The Gift of Shayla (6 page)

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Authors: N.J. Walters

BOOK: The Gift of Shayla
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“I know, man.” And he did know it. Rob was a good friend. The best. “But I can’t go back to things the way they were.”

“We’re not asking you to.” Shayla stepped into Adam’s living room and went to Rob’s side. Together they were a unified couple.

Adam turned away. It hurt to look at them. So perfect together. “You love Shayla. I understand that. And why wouldn’t you. She’s an amazing lady. Smart, kind, gentle, giving…And she loves you too.”

Shayla looked beautiful this morning in a pair of simple black pants and a festive cranberry-colored sweater. Diamonds glittered at her throat and Adam knew the necklace was a gift from Rob. She and Rob belonged together. He couldn’t come between them. Couldn’t live with himself if he did.

“I do love her.” Rob’s confirmation was like a knife to Adam’s heart. “But that doesn’t mean that you aren’t important, that there isn’t room for you.”

Didn’t his friend realize everything had changed? There was no way Adam could go back to being just friends. Not now. Not after having been given a glimpse of paradise.

“What do you want then? What?” Adam didn’t try to hide his pain. There was no point.

“You,” was his simple reply. “I love you.” Rob’s words stunned Adam and he shook his head in denial. Rob locked his hand behind Adam’s neck and leaned forward until their foreheads were touching. “I really love you. I denied it for years because I was afraid. I never wanted another guy before. Only you. When I fell in love with Shayla, I figured what I felt for you would die. Only it didn’t.”

Adam was stunned. He glanced at Shayla. Surely she didn’t want to hear that her husband had discovered he was in love with another guy. One night of bedroom fun was one thing. This was much more serious. This was important. This was everything.

“I love you both,” Rob continued. He pulled Shayla down beside him so they were both in front of him. “I need you both. Shayla was the one who pointed it out to me.”

Adam still didn’t know what to say.

Rob raised his head and smiled. “I didn’t know what to do about it until she and I talked about it. We want to see where this goes. Spend more of our nights together. Hell, we already spend all our time off together anyway.”

“No one can know.” Adam’s heart was pounding. No way was he going to do anything to hurt Rob’s business. He would lose contracts in droves if word of their strange arrangement got out.

“Then no one has to know.” Shayla shook her head. “You live next door. You and Rob have always been close. You’re over at our place all the time now as it is. Who’s to know if the parameters of our relationship have changed?”

Adam was afraid to believe. “It can’t work.”

“Why not?” Rob countered. “If you want things to go back to the way they were, if that’s what will make you happy, I can live with it.” His blue eyes glittered with emotion. “I won’t like it, but I’ll understand.”

“It’s our gift to you,” Shayla added. “And to ourselves.”

It was then Adam realized that last night wasn’t the gift Shayla and Rob had given him. This was. Acceptance. Love. A place to finally belong.

“If down the road we want something more permanent, we can talk about what changes we want to make. We could always buy some land and build a huge house. Or we could build a duplex with an interior door. Or we can keep things the way they are. You with your house next to ours. Whatever you want. I just don’t want to lose you.” The plea in Rob’s eyes was too much for Adam to resist.

His heart skipped a beat. This was really happening. “You’re sure.” He studied Shayla’s face and then Rob’s. He saw nothing but sincerity and love there. But he had to be certain. He didn’t want either of them to do anything they’d regret.

“Love is never wrong,” Shayla whispered. She swiped a tear from the corner of her eye.

“No, it’s not,” Rob agreed.

Adam took that first step. Actually it was a giant leap of faith. “Okay. If that’s what you want. I want to try it. See where it goes.” Maybe this would all blow up in their faces, maybe they wouldn’t be able to make it work. But maybe they could.

This was Christmas morning and maybe a miracle was possible. Maybe he was going to get the gift he’d always wanted and then some—Rob’s love. And now Shayla’s as well.

Rob stood and pulled his wife up to stand beside him. Then he opened his arms. Adam pushed out of his chair and faced them both. “You’re sure?”

“All we can do is try.” Rob curled his fingers inward, urging Adam forward. “We’re both willing if you are.”

He took that final step and found himself engulfed in a strong pair of arms. Rob’s arms. Then a small pair slipped around his waist. Shayla. They were both hugging him. Adam stood there and let their caring seep into him. His reality had been bleak only minutes before, now the world was being offered to him. He promised himself he wouldn’t do anything to fuck this up. If a time ever came when their arrangement wasn’t working for any of them, he’d walk away. He loved them both too much to ever do anything to hurt them.

“Why don’t you come back over to the house and have breakfast with us?” Shayla asked. “Pack up your presents and lug them over to our place. After breakfast we can open them. Together.”

Adam reached into his pocket and pulled out the length of red ribbon. He looped it around her neck and tugged her toward him until he was close enough to kiss her. Her lips were warm beneath his. “Thank you.” He knew none of this would have happened without her.

“You’re welcome,” she whispered. “Now.” She stepped away and continued in a brisker voice. “You two handle the presents, I’m going back to the house to cook up a feed of bacon and pancakes.”

“Sounds good to me.” Adam was suddenly starving. “But first, I think I’ll do this.” He grabbed Rob and planted a big one on his lips. What started out as a rough and playful kiss quickly turned gentle and emotional.

When they parted, Rob smiled. “We okay?”

Adam nodded. “We’re better than okay.”

“Good. Then grab all your presents. I’m looking forward to opening them together.” Rob cupped the back of his neck and drew Adam forward until their foreheads were touching.

Together. Such a simple word, but one that meant more to Adam than either of them would ever know.

Or maybe not. Shayla and Rob had already shown just how open and loving they were by offering him everything he’d ever wanted.

“I’ve already got the only present I want.” Joy filled Adam. He knew there would be some rough patches along the way, but he was becoming more confident by the minute that they could get through them and make this new relationship work.

The red ribbon was still twined around Shayla’s neck, a reminder of their night together. “So do we.” Her eyes twinkled as bright as her diamond necklace. “But I still want the packages under the tree.”

About the Author

N.J. Walters worked at a bookstore for several years and one day had the idea that she would like to quit her job, sell everything she owned, leave her hometown and write romance novels in a place where no one knew her. And she did. Two years later, she went back to the bookstore and her hometown and settled in for another seven years.

Although she was still fairly young, that was when the midlife crisis set in. Happily married to the love of her life, with his encouragement (more like, “For God’s sake, quit the job and just write!”) she gave notice at her job on a Friday morning. On Sunday afternoon, she received a tentative acceptance for her first erotic romance novel,
Annabelle Lee,
and life would never be the same.

N.J. has always been a voracious reader of romance novels, and now she spends her days writing novels of her own. Vampires, werewolves, dragons, time-travelers, seductive handymen and next-door neighbors with smoldering good looks, all vie for her attention. And she doesn’t mind a bit. It’s a tough life, but someone’s got to live it.


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ISBN: 978-1-4268-9223-3

Copyright © 2011 by Norma Collins

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