Read The Forced Bride Online

Authors: Sara Craven

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Contemporary

The Forced Bride (8 page)

BOOK: The Forced Bride
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house. There was a load delivered before Christmas, so don’t stint yourself. And it draws well, this fire, so it’s easy to


‘You’ll have no trouble finding the village, either,’ he continued. ‘Just keep walking downhill. Auntie’s shop is only open

for papers tomorrow, because of the Sabbath. But, if you look in the fridge, you’ll find she’s left you a Sunday dinner, so

you won’t starve. I’m afraid that’s extra,’ he added a touch awkwardly. ‘Is that all right’

‘I’m truly grateful,’ Emily assured him. ‘Your aunt’s gone to a lot of trouble to make me welcome, and so have you.’

‘Och, think nothing of it.’ Angus stood up, dusting his hands. ‘Make sure you use the spark guard before you go to bed

and you’ll be fine.’

‘I’m sure I will. I’ll just have a quick supper, then sleep off the journey.’

His smile warmed her again. ‘Then I’ll see you around.’

And he was gone, and she heard the Jeep disappearing down the track.

At last, there was nothing but silence. Emily stood for a moment, looking round her new domain with profound


It was settling in time. She would unpack, make her first meal, take her first bath, then let the stresses and strains of the

past week slide away in that big, comfortable bed upstairs.

It felt chilly in the bedroom. She felt the radiator, but it was cold, as was the one in the bathroom. Presumably the heating

worked on a timer and had switched itself off, she thought, putting away her clothes in double-quick time.

In the kitchen, she unloaded the groceries in the welcome pack. As Angus had indicated, there was a fresh chicken in the

fridge, along with some carrots and a small cabbage.

But, for now, she would make do with a can of soup, and tomato at that, she thought, operating the ring-pull on the can.

The ultimate comfort food.

When it was hot, she poured it into a large pottery mug and carried it into the living room. As she sat down one of the

logs in the grate collapsed, making her jump, emphasising her awareness of the cottage’s isolation.

It seemed strange to have no real idea of the landscape outside the dark rectangle of window, she thought with sudden

unease. Maybe it would help if she drew the thick woven cream curtains, closing out the darkness and the unknown


But this is what you wanted—a hiding place with total seclusion, she argued inwardly. So why be a wuss about it

As she began tugging the heavy folds into place, she became aware of two things. That snowflakes were dancing in the

air, just as Angus had predicted. And that she could hear the sound of an engine and see a pair of powerful headlights

approaching the cottage.

Oh, God, she thought, groaning inwardly. Surely it wasn’t Angus paying another visit on some pretext. He didn’t seem the

type to make a nuisance of himself because she was female and on her own, but how did she know What did she


She would just have to make it perfectly plain that she didn’t need any kind of complication in her life. And, whatever

he’d said earlier, she’d keep that damned door locked.

But, even as she turned to do so, she heard a vehicle door slam and footsteps approaching on the gravelled area just


As the cottage door opened, she said breathlessly, ‘Whatever you have to say can wait until tomorrow. Now, I’d just

like you to go.’

‘But how inhospitable of you,carissima ,’ came the drawled reply. ‘Particularly when I have come so far to find you.’

And, as Emily halted in stunned disbelief, Raf Di Salis stepped into the lamplit room.

Emily couldn’t speak. She could hardly think. She just stood there, rooted to the spot, staring at him. Watching him strip

off his gloves.

He can’t be here, she thought. It wasn’t possible for him to have found out her destination and followed her so quickly.

Yet he was only too real.

There were snowflakes clinging to his dark hair and to the shoulders of the parka he was wearing and he was carrying a

leather travel bag, which he allowed to drop to the floor with a thud that sounded ominously final.

‘Lost for words,mia bella ’ he asked, the hazel eyes raking her mercilessly. ‘How strange. You seemed eloquent enough

when you spoke to my lawyers the other day. And very frank.’

