The Gift of Shayla (2 page)

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Authors: N.J. Walters

BOOK: The Gift of Shayla
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Adam watched, feeling like a voyeur but unable to stop. His cock was throbbing incessantly and his balls ached. He was afraid the zipper on his jeans would burst if something didn’t give soon.

Rob released Shayla and then put his hand out to Adam. “Come here.”

Feet unstuck, he practically stumbled over to his friend. “I still don’t understand.” He wanted the words said out loud. He didn’t want anything left to chance.

The corners of Rob’s mouth lifted up in a brief smile. “I told you I’ve seen you watching me. You’ve wanted me for years.” He raised his hand and Adam flinched slightly when Rob’s hand rested against his cheek.

Adam swallowed hard. No way could he lie about this. Not anymore. “Yeah, I have.”

“Why didn’t you ever do anything about it?” There was no censure in Rob’s voice, only curiosity.

He shrugged. “We’re friends. I didn’t want to lose that.”

Rob nodded as though something had been confirmed. “I thought as much. I wondered for years if you were gay, but you dated women and seemed to enjoy them even if you never settled down.” No way was Adam admitting he’d never settled down because he was in love with his best friend. “Then I saw you watching Shayla.”

Adam turned his head away, but Rob’s fingers clamped around his jaw, pulling him back.

Adam nodded. “I watched Shayla too,” he admitted. There was nothing left to lose now. Everything was out in the open. And with it, a huge weight was lifted from his shoulders. “I’m bi.”

Rob’s hand dropped back to his side and Adam felt the loss of contact. Had his admission driven his friend away?

He watched and waited as Rob strode back around Shayla, who’d quietly been watching them both. He wondered what she was thinking. How she felt about his confession.

“I’ve never been attracted to men,” Rob said and Adam’s hopes sank. “But I’ve always been drawn to you.”

He didn’t dare believe what Rob was saying. Before he could question anything, his friend was talking again.

“Shayla and I discussed matters and decided to give you a very special gift. We want you to spend the night with us.”

It was everything he’d ever wanted and more. But before he could accept, he needed to be sure Shayla was on board. He walked over to stand in front of her. “Are you certain?”

She smiled, her red lips enticing. “This is my gift to you. Our gift to you.”

“Kiss her,” Rob urged.

Adam leaned down, his shaggy blond hair brushing her cheek and neck as he angled his face toward her. He kept the first touch light. Her lips were so soft and welcoming. He could almost imagine he could taste Rob on her mouth from when he’d kissed her earlier.

She parted her lips and he accepted the invitation, delving inside. She tasted sweet and warm and welcoming. Her tongue twined with his, playfully teasing. Then she sucked hard. The top of his head almost blew off as he imagined her doing the same to his cock. Damn, but she was hot.

Adam stood back, his chest heaving.

Rob walked over and started unbuttoning his shirt, his fingers grazing Adam’s chest. “Why don’t you get a bit more comfortable?” Adam allowed his friend to strip off his shirt, powerless to stop him. “Such strong arms and chest you have.” Rob rubbed his hand over Adam’s pecs before flicking his nipple. Adam wasn’t expecting the move and couldn’t contain his groan of pleasure.

Rob stepped back. “First things first.” He went to work on his own boots and pants. He stopped with his fingers on his zipper. “You might want to finish taking off your clothes too.”

Adam pulled himself out of the sexual stupor he’d fallen into and made quick work of unlacing his boots and getting rid of them. His socks came next and then his jeans. He had to be careful with the zipper. There was no hesitation when he reached for the band of his boxer briefs. He stripped them down his thighs and kicked them away.

All three of them were naked now. Both Rob and Shayla were watching him and he straightened, allowing them to see just how much they affected him. His cock was huge and hungry. For both of them.

He and Rob had seen each other naked over the years. They’d showered in locker rooms after a workout, gone skinny-dipping when they were seventeen. But this was different. The other times there had been no sexual undertones. Everything was different now, and Adam found himself devouring his friend.

Rob’s skin was tanned, his body lean and powerful. He had a thatch of dark chest hair that bisected his sculpted abs. His cock was thick and wide, rising proudly from a nest of wiry black hair.

Adam wanted to touch Rob’s cock, to run his tongue over it and taste it. He wanted to feel it inside him, fucking him hard. He didn’t think things would go quite that far, but a guy could dream.

