The Forgotten Sin (Purifiers Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: The Forgotten Sin (Purifiers Book 1)
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With that the voice faded. Iliana stared up at the ceiling clueless to the meaning of
what the voice had told her. None of it made any sense. More questions filled her already
overflowing mind. In her own world Iliana was unaware that everything around her was
beginning to turn back to normal. It was only when Jung’s voice shouted out her name from
a distance made Iliana quickly looked down.

Continuing where they had left off Mother was running towards her with her arms
open and ready to grab Iliana’s head. Suddenly just like the voice said, Iliana knew what
she had to do. Iliana ducked as Mother attempted to reach for her.

"I am sorry Mother... this may hurt!" Iliana cried out.

But the seconds before Iliana stretched out her arms and slammed the palms of her hands
on Mother’s chest, Mother sniffed the air and muttered in a deep gravely voice.


Frowning Iliana looked up in shock but was distracted by what happened next. As soon as
Iliana touched Mother’s chest a pale shade of blue light emitted from Iliana’s hands and
Mother screeched like a banshee warning of imminent death. Iliana could feel Mother’s
blood running from the fast beating heart to the veins of Mother’s entire body. Iliana used
Mother’s blood to cleanse the darkened soul within it, and in turn perishing the evil spirit
lodging inside. At the same time Iliana could feel her own energy slowly reducing but it did
not deter her from continuing. The blue light then vanished and Mother’s screams faded.
Iliana caught her, easing her fall to the table. Stroking Mother’s cheeks Iliana knew she was
Purified and the evil spirit was destroyed. Lord Baddesley growled in pure anger, the circle
of fire disappeared when he shouted to his followers.

"Get the girl!..."

Jung turned to Caitlyn and nodded. As if understanding the meaning of his nod
Caitlyn threw her head back hard, consequently thumping the hooded figure in the head
behind her into unconsciousness and fell to the floor. Jung tipped himself backwards falling
on top of the figure behind him.

The chains that wrapped round Caitlyn loosened enabling her to wriggle the chains
off her body until it slithered to the floor. Pulling down the cloth from her mouth Caitlyn
took a deep breath and began to sing. It was beautiful. She sounded like an angel, her voice
was soft and uplifting yet powerful at the same time.

Her song made Lord Baddesley and his followers cower with their hands over their
ears. The four hooded figures that clambered over Kazuki staggered away from him,
covering their ears. The chains relaxed round him and after breaking free from it Kazuki
took off his silver chain and in seconds was replaced by a sword. Watching Kazuki making
his way towards Iliana, Lord Baddesley called out to his comrades again.

"Stop him!" He yelled.

Despite Caitlyn’s song distressing them, a handful of hooded figures directed
themselves towards Kazuki whilst pulling out a sword from under their cloaks. They
slipped off their hoods revealing their human faces, but all had the eyes of a demon.
Recognising some of their faces including the two that he met at the party, Kazuki smiled
to himself.

"Well, well... it is funny how those from the top end of the rich list seems to always
delve into the dark side of life!" He said as he was surrounded by five of them.

"If only we knew it was you the other night at the party, we would have brought you
to Lord Baddesley then!" Hissed the thin man with a deep voice.

"We have been itching to agonise you commoner!" Grunted the bald short man who
was also a business man like Lord Baddesley.

"Bring it on demon."

Whilst Kazuki fought against the five demons, three demons gathered round the
table and were hissing at Iliana. One was holding thick black chains and was swinging one
end of it like a cowboy with a lasso and the other two raised their sharp pointed swords out
in front of them. Lying her unconscious Mother gently on the table Iliana stood up. Her
body felt a little limp and lumber. Her head was still pounding and sweat now trickled
down her neck. Taking a deep breath Iliana closed her eyes and concentrated on the
vibrations of movements within the whole area of the room. She felt every footsteps of the
demons around her. She could even feel the sway of the flames from the fire inside the
lanterns. Then... there... Iliana sensed the rushing movements of water within the thick
marbled walls and floors, with all her strength and might from her mind, Iliana commanded
the water to arise.

The walls and the ground began to vibrate, everybody in the room stopped what they
were doing and looked around wondering what was happening. When Iliana quickly
opened her sparkling blue eyes the walls and part of the floors smashed open and the water
pipes behind it broke loose resulting to sprays of water exploding out from it. Like a
conductor to an orchestra Iliana waved her hands commanding the water to reach the
demons within the room. The water flew inside the human’s, mouth, nose and ears...
Purifying their soul from the inside and diminishing the intruding evil spirits within them.
Kazuki, Jung and Caitlyn watched in awe as jet’s of water flew around them.

When all of a sudden Iliana felt lightheaded, her eyes unable to stay open and just
like a lightbulb that had gone out everything went black.



***Chapter 8 ***



"Baddesley... you have disappointed me!" Said a deep voice from behind the red
fine netted curtains that hung from the large four poster bed.

"Forgive me Master... I under estimated her and her powers!" Lord Baddesley
apologised falling to his knees and bowing his head.

"Even after I told you not to... You were too impetuous!" The voice said angrily.
"He is near... I can feel his presence. I do not have time for such idleness!"

