The Fiend Queen (45 page)

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Authors: Barbara Ann Wright

BOOK: The Fiend Queen
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Starbride sighed. “What if I burst into tears? Then will you stay? Come on, Katya, a few manipulative tears.”

Katya laughed. “Ask your mother if you want those.”

Hugo’s lip might have wobbled, but with his head turned away, Katya couldn’t be sure. “Please don’t cry, Miss, ah, Princess Starbride.”

She laughed and threw her arms around him. “Why do you have to leave?”

“Because Ursula will arrest me if I don’t go,” Freddie said. Before Katya could speak, he added, “And the crown can’t forbid it, not without starting down the same road we were on nine months ago. I’ve tested her patience long enough. She told me to leave or go to jail. I’m picking leaving, and I’ve made sure she knows it.”

Hugo shrugged. “I can’t let him go alone.”

Freddie leaned close to Katya’s ear. “He’s madly in love with me,” he said, loudly enough for all to hear.

Katya expected Hugo to turn red or shriek a protest, but he’d aged a lot in so short a time. “I just want to be there in case you die,” he said.

Freddie sputtered a laugh. “Don’t worry. We’ll come back for a visit. We’ll just have to sneak into the city.”

“Or we’ll venture out to see you,” Katya said.

“We’ll send word from time to time,” Hugo said. “In case you need us.”

Tears started in Starbride’s eyes, but she breathed them away. “And we’ll work on Captain Ursula while you’re gone. Maybe she’ll give up the hunt.”

Freddie shook his head sadly, and Katya knew there was a story there. Before Starbride had a chance to pry it out of him, Katya drew her into a hug. She couldn’t stand long, drawn-out good-byes. “Well, get going before I call the Watch.”

They paused long enough to hug her and Starbride, and then they too were on their horses and gone.

Katya drew Starbride into an embrace and kissed her long and deep. “Don’t worry, my loving wife, we still have lots of friends left to care for.”

“Dearest wife,” Starbride said, “you always know just what to say.”

“Then try this: I’m resigning as leader of the Order.”

Starbride’s mouth dropped open. “Shall I guess why, or will you tell me?”

“Maia’s ready to be the leader, or she will be once she’s had the baby. And she’ll have Brutal by her side. I’ve had all the duty I can stand for a while.”

“So, you’ll just have your duties as crown princess and tutors to the heirs, then?”

Katya sighed a laugh. “It sounds like a lot when you say it.”

“Well, I guess you won’t be surprised that I’ve told your father I won’t be the king’s pyradisté.”


Starbride nodded. “Your father can find another, or perhaps he won’t need one with Yanchasa gone. I’ve decided to go back to my true calling.”

Her impish grin put a similar smile on Katya’s mouth. “Not boring old trade law?”

“With all the new agreements between Allusia and Farraday, I thought it fitting. The Allusian students will be starting at the Halls of Law soon, and I will be joining them.”

Katya drew her into another embrace. She couldn’t help herself lately. “Well, what shall we do with all our free time?”

Starbride stood on her tiptoes for a kiss. “I have a few ideas.”

“For right now, I’ve had breakfast prepared.”

“Hanna’s Retreat?” Starbride cocked an eyebrow. “Are you planning to seduce me?”

“I’m kind of tired. I was hoping you’d seduce me.”

Starbride drew Katya down and kissed her again. “I love you, scoundrel.”

“And I love you, Miss Meringue.” Arm in arm, they walked back inside the palace.

About the Author

Barbara Ann Wright writes fantasy and science fiction novels and short stories when not adding to her enormous pen collection or ranting on her blog. Her short fiction has appeared twice in
Crossed Genres Magazine
and once made
Tangent Online
’s recommended reading list.
The Pyramid Waltz
was one of’s Reviewer’s Choice books of 2012, was a Foreword Review Book of the Year Award Finalist, a Goldie finalist, and won the 2013 Rainbow Award for Best Lesbian Fantasy.

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