Shayla made a whimpering sound, drawing his gaze. Her eyes were locked on his groin. She licked her lips and he felt a drop of fluid seep from the tip of his cock. It wouldn’t take much for him to come. He didn’t want to do that. Not until he’d had a chance to enjoy them both.

He was under no misconceptions. This was a gift. A one-shot deal. It would also change their relationship forever. And no matter what they both said now, he was the odd man out. They would go back to being a happy couple and he would be left alone.

This was a novelty for them. An experiment. For Adam, it was the one and only chance he’d ever have to physically express his love for both of them.

Chapter Two

Rob could feel Shayla quivering as he stepped behind her and pressed his hands against her belly. His cock nestled into the curve of her back, centering him.

He’d loved Shayla from the moment he’d set eyes on her. There was a quiet strength about her that drew him. That core of strength made it even more exciting when she gave herself so completely to him in the bedroom.

He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Not much longer, my love.” She hadn’t been stretched out naked for too long. She’d waited on the bed, until she’d heard him coming up the stairs. As per their plan, she’d hooked her legs into position and raised her hands above her head, allowing him to clamp her wrists to the hooks descending from the ceiling before Adam arrived.

She nodded slightly and he knew she understood. He’d married a one-of-a-kind woman. Not only did she allow him to have his way in the bedroom, but she was open to allowing his friend in as well. It was Shayla who’d first voiced what he’d long suspected. That Adam was in love with him.

He’d known for years that his friend had feelings for him, but had chosen to ignore them. Rob had wondered from time to time over the years what it would be like to be with Adam, but he’d never acted on it. He didn’t want to risk his friendship for the sake of an experiment. After all, he was attracted to women, not men. Adam was the exception.

It had gotten harder and harder over the years to push aside those sexual thoughts and feelings about Adam. Marrying Shayla had helped, but it hadn’t put an end to them. Rob had finally been forced to admit he loved them both.

Surprisingly, Shayla had understood.

He and Adam had been friends for years. Rob could barely remember a time in his life when Adam wasn’t there. As kids, they’d run wild through the woods behind their parents’ homes, playing war games, having adventures. They played video games, went camping together, shared secrets under the stars. Hell, they’d even tried their first cigarettes together. Thankfully, that experiment had been a failure. They’d both been sick as a dog. Nothing like puking your guts up to bond two boys together.

As they’d grown older they’d talked about girls and sex and sports. They’d sampled their first beer, planned their careers, their lives. It had always been understood they’d be best buds.

Then Rob had begun to notice a change in Adam. There wasn’t any big moment in his memory, just a gentle understanding that Adam was different. He liked women and men.

But Adam had never acted on it, never approached Rob, for which he was grateful. He’d been grappling with his own sexuality in those early years, discovering he liked to be dominant in the bedroom. Not everyone understood such leanings.

Neither of them talked about the underlying tension in their relationship, but it always seemed to be there, simmering underneath every conversation, every moment they’d spent together.

Then Shayla had brought everything out into the open, forcing Rob to admit he was open to a sexual relationship with his best friend. It had taken him some time to wrap his head around the idea. He’d never wanted another man. Sure, he’d admired guys’ physiques from time to time over the years. What guy hadn’t? There were always the locker-room comparisons, the curiosity every young man had about how his dick compared to other guys’. But it had been nothing but the healthy curiosity of a teenage boy. He’d never felt the need to take it any further, to actually touch a man sexually.

Only Adam.

Now Adam was here. Naked. In his bedroom. Sure, he’d seen Adam naked over the years. Skinny-dipping in the lake couldn’t be done with clothes on. Nor could showering after a workout at the gym. But this was different. This time Adam was naked for the sole purpose of having sex. With him and Shayla.

Adam was the same height as him but he was built quite differently. Where Rob was lean, Adam was all thick muscle and bulk. What would it feel like to dominate such a large, strong man? What would it be like to have Adam on his knees sucking his cock? Would Adam allow him to be the dominant partner in the bedroom? Would he find it a turn on?

His own arousal level shot through the roof at the thought. His cock was standing straight up toward his navel, liquid seeping from the tip. Oh yeah, he really wanted to know.

But that would come later. For now, Rob observed Adam watching Shayla. Adam’s nostrils were flared and his dick was hard. His friend couldn’t seem to take his eyes off the tempting display Shayla made tied and spread for their enjoyment. Instead of being jealous, he felt pride. He wanted both of them, wanted them to love one another as much as he loved them.

