The Grand Turk: Sultan Mehmet II - Conqueror of Constantinople and Master of an Empire (43 page)

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Bessarion, cardinal

Beyazit I, sultan

Beyazit II, sultan

Bodrum (Halicarnassus)

Borgia, Cesare

Borgia, Juan

Borgia, Lucrezia



Bucharest, treaty of



Buondelmonti, Cristoforo, cartographer


Bursa (Prusa)

Byzantine Empire

in 1071

in Fourth Crusade

Latin occupation (1204-61)

after Latin occupation

in fourteenth century

in first half of fifteenth century



Calbo, Alviso

Çaldıran, battle of

Calixtus III, pope

Calixtus Ottomanus (Beyazit Osman) Ottoman pretender

Campofregosa, cardinal Paolo de

Canale, Niccolo da

Caoursin, Guillaume

Capello, Francesco

Capello, Giovanni

Capello, Vettore

Capistrano, Fra Giovanni da

Carafa, cardinal

Casimir IV, king

Cemal, Young Turk leader


Cesarini, cardinal

Charles V, emperor

Charles VI, king

Charles VIII, king



Claudius Ptolemaios (Ptolemy)

Clement XIV, pope

Cocco, Niccolo

Coco, Giacomo

Comtino, Mordechai ben Eliezer

Constantine I, the Great, emperor

Constantine XI Dragases, emperor

Contarini, Bartolomeo



Costanzo da Ferrara, painter




Cüneyd, emir

Curti, Fra de


Cyriacus of Ancona


Dalmata, John


Dario, Giovanni

Daud Pasha

David Comnenus, emperor of Trebizond

Daye Hatun, wet-nurse of Mehmet II

Dayı Karaca Pasha

Demetrius Palaeologus, despot


Diedo, Alviso

Dokeianos, John, Byzantine scholar

Domenico Hierosolimitano, Murat III’s physician

Don Federico, brother of King Alfonso

Don Francesco de Toledo

Doukas, Greek historian

Dragut Pasha

Duke of Orleans



Eba Eyüp Ensari

Edirne (Adrianople) xvi

Edirne Sarayı

Edward IV, king

Egypt, Egyptians

England (Great Britain), English

Enver Pasha

Enveri, Turkish poet and historian

Ercole I d’Este, duke


Erizzo, Paolo

Ertuğrul, Osmanlı chieftain


Eugenius II, pope

Eugenius IV, pope

Evliya Çelebi


Fabrizio Colonna

Fabrizio Del Carretto

Farnese, Giulia

Federico d’Aragona, king

Fenerlioğlu Hasan Çelebi

Ferdinand, king

Ferhat Pasha

Ferrante, king

Ferrantino, king

Fevzi Pasha


Foscari, Francesco, Venetian doge

France, French

Francis I, king

Frederick III, emperor




Gascoigne, George

Gattilusio, Dorino

Gattilusio, Dorino II

Gattilusio, Niccolo

Gedik Ahmet Pasha

Gelibolu (Gallipoli)

Gennadios (George Scholarios), Greek patriarch

Genoa, Genoese

George Branković, despot

George of Mühlenbach, brother


Germany, Germans


Giacomo de’ Languschi

Giovio, Paolo

Giustinian, Orsato

Giustiniani-Longo, Giovanni

Gonzaga, cardinal Francesco

Grant, Johannes

Greece, Greeks

Gregory III Mammas, Greek patriarch

Grimani, Antonio, Venetian doge

Gritti, Andrea

Gualtier, Fra Antoine

Gülbahar, mother of Beyazit II

Guy de Blanchefort


Hadım (the Eunuch) Süleyman Pasha

Halil Çandarlı Pasha

Halima Hatun, wife of Murat II

Hamiduddin al-Lari, Mehmet II’s physician

Hamza Bey


Hass Murat Pasha

Havakim, Armenian patriarch

Hayrettin Bey

Helena Dragas, empress

Henry IV, king


Hersekzade Ahmet Pasha

Hızıroğlu Mehmet Pasha

Hoca Sadeddin, Turkish historian

Hoca Sinan Pasha

Hüma Hatun, mother of Mehmet II

Hungary, Hungarians


Ibrahim, Karamanid emir

Ibrahim Pasha

Ibrahim Pasha, son of Mehmet Ali

Ilyas Efendi


Inalcık, Halil

Innocent II, pope

Innocent VIII, pope

Inönü, Ismet

Ionian Islands


Isa, son of Beyazit I

Ishak, Karamanid emir

Ishak Pasha

Isidore of Kiev, cardinal

Ismail, Shah of Iran

Istanbul (Byzantium, Constantinople) Byzantium

founding of Constantinople (330)