Her throat closed in fright as she remembered every reckless word she’d thrown at them. His arrival had made the

cottage seem suddenly smaller and more cramped. And there was a note of cold, quiet anger in his voice that made her


He noticed instantly. ‘You are cold, my angel Forgive me.’ He kicked the door shut behind him. ‘So, Emilia, are you

pleased with the cottage’

She found her voice at last. ‘I was—until a moment ago.’ She took a deep breath. ‘What thehell are you doing here’

‘I have come to talk to you,naturalmente ,’ Raf said softly. ‘To discuss your recent ultimatum—among other things. I told

you so in my letter. And you must have received it, or why would you be here’

‘I came because I chose not to see you—not to have this conversation.’ She tried to keep her voice steady as her mind

ran in crazy circles, trying desperately not to think what she was thinking. ‘As you must have known.’

He shrugged. ‘But that was not your choice to make.’ He unzipped his parka and tossed it across the back of a sofa.

Underneath he was wearing a black roll-necked sweater and his long legs were encased in blue denim and tough-looking


He too, it seemed, had dressed for bad weather—and a long stay. And a voice in her head was silently screaming,No …

‘I made my wishes clear to you, Emilia,’ he went on. ‘You should have listened.’

‘Ah,’ she said. ‘We’re back to the old obedience issue.’

‘There are a number of issues,’ he said. ‘In time, we shall deal with them all.’

‘No,’ she said angrily. ‘I came here to get away from you, as you’re clearly aware. Either you leave or I do.’

He walked to the door and opened it again. A flurry of snow blew in on a wind that seemed to come straight from the

Arctic Circle. ‘Then go,mia cara . I hope you have a destination in mind, because it is not a night to be homeless.’

He paused. ‘Or you could be sensible and accept that this interview is inevitable. Which is it to be’

There was a silence, then Emily turned away almost blindly, wrapping her arms round her body.

‘You are wise,’ he said and closed the door.

She said, ‘How did you know where I’d be’

‘I think you already know the answer to that.’

She said fiercely, ‘I suppose you must have forced it out of poor Simon somehow.’

‘No force was needed,’ he said. ‘I have known about this house for a long time. My friends originally offered it to me for

our honeymoon and I regret now that I did not accept.’ He looked round him appraisingly. ‘It is charming and ideally

secluded, don’t you think’

The sensation that she was standing on the edge of a precipice was so vivid that Emily almost swayed. She made her way

to the sofa and sat down.

‘Friends’ she echoed hoarsely. ‘What friends’

‘Marcello and Fiona Albero,’ he said casually. ‘You met them in London when he was at the Embassy, but I knew you

would not remember. You were always too enclosed in your little private block of ice,mia sposa , to care about any of

the people I introduced to you.’

That, she thought indignantly, isso unfair, but she could not deal with it now.

She swallowed. ‘Then Simon must know them too.’

‘Signor Aubrey,’ he said with distaste, ‘knew only what I told him to say and what I told him to do. You see, I guessed,

Emiliamia , that you would wish to avoid me if you could. Acting under my instructions, he provided you with the means

to do so.’

He paused. ‘And he sent you here. To me.’

‘No,’ she said. ‘He wouldn’t do that. We—we’d found each other again, Simon and I. We had plans…’ Her voice tailed

away, then she rallied. ‘You must have tricked him.’

‘Of course.’ There was harsh mockery in his tone. ‘I tricked him into allowing me to pay the worst of his debts. They

were considerable.’

‘How did you know he owed money’

‘I promised your father I would protect you,’ Raf said. ‘Therefore, I needed to know what Signor Aubrey was

doing—especially when he ignored an earlier warning and came back into your life—with his plans.’

She gasped. ‘You mean you’ve been having him—watched Investigated’

‘Of course.’ His tone was brisk. ‘I have to be away a great deal, so how else could I obtain the information I needed

And the money he owed featured prominently in the reports I received.’

‘That’s nonsense,’ Emily said, her voice shaking. ‘Simon has his own successful business.’

‘There is no business. He has only what his wits can provide,’ Raf said curtly. ‘And he is running out of options.’ He

shrugged. ‘I did not choose that you should be one of them.’

‘Do you know what you’re saying’ she whispered. ‘You’re telling me that the man I love only wanted me because I’m

my father’s heiress.’

‘Yes, Emilia, I am telling you exactly that.’

‘And what about me’ she asked, dry-mouthed. ‘Have I been—watched too—in your absence’

‘Si, naturalmente.’

