The Firefighter and the Girl From the Coffee Shop (8 page)

Read The Firefighter and the Girl From the Coffee Shop Online

Authors: Terry Towers

Tags: #Contemporary, #alpha male, #Sex Toys, #contemporary erotic romance, #romantic comedy, #hero, #friends to lovers, #Firefighter, #fireman, #dual penetration

BOOK: The Firefighter and the Girl From the Coffee Shop
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"That's it,
come for me. Over and over." he groaned jack-hammering into her
ass. And Alyssa obliged, she found herself taken through a series
of orgasms one after another in rapid succession. She clawed at the
sheets below her, as she bucked wildly against him meeting each of
his thrusts.

Just when she
thought she couldn't handle another moment of the sweet pleasure he
was producing within her, his hands tightened on her hips. His
fingers dug, almost painfully, into the flesh and he groaned
loudly, thrusting one final time so hard that he sent her falling
forward onto her stomach on the bed as he released. Spurt after
spurt spewed violently into her ass as he unloaded in what seemed
like a never ending series of climaxes.

When he was
finished releasing into her, he slowly withdrew his cock and then
the vibrator quickly after, leaving her sated, but at the same time
feeling very empty. She rolled over to her back and watched as he
deposited the condom he'd put on sometime before entering her ass,
though she had never realized he'd even done it and placed the
vibrator next to the rest of the toys on the night table.

Slipping back
into bed, he pulled her against his side and kissed her temple. "I
assume you enjoyed it?"

She giggled as
she placed a chaste kiss on his chest and then looked up to meet
his eyes. "You are the most amazing, beautiful, and surprising
person I've ever met."

Evan grinned
giving her a tight squeeze. "Considering how sore I suspect you'll
be in the morning, I have a feeling you may change your mind on

"Mmmm, we'll
see." Exhausted, she laid her head back down on his chest and dozed
off into a deep sleep.




The past
couple of days had been a dream for Alyssa. Being with Evan was
better than she could have imagined it could or would be. He was
easily the kind of man that a woman could fall head over heels for,
at a rapid pace. The sex was the most incredible she'd ever
experienced and as they became more familiar with each other
sexually, her need for him intensified. She felt like she was
sixteen all over again. But this time she was discovering that
first special love for a second time and the feeling was

The fact
Samantha was seething over the recent development was an added
bonus. The look on Samantha's face when she'd told her about her
relationship with Evan was so priceless that Alyssa didn't even
feel the need to confront her about lying to Evan. There simply
seemed to be no point in rocking the boat. It all worked out and
that was all that mattered.

"So I'll see
you in a few hours."

Alyssa smiled
and nodded raking a hand through her long silken locks. "Can't

Planting a
hand against the outside wall of the coffee shop at the side of her
head, Evan leaned into her capturing her lips with his. She moaned
as she fisted the front of his t-shirt and pulled him into her.

for her Samantha was working tonight, and she could feel the other
woman's eyes burrowing a hole in the back of her skull as she
parted her lips and Evan deepened the kiss, his tongue slipping
past her lips and caressing her tongue with his. A series of
intense shots of pleasure rushed down her spine and pulsed between
her legs. It took all of her strength not to pull him behind the
dumpster and make him fuck her then and there. Perhaps it wouldn't
have been the most elegant of locales, but at that moment location
wasn't an issue.

The sound of a
car horn beeping brought her back to reality and she reluctantly
loosened her grip on the front of his shirt. "I gotta go start my

He cupped her
chin in his hand and gave her a final chaste kiss on the lips. "See
you in a couple hours okay?"

She nodded.

"Alright." He
slowly backed away from her and she immediately felt saddened by
the loss of his closeness; she both hated and loved the giddy
feeling he invoked within her.

Alyssa watched
him as he gave her a final nod, turned and quickly made his way
across the street to the station. She fell back against the wall of
the restaurant, and exhaled loudly as she continued to watch him
walk away.

Taking one
more deep breath in and releasing, Alyssa pushed herself off of the
wall and made her way into the coffee shop.

