The Filthy Series: The Complete Dark Erotic Serial Novel (8 page)

BOOK: The Filthy Series: The Complete Dark Erotic Serial Novel
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I gasped for air and started clawing at his hands.

“And then you go in there and do something like that. You defile her memory with your useless fucking chatter, making everything about
. I’m glad I didn’t come get you a week ago when I first found out where you were.” Stars popped across my vision as I desperately tried to gasp for air. “I’m glad she didn’t have to see the piece of shit you’ve become.” He let go and I sucked in a labored breath, scrambling backward.

Tears leaked out of my eyes as I coughed. “You knew I was there?” I sounded hoarse. I looked over at him. “You found me before she died?” I hadn’t expected this. Something turned cold inside me, something that was warm only for him. Something that had lived inside me since I was nine years old with just a stupid, silly crush. It froze like it had never been anything but ice.

“I did.” He didn’t sound sorry at all.

“But I could have…” I let my words trail off, my mom’s dead body flickering back into my mind.
What would I have said if I had seen her one last time? I hated her, but I loved her. I would always love her, even if she never really loved me.

“You could have done what, Faye? Screamed at her? Told her she fucking
it?” He clenched his jaw and he shook his head. His eyes were glassy like he was holding back tears.

But I didn’t feel sorry for him. My throat hurt from him choking me, my voice was hoarse from how tight he’d squeezed. My mom was dead less than one hundred yards away and I never got to tell her how I really felt. She would never know how much she hurt me. How she destroyed my life and broke me down as a person.
She will never ever know.
Because of
. “You stupid asshole!” I lunged at him. He wasn’t expecting it and toppled over backward by the force of my weight. I swung my fist at his face, but he caught my arm like it was nothing, my blow never making contact.

“That’s how you want to play it, Faye? You want to hurt me now?” He flipped me over, pinning me back to the grass.

“Fuck you, Rhett. I’ll never forgive you.”


I tried to swing at him again, the anger burning away at my veins. I caught the bottom of his chin as he tried to jerk away. My knuckles seemed to catch on fire at the impact, but I relished the feeling, letting the pain burrow into my very soul and light me on fire.

Rhett grunted and grabbed my wrist, pinning both of them on either side of my head. My chest heaved as I tried to pry myself from his grasp. I bucked beneath him and that’s when I felt it. His cock was hard as a rock inside his perfectly pressed pants. I went completely still and glanced down at the thick bulging outline of it. It looked so huge, so ready. Unbidden, through all my anger and rage, something hot and sweet liquefied inside me, flooding my cunt.

A giggle bubbled on my lips and I didn’t even try to hold it back.

“What’s so funny?” He eyed me and I could see it now. The lust and the hate dancing together in his irises.

“You want me,” I said between giggles. “Of course I already knew after the other night…but after all this. After what I did inside. You hate me even more.” My stomach hurt from the laughter. I hadn’t laughed in a long time. “But you want to fuck me even more now.”

His grip had loosened on my hands as he stared down at me and I wiggled one free letting it trail slowly between our bodies until I found his cock. I grabbed it roughly, fisting it through the material of his pants. He groaned, his eyes burning with barely contained passion. My heart sped up, my skin feeling too small for my body.

I moved my hand up and down several more times. He didn’t say anything, didn’t move, as if I had trapped him in this moment forever. My pussy clenched ready to be impaled on his dick.

He was all I ever wanted. This fucking monster that hovered over me now, this stranger. He used to be the guy I thought I could love. But now he was just another asshole. Another man too easily controlled by his dick. A guy who let my mother die and didn’t let me say... anything.

He wasn’t expecting it when I released his cock and slammed my fist into his balls.

A whoosh of air left his lips as he keened over next to me, releasing my other hand to cup himself. I scrambled away from him, disentangling myself from his long legs. My back met something hard and I whirled around surprised to find a gravestone. My gaze fluttered around taking in the peaceful cemetery around us. All of the dead people who got to witness…whatever just happened between Rhett and I.

I stood quickly adjusting my purse.

“You fucking bitch.” Rhett still laid on the ground holding himself.

“It doesn’t feel good, does it big brother? To want to kill someone and fuck them all at the same time.” I smirked. “You made a big mistake.”

And I turned leaving him there in the middle of the cemetery hanging on to his crotch for dear life.


“Why are we stopping here?” Sarah asked when Rhett pulled the car to a stop some forty-five minutes later.

I stayed out by the car for the rest of the funeral festivities, not bothering to walk over to where they lowered my mom into the ground. The bullshit things the preacher had to say about her didn’t interest me, and neither did the hole where her body would rot for eternity.

Now I was in the car with Asshole and his significant other. I personally didn’t care why or where we were stopping. A permanent smile had plastered itself across my face since I left Rhett lying in the cemetery, even the ache under my skin for another bump couldn’t destroy my mood. One would think I would be angry more than anything for what Rhett had done, but that emotion had taken a backseat to the ‘I told you so’ feeling swimming in my veins. Maybe I was delusional; maybe everything that had happened today would crash into me later and destroy my sudden good mood. But for the moment I was happy to accept the feeling of joy.

“Just have to grab something.” He hopped out and slammed the door.

Sarah was silent while we waited for Rhett and I eyed her, wondering if she knew that he kept me from seeing my mom before she died.

I doubt it.

She was too pure for him to let her in on something like that.

