The Fight Within (44 page)

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Authors: Tiana Laveen

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: The Fight Within
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“I know…I know, it’s just that I figured you’d be more comfortable. So uh, okay, I see…so we’re good?” His frown dissipated, quickly replaced with a satisfied grin. He pushed his lips onto hers, not waiting for her to answer, sealing his relief with a kiss.

“Yeah.” she finally managed, smiling into his eyes. “We’re good, baby.”


Ahhh!” She wrapped her arms and legs around him so tight, he could barely breathe. He surged upward within her, again and again. “Shit!”

He rocked against her, forcing her body up and down the wall as his thrusts increased in speed.

“Uhhh!” And he kept right on with a solid grip on her waist, keeping her pinned to his body, pressing into her, keeping her exactly how he wanted her.

“Uhhh! Feels so fucking good!”

The raw flesh against flesh, rubbing against one another, sent him into a thrusting tailspin. He’d never experienced her this way before, without barriers. Naturally…the way nature intended…

“Uhhh! Oh, baby! I love how your pussy feels on my dick! So damn good! Uhhh!”

“I didn’t think you could feel much better inside of me… Shit, I was wrong,” she cooed.

“Fucking you raw…damn, it’s perfect! You like that, baby?!”

“Yes! Yes!”

His entire body tingled as the juices from her zone coated his shaft.

“I’m gonna cum inside of you, baby… Uhhh! Make you drip all over the fucking place! Uhhh!”

Her eyes widened as she tightened her grip around his neck, clasping her hands tight.

“Don’t stop! Don’t stop, baby! Harder!”

“Take that! Uhhh!” He jammed harder and harder, losing his damn mind. “I promised you I had good dick, I wanted you to have it, ’cause I love you!”

“Yes baby you do, you do!” She burst out laughing at his words, causing him to act in kind. But, her laughter soon ceased when he drove in her deeper…so much deeper.

“I’ve had my share of pussy, baby, not gonna lie…but yours is the fuckin’ best and I mean that shit! Uhhhh! I can’t hold on much longer!” His dick was so hungry for her, he could barely control himself. He shoved himself completely inside of her, forcing a gasp from her. She looked at him wide-eyed…

Oh yes…she felt that…

…So sexy…

“Uhhhh!” He thrust again, sticking in place, watching her fall apart. She came all over his cock and shook like a damn leaf twirling in a storm. His gaze never leaving her gorgeous eyes, he pinned her back with his shoulder blade.

“Your big dick is spreading my pussy! You make me cum so hard!”

“Uhhh! Uh! Uh! Uh!” He pounded into her, his palms framing her face—gave her all he had, made her suffer, made her enjoy, made her

“So good… I love the hell outta you, Sean…love you so much!”

“I love you too, baby. Uhhhhh! Uhhhh!” He pushed forward, almost ready to release his load inside of her slick, wet vessel. “Uhhhh!!!! Uhhhh!”

“Shit!” She clutched him to her, made it so he could never escape even if he tried. Then, he finally let go, released within her; his hips contracted over and over with each hard, fast thrust.

He pumped again and again, until he was completely spent. “Uhhh…shit.” He rested his forehead against her breasts and grinned into her perspiration-covered chest. Her legs loosened around his frame, as if she were barely able to hang on. He delivered a gentle kiss to her forehead, then another against her cheek.

After a while, they began the search and rescue party for pink bras, matching panties, and white boxers. They laughed at one another, poking fun, falling a bit more in love.

“So,” she stared at herself in a wall mirror, finger combing her hair back into place, “I’m going to come to this fight of yours and see what you’re made of.”

“Nuts and honey…but now just honey because you’ve got all my nut. I filled you up good! You need a panty liner or tiny bucket?”

“Shut up! Silly ass!”

He placed his foot on a chair to put his sneakers on. “You ready, babe?” he asked after a few minutes of watching her prim and primp.