He’d spent years being tormented by his feelings, but that was at an end. Tonight would change everything. He only hoped that in the morning their friendship would still be intact.

Determined to make this work, he brought his hands downward over Shayla’s stomach. Adam’s gaze followed. “She’s already wet.” He parted her pussy with one hand, letting Adam see her slick folds.

Adam’s chest heaved, and a fine sheen of sweat coated it. Rob wanted to lick his salty skin. Taste the difference between silky feminine skin and harder masculine flesh. But he held back, letting Adam get comfortable with the situation.

Adam might be the one with experience with other men, but they’d taken him by surprise. Rob had ideas of his own, things he wanted to try, to experience. He could wait. Give Adam time to settle. They had all night.

Shayla arched forward and Rob eased a thick finger inside her cunt. She was so hot and wet and ready. Her inner muscles clamped down hard on his finger and she wiggled her ass against his cock.

Adam watched his every move. Damn, this was hot.

He withdrew his finger and brought it to his mouth. Slipping the digit inside, he tasted her essence. Adam licked his lips as though tasting Shayla’s cream.

“She’s hot and spicy and sweet.” Rob delved down again and stuck two fingers into her channel this time. Immediately they were both drenched. He withdrew, igniting a moan of pleasure from her. “Come taste.”

Adam leaned forward, his brilliant green eyes never leaving Rob’s face as he took both fingers into his mouth and sucked. Hard.

Shit. Rob’s cock jerked and precome wet Shayla’s back. He bet Adam could suck his dick just as hard.

“Watch him,” he urged his wife, his voice hoarse with desire. “Watch him tasting you.”

Adam ran his tongue over Rob’s fingers as he withdrew. Rob’s balls clenched in response. He forced himself to focus on Shayla and Adam. “Why don’t you taste her yourself?”

Adam nodded, but instead of fingering her, he went down on his knees before Shayla. Rob spread her pussy lips wider, encouraging his friend to take what he wanted.

As he watched, Adam’s blond head moved closer to his wife’s cunt.


It was taking every ounce of Shayla’s strength to keep from screaming. God, she was so primed. It wouldn’t take much for her to come. She’d never been with two men at once. It had always been a fantasy for her, but one she’d known she’d never fulfill. She wasn’t the type of woman to have casual sex. Never had been. She had to love a man to let him in her bed.

She’d found the right man for her when she’d met Rob. He understood her needs and was eager to fulfill them. She liked being dominated in the bedroom, having things taken out of her control.

Oh, they didn’t have a BDSM lifestyle, had never gone to the clubs or indulged in the scene. They were more casual, did what worked for them in the privacy of their own home. Shayla wouldn’t be able to handle being on display for a room full of people, knowing they could see her, touch her however they wanted. The idea had always turned her off, which was why her fantasy of a ménage with two men had always been nothing more than just that—a fantasy.

Not that she was complaining. She’d never been happier. Being married to Rob was everything she’d ever imagined it to be and more. But she’d never been more conflicted either.

From the first time she’d met Adam she’d been drawn to his quiet strength. Rob was the more outgoing of the two men. Adam was more content to stay in the background. Funny thing was she’d noticed him all the more because of that.

Having him live next door had enabled her to watch him closely. And she had. This past summer had been every woman’s fantasy. Both he and Rob had worn nothing but cutoffs and boots when they’d built their back deck. It had been a jolt to her libido and a delight for her senses.

She knew Rob was drawn to his friend as well, but had never admitted it to himself. She’d broached the subject carefully and was surprised by how quickly Rob had admitted he’d always felt something for Adam.

They’d come up with their plan, their gift. This way all of them would get what they wanted. She’d get her fantasy fulfilled, Rob could explore this side of his sexuality, and Adam could openly express his feelings for Rob. Shayla only prayed that in the end none of them ended up emotionally hurt.

Her thoughts were fractured as Adam’s hot breath brushed across her sex. There would be time to think tomorrow. Tonight they were all here and ready to enjoy themselves. There was honest caring, love and respect between them all. And a sexual attraction that was hot enough to set the sheets on fire.

