The Gentlewoman (8 page)

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Authors: Lisa Durkin

BOOK: The Gentlewoman
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“It wasn’t Dorn if that’s where you’re headed. I notice you
don’t seem too upset over his possible expectations of you.”

“He’s a friend and is helping me immensely in gaining votes
for the Trojan Japan deal. I’m going to need allies, remember? And I haven’t
dropped my guard. I know I’ll be returning the favor, and I’m fine with that.”
She wasn’t about to mention their newly acquired quasi-relationship status.

“You don’t seem to be too concerned over what he may ask of
you. Don’t you wonder what he’s going to want? Maybe you’re not thinking too
much past what he looks like in his running pants.”

Rory seethed but she knew better than to continue once
Landon started getting nasty. He had always been shrewd and she knew better
than to expect that he would shy away from using anyone, even family. This
seemed a new low though. It was amazing, nothing about how low Landon could go
should be a surprise to her anymore. But it was. Shame on her for
underestimating him. It wouldn’t happen again.

The waiter delivered their food and silence settled over the
table. That suited Rory just fine. She picked at her lunch and began to feel
some of her anger subside into hurt. Another lesson in trust from someone so
close to her. What the fuck was wrong with her? When would she learn?


The door to Rory’s office was open so Jackson stepped inside
and looked around.

“Anybody home?” he shouted.

Nicole appeared from the hallway. “Hello, Congressman.”

“Hello, Ms. Dailey, isn’t it? I was supposed to meet Rory
here. We’re heading home and having dinner together before her flight to Cleveland.”

Nicole’s smile widened. “I see. Well, she went down to a
hearing. I’m sure she’ll be back any moment. You’re welcome to wait here if you

“Yes, I’d like that, thank you.”

“I was just finishing up some work in my office.” She waved
him back and offered him a drink. He refused with his polite
and took one of the chairs across from her desk. Nicole smiled slyly and sat
down. Her eyes ran down his body and back up to his eyes.

“You and Rory seem to be hitting it off.”

“Rory is a very smart lady. I enjoy her company.” He was
amused and wondered where this was heading.

“That is an understatement. Rory is one of the best
political and legislative minds I’ve ever met, Congressman Dorn.”

“I don’t doubt that for a moment, Ms. Dailey.”

“Please, call me Nicole. She’s more than smart, isn’t she,
Congressman? She’s also a very beautiful woman.” Her eyes traveled south again
and Jackson was starting to wonder if his fly was open.

“Indeed, she is a very beautiful woman.” His smile remained
as he continued. “Nicole, I get the feeling you’re trying to tell me

Nicole leaned back in her chair and looked at the
congressman. “I won’t beat around the bush, no pun intended. You are known to
enjoy the company of the ladies. That is your prerogative. You are a very
handsome man and you are unattached. Always unattached, aren’t you.” This was
not stated in the form of a question and she continued. “There’s nothing wrong
with that. We’re all adults. Rory is an adult and while she isn’t as worldly as
you, she’s not a prude.”

“Yes, I have been unattached for some time, and I have
enjoyed the company of many ladies. Many, many ladies if I were to be honest.”
He gazed into Nicole’s eyes with a polite smile still in residence upon his
lips. “Is my reputation something you wish your congresswoman to avoid
association with?”

Nicole laughed and held out her hand. “In a manner,
Congressman Dorn, only in a manner. See, I happen to like the way Rory has
responded to the attention you’ve given her. As I’m sure you’re aware, Rory has
been through events in her life that would leave lesser people paralyzed. And
while Rory functions well in her capacity as congresswoman, she still remains
arrested in other areas of her life. In fact, most areas of her life, other than
her work. But I’ve seen a change in her since she’s been hanging out with you.
A return to her former sparkle, if ever so slightly. It has given me hope. And
I know she’s been hanging out with you more often than she was willing to
divulge to me.” She smiled at Dorn again, reassuringly. “The change is

“Well, I’m glad that you approve of my influence. As I said,
I enjoy her company.”

