The Gentlewoman (10 page)

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Authors: Lisa Durkin

BOOK: The Gentlewoman
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Chapter Ten


The plane circled for landing at Dulles and Rory felt
butterflies in her stomach. She had decided to stop whining, woman up, and take
Nicole and Devon’s advice to just go with it, whatever this physical attraction
was with Jackson, and take back part of her life. She had even pledged that she
wouldn’t think about any of the possible pitfalls of hooking up with him. She
was going to have fun and enjoy him for his obvious charms.

After exiting the plane, Rory walked through the airport
toward the cab stand area. She had decided to dress down in honor of Jackson’s
Super Bowl party in jeans, black leather boots and a black sweater. True to her
nonexistent love of football, she had forgotten which teams were competing in today’s
game. God knew it was never Cleveland, but just to be obnoxious she wore a
Browns scarf.

As she settled into her cab and looked out the window, she
realized how excited she was to see Jackson. She reapplied her lip gloss and
wondered if he would be excited to see her, or if he was one of those crazy
football fans who couldn’t be bothered to move from in front of the tube during
the game. She hoped not. She wouldn’t mind catching up with him—or sneaking
another of his kisses. But she knew there would be other people there. She
closed her eyes and remembered the feel of his mouth on her skin.

She climbed out of the cab in front of her building and
turned to grab her garment bag. She stepped back and pushed the door closed.
Turning toward the building, she ran face first into Jackson’s chest. As she
looked up into his smiling blue eyes, he put his arms around her.

“I’ve been waiting for you to show up,” he said into her
ear. She inhaled his masculine scent and let the heat of his arms soak into her
body. He released her, taking her bags and her hand, leading her to the front
door. “Let’s drop your bags in your apartment before we head into the party,”
he said, standing aside for her to unlock her front door. “How was your

“It was fine, thanks,” she said, smiling.

Jackson entered the apartment after her and closed the door.
He dropped her bags and grabbed her hard, covering her mouth with his. The
force of it shoved her back against the wall and his tongue explored roughly.
His hands were around her waist and she grabbed on to his biceps to steady
herself. His mouth was persistent, changing angles to taste her harder.

They were both breathing hard when he pulled back. “I
couldn’t wait to do that,” he said huskily. He placed his hand on her throat, sliding
it down, over her breasts, to her abdomen. “I want to do more, but first we
have to go in there and suffer through this party.” He stood back and released
her, taking her hand and pulling her from the wall.

Rory laughed. “Wow, you’re not making it easy to resist, are

“No way in hell. Come on, I’ll introduce you to everyone.”


His house was full of cohorts from his party, mostly
middle-aged men. There were a lot of people, almost standing room only, and
everybody was enjoying the conversation and drinks. Rory recognized some names
but not others. They were all very nice, mostly responding to her curiously, as
if they had no idea what the hell she was doing there. She didn’t blame them.
She was starting to feel the exact same way.

There were several women who had come with their husbands.
They offered the usual pleasantries but paid her little attention, returning to
their conversations. As Jackson introduced her to the last female, a tall
blonde who was hovering over the liquor that covered the kitchen bar, Rory took
a seat on one of the tall chairs and poured herself a gin and tonic. The tall
blonde smiled at her. Jackson was called back to the living room to settle a
football debate with several of his guests.

“So you’re the famous Rory Morgan,” the woman drawled. That
didn’t sound good. “I’ve heard a lot about you from Jackson,” she said with a
sly smile.

“Is that so?” Where did Jackson know this woman from? More
obviously to the point, was he still fucking her? “I’m sorry, your name again?”

“Jennifer Durand. I know Jackson from his days with the
Bureau, I’m an agent.” Oh, fucking great, her favorite governmental agency.
Rory immediately tensed. She gave her a stiff smile and swiveled in her chair
to look in Jackson’s direction. He was animatedly discussing some pass or play
or whatever from the football game.

“Those are gorgeous boots,” Durand said, coming around to
Rory’s side of the bar and running her hand slowly down Rory’s calf. “Soft too,
they feel really good.” She smiled into Rory’s eyes as she lifted herself onto
the chair next to her.