“Just one more second…” She tussled her hair to one side, and then back to the other—just one of those unexplainable and unnerving things girls do…

“It’s like twelve at night, baby!” He threw up his hands in exaggerated exhaustion. “Who are you tryna impress? You’re goin’ home, right?”

“Yes! But I still want to look my best.” She plucked lipstick out of her purse and began to apply it with a steady hand.

“Awww, Jesus Christ!” He slumped down into the seat. “The rats need to see a hot lady going to her car tonight, right? Give ’em an eyeful. I tell ya, without that there lipstick you’re hideous. Thank God for it!” She showed him her middle finger in response to his chuckle, then continued on. Before he knew it, the lady had reached back in her purse and pulled out a small compact.


“Okay, okay!” She placed the makeup back inside of her purse as he made his way over to her and placed his arm around her waist.

“I’ll call you when I get home.” He landed another kiss on her cheek, unable to keep himself off her.

“I’m driving you home,” she announced.

“Nah, I can just take the train.”

“It’s not up for discussion,” she insisted while they made their way closer to the exit door in the back.

“Let me at least give you gas money.” He swung the thing open. A burst of cool, refreshing air hit his face.

“You don’t have your wallet, remember?” she stated smugly, brushing against his chest.

“I can pay in other ways.” The door slammed and locked behind them as they moved down the street, heading toward her parked car.

“And what did you have in mind?” She reached inside her purse to retrieve her keys, giving him a glance or two paired with a tilted simper.

“Asking you up into my apartment and givin’ you what for.” He bit into his lower lip, hoping she’d take him up on his proposal. He was still reeling from their sexual interlude, and his dick throbbed in anticipation for another go round.

“Sounds more like a fight. I’ll pass.” The woman swallowed a smirk, tried to pretend she didn’t find the shit funny.

“I like to beat your pussy up, what can I say?”

“I don’t know, but I say, ‘thank you.’” She chuckled. He ran his hand along her back as she unlocked her car door and climbed inside. “Get in.”

“Nah.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “It’s out of the way for you and it’s just as easy for me to go it alone. Look, I’ll call when I get in, okay?” he assured, jamming his head into her window and giving her a kiss.

“Sean, if you don’t get your ass in this car!”

“Alright, alright!” Grinning, he made his way around the thing, opened the passenger side door, and slid inside.

“Are you hungry?” she asked as she pulled away from the curb. Traffic was surprisingly thick for midnight on a Wednesday evening.

“Yeah, but I got some shit at home.” He shuffled around a bit, tossed his bag in the back, and readjusted his seat.

“I’ll stop and get you something… I’ve seen what’s in your refrigerator.”

He rolled his eyes, getting settled in his seat. Before he knew it, the world turned cottony and black, and he’d fallen into a web of dreams. When he awoke, the woman sat near him, parked in front of his complex, and her car smelled of spicy salsa and fresh tacos. His stomach immediately rumbled from the savory scent.

“Oh…” He ran his palm along the side of his forehead, blinking a time or two. “Damn. I’ve been sleep that long?”

She grinned at him and gripped a white paper bag of food. The crinkling sound pushed him forward out of his state of wooziness. He’d know that container from anywhere; she’d stopped at one of his favorite late night dives, Taqueria Coatzingo.

“You mean to tell me that I slept in the car while you got out, ordered me food and came back?! Damn.” He ran his hand over his mouth. “That’s crazy. I must’ve been in a coma!”

“Yes, you were tired. You’ve been snoring the entire time, too.” She snickered. “Here is something to give you indigestion. You’re welcome.” Her full ruby red lips curved upward, exposing a set of gleaming white teeth.

“Wow, you’re amazing.” He took the bag and sat back from her, staring her up and down, admiring his prize. “I have a wonderful and pretty ass girlfriend. Look at that fucking smile.” He leaned closer and kissed her soft lips. “Thank you for the food, baby. I’ll pay you back.”

She waved him off. “Don’t mention it.”

He opened the door and let himself out.

“Alright, baby,” he called out. “Call me when you get in the house, okay?”

“I will! Love you!” she waved as she pulled away from the curb and drove down his street.