She was naked, her arms and legs spread wide, unable to move. The cuffs were snug around her wrists and ankles, adding to her sense of vulnerability. The men could do anything they wanted to her and she couldn’t stop them. If it had been anyone but Rob and Adam, she’d be frightened. Instead, she was turned on. She trusted them not to hurt her, to see to her pleasure.

Rob adjusted his hold on her, pulling the lips of her labia wide. Adam’s tongue snaked out and licked down one side. Shayla moaned and wiggled her hips, wanting more. And Adam gave it to her.

He found the little nub of nerves at the apex of her sex and nibbled at it with his lips. Heat shot through her entire body. With Rob behind her and Adam in front of her, she was surrounded by raw male strength.

They were both prime specimens, yet different. Rob was lean and dark and strong, like a panther. Adam was more muscular and powerful, his shaggy golden head reminding her of a lion.

A low moan escaped her as he sucked her clit into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue. She was panting hard, her breasts swaying with each breath. She wanted to grab him by the head and tug him closer, but was unable to move.

It was frustrating. It was maddening. It spiked her arousal to an all-time high.

“More,” she whispered.

Adam’s head shot up and he stared at her through expressive green eyes. They were brilliant, like emeralds, and filled with a fire that scorched her from the inside out.

He smiled at her as he rimmed the opening of her snug channel with his fingers. She whimpered when he slid one long, thick finger in and out. When he pressed in again, he used two fingers. She gasped and wiggled her hips, trying to get him to go deeper.

“I think she likes that. Don’t you, honey?” Rob asked.

“Oh, yes,” she breathed.

“Give her more,” Rob instructed.

Adam wedged another finger into her cunt, working it deep. Shayla couldn’t breathe. She was filled to overflowing. His large fingers stretched her sheath, bordering on pain. But it felt so good. She threw back her head, pumping her hips as much as she was able.

Taking his cue from her, Adam began thrusting his fingers in and out of her slick core. Rob leaned down and bit the curve of her neck. It was too much.

Shayla screamed as her orgasm hit her. Lights exploded behind her eyes. Her pussy contracted hard and liquid flowed, drenching Adam’s fingers. He kept working her until she couldn’t take it anymore. As if sensing the difference in her immediately, he withdrew, bringing his fingers to his mouth and licking them.

“Save some for me,” Rob ordered.

Adam leaned forward and blew gently on her swollen pussy, sending spasms of aftershocks rocketing through her. Lost in her own pleasure, she barely noticed Adam standing and offering his fingers to Rob. Her husband leaned forward and took the wet, sticky fingers into his mouth. The heat from both men surrounded her. She was floating on a cloud of sensual delight and knew this was only the beginning.


Rob sucked on Adam’s fingers, tasting the combination of his wife’s cream and his friend’s skin. Hearing Shayla’s moans of pleasure. Seeing Adam’s blond head buried between her slender thighs, his thick fingers sliding in and out of her cunt, was intoxicating.

He wanted to fuck them both.

Adam finally pulled his hand away and Rob used his teeth, scraping over Adam’s fingers. His friend shuddered but kept his eyes wide open, watching.

“Did you enjoy that?” Rob asked.

“Fuck, yes.” Adam rubbed his hand across his jaw, wiping away some of the moisture there. “She tastes so damn sweet. Like ripe plums. Rich and succulent.”

It was strange to hear another man speaking of his wife in this manner. If it had been anyone else, Rob would be insane with jealousy. But this wasn’t just anyone. This was his best friend, a man he trusted. A man he wanted. And hearing the words fall from Adam’s lips only heightened Rob’s arousal.

“Her breasts are incredibly sensitive,” he told his friend. Reaching up, Rob cupped the heavy mounds in his palms. “I can almost make her come just by touching them. She gets so hot that all I have to do is pump her once or twice and she’ll come.” He leaned forward and licked his wife’s jawline. “Isn’t that right, my sweet?”

“Yes.” She leaned her head back, giving him access to her ear. He traced the sensitive whorls with his tongue before nipping at the lobe. The contrast in touch had her squirming again.

“Shayla can also come again and again. I think our record is five times. Shall we go for more?”

“Yes.” It was Adam who answered and Rob smiled at him.

“I think you’re right.” He captured Shayla’s puckered nipples between this thumbs and forefingers, squeezing gently. She gasped with undisguised pleasure.

Rob motioned to Adam. “Get those nipple clamps from the top of the dresser.”

Adam walked across the room and picked up the two clips. “These?”

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