The Frozen Beginning (Elemental Diamond Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: The Frozen Beginning (Elemental Diamond Book 1)
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He is refreshingly handsome with his sharp complexion and strong jaw, but his eyes scare her from her skin. A blood orange she has only ever seen once before, six years ago. There isn’t a chance it could be anyone else.

“It’s you…” His voice is softer this time, still deep and powerful. His eyes shine with wonder and astonishment as they appraise her.

It has been a long time since they last saw each other. Glacier had thought she would never see him again.

“I think you have me confused with someone else, but thank you for helping me with that photographer,” Glacier sends him a nervous smile before she tries to turn to rejoin her team.

Just walk quickly

The boy springs forward in front of her, startlingly fast. He watches her with determined eyes and his arms raised in front of him, stopping her from moving away again.

“No, I don’t think I do…” Glacier’s eyes widen at his words while he watches her with renewed determination. “I couldn’t forget those eyes, even if I tried my hardest…”

His whisper spikes her nerves and sends her blood pressure soaring, her cheeks heating.

Glacier knows it’s him when she recognizes the small scar above his right eyebrow. The same scar she had run her finger over many times in the past.

How could he possibly remember me after all this time? It’s been six years…

Glacier knows she has to be careful with who she gets close to in this competition.

We are different people now. We aren’t friends anymore

But the way he watches her with those striking eyes makes her feel something in the pit of her stomach. He watches her like he has been searching for her for a long time.

Slowly, so not to scare her away, he reaches forward and sweeps her hair from her face. He holds her hair away, the entire time not touching her skin. His eyes zero in on the still fresh wound across her forehead.

The beauticians couldn’t really do anything to cover it, so they tried to blend the makeup as close to the cut as they could. She had the dark stitches removed, keeping the cut closed with clear staples.

His lip pulls into a tight line, his dazzling eyes narrow. “How did you get this—?”

Suddenly the same guard who had been gathering the Pyre team earlier now stands beside Glacier, watching orange-eyes with an annoyed grimace.

“Are you the third in the Pyre team?” His voice is as harsh as his features. His head is balding on his crown, and his face has many wrinkles gathering in various areas.

Orange-eye’s blinks slowly, reeling from a trance. He sluggishly nods his head, gulping loudly. Glacier’s eyes remain wide, glued to the boy in front of her. The guard turns to assess her. From the colour of her dress, he establishes her element.

“Get away from him, girl.”

Glacier flinches from the guards’ harsh manner, but her stare remains trained on orange-eyes. The guard grabs the boy’s arm, dragging him away to where the rest of the Pyre team stand waiting.

She continues to gaze into his strong eyes, captured in their beauty as her mind reels with the coincidence of seeing him again. His lips split into a smile that blinds her like a camera flash.

He knows Glacier recognizes him.

Turning away, she locates her team by the stairwell leading up to the stage. They all watch the group of scientists and formals fluttering around like nervous butterflies.

As Glacier approaches her team, she notices all six of the High Chamber representatives rise from their thrones on the stage.

The First Seat, Sasis Amster brings his hands together in a mighty clap, vibrating the stadium walls and floors with a mild earth shake, instantly hushing the audience.

Glacier takes a deep breath, readying herself for the oncoming introductions.

Sasis holds his hands up in greeting to the vast spectators, a kind smile lighting his face. His short white hair is similarly coloured to Glacier’s, and sits groomed to the side to cover where it thins. Unlike his fellow Chamber members who hold themselves with honour and etiquette, Sasis seems unworried by formalities.

“Greetings, my children. Another three years has already passed since the Chamber’s last appearance on this stage. We have missed you all dearly, and we are pleased to welcome you to the introductions for the thirteenth tri-annual Tournament.”

The crowd roars in appreciation at First Seat’s announcement, his deep and powerful voice projecting without difficulty.

“This year, the Pyre team has elected to be introduced last. As the Terra team were last tournament’s winners, they will be announced first.” The crowd screams louder at the sound of their region’s team, shouting their support.

Glacier’s shoe catches on the hem of her dress. She stumbles forward a few steps into Branch. He turns to steady her before pulling Glacier in the direction of where their team is being led.