‘I don’t think there’s anything natural about it,’ she said furiously. ‘How dared you spy on me’

‘I am a rich man, Emilia, and you are my wife. In some circles this would make you a target.’ He shrugged. ‘I knew you

would not accept a bodyguard at the Manor, so I chose the only alternative.’

‘And all from the most altruistic motives, of course.’ She radiated scorn. ‘But who watches you, pray’

‘I can look after myself,’ he said. ‘You, I wished to keep safe in accordance with my promise to your father.’ He paused.

‘Also, I needed to prevent you from making a fool of yourself over Simon Aubrey.’

There was a taut silence, then he added curtly, ‘I regret that I have had to distress you. But it is time you knew the whole


‘I don’t—I won’t believe you.’ She snatched up her shoulder bag, extracting her mobile phone. ‘I’m going to call Simon

right now. Prove you a liar.’

‘Then do so,’ Raf said and picked up his bag. ‘But first tell me where I will be sleeping.’

‘You’re not staying here.’ She looked up, white-faced, her eyes blazing. ‘Do you think I’d have you under the same


His voice was level. ‘It is not the first time. And I fail to see how you can stop me.’ He paused. ‘Fiona told me there are

two bedrooms. Do I turn left or right at the top of the stairs’

Their glances met—clashed, and it was Emily who looked away first, realising he was totally determined.

‘To the right,’ she said icily. ‘I suppose. As, sadly, I’m not physically capable of throwing you out. But Simon can, and he

will, when he finds out what you’ve been saying. He’ll be here tomorrow.’

‘Your faith is admirable,’ he said quietly, ‘but misplaced. However, make your call if you must. But first ask yourself this.

If I am a liar, how is it that I have found you so easily’

Emily watched him walk up the stairs, her mind whirling in circles.

She could hardly comprehend what he’d said. It was too monstrous to be true. She couldn’t give it credence.

Simon loves me, she thought, and Raf’s got a grudge against him because of those stupid things I said to the lawyers

about getting married again. That’s all it is. It has to be.

And yet she couldn’t escape the memory of Simon’s odd behaviour the other day—the edgy, reluctant way he’d offered

his assistance. As if he felt guilty—or ashamed…

When Raf returned ten minutes later she was still sitting in the same place, the phone dangling from her fingers.

‘Well’ he enquired curtly.

She shook her head. ‘I can’t get through. There’s no network available. It must be the mountains.’ She looked around.

‘There has to be another phone somewhere.’

‘Only in the village.’ He shrugged. ‘Marcello and Fiona prefer to be here alone—without interruptions.’

The word ‘alone’ seemed to sound in her mind like a knell. It suddenly occurred to her that whenever she and Raf had

been together in the past there’d been other people around. Quite apart from acquaintances and guests, everywhere

she’d stayed with him had resident staff of some kind.

Now, for the first time, it was—just the two of them, occupying a relatively small space. ‘Without interruptions’ he’d said.

And the realisation sent chills through her.

Raf was prowling the room, inspecting everything, glancing at the books and ornaments on the shelves that flanked the

fireplace. He picked up the mug of cold soup and regarded it with disfavour. ‘Is this supposed to be supper’

‘Mine, yes,’ she said. ‘I’m not very hungry.’

‘But I am. So—what else is there to eat’

Emily gasped. ‘You really think I’m going to get you a meal’

He said softly, ‘You’re still my wife,mia cara , and, until now, your duties have not been too onerous. Besides, most

wives cook for their husbands—or hadn’t you heard’ He paused. ‘But maybe you are devoid of culinary skills.’

She said indignantly, ‘Everyone at my school learned to cook. The nuns insisted.’

‘Ah, the nuns,’ Raf said reflectively. ‘That explains a great deal. But at least some aspects of your education have

received attention, if not all.’

Emily lifted her chin. ‘And what is that supposed to mean’

‘It is not important. Are there eggs You could prepare a simple omelette, perhaps’

‘I could,’ she said. ‘But why should I’

‘Because a man needs to conduct negotiations on a full stomach,’ Raf said smoothly. ‘And we are here to negotiate, are

we not’

She took the untouched soup from him with a mutinous look, then stalked with it into the kitchen, pouring it away down

BOOK: The Forced Bride
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