The Forgotten Sin (Purifiers Book 1) (23 page)

BOOK: The Forgotten Sin (Purifiers Book 1)
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Iliana thought twiddling her toes into the soft sand.

‘If I understood him more... maybe I can Purify him... after what happened to
Mother, I do not want to turn my back on anyone anymore.’

Iliana raised her eyes and scanned Beach Cove. The fresh breeze wisped through from the
open sea. The yachts swayed as the water rippled below them. Then like a switch that had
turned on her mind, Iliana knew who would know more about Lord Baddesley than anyone
else in Primrose Bay.

Striding through Beach Cove with Yuki by her side Iliana made her way to the yacht
harbour. A couple of people walked out of the door to the light blue wooden building that
was attached to the yacht harbour. Iliana allowed them to past first before entering into the
open space lobby. Inside looked much bigger than Iliana thought. One side was the lounge
area with comfy sofas that stood by the wide windows looking out to sea. The other side
was where the bar was stationed and the reception desk was straight ahead in between wide
open doors either side of it.

Iliana instantly recognised Mr. Williams standing by the reception desk dressed
smartly in a black and white striped suit. For a moment she thought it was Kazuki. She still
could not accept how identical they both looked, it was quite spooky. When Mr. Williams
saw Iliana he waved at her from the desk.

"Iliana... it is alright... Yuki can come in too... How are you?" He asked when Iliana
stood by the desk.

"Good thank you."

"You sure are an early bird when Eleanor went to your room this morning, you were
already up and gone."

Iliana smiled awkwardly. The only reason why she left so early was to avoid Kazuki

"I really wanted to see Mother... I have not seen her for awhile now."

"Of course, we thought that was were you headed. Anyway... if you wanted to see
Kazuki, he just left about ten to fifteen minutes ago. He received a call from Jung earlier
and quickly dashed off."

"Actually... I wanted to talk to you, if you are not too busy."

Mr. Williams’s eyebrows cowered before summoning a lady to cover the reception desk
over the phone. He led Iliana and Yuki through one of the large open doors into a long
wooden corridor. There were many rooms with the doors closed apart from one which Mr.
Williams encouraged Iliana to enter. Yuki quickly trotted inside and sat by the window next
to the chair that Iliana strode towards.

Sitting down on the soft chair in front of an oak desk Iliana’s eyes darted to the large
wide window. The scenic panoramic view of the sea was there before her. It looked like
thousands of diamonds shimmering on the water’s surface with the sun setting behind in
the horizon. The day seemed to have hastily gone by without Iliana noticing.

"Beautiful is it not?" Mr. Williams commented sitting on the armchair on the other
side of the desk.

Iliana smiled after tearing her eyes from the window.

"It is... most beautiful... I love the sea."

"We have something in common. Now what was it you wanted to talk about?"

Iliana took a deep breath before meeting Mr. Williams’s eyes.

"I have recently found out that long ago you were close to Lord Baddesley... I was
wondering if you could tell me more."

Mr. Williams’s blue sapphire eyes lowered to the thick oak desk before replying to her

"That was a long time ago... Why do you want to know?"

"I..." Iliana started not quite knowing how to answer to that without spilling the true
reasons why she asked. "I-I need to understand him and his son. I have heard things and... I
cannot quite link them together to make any sense of it... it bothers me somehow."

"Have you been talking to Mr. and Mrs. Croppe?"

When Iliana nodded slowly Mr. Williams smiled and shook his head.

"So they still
spread their stories of him even after so many years had past."

"Do you agree that Lord Baddesley might have performed some kind of magic to the
sea when he was younger?"

Mr. Williams placed his elbows on the table and leaned forward slightly, lacing his fingers

"That was not the first one he did."

Iliana perked up on her chair as Mr. Williams carried on.

"Further out from the City in the countryside, he made the field of dying wheat grow
again. The farmers could not believe it... They said that the land was spoiled and crop
would never grow from it... It still grows to this day. He showed me his gifts and it was I
who asked him if he could use his powers to bring fish back to the sea when there was none
for months... Everyone thought it was a coincidence."

"Apart from Mr. and Mrs. Croppe." Iliana noted.

"Yes... apart from them and me, of course." Mr. Williams smiled. "Ever since we
became friends in kindergartens he told me of his powers. He loved helping people... even
the poor. He worked hard to develop the powers he possessed. He gave so much to people...
that was why I stood by him and helped him as much as I could. But when we were
seventeen... our long friendship ended so suddenly."

"What happened?"

"I fell in love with the new scullery maid that worked in his mansion. He was fine
with it to begin with... but when his father died, he turned. I knew he was very close to his
father and loved him. But... he changed into someone... something entirely different. His
hatred for the poor began from that point. He came here to Beach Cove. He ordered me to
stop my relationship with Eleanor and find someone matching my rank in society and not a
pauper. I fought him... I hated what he said to her... what he said to me. He then took away
what he had given me and my family years ago... We lost our fishing business." Mr.
Williams sighed before continuing on.