“And she enjoys yours as well, even if it’s difficult for
her to show it. I’m hoping, however, that you will remember the fact that Rory
is not yet fully recovered, and try not to give her excuse to further insulate
herself against life.”

Jackson listened to Nicole and was happy that Rory had such
a friend. He didn’t take offense to what she was telling him. He knew his
reputation, and it was deserved. In ten years, he hadn’t had romantic
connections; he had only sexual ones. He knew some of his partners had been
vocal about the games they played in bed. More people than he cared to admit
knew of his sexual exploits. And those exploits were not considered run of the
mill by everyone.

He remained silent. As nice as she was, he was certain that
Ms. Dailey was going to threaten his balls any minute. And he couldn’t blame
her. He felt like a bastard, knowing full well what he intended to get from
Rory in the House. Although that wasn’t all he wanted. More and more, that
seemed to be at odds with what he wanted.

“So I am supportive of your friendship with Rory. I must
warn you though that if you hurt her, I will hang your balls as a trophy from
my rearview mirror.” She turned the smile back up a notch.

Jackson laughed loudly and nodded. “I’ll certainly keep that
in mind.” He continued to laugh.

“What will you keep in mind?” He turned as Rory made her way
into the office. He stood and met her halfway through the room, taking her
elbow and planting a soft kiss on her cheek. He was amazed at how his body
jumped to attention, a tingle running through him the moment he heard her

“Nicole here was just giving me tips on impressively
equipped automobiles. How was your day?”

“Fine thank you, I’m rather glad it’s coming to an end. Are
you ready to go?” She seemed tired and irritated. Even so, she was still so
damn beautiful.

“Ready when you are.”

Rory quickly scooted into the backseat and without thinking,
immediately began arranging her bags in between herself and Jackson. She was
tired, and still very put out after her lunch with Landon. She was also
concerned that he was right about Jackson and she should be more cautious. She
didn’t want to be cautious. She wanted to melt into him and make it all go
away. How stupid.

“You’re really going to have to stop building these walls,”
Jackson said, clucking his tongue as he moved her bags onto the floorboard. He
slid over until they were side to side and she could feel his body heat. He
draped his arm around her shoulders. He took her hand, halting it from rubbing
her left wrist. He lifted it to his mouth and ran her knuckles over his lips. A
shudder went through her body and she turned further into him. His eyes bored
into hers and as he released her hand. She raked it through his dark hair. He
evoked such longing in her. His hard, muscular body emitted a heat that set her
blood boiling. After the long shitty day, she couldn’t seem to stop herself
from being pulled to him.

She straddled Jackson’s lap. His eyes grew more heated and
he moaned as her hands rubbed down his hard chest. Her skirt hiked up and as he
reached over to hit the button that lifted the tinted privacy window, his other
hand dropped to her silk-covered thigh. Rory’s breath caught in her throat as
he smoothed his hands up her legs and grabbed her hips. He jerked her forward
and took her mouth forcefully, pushing his tongue inside and tasting her
willfully. She returned his kiss and was unashamed as she made grinding motions
on his lap.

He grabbed her hand and brought it to his erection. She
could feel his hard, fully engorged cock through his slacks. His breathing
labored as his hand flattened against hers and guided her in moving up and down
his length.

“This is what you do to me, Rory,” he breathed, peering into
her eyes as he continued to move her hand up and down. “You make me so hard for

She leaned forward and recaptured his mouth. As she
continued to massage, he unbuttoned her blouse, sucking hard on the exposed
flesh. A surprised gasp escaped her throat as he freed a nipple from its cover
and sucked it into his mouth, his tongue laving it. Rory moaned and leaned into
him, rubbing his cock harder.

She reached for his belt as a ding sounded. “Sir, we’re
approaching the building.” Rory leaned back and Jackson released her, peering
into her eyes.

“We’re not finished here,” he said as he leaned her back to
button her blouse. They were both fighting to bring their breathing under
control and as they looked at each other, a smile spread over Rory’s face. They
both cracked up.