"Master?" Lord Baddesley said frowning as he stared at the wooden floor below
him. "Did my ears deceive me?... Did you say... he was here?"

"Yes... he is here in a form of a human. Which means he is aware of my plans... I
need those other Miracles on my side before he finds me!..." The voice said in a deep and
harrowing tone. "Do not disappoint me again Baddesley... remember, what I have done for
you... What I have given you!"

"It shall never fade from my memory Master... My other plan is already in the
making and the army that we had lost from the warehouse will soon be replaced. I shall not
fail you again." Lord Baddesley promised.

"For your sake... I hope that is true!"

Lord Baddesley stood up with his head still lowered on the floor as he turned round
he glanced up at the netted curtain before making his way to the door.

"Wait!... Come back here!" The voice ordered.

Lord Baddesley turned back round to face the Tudor style four poster bed which stood tall
in the middle of the large room and almost reaching the high ceiling. The drapery and the
canopy was of a thick and decorative red material. The red fine netted curtain covered the
whole of the bed and only a silhouetted figure behind it could be seen.

Lord Baddesley stood in front of the bed and a pale arm stretched out from the gap
of the netting. The hand was reaching out to Lord Baddesley’s eyes, a feeling of pure fear
rushed through his heart and all of a sudden there was darkness with a shrill scream fading
in the distant.

Iliana sat up on the soft surface she was on, breathing heavily and
perspiration running down the sides of her face. Then as if from nowhere Kazuki appeared
by the side of her gripping her shoulders and staring into her eyes.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"I-I had a... bad dream!" Iliana stammered still breathing hard.

Kazuki stepped back then sat on the edge of the bed that Iliana was sitting on.

"I mean... it seemed like a dream but... it felt so real... As if I was really there... I was
there." Iliana continued laying a hand under her fringe and wiping the perspiration off her
forehead. "How could that be?"

"Dreams are a mystery... Nobody really knows what actually happens to our souls
when we dream." Kazuki replied, then asked. "What was your dream?"

Iliana told Kazuki exactly what happened in her dream, once she finished Kazuki stood up
massaging his forehead.

"What?" Iliana questioned watching him pacing before her.

"I had a feeling Lord Baddesley was not working alone. Earlier... I thought he was
calling out a powerful demon fresh from hell, but one is already here. He is just taking
orders from it!" Kazuki answered trying to methodically link everything together. "But
who?... And who are they afraid of?"

"But what I do not understand is, why are they forming an army?... Who are they
fighting against? I mean... it cannot be the humans. Apparently
quoting from Lord
Baddesley earlier... they are ‘easy targets’... " Iliana said using her fingers as quote markers.

As if a switch went on in her head Iliana suddenly remembered.

"Oh my god!... Earlier... in the mansion... what happened?"

Kazuki could not help himself but smile and then chuckle.

"You... you are really ditsy!"

It was either his smile or his little chuckle but whatever it was, made Iliana blush hard.

"You Purified most of the demons except Lord Baddesley and three others who
escaped just after you fainted. Those that you did Purify however also fled the mansion in
fear!" He replied.


"Because... before they were possessed by their own and by other evil spirits, Lord
Baddesley Invited them to the Unknown World. So they still remember everything and will
see things that normal humans cannot, for as long as they live. For some... that could
torment a human for life... that is why it is scarcely done." Kazuki explained.

"What of Mother?"

"We had to take her to the hospital, for some reason she had a deep bite wounds on
her leg which was bleeding quite profusely and is badly infected... she is still unconscious."

"I must go and see her!" Iliana cried out throwing the white duvet to one side and
jumped out of the bed.

She was still dressed in her black jeans and now dirty white blouse.

But as she got up she felt lightheaded and unsteady on her feet. Kazuki grabbed her arms
before she collapsed then lowered her back down to the bed.

"Not in that state... besides, your Father is looking after her and he, like everyone
else... keeps telling me to look after you... until they both come home."

"I just want her to be safe." Iliana mumbled hoping Lord Baddesley did not invite
Mother to the Unknown World too.

"Do not worry... Jung and Caitlyn are there at the hospital to keep an eye on her. Of
course your Father wanted to know why and what happened. So Jung came up with story
that you and your Mother were attacked by some thugs, and their dog bit her leg. And as
Jung was a police officer, he wanted to watch over her for a while in case they returned."
Kazuki informed with a slight grin on his face.

‘Only Jung could come up with such an idea like that.’
Iliana thought, also smiling.

"They told Father Benjamin everything that happened. He was most upset that he
was not there to help us." Kazuki added sitting back on the edge of the bed. "But he had an
phone call from an old friend. He wants us to talk to him tomorrow, we need to meet at the
Cathedral after school."

Iliana raised her head and looked up at the ceiling when she realised she did not
recognise the room she was in. The room was big but simple. The walls and the door was
white. A small desk stood opposite to the bed with a large wardrobe standing tall and
regimental next to it. The bedside table was of adequate size with a white lamp emitting the
only source of light in the room. Above the bed was a wide window with the magnolia
coloured curtains drawn.

"Where are we?"

BOOK: The Forgotten Sin (Purifiers Book 1)
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