A few minutes later Rhett climbed back in the car. He wasn’t limping anymore. I smirked. Next time I would have to punch him harder. He turned around and tossed a small paper sack at me.

“What is this?” I frowned at it.

“It’s your medicine.”

I met his calculating gaze in the rearview mirror. “Medicine? But we already got the hormones the doctor prescribed me.”

“These aren’t hormones. These are to treat your STD.” The glint in his eyes turned down right sinister. “You have chlamydia. And you’re fucking lucky that’s all you have.”

I blanched. “W-what?”

“Did I stutter?”

“Rhett!” Sarah exclaimed covering her mouth.

I shook my head. “But she said we wouldn’t know anything for a few weeks. How could you—”

“I’m a lawyer at one of the best law firms in the state. If I want test results rushed, I get them rushed, no questions asked.”

“Rhett that’s something personal that only her and her doctor should discuss not you—”

“Shut up, Sarah.” He didn’t even look at her, but kept his gaze on me, watching me in the rearview mirror.

Sarah started blubbering in the passenger seat and frantically wiping at her face. I felt strangely touched that she tried to come to my rescue.

I pulled out the little pill bottle and stared at it. There was only one pill inside.
I have an STD?
I had never really considered it before. Silly, but after I left I didn’t really care, or think past what I was going to do that day, even in the beginning before I started the drugs, I still bent over for those faceless men. Their hard cocks gave me purpose and once the drugs came they gave me an even bigger one.

“Chlamydia doesn’t have symptoms and is curable by taking that pill,” Rhett said.

Sarah gasped for air between sobs, her hands trembling in her lap.

“Thanks for the info doctor asshole.”

“I wouldn’t have to be an asshole if you weren’t a whore,” he snapped.

“Do you really want to do this, Rhett? Right now? Right here in front of Sarah?” I stared daggers at him. If he wanted to play I would. I wasn’t going to sit back and be put down by him anymore. He was the one who nearly creamed his pants in a cemetery while I fondled his cock.

He cut his gaze away and threw the SUV in reverse.

I smiled.
That’s what I thought.

The walk up the driveway of my old home, the place where I laid my head from the time I was nine to sixteen didn’t seem as long as the walk down the aisle to see my mother’s body. Walking inside didn’t make me as emotional as I thought it would either. Looking into the house that was practically identical to how it was when I left, I expected there to be more, to feel more about everything, but I supposed I was probably tapped out in the emotion department.

“Oh Rhett, y’all made it!” My mother’s sister, Gina, came running up, wrapping her middle-aged arms around Rhett. She didn’t look much different either. Her hair was still dyed bright red and she hadn’t gotten that front tooth she lost some years ago, replaced. It was hard to remember that my mother came from a family of poor rednecks because of how much she tried to distance herself from them.

“And oh my word!” She pressed a worn hand to her chest. “Is this her?” She looked from me to Rhett to me again.

“What do you think, Aunt Gina?”

“Well, hell I’d remember those eyes anywhere!” She stepped up to me and jerked me against her chest. “Faye Jean I never thought I’d see you again!” I could smell the weed on her skin and for a moment I was tempted to ask her if she would want to head out back and smoke one. If I coupled it with the little bit of coke I had left in my purse, it would probably be enough to get me through this horrid shin-dig.

“I didn’t think I’d be seeing you again either,” I said blandly.

She pulled back and raked her dark eyes up and down my body. Eyes that were so much like mine. All of the Turner girls had the same eyes. Some sort of dominant gene that didn’t land on my mom’s only brother.

“Jessica really did a number on you didn’t she?”

I frowned and cocked my head in shock—that being the last thing I ever expected her to say about my mom. I figured she, along with everyone else, would have some damning choice words for me.

Tears pooled in her eyes making them glassy. “But you’re back. You’re here now and I love you just like I did before you left.” She pulled me back into a hug. My chin brushed the top of her ear. She was barely five foot tall, making my five foot five frame seem giant. Tears pressed at the back of my eyelids, a sense of relief filtering through my system.

My mom’s family hadn’t wanted her to marry Taylor Hale, they didn’t believe that money equaled happiness, but she had done it anyway. It was nice to feel like I finally had an ally.

“Tell me what you’ve been up to honey,” Gina said, guiding me toward the couch in the living room, the white leather couch—the one where I had bared my heart to Rhett four years ago and he had turned me down.


A cold hand touched the back of my arm. “We’re going to head on into the den, that’s where the rest of the family is,” Sarah said quietly. Her face was puffy and red from the crying in the car, but she had quieted down once Rhett had taken her hand in his. I’d watched with disgust as he swiped his thumb lovingly over her pale flesh.

I nodded and turned back to Gina. “Well, I’ve—”

What I would say would never be known because more people joined us in the living room, people with loud country accents and too much wine in their bellies already. My mother’s other two sisters, Betty and Luna, and her brother, Georgie.

“Gina have you tried some of that wine they got in there? I swear it’s like that thirty year aged shit.” Betty raised her glass sloppily, spilling some on the plush white carpet. If my mom had been alive she would be shrieking at all of them and pushing them out the front door. A bubble of laughter escaped my lips, drawing their attention to me.

“Well, hells bells.” Uncle Georgie stepped over to me, most of his hair balding. “I thought you were gonna kill her all over again.” His blue gaze critiqued me much like Gina’s had. “You okay, Faye? It’s hard losing your momma.”

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