Latin sack (1204)

Turkish siege (1354)

Turkish siege (1394-1402)

Turkish siege (1422)


Turkish siege (1453)

Turkish conquest (1453)

becomes Ottoman capital

repopulation by Mehmet II

system introduced

rebuilding by Mehmet II

Mehmet II builds Topkapı Sarayı

rebuilding and redecoration of Topkapı Sarayı by later sultans

Allied occupation of Istanbul (1919-23)

last sultan leaves Istanbul

Ankara replaces Istanbul as capital

last caliph leaves Istanbul

census of 1477

population in Süleyman’s reign

population increase since 1924

Bosphorus bridges

monuments from reign of Mehmet II

later imperial mosques

buildings of Mehmet II in Topkapı Sarayı

Istanbul monuments: Ahmet I Camii

Anadolu Hisarı

Beyazit I Camii (the Beyazidiye)

Çinili Köşk

Eski Saray

Eyüp shrine

Fatih Camii

Gedik Pasha Hamamı

Golden Gate

Haghia Sophia

Ishak Pasha mosque and

Kapalı Çarşı

Kazancılar Camii

Kumrulu Mescit

Mahmut Pasha mosque complex

Mihrimah Camii

Murat Pasha Camii

Nuruosmaniye Camii

Rum Mehmet Pasha Camii

Rumeli Hisarı

Sağrıcılar Camii

Samanveren Camii

Selim I Camii

Süleyman I Camii (the Süleymaniye)


Timurtaş Camii


Topkapı Sarayı

Yarhisar Camii

Yavaşça Şahin Camii



Ithaka (Ithaki)

Izmir (Smyrna)

Izmit (Nicomedia)

Iznik (Nicaea)



Jem Sultan, son of Mehmet II

Jervis, Robert


John IV Comnenus, emperor of Trebizond

John V Palaeologus, emperor

John VI Cantacuzenus, emperor

John VIII Palaeologus, emperor

John Castrioti

John Hunyadi, prince

Joseph II, Greek patriarch

Julius II, pope

Justinian I, emperor


Kaffa (Feodosiya)

Kaitbey, Mamluk sultan

Kapsali, Moses, chief rabbi

Kara Mustafa Pasha

Karamanı Mehmet Pasha




Karıştıran Süleyman Bey

Karıştıranlı Süleyman Bey

Karlowitz, treaty of

Kasım Bey, Karamanid emir

Kasım Bey, envoy of Beyazit II

Kasım Pasha


Kemalpaşazade, Turkish historian

Kendal, John

Knights of St John

Knolles, Richard


Korkut, son of Beyazit II



Kosovo, first battle of (1389) second battle of (1448)

Kritoboulos of Imbros, biographer of Mehmet II


Küçük Ahmet, son of Murat II

Küçük Kaynarca, treaty of


Ladislas I, king

Ladislas II, king

Ladislas Posthumus, king

Laiot, Basaraba, voyvoda

Landucci, Luca

Lausanne, treaty of

Layard, Augustin

Lazar Branković, despot



Leo X, pope

Leonard of Chios, archbishop

Leonardo da Vinci

Lepanto (Naupactos)

battle of


Lewis II, king

Lezhe (Alessio)

Lodovico II Gonzaga, marquis

Lomellino, Angelo

London, treaty of (1827)