“Try to stay on both feet, will you?” His voice is light and playful as her face heats with embarrassment. He continues to follow the others without awaiting her response.

He walks off ahead of her to his place as fourth, leaving her behind the fifth contestant, Neena. They are led to stand behind the Terra team that waits in a straight line at the bottom of the steps, leading up to the stage where the High Chamber waits.

Glacier has a better view from where she now stands behind Neena, despite standing behind every person in line. She is able to see everyone on stage clearly and completely.

The two earth elemental Chamber members, Sasis and the Fourth Seat, Julieen, step forward towards the front of the stage, closer to the opposite set of stairs that the teams wait.

“Without further ado, Julieen and I would like to introduce to you, the Terra Team of two thousand and fifty-six!” The crowd rejoices loudly. Glacier waits for the first name.

“Our first volunteer, Gamble Kelmen.” She watches a boy with a lean, muscular back climb the stairs two at a time, throwing his arms up to rouse the crowd. They roar at the sight of the first contender, women screaming for his attention.

Gamble has long, thick brown hair tied at the base of his neck in a loose but elegant bun. His jaw line is straight and clean-shaven, and his eyes shine with excitement and arrogance.

A small flying device appears from the side of the stage and lingers over his face for a while. When Glacier cranes her neck, she can see his face projected onto screens around the arena.

Gamble pumps his fist in the air once more when he believes the crowd is settling before Julieen can announce the next contender.

She smiles at Gamble’s antics, and waits for the audience to settle before she announces the next member of the Terra team. “Our second volunteer, Porter Kayt.”

The audience cheers for Porter loudly as well, as he approaches the stage. He waves to the crowd as he continues over to where Gamble stands at the other end of the stage, and high-fives him once he was close enough. The hovering camera then moves onto Porter, highlighting his face on the screens. His light blonde spiky hair is intensely gelled in sharp points, and his dark green eyes shine with excitement from the attention.

Pig-headed jerks.

“Our third volunteer, Alidia Temp,” Sasis continues. A girl with a tight bun and sharp features steps up onto the stage with her blank stare still holding. She gave the audience a downward glance, before her lips tighten and she pumps her fist in the air to rill the crowd.

“Our fourth volunteer, Bronze Hyde.” The next is a girl with light hair and a bright smile; she waves to the audience cheerfully.

It continues on with Sasis and Julieen announcing the rest of the teams. The fifth volunteer is a sandy-haired boy, Isaac Loid and the sixth is the girl with short raven hair, Care Benns. The floating camera ensures every face is projected onto the screens surrounding the audience.

Once the Terra team has been announced, they all bow and exit the stage down the steps on the opposite side of the stage. Glacier looks back up to the stage to find that Karn Hile and Emilia Frae, the Third and Sixth Seats, now stand where Sasis and Julieen were minutes ago, their parchment in hand with the names of the Hydra team.

“Ladies and gentlemen, Emilia and I would be proud to introduce you to this year’s Hydra team.” Glacier suddenly remembers listening to the tournaments on her radio, hearing Karn’s voice through the small speaker. The sound of his voice in person is immensely more powerful than what her old radio at home could achieve.

He is a lot younger than what she expected. His hair is a soft brown combed back behind his ears, his lips naturally pursed. He is beautiful, perfectly fashioned in a cobalt button down with the two top buttons undone and dark grey slacks.

Emilia also looks extravagant. Her hair is in an elegant twist at the crown of her head with gentle tresses falling to frame her small face. Her gown adorns ruffles of light blue against the dark base, shades of black intermingling. They both stand proudly with their backs straight and heads held high to the audience.

Emilia is the first to announce a name. “Our first volunteer is Aleena Staren.” Her musical voice matches her delicate features.

Aleena pinches her shoulders back before she takes to the stage with grace. She struts across the stage with confidence, waving to the crowd with a consuming smile. Once she reaches the corner of the stage, she blows a kiss out to the audience and waves once more. The crowd loves her confidence as they roar their appreciation. The camera lingers in front of her face, her smile blinding to the audience.