He stood there gripping his snack, the cool wind moving his shorts and shirt to and fro. Raking his hand through his waving hair, he felt like the world belonged to him, and him alone. As he made his way up the short flight of steps into his apartment complex, he swam in recent memories of making love to the love of his life. He couldn’t stop thinking about it. His mind and soul had been reawakened. Flashes of her body against the cool wall, her hair in disarray, the warmth of her kiss, the scent of sex, the tautness of her nipples against his hardened flesh…

Now he knew what it felt like to lust after
love the one you were with all at the same time. Nothing could compare to the love that he had for the woman. It was bigger than his wildest dreams and more fantastic than his own imagination. He’d give his last cent if it would ensure she’d never leave his side, and consider it the best investment of his entire lifetime…


Jackson tossed the
green duffle bag into the back of his freshly washed black Benz. He slammed the trunk so hard, it echoed as he rounded the car in a torrential huff. He pointed at the woman, but only hot air flowed from his flared nostrils as Asia sat in the passenger’s seat. Then, he shifted his gaze from his daughter to his son. Brian lay sprawled in the back of his vehicle as if it were a bed. The boy had his ankles propped up and crossed on his driver’s side headrest while he showed off a lazy grin, tipped his Yankees hat and slumped down low. Was he about to fall asleep?

Jackson averted his gaze and refocused on the problem at hand.

“I swear…to God!” He hit the top of her ivory car parked right outside the garage door, the damn Mercedes he’d spent thousands of dollars on to get repaired. Then, he marched up to her, hating how she stood there under the recessed lights of the grand front porch, her expression placid and still, as if she didn’t notice he was gunning for her ass.

She’s still beautiful… Matter of fact, she looks better than when we split…

But something about her had in fact changed, morphed, and disturbed his inner peace. She tucked her hands under each arm, crossing them over heaving breasts that lay almost visible beneath her cranberry satin robe… the one that complimented her skin tone in such a perfect way.

I remember sucking those titties practically every night. Damn, they were perfect…lulled my ass to sleep.

“I’m cold, ready to go back in the house. I suggest you get in your car,” she said, pointing at it. “Turn the engine on that could, chugga chugga, chugga chugga, chugga, and spend time with your children that you helped to create.” She said the shit so coolly, as if she were a boat at sea, and her words a soft breeze.

I see that hasn’t changed, either. Treasure is still a sarcastic smart-ass…

He sucked his teeth so hard, he was surprised they didn’t detach from the damn gumline and flow down his throat like lunch. He looked into her smug face, her dark, heavily lashed eyes glossy with passion—but it
for him. He could almost
the sex oozing off her; her beautiful pussy was probably wetter than a damn Olympic-sized swimming pool…and he missed taking dives.


Asia had given him the play by mothafuckin’ play, and he simply wouldn’t have it. His little girl came bouncing around bragging about ‘Mommy’s new boyfriend.’ Sean this, and Sean that.

Fuck Sean!

This shit was unethical, needed to be cancelled, stopped, hauled away, and he was ready to pull the goddamn plug.

“Treasure,” he pointed in her face once again, “you hung up on me before I could finish what I had to say earlier today.”

She rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue against her lower teeth, glaring at him like he was some pesky rodent that wouldn’t stop knocking over her trashcans in search of the perfect snack.

“It was for the best. I did you a favor before I hurt your little feelings.”

Who the fuck do you think you are?!

“My little feelings? Look, we need to talk about this!”

“My personal life is of no consequence to you.”

“As long as you are the mother of
children, it is!” he snarled, getting more in her face, wishing he could shake the shit out of her…but the last thing he needed was a damn domestic violence charge. “Gallivanting around with some boy toy! What the hell is your problem?!”

“Jackson, now I
I must be hearing things!” She exposed every damn tooth in her gorgeous mouth before bending at the waist in a full throttle explosion of condescending laughter. His love and hatred for her mixed with the thick sauce of confusion, creating an internal combination he wished to purge.

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