"Cut it awful
close didn't you?" Samantha called out from the kitchen as Alyssa
locked the door behind her and made her way to the drive-thru

She somehow
doubted Samantha was referring to the start of her shift, but more
a jab towards how long it took for her to finally get him, so
refused to respond as she pulled her hair up into a bun.

annoyed that Alyssa refused to be baited, Samantha came from the
kitchen to the drive-thru section. "Bet it would never have
happened if he hadn't had to rescue you."

Oh for the
love of God.
Alyssa closed her eyes and slowly counted
backwards from ten. Why did Samantha want to pick a fight? Why
Evan? Samantha could have her choice of men, why was she so
hellbent on the one man that was Alyssa's? Just as quick as the
question popped into her mind did the answer come rushing with it.
Because he was hers, and because he was one of the only men in
Portland that didn't want Samantha. It was going to be a long shift
with Samantha.
Why did Jenny have to take the day off?

"You know
Samantha, there's been an attraction between us since the first
night we met. It would have happened eventually."

didn't have a chance to voice her rebuttal, because the headset
dinged and the voice of the Ass man came over the headset. For one
of the first times since she'd began working at the coffee shop,
Alyssa was actually grateful to have him coming through the






Alyssa spent
most her first couple of hours attempting to avoid Samantha, which
was difficult considering they were in such close proximity and
needed to work together. But just over two hours into her shift a
very familiar voice came over the drive-thru speaker, her most
recent ex-boyfriend and slime ball extraordinaire, Kevin.

"Alyssa. Come
out I need to see you."


He didn't
reply but instead drove his car around to the front of the coffee
shop and hurried out. He stumbled a couple of times, but eventually
made it to the front door and knocked.

Friday night
and stumbling out of his car meant one thing. He was drunk and a
drunk Kevin was a persistent and annoying one.

"Damn, damn,
damn," Alyssa grumbled pulling off her headset. "Samantha, I'm
going on a break. I'll be right back."

Samantha peeked her head out from the kitchen and glanced over to
the front of the store. She took notice of the tall, lanky,
blonde-haired man waiting for Alyssa, then turned back to her and
grinned. "More than one Alyssa?"

"No, it's not like that. He's an ex and he's drunk." Alyssa shook
her head and waved a dismissive hand at Samantha. "I'll be right

nodded, her grin widening. "Sure."

Rushing to the
door, Alyssa opened it up and slipped out locking it behind her.
Taking a quick glance over at the station and then inside the
restaurant where Samantha watched while pretending to work, she
grabbed his arm and pulled him around the corner of the building so
they were out of the line of view from prying eyes. She'd tell Evan
about Kevin stopping by later, but knowing Kevin when he was
drinking God only knew what he'd do or say so she preferred that
they be out of sight and listening range.

"Thank God
you're okay!" Kevin pulled her tight into his arms, knocked the
wind out of her as his arms tightened around her torso.

"I'm fine."
She pushed at his chest, but he refused to budge. She groaned
inwardly. "What are you doing here?"

"I found out
about the fire. I was worried." He buried his face in her hair, his
mouth near her ear and the stench of beer drifted to her nose,
making her stomach turn.

please." She pushed against him once more, trying to wiggle free.
"We haven't been together for a couple of months. Why now? And why
are you driving drunk?"

He pulled back
slightly, his dazed blue eyes capturing hers. "I've missed you. I
didn't realize how much until I thought something may have happened
to you."

Closing her
eyes briefly she attempted to calm her frazzled nerves. "You should
have thought about that before you fucked around on me Kevin."

"I'm so sorry
about that Alyssa. Please. Let's try again."

Alyssa's dark
eyes widened. Was he for real? What would even give him the idea
that she's even consider taking him back. She had a sinking
suspicion the reason may be inside the coffee shop. There was no
way Samantha would stoop so low as to call Kevin, would she? Yeah,
she would Alyssa decided, her anger building within her.

"I've moved
on. I suggest you do as well."

