The Fight Within (43 page)

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Authors: Tiana Laveen

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: The Fight Within
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“Oh! You’re fancy, huh?” she teased.

“Yeah, I get paid good money for this shit. What’s better, you know?” He shrugged. “Getting paid for doing something you’d do for free? That’s tops in my book.”

“I wholeheartedly agree.” She ran her hands down her jeans. “I missed you, Sean.” She got real quiet; so quiet, she could almost hear her own heartbeat.

He paused, took a good, hard look at her. “I missed you, too.” The only sound to follow was the zipper to his gym bag. It reminded her of the way his pants would come slowly down before he’d…
Oh God.
The lust struggle was real…

“So, what do you have planned for the rest of the night?”

“Shit, well,” he said, scratching his forehead. “I gotta study, I have to drop some shit over Colin’s house, too. He helps me sell shit on eBay…takes the photos for me.”

“He’s a photographer
a fireman, huh? All these talents in one family!” she joked, causing him to crack a smile. “The stories you tell about this guy, I swear, you two are hilarious. I can’t wait to meet him.”

He nodded and yawned. “He wants to meet you, too. Speakin’ of which,” he turned serious, his smile faded, “and I don’t do this sorta thing, ’cause they’re fuckin’ nuts, but I want you to meet my parents soon. They know all about cha now and my mother won’t leave me alone about it. So, I figured, ‘why not?’”

“I would love to meet all of your friends and family, Sean. It is long overdue.”

“Well, honestly, Treasure, I was just waiting for you is all, you know? Family is important to me.” He ran his hand over his chest and yawned. “Regardless, I felt it only fair that I meet your family first, ya know? I know the deal with you and your mother, so I never brought that up, pushed it, but I’ve been on you about your kids for weeks. You know how I felt about it; we even had a disagreement about the shit on the phone one time.”

Curving her lips a tad, she nodded, “Yeah, I remember. You wanted to meet them and I said no, that it was too soon.”

“Yeah, well, glad that breaking the ice phase is over now. I like them. We’re starting to get along, Brian and I.” She didn’t miss the pleased expression on his face before he shrouded it once more with the towel.

“Yeah, and what a joy my son was that fine evening,” she said on a sigh, rolling her eyes.

“Ahhh.” He waved her off. “He was just protecting his mom is all. Anyway, he and I have an understanding now. It’s cool. It’s all water under the bridge.”

“The same bridge you wanted to throw him over!” She burst out laughing, smacked her thigh.

He nodded and grinned. “Ya got that damn straight. I see the potential in him though. He’s not a bad kid. He’s actually a good kid, Treasure, but I’m sure I’m not tellin’ you anything you don’t already know. Just confused and upset is all.”

“I know…well,” she said, rising from her seat, “speaking of which, guess I better get home and make sure he didn’t burn my damn house down. I may meet your brother sooner than later thanks to him.”

“Why’s that?” He tossed her a curious glance.

“He was trying to cook something when I left. A chef he is not.”

Sean smiled and nodded, then stood to his full height, a tall, stunning brick house…

Why can’t I get this out of my mind?!

The man’s eyes hooded in that sexy way of his before he turned away and fiddled with the strap on his gym bag.

“Let me walk you out. Better yet, I’m ready to go, too. Just uh,” he looked quickly up at the clock on the wall, “…just give me ten minutes. Let me freshen up and get the rest of my things.”

She nodded and crossed her legs, expecting the man to disappear but instead, he remained in her sight while he swiftly removed his gym shorts and flung the sweaty drenched things onto the ground. His shoes followed and it took everything in her to not curse out her own need to blink. She
got over the man’s physique. The power of his form, the way his muscles naturally contorted from his slightest of movements. Sean had barely an inch of fat on his body – he was like a stone sculpture fit for the damn Gods, but he acted none the wiser. His long legs stretched as he stepped almost elegantly into the shower stall. Not bothering to pull the curtain to cloak himself, he reached upward, one foot raised off the ground ever so slightly as he turned the showerhead in his desired direction.