Longo, Alviso

Loredan, Alvise

Loredan, Giacomo

Loredan, Jacopo

Loredano, Antonio

Lorenzo de’Medici

Louis XI, king

Lumley, Marmaduke

Lungo, Geronimo

Lutfi Bey



Maestro Iacopo, Mehmet II’s physician

Magni, Cornelio

Magno, Stefano

Mahmut II, sultan

Mahmut Pasha

Malatesta, Sigismondo Pandolpho

Malipiero, Domenico

Malkoçoğlu Bali Bey



Manenti, Alvise

Manetti, Giannozzo


Manuel II Palaeologus, emperor

Mara Branković, wife of Murat II

Marcello, Bartolomeo

Master George of Saxony

Matteo de’Pasti of Verona, painter

Matthias Corvinus, king

Maximilian I, emperor

Mehmet I, sultan

Mehmet II, the Conqueror (Fatih) sultan

birth xvi


governor in Amasya


governor in Manisa

early studies

serves as regent in Edirne for Murat II

becomes sultan on abdication of Murat II

first reign as sultan (1444-6)

sent to Manisa as governor when Murat II resumes rule

baptism of fire at second battle of Kosovo (1448)

death of mother

birth of son Beyazit

marriage to Sitti Hatun

birth of son Mustafa

succeeds as sultan on death of Murat II

has half-brother Küçük Ahmet murdered

receives foreign envoys and signs treaties

reorganises government

leads expedition against Karamanid emir Ibrahim

dispute with Constantine XI

begins preparation for siege of Constantinople

builds Rumeli Hisarı

siege of Constantinople

triumphal entry into city, thenceforth known as Istanbul

converts Haghia Sophia into mosque

treatment of prisoners

execution of Grand Duke Notaras

occupation of Galata

spends summer of 1453 at Edirne Sarayı and receives foreign envoys

returns to Istanbul and begins repopulating city

appoints Gennadios as Greek Orthodox patriarch

begins reconstruction of Istanbul

negotiates with Venetians

launches campaign into Serbia

sends navy into Aegean

captures Genoese colonies of Nea and Palaeo Phokaia along with islands of Imbros and Samothrace

wounded in unsuccessful attempt to take Belgrade

spends year at Edirne Sarayı

his army captures Athens

leads campaign into the Peloponnesos

visits Athens

visits Negroponte

launches expedition into Serbia

campaigns in Peloponnesos

leads campaign into Serbia and captures Smederova

conquers Peloponnesos and ends Byzantine rule in Greece

birth of son Jem

his army captures Genoese colony at Amasra

conquers Trebizond and ends Byzantine empire of the Comneni

leads invasion of Wallachia

captures Lesbos

visits Troy

builds navy

builds fortresses on Dardanelles

leads campaign in Bosnia

conquers most of Hercegovina

his army captures Venetian fortress at Argos

Venice declares war and recaptures Argos

leads expedition into Bosnia

annexes Hercegovina

spends year in new palace of Topkapı Sarayı

leads campaigns in Albania against Skanderbeg

launches campaign against Karamanids

conquers Negroponte

his army captures Venetian fortresses in the Peloponnesos

renews campaign against Karamanids

leads victorious campaign against Uzun Hasan

death of son Mustafa

executes Mahmut Pasha

launches expedition into Albania

launches expeditions into

Moldavia and Wallachia

sends raiders into Croatia, Friuli, Hungary and Austria

sends fleet to Crimea and captures Kaffa

launches raid in Hungary

leads invasion of Moldavia and Wallachia

leads campaign into Serbia and Hungary

launches campaigns into Greece and Albania

sends raiders into Friuli

leads expedition into Albania

signs peace treaty ending war with Venice

sends fleet into Ionian Islands

sends fleet to capture Georgian fortresses in eastern Black Sea

sits for portrait by Gentile Bellini

inactive in 1479-80 because of ill health

launches unsuccessful expedition against Rhodes

launches invasion of Italy and captures Otranto

musters army for new campaign

leads army into Anatolia as far as Gebze, where he dies on 3 May 1481

body returned to Istanbul for burial

celebrations in Europe on his death

Descriptions of Mehmet by Cyriacus of Ancona by Brother George of Mühlenbach by Giacomo de’ Languschi

his violent temper

his fitness to rule

his imperial ambitions

his administrative abilities

his determination to conquer Constantinople

his observance of Islam

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