"I know you
still want me. I can tell. Just give it another chance."

She attempted
to wiggle away from him once more, but he easily overpowered her
pushing her roughly against the wall of the coffee shop as his lips
came crashing down onto hers.






"I have to
hand it to you brother. You went from 0 - 60 pretty quick," Ralph
joked as he examined the cards in his hand and waited for Evan to
make is play.

Evan shrugged,
throwing down two cards. "Sometimes you just need that little shove
and then everything falls into place. For the first time in my life
I think I may have found the one."

"Well, good
for you. Consider yourself lucky, I know if I wasn't married

Evan chuckled
and held up a hand. "Please. Don't finish what you're about to say.
That's the girlfriend you're talking about."

Ralph grinned.
"Just saying, you're lucky she was still available man."

Glancing up at
the clock mounted on the wall of the office Evan noted the time and
laid down his cards for Ralph to see. "Full House."

motherfucker," Ralph tossed down is cards face up on the table.
"Two pair. It's past 2am, don't you have somewhere to be?"

Laughing, Evan
stood. "Sore loser. I'll be back in a bit."

Ralph waved a
dismissive hand at Evan. "Bring me back a coffee and blueberry

Making his way
out of the station, Evan's eyes scanned the inside of the coffee
shop, but he couldn't spot Alyssa anywhere, the only person he saw
was Samantha manning the drive-thru window. He frowned. Alyssa was
usually ready and waiting for him, around this time she'd be spying
on him while pretending to wipe down tables.

Crossing the
street and entering the parking lot he noticed an unfamiliar navy
blue car parked in front of the store, with no occupants. Walking
up to the side door he knocked onto the window successfully gaining
Samantha's attention.

Finishing up
with the customer she was serving, she made her way over to him and
gave him a wide smile as she unlocked the door and poked her head
out. "She's outside talking to some guy."

"Some guy?"
Evan echoed as he craned his neck to see the car parked in the
parking lot.

"Yeah, I think
they're around the corner of the building. They looked pretty

"You don't
say..." his frown deepened and he started to get a bad feeling in
the pit of his stomach. "Thanks." Turning from her, Evan quickly
made his way around the building until he heard hushed voices.

"I know you
still want me..." Evan couldn't make out the rest, but the voice
made him pick up the pace until he was around the corner and facing
the source of the voices. A tall, blonde man, had his arms wrapped
around Alyssa, kissing her passionately.

Anger welled
up within Evan. His first instinct was to rush over pull the man
from Alyssa and give him a beating he wouldn't soon forget. He took
a step forward, but stopped himself, reconsidering. No, he'd been
through this situation before and violence wasn't the answer. If
she wanted that other man, she could have him. At least he found
out the truth now instead of later.

Soundlessly he
turned and made his way quickly back to the fire station without
taking even a glance back. Yes, this was just another failed
relationship to add to his growing list. Problem was despite
knowing her for less time than the others it seemed to hurt a hell
of a lot more.






Several hours
later, Alyssa was still frazzled over Kevin showing up and trying
to "persuade" her to take him back. She had drunk three glasses of
water and a cup of coffee and she still had the taste of him in her
mouth. Or maybe it was guilt. She knew she hadn't done anything
wrong, she'd managed to push him away and in no uncertain terms
told him he would never, ever have a chance with her again. Ever.
He'd finally gotten the hint and she'd called him a cab and then
called his sister to come pick up his car. But she still felt guilt
over it.

It was a busy
night, uncharacteristically busy so it wasn't until past 4am that
she realized that she hadn't heard nor seen Evan all evening. There
hadn't been a fire so it was a slow night, he normally would have
been over to visit her a couple of times by now. So where was

She rushed
back into the kitchen where Samantha was busy glazing donuts, her
back turned to Alyssa. "Have you seen Evan at all tonight?"

froze, her back straightened and she squared her shoulders as if
she were preparing for a fight. Peculiar. Slowly she turned and
clucked her tongue off of the roof of her mouth. "You know what.
Yes. Yes I did. He dropped by earlier."

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