She slid her hands under her ass, as if they’d somehow land her in a world of trouble. Or perhaps the thought they’d stop the flow of need pouring from her core…

Before long, he was covered from neck to feet in thick, white swirly suds. His dark hair looked almost black now as he rinsed his shampoo out, making it stream down his strapping back. She captured a whimper of laughter before it escaped her mouth. He handled his dick and balls so delicately, meticulously going over them with his washcloth, treating his private parts like precious jewels… In fact, to her, they were…

He adjusted the pressure and rinsed off, and just as he’d promised, he was in and out in less than ten minutes. As cool as can be, he stepped out, dried off and quickly put on a fresh pair of white shorts and white tank top to match.

“Sean, it’s cold outside!” she exclaimed when she saw him. “Don’t you have a jacket or something?”

“Nah, I’m still hot from the workout so this is fine for me.”

She couldn’t believe it. It was only forty degrees outside, and this was how he insisted on parading around. She shook her head, knowing arguing with the man about such a thing would be futile. He grabbed his bag and placed the strap over his shoulder.

“Thanks for stopping by.” His tone sounded chipper, as if she’d truly made his day. “We haven’t seen each other in a couple of days so this was a nice surprise.” He looped his fingers in between her own, pulling her close. Walking out of the empty locker room, they entered the dimly lit gym area. Much to her surprise, it looked as if the entire place had been shut down around them, but she’d been none the wiser.

“Mmmm, it’s cold in here.” She ran her hands along her arms, shivering. “And dark, too.” The blue glow from the vending machines proved to be a beacon of light, causing the area to feel alien and odd.

“That’s because Bruce is gone, the guy that let you in. He locked up and turned everything off. They let me stay here because they know me.” He pointed toward a back area, their final destination. “As soon as I walk outta that door, it will lock behind me. It’s the routine now.”

“Oh, I see.” She took a few more steps forward.

“Hold up a sec,” he said, slicking his tongue over his lower lip… “I think we have some important business to take care of first. You


It’s just me
and her in this son of a bitch…

“Yeah? What business? What do I owe?” Treasure turned towards him, stopped in her sexy, black leather boot covered tracks.

“Why don’t you give me a strip tease right quick, for old time’s sake?” He sucked his bottom lip as he gave her the once over, thinking of all the freaky things they could do.

“Sean.” She put her hand on her hip and shifted her weight, acting as if she was slightly offended. “You know damn well I’m not about to strip in here.” She tossed her head back when she uttered the last word, smacking him upside the head with attitude.

“Why not?” He dropped his gym bag, which landed with a huge thud.

“Because it’s a public place, that’s why.”

He tugged at his shirt, yanked it off his body, and cast it across the room. The woman simply stood there, her mouth gaping open, then turned away, flustered. She raised a hand to her lovely cheek, covering a flush, and a big smile spread across her face.

That’s more like it… You want it, don’t you, my Treasure? You want this dick.

“Look at me…”

He made his pecs jump, eliciting a nervous laugh and deeper blush from her.

“I hate when you do that!”

“Nah, you love it.” He moved closer to her until they stood only inches apart. Her gentle, alluring perfume instantly filled his space, sealing her fate for the evening.

“Take your coat off. You’re not going anywhere.” She hesitated for a moment or two, then unbuttoned the thing, let it pool at her feet.

Gently taking her blouse into his grip, he forced her arms up and removed it from her body. It dropped to the floor, flowing softly like a love letter cast from a third story window. They stared at one another for the longest. Time ticked away as he etched her every inch in her mind, ached for her so badly. He was now far from sleepy as he’d caught a second wind, his need to pussy feed fully alert and restored. Her breathing accelerated; he could hear it oh so clearly.