"When I tried to talk to him the next day he just looked at me... he did not even
recognise me. Like... he had forgotten who I was."

"What?... Just like that?"

"Yes... just like that." Mr. Williams replied clicking his fingers. "However... when
he married Mr. and Mrs. Croppe’s niece Lucy, he was content and even came to Beach
Cove with her for first time since our argument. It was the opening of our yacht harbour.
Our eyes met for a moment. I thought he remembered me but he walked away before I
could say anything. Then when Lucy Baddesley died in the house fire a few years ago... and
his son went into coma... he returned to the ruthless man that he had become before he met
Lucy... in actual fact, worse!"


Lucy Baddesley must have Purified his soul... but when she died... his inner demon
’ Iliana thought sitting back in her chair, trying to make sense of all this. ‘
Was she
a Purifier too?’

"I have never told this story to anyone else other than Eleanor... it has brought back
many memories."

"Do you regret anything that you have done in the past?"

Thinking about it for a moment, Mr. Williams shook his head.

"No... well actually... I do regret one thing. I wish I had tried harder to bring my
friend back. I turned my back on him and it was probably then that he needed a friend the

Mr. Williams buried his head in his hands, Iliana attempted to reach out to him to comfort
him when her phone rang.

"Sorry... excuse me for a minute." Iliana apologised fumbling in her bag until she
eventually found her phone.

"Hello... Iliana, it is Father."

"Father... is everything alright?"

"Your Mother... she is awake!"

Iliana gasped with the emotions of relief, happiness and anticipation rolling inside her.


*** Chapter 10 ***



Iliana quickly thanked Mr. Williams for his time before running all the way from
Beach Cove to the hospital. It took her under half an hour to run without stopping, her legs
started to feel heavy and achy. After tying Yuki to the same bench as earlier that morning
and giving her a big hug, Iliana dashed to Mother’s private room in the hospital. Sweat
moisturised her forehead and her breathing was hard. Before swinging the door open, Iliana
took a deep breath.

The first person her eye caught inside the room was Kazuki. He looked dashingly cool in
black and the short leather jacket just finished the model like look. Her heart skipped a beat
as his eyes met hers. Quickly looking away she scanned the rest of the room. Next to him
were Jung and Caitlyn. Jung looked as if he had just left the office, his badge was still
clipped on the belt of his dark trousers. All of them stood by Mother’s bedside. Father
stood opposite them and turned round when Iliana closed the door revealing Mother sitting
up on the bed.

"Mother!" Iliana gasped running to her side.

She flung her arms round her neck and hugged her so tightly, Mother coughed.

"Oh... I am sorry." Iliana apologised stepping back.

Mother laughed and reached out for her hand which Iliana gave and squeezed.

"It is so good to see you."

"How are you?" Iliana asked.

It was strange to see Mother without any makeup. She always made a rule to never be
without it. Mother also usually has her waist length black hair up, but instead it hung
loosely above the simple white night dress she wore. She looked drained and her face was
pale, but her brown eyes were filled with warmth.

"A little weak but I am well now... Thanks to you and your friends here."

Iliana’s eyebrows cowered but Mother just smiled and squeezed her hand a little tighter.

"Why is
everyone here?" Iliana asked looking up at Jung and Caitlyn and
deliberately avoiding Kazuki’s direction.

Jung and Caitlyn both shrugged at the same time, obviously also clueless to why they were

"Because I asked them to come." Mother replied.


A small knock at the door interrupted Mother from answering.

"Come in." Father ordered turning round.

An Indian nurse dressed in a mint green coloured tunic and trousers opened the door and

"Forgive my intrusion Mr. D’coye... but the new doctor needs your assistance with a
patient of his."

"Can he not ask for another doctor?"

"Actually... he specifically asked for you. I told him you were occupied with a
personal matter, but he still insisted for you." The nurse reported.

"Go Leslie... you know what it is like to be a new doctor at a big hospital!" Mother

"I know, but you..."

"I will be fine... I will still be here when you come back... my doctor
insists of me
being fully recovered before being discharged."

Mother gave Father an amused look with one eyebrow raised.

"Yes... and you must obey
that doctor otherwise you will be in trouble." Father

He made his way out the door but before he exited he turned round and pointed at Iliana.

"You keep an eye on our girl Jane."

"I will."

When Father disappeared Iliana whipped round to Mother who was grinning from ear to

"What did he mean by that?" She asked thinking she was in trouble.

Mother laughed before she replied.

"Earlier today when your Father opened my windows, he saw you with Lucas
Baddesley against the wall."

Iliana blushed, she could feel the gaze from the others piercing in her direction.

"W-we were just
talking." She managed to stutter.

BOOK: The Forgotten Sin (Purifiers Book 1)
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