Glacier looks to the front of the line and notices Tric watching Aleena with jealous eyes. She had heard whispers over the years that Tric is in love with Aleena; nothing had confirmed it until now. Karn’s voice hushes Glacier’s thoughts on the matter when he announces Tric.

“Our second volunteer, Tric Holden.” Shaking his arms to loosen himself up, Tric jogs up on stage with a friendly smile and a wave. Glacier notices how handsome he looks with his pale blue sleeves rolled up mid-forearm, and his dark navy tie down his front. His lanky figure is complimented by the slightly loose clothing, but it doesn’t appear baggy. He makes it across the stage to stand by Aleena, who continues to smile and wave to the crowd.

It went on for the next three contenders, with Emilia announcing Keena and Neena Crates, Karn calling up Branch Disk. By the time Neena is announced, Glacier is hyperventilating, unlike her fellow teammates. Hydra greets the crowd with warm smiles and sporting fist pumps, but the mere idea of stepping out onto that stage with everyone gazing at her, judging her presence, is positively terrifying to Glacier.

What if they all hate me?

Glancing around for an escape of some kind, anything to get her away from the stage, her palms sweat.

“And lastly, our final volunteer, Glacier Wardgrave.” The crowd’s cheer noticeably dims at the mention of her name. The claps slowly halt, whispers breaking out amongst the spectators. No doubt trying to understand why she is here.

I can’t do this! They think I'm a freak!

Glacier backs away, terrified of where the steps lead.

Looking from side to side, she tries finding anyone that would notice her absence if she were to run back out of the stadium. When she turns back, one set of orange eyes grabs her attention immediately.

The boy watches her curiously, mostly wondering why she has not yet climbed the steps to the stage. He seems to realize her meltdown once she turns. He mouths something to her.


Glacier nods her head, trying to clear her nervous thoughts.

Just breathe

“Glacier Wardgrave…” Karn’s confused voice repeats her name, spiking her anxieties once more. Glacier looks back to orange-eyes again, and finds him nodding his head with an encouraging smile.

He mouths the words,
‘Just breathe, it’s alright’.

Though he didn’t say the words aloud, they have a strangely calming effect on her. Glacier breathes slowly to calm her nerves, but before she can walk up the steps, a stagehand grabs her arm roughly and drags her onto the stage.

“Chamberman Karn is calling your name! Get on stage now!” Glacier’s arm aches where the woman’s talon-like fingers claw her. She stumbles up the steps, following the woman clumsily. All but throwing Glacier onto the stage, Glacier’s shoe once again catches on the hem of her dress, causing her to stumble ungracefully onto the stage.

“Ah, here she is. Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Glacier Wardgrave!” Karn smiles warmly to the crowd, forgiving the young girl’s delay.

The audience completely captures her attention with its vastness. Glacier hears gasps and louder whispers generate through the onlookers, but many others simply watch her as she slowly scurries onto the stage to stand beside Neena.

When the camera floats in front of her, the audience gasps louder in shock. Glacier knows it is because of the colours of her eyes, so she uses her pale hair as a shield from the onlookers. She stands unmoving and unresponsive towards the audience.

“I have a strong feeling that this team of individuals will be the successors of this year’s tournament. Ladies and gentlemen, the Hydra team!” Karn raises his hands to rill the audience. Their momentary silence is forgotten completely as they erupt in cheer.

Glacier feels Neena grab her hand, and she welcomes the support. Looking down the line, she finds her entire team linked by hand. Glacier follows Neena as they are ushered off stage, until a guard she doesn’t recognize catches her upper arm.

His hand burns her skin sorely as he tugs her back in the opposite direction her team heads. His dark orange suit fits snug around his chest and biceps.

“What are you—?”

“You presence has been requested on stage after the introduction of the Pyre team. You must wait here until then.” His words are clipped as he pulls her back to the set of stairs Glacier had climbed before.

He drops her arm but hovers close as she waits patiently behind the Pyre team. They stand in line at the stairs like her team had, waiting to be summoned on stage. From where Glacier stands, she can’t see the High Chamber, so their voices surprise her when they boom over the speakers.

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