“Thanks,” Rory said. “So what is it you specialize in at the
Bureau?” Obviously this twit wasn’t going away.

“Different things, although my specialty is financials,
white collar, traders and the like. It can be pretty dull. But that’s okay. I
get my kicks in other ways.” She tilted her head and smiled as her eyes dropped
to Rory’s chest. She knew the bimbo was silently begging her to ask, as if she
couldn’t tell.

“So tell me how you like spending time with Jackson,” she
said, reaching out and patting Rory’s hand.

“I like it just fine, thank you. I’m not sure I’ve spent all
that much time with him, just some work-related projects. He seems very nice
though. I live across the hall.” She wasn’t quite sure why she felt the need to
keep telling people that.

“Yes, he mentioned that.” Rory wondered why Durand’s
eyebrows rose and lowered. What had Dorn told this woman? “He mentioned you
have similar interests on the Hill.”

“Maybe.” Actually, maybe none at all.

“You’re a very beautiful woman. I wonder if you have similar
interests off the Hill?” She slid her long fingers down Rory’s arm. “You must,
or you wouldn’t be here, right?”

Rory slanted her head and gingerly looked down at the hand
touching her. She turned her head slowly and glanced at Dorn, still in the
living room involved with his guests.

Rory looked back at Jennifer as she went on. “Jackson and I
have enjoyed our similar interests together for some years now. I’m always
excited when he introduces me to a new friend. We like to include new friends
from time to time,” she purred, again running her long painted nails up and
down Rory’s arm.

Rory was no prude. She had her share of gay and lesbian
friends. This wasn’t the first time she had been hit on by a woman. But that
wasn’t quite what was happening here. This woman was trying to make a different
point. And she wondered if she had misjudged Jackson’s intentions altogether.


“Yes, Jackson and I are quite a pair. We like to play a
certain way, and we play pretty hard. He must have told you a little about it
if he invited you here.”

“No, he didn’t. Why don’t you enlighten me.” She wasn’t sure
what to think at this point. Had Jackson intended for her to join him in some
sexual game?

“Well, the usual fun, of course. Jackson knows my type and
he usually takes great pride in finding somebody I’ll like. He enjoys my
excitement over new guests in the bedroom.” Her eyes lingered on Rory’s and
then turned to Jackson in the living room, roving up and down his body. Jackson
noticed them looking his way, and returned a smile as he was dragged back to
the football conversation.

“How long have you been seeing Jackson?” Rory asked,

“For a couple of years now. It’s so much fun. You’ll see.”
She winked and sipped her drink again.

Rory was pissed. “I’m afraid you may have mistaken my
presence here, Durand, was it? I’m not Jackson Dorn’s new bedroom buddy. But
you and Jackson make a cute couple, so you enjoy your evening.” She set her
glass back on the bar and rose from her seat.

“You’re not going, are you?” Durand asked, smiling sweetly.
“Stay and enjoy the party with us. You might like it, you know.”

“No thank you, I don’t think I will. Multiples have never
been a turn-on for me. I guess I’m selfish that way.”

Jackson walked to the bar. His smile faded when he saw the
look on Rory’s face. “I’m leaving,” she said, and headed for the door. He
followed her.

“Why are you leaving?”

Rory pulled the door open, but Jackson caught her by the
upper arm.

“Remove your hand if you’d like to keep it.”

“Rory, what’s wrong? Why are you leaving?” He eased up but
still held her firmly.

“Our plans for the evening are different, so I’m going home.
Goodbye, Dorn.” She was livid. She had no intentions of hooking up with him and
his favorite fuck buddy. How could she have misread him so badly?

“I wanted you here with me tonight, Rory. I don’t know what
has upset you, but I don’t want you to go. I’d rather everybody else leaves,
anybody, but not you.” She thought it was amazing how earnest he seemed.

“Your fuck friend, lover, girlfriend or whatever she is over
there told me exactly what you want from me. Sorry to disappoint, I’m not into
your games, and I’m not staying. Let go,” she sneered and jerked her arm out of
his grasp. She stepped back and closed the door behind her.