Yeah…try to catch your breath, pretend you don’t want to fuck as bad as I do. I’m going to fuck you like I just broke out of prison…

“Take your jeans off,” he ordered as he removed his white Nike shoes. He’d just bought the sons of bitches, but tossed them aside as if they were from a vintage collection not worth a damn. He then looped his thumbs around the elastic of his shorts and chucked them to the floor. His boxers soon followed. Standing back from him, she slid off her boots and then her pants, exposing the creamy brown flesh he’d missed caressing for far too long. “The bra and panties, too. I want

She did as told. A pair of silky pink underwear soon puddled around her slender ankles. Without further hesitation, he placed a hand on each of her breasts and leisurely rubbed her dark nipples until they hardened under his caress, then pushed her back into a nearby wall, staring her down until she bumped abruptly against the hardness. Dropping his head low, he took the tender flesh of her breast into his mouth, then slipped the tip of his tongue over the taut nipple, falling head first into the beauty and taste of her flesh. Their mutual moans intertwined as each sigh was born and died with heated anticipation.

“Ahhhh…” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, encouraging him, framing him close. “Mmmm, that feels good.”

“…Such nice titties,” he whispered as he continued to stroke and suck the perfect peaks of flesh, bringing more of her into his mouth, then releasing time and again. Gripping her hips, he kissed lower and lower until he reached her navel. His lips kinked into a delighted smirk as he took note of the chill bumps covering her flesh. Oh, how he loved the stories her temple told… He navigated back up toward her breasts and pinned her harshly to the wall, unable to control himself a moment longer.

“Ahhh!” she gasped, closing her eyes and giving herself completely to him. He ran his hand up and down her soft pussy lips, massaging them, feeling the slightly sticky wetness he so craved. The suppleness meshed with the texture of her peach fuzz, and he simply couldn’t resist. Sliding a finger within her, he caught her expression and found his desire soaring to fever pitch.

“Ahhhh….Ahhh…” She grinded into his digital thrusts, rotating her hips, meeting his demand.

“You like that, huh…it feels good to you! That’s all I want, to make you feel nice…” He buried his face in the crook of her sweet neck and sucked her flesh, keeping the tempo with his finger thrusting and circling inside of her.

“Ahhhh! Ahhh!”

Soon, he let another finger join the first, then another until all three were fucking her, vying to be the one to make her cum. He curled his thumb up just so, made it dance against her swollen clit.

“Ahhhhhh!” she screamed out, clawing at his bare flesh, causing it to sting so good. He kept going, finger fucking her hard and fast as his thumb played so sweetly against her zone. “Ohhh! I’m…I’m…” Her eyes lost focus, coming undone like the ribbons on his perfectly prepared present.

“I want another shower… Cover my whole fucking hand with your pussy sauce, baby…” He whispered the words into her ear, knowing it would push her over the edge.

His wish was granted. Less than the blink of an eye later, the woman trembled in his grip and stumbled forward, forcing him to catch her midway.

“Mmmm, I got you baby…”

He kept his fingers moving and she practically jumped out of her own flesh, moaning and yelling as he took her there…

“Ahhh…” She trembled, her fingers shuddering against his shoulders. Her right leg shook and her inner thigh streamed with moisture. Gently, he placed her back against the wall and grinned as her head lulled back and forth. He’d relaxed her into another state of being, but her eyes swiftly opened when he knocked her thighs apart and grabbed his rock hard cock, wanting her in the worst way.

“Fuck!” he screamed out, angry at the goddamn world, moon and stars, too, his entire mood ruined. He released her, gripped his hair with both hands, and spun in a half circle. “I totally forgot I don’t have my damn wallet, baby. I don’t have any condoms with me, Treasure…shit. I just got on the train, didn’t drive here, didn’t bring my wallet because of that. It was supposed to be just a quick work out, then back home to study.”

“Well, I don’t have any with me either but I also don’t have any diseases. Besides, we’ve already discussed this and even got tested.” She smiled sweetly at him and caressed his cheek.

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