The Fiend Queen

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Authors: Barbara Ann Wright

BOOK: The Fiend Queen
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Table of Contents

Within the walls of her palace, Princess Katya’s best friend lies at her feet, close to death. Her pyradisté is overwhelmed by some mysterious power, and her former lady-in-waiting has stabbed her in the back. Wounded and nearly alone, Katya must find a way to sabotage the magic of her Fiendish uncle Roland, or those who fight for the capitol will be overwhelmed by hypnotized guards and Fiend-filled corpses.

Starbride’s pain is nearly overwhelming. The agony inside her only lessens when she satisfies a strange new desire to hurt those around her. She may hold the key to banishing Fiendish power from Farraday, but only by using it herself. Together, Katya and Starbride must make a final desperate push to take back the kingdom, but even if they survive, can the strength of their love keep them from madness? After all, fighting evil with evil has its consequences.

What Reviewers Say About Barbara Ann Wright’s Pyramid Series

“…a healthy dose of a very creative, yet believable, world into which the reader will step to find enjoyment and heart-thumping action. It’s a fiendishly delightful tale.”—
Lamda Literary

“Barbara Ann Wright is a master when it comes to crafting a solid and entertaining fantasy novel. …The world of lesbian literature has a small handful of high-quality fantasy authors, and Barbara Ann Wright is well on her way to joining the likes of Jane Fletcher, Cate Culpepper, and Andi Marquette. …Lovers of the fantasy and futuristic genre will likely adore this novel, and adventurous romance fans should find plenty to sink their teeth into.”—
The Rainbow Reader

The Pyramid Waltz
has had me smiling for three days. …I also haven’t actually read…a world that is entirely unfazed by homosexuality or female power before. I think I love it. I’m just delighted this book exists. …If you enjoyed
The Pyramid Waltz
For Want of a Fiend
is the perfect next step…you’d be embarking on a joyous, funny, sweet and madcap ride around very dark things lovingly told, with characters who will stay with you for months after.”—
The Lesbrary

“This book will keep you turning the page to find out the answers. …Fans of the fantasy genre will really enjoy this installment of the story. We can’t wait for the next book.”—
Curve Magazine

The Fiend Queen

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The Fiend Queen

© 2015 By Barbara Ann Wright. All Rights Reserved.

ISBN 13: 978-1-62639-292-2

This Electronic Book is published by

Bold Strokes Books, Inc.

P.O. Box 249

Valley Falls, New York 12185

First Edition: January 2015

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.


Editor: Cindy Cresap

Production Design: Susan Ramundo

Cover Design By Sheri ([email protected])

By the Author

The Pyramid Waltz

For Want of a Fiend

A Kingdom Lost

The Fiend Queen


Ross and Mom, you know who you are. Thanks to Writer’s Ink for always buying my books. Matt Borgard, Natsu Carmony, Deb de Freitas, and Erin Kennemer, you are the bestest beta readers since you okayed the use of bestest. Pattie Lawler, you always go above and beyond.

Thanks to Radclyffe, Bold Strokes, and Cindy Cresap for slogging it out with me.

I love you, pets.

And I love you, wonderful readers, for continuing with me all the way to the end. Cheers!


For my grandma, Sadie Fox, a life well lived.

Chapter One


Pounding echoed down the corridors of the secret passageways. Katya’s eyes strained against the blackness, and she closed them rather than face the dark. She pictured bright, sun-filled halls, safety around every corner, anything but being bent double, knife wound screaming in her back as she dragged Brutal’s unconscious bulk.

“Come on, Redtrue. Keep going,” Castelle said from beside her. “You can do it, dearheart. I know you can.”

Katya clamped her lips together, swallowing the urge to tell Castelle to shut up. The huffing and puffing of Redtrue’s breathing kept pace with them. After they’d fought Averie in the pyramid room, Redtrue had fallen, blood trickling from her nose. The Fiend energy in the palace had overpowered her. Katya had heard her collapse several times, and Castelle’s words got her moving again.

Even with two people pulling Brutal down the corridor, they barely moved. Katya had lost track of whether the trickling sensation down her spine was blood or sweat. She kept her shoulder against the wall, anxious to feel the first turn that would take them deeper inside the castle walls.

“Come on, Red,” Castelle said. “One foot in front of the other.”

Katya ground her teeth. The syrupy quality to Castelle’s voice, the certainty that everything would be okay, made Katya want to drop Brutal and leave them there. She could charge into battle where she belonged, confront Averie, and meet her death. At least then she wouldn’t have to be in the dark anymore.

“That’s enough.” Katya lowered Brutal to the cold stones, dug a candle from her pocket, and lit it. She’d hoped they’d only need Redtrue’s pyramid for light, but she never went anywhere unprepared.

Now she was reminded of why.

Redtrue sagged down the wall, her mouth smeared with blood from her nose, turning her reddish-brown skin black. She rolled her shaven scalp against the wall until she rested on her one braided lock of black hair. Her dark eyes went half-lidded as she struggled to breathe.

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