He looked at the door for a moment before he turned and
looked at Jennifer. What the fuck had happened? Jennifer held his gaze as he
stalked back to her. She smiled sweetly.

“What did you say to Rory, Jennifer?”

“What do you mean? We were having a pleasant conversation,”
she stated innocently.

“What did you say to piss her off and make her leave?”
Jackson demanded. “She was fine when I left her sitting at the bar, and ten
minutes later she’s angry and leaving. What the fuck did you say to her? And
try for the truth.”

“I was just having some fun with her.”

“What kind of fun?”

“I thought she was hot, and I thought we could all have some
fun together, like we used to.” She placed her hand on Jackson’s chest as she

Jackson tried to keep the lid on his anger. He grabbed her
hand and placed it back on her lap. God damn it. He couldn’t believe she would
do this. But then again, why wouldn’t she? Every time he’d ever been with her,
it was in some sort of ménage. Why would she think for a moment that Rory was
any different?

“Jennifer, that’s not going to happen with Rory. She’s not
like that, and I’m not into it.”

“You’re not into Rory Morgan? Give me a fucking break. You
came alive when she showed up, and you haven’t been able to keep your eyes off
her. You want to fuck her so badly it’s all over your face, not to mention your

“That’s correct. But I’m not sharing Rory. Are we clear?”

She stared at him. “I see. So I guess I’m old hat, is that

“That’s not how I see you. We’re still friends.”

“Will you be fucking me tonight?”

Jackson looked at her and realized he had been careless. He
shouldn’t have expected that she would just accept without insult that he had
feelings for another woman beyond those he had for her. He hadn’t thought of
her feelings at all in his haste to have Rory at his party and in his life.

“Jennifer, I’m sorry I didn’t make it clear to you before
you came that I didn’t intend tonight to include our past fun and games.”

“Past…wow. Rory Morgan has really gotten to you. Wow, so
that’s how it is… Okay,” she said incredulously.

“I’m sorry but that
how it is. At least until I
know what’s going on with Rory and me.”

“Ha!” she barked “Wow… ‘Rory and me’.”

“I’m sorry, Jennifer.”

She held her hand up. “No, no, it’s okay.” She rose from the
chair and headed for the entrance. She grabbed her fur coat and purse and
quickly headed for the door with Jackson following closely behind. He tried to
open it for her, but she was already there. “It’s okay, Dorn. I can see when
I’m no longer necessary.”

“Jennifer, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you, I still
consider you a friend. We’ve only ever been friends.”

She laughed haltingly again. “Agreed. And one more thing,
don’t call me for any more favors.” She slammed the door and was gone.

Jackson felt bad but didn’t dwell on her for long. He was
more concerned with the fact that Rory was gone, and he was left with a house
full of company when he would rather be with her. What a mess he had made of
this situation. He stalked into the kitchen. He tossed bottles into the trash
and cleared away silverware and dishes. Finally, realizing what an asshole he
was being, he grabbed a couple beers and headed into the living room. He sat
down and watched the rest of the game with his guests. As he looked at the
television, he only saw the look of anger on Rory’s face, and was surprised at
the fear he felt that she wouldn’t want anything more to do with him.


Rory sat on the couch. For a while she was frozen to the
spot. She felt so stupid. Why had she thought the playboy would be any
different with her than with other women? And did it matter? She had figured
this wouldn’t be about much more than sex, so why was this so upsetting? She
wasn’t into the things he apparently did. Lots of men and women were into that
kind of thing. It just wasn’t for her.

Why did she feel deceived? It made no sense, but here she
sat, staring at the wall. Happiness was something that existed for others, not
her. What would it take for her to learn? She had thought Jackson was a nice
guy, had gotten comfortable, and was handed more proof that she was meant to be

Numb and withdrawn, she headed into her bedroom. She
efficiently showered and dressed for bed. She stretched out slowly on top of
the covers, feeling stiff and depressed. She had been looking forward to the
possibilities with him, a mistake she wouldn’t make again. She stared at the
ceiling and cursed herself. Her chest ached, the gaping hole back. Funny, she
hadn’t realized it had closed for a minute.

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