Two hours later Rory sat in Jackson’s BMW as they made their
way to the airport. That familiar panic was rising inside her once again,
telling her she needed to trust her instincts and stay away from him. After her
careless behavior in the backseat of the livery car, she wondered how wise it
was to keep his company. Not only did she fear how this would end up, but how
smart was it to engage in that type of immature behavior with witnesses around?
For Christ’s sake she was a United States Congresswoman.

She seemed to lose her self-control when she was around him,
but it felt good. He made her hot; that’s all there was to it. He certainly was
one of the best-looking men she’d ever seen. She looked over at him as he
drove. He had the thickest hair, straight nose and full lips. But those eyes,
those blue eyes could cause combustion from just a stare. He certainly was the
pretty boy she had first pegged him as, more than pretty. With that hard
muscled body, he was a total Hollywood movie star package. No wonder the media
loved him.

But it wasn’t just his looks. Rory had been out with some
hot men in her life. Aidan had been nice looking. Maybe that was it. Jackson
Dorn seemed really beautiful on the inside too. Either that or he was just too
good at the political act. She hoped that wasn’t the case because beautiful
face and hard body aside, she liked spending time with him.

When the car had dropped them off at home, they had gone
into her apartment where she finished organizing herself for her quick trip
home. Jackson had ordered Chinese. They had eaten together and engaged in some
normal conversation.

He had asked about her trip. She had run down the fundraisers
and meetings she would attend, and the visit to her cousin Devon and her kids,
if only for a short time. Jackson asked about all of the events and about her
family. He was amazed that even Devon’s parents had died, so it was just the
two of them and Devon’s three kids.

Rory was used to this reaction, always being around much
larger families in the Irish community. Much different from Jackson’s family of
course, as he had explained that he had three brothers and a sister, and each
of them was married and had multiple children. Good Irish people. He had
mentioned to Rory how unusual it was that an Irish family like hers would have
only one child. Rory explained that her parents would have liked more children,
but her mother’s lifelong battle against cancer had begun when Rory was only a
toddler and left her unable to have more.

Jackson had taken that opportunity to tell her about his
mother’s battle with multiple sclerosis, and how he was no stranger to dealing
with a parent’s illness. Another thing they had in common. Rory listened
sympathetically as he described the advancement of his mother’s MS through the
years, and how she didn’t seem to be doing very well currently. She could tell
he was worried about her as he expressed his regret at not being able to make
it back to Maine for another several weeks to check in.

As they approached the airport, Jackson pulled into the
short-term parking instead of dropping her at the departures terminal. As he
switched off the ignition, Rory grabbed her purse and unclicked her seatbelt.

“Wait,” Jackson said as she moved to open her door. His gaze
was boiling and probing all at once. He reached out and grabbed her hand,
bringing it to his lips before pulling her in and gently kissing her. He
released her hand and cupped her cheeks. The leather of the car seats creaked
as they both leaned in. Jackson’s tongue brushed hers as a soft moan rose from
his throat. Rory felt that moan vibrate between her thighs.

His hand slid down and held her around the throat, his thumb
massaging the delicate curve of her neck. It was softly possessive and

“I wish you didn’t have to go. I want you to stay with me.”

“I’ll be back on Sunday. I’ll see you then.” Her voice was

He stared into her eyes. He reached out and swiftly claimed
her lips, harder this time, as if he wanted to imprint the feel of the kiss
onto both their brains. When it ended he leaned forward and hugged her hard,
holding her close.

He whispered in her ear. “It’s been a long time since I’ve
had such a strong reaction to a woman. I don’t know what to do with this.”

Her hand went up the back of his neck and into his thick
hair. She felt equally captivated, but as usual, the vulnerable feeling left
her overwhelmed and looking to escape. Good thing she was getting on a plane in
thirty minutes. She needed to spend some time thinking about this situation, as
it was beginning to seem more involved than mere distraction. How had that
happened so quickly?

She leaned back, subtly putting some space between them. She
embraced humor to cut through the heat in the air.

“Playboy Dorn?” She smiled into his eyes and pecked a kiss
onto his lips before she pushed away and righted herself in her seat. She
gathered her purse and satchel. “Better figure it out before I get back on Sunday.”

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