n. 36)
Mortimer, John, son of Roger (d. 1328): 88, 121, 153, 216, 279 (n. 36), 320–321
Mortimer, Margaret (d. 1334), Lady Mortimer (mother of Roger): 7, 11, 19, 37, 78, 104, 121, 146, 273 (n. 13)
Mortimer, Margaret, daughter of Roger:
Berkeley, Margaret de
Mortimer, Maud (d. 1301), Lady Mortimer (grandmother of Roger): 8, 11–12, 19, 22, 46
Mortimer, Maud, daughter of Roger:
Charlton, Maud de (fl. 1319–45)
Mortimer, Ralph (d. 1276), elder brother of Edmund Mortimer (d. 1304): 10
Mortimer, Roger (1232–1282), Lord Mortimer (grandfather of Roger): 7–10, 65
Mortimer, Roger (1256–1326), Lord Mortimer of Chirk (1282), Justiciar of Wales (1308–15, 1317–22): 65, 273 (n. 7)
– as Justiciar of Wales: 34, 48–49, 57, 81, 103, 272 (n. 5), 274 (n. 39)
– defeat of Llywelyn 1282: 10–13
– character: 13
– guardian of Prince Edward, later Edward II: 14, 26
– knighted: 22–23
– summoned to fight in Scotland 1307: 30
– favoured by Edward II: 33–35
– defends Edward and Gaveston 1308: 39
– breaks up siege of Welshpool Castle: 48–49, 53
– at Bannockburn: 275 (n. 11), 276 (n. 15)
– campaign against Llywelyn Bren: 75
– attends Mortimer wedding at Ernwood: 79
– association with Adam of Orleton: 93
– makes offer for Gower: 100
– role in Despenser war: 103–110
– pursued by Edward II: 112
– surrenders at Shrewsbury with Roger: 115, 122
– condemned to death and reprieved: 1, 125–126
– estates taken by Despenser: 127, 160
– in custody 1322–26: 281 (n. 6), 128
– death in Despenser’s custody: 149, 163
– some of his belongings in Roger’s possession 1330: 208
– son disinherited by Roger: 234

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