The Fears of Henry IV: The Life of England's Self-Made King (98 page)

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Authors: Ian Mortimer

Tags: #Biography, #England, #Royalty

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Richard II: see

Richard III (1452–1485), king of England (1483): 9

Richard of Conisburgh (d. 1415), later earl of Cambridge (1414): 122, 191, 369

Rickhill, Sir William (d. 1407), justice: 205

Ripon: 300, 302

Rixhöft: 94, 98

Robert I (1274–1329), king of Scots (1306): 222, 415, 422

Robert III (d. 1406), king of Scotland (1390): 198, 221, 241, 243, 307, 422, 423

Rochester: 134, 403; bishop of:
Brinton, Thomas

Rochford Hall: 39, 41

Rochford, Sir Ralph (d.
1440), chamber knight: 94, 104, 401

Roet, Katherine:
Swynford, Katherine

Roet, Philippa:
Chaucer, Philippa

Rokeby, Sir Thomas (d. 1418): 320, 321

Rome: 131, 247, 254

Romsey Abbey: 328

Roos, William (d. 1414), Lord Roos (1394): 254, 280, 341

Roses, Wars of the: 1, 273, 375

Ross-on-Wye: 178

Rotherhithe: 15, 336, 343

Rothesay, duke of:
Stewart, David

Rothwell, Rothwellhaigh: 379, 412, 435

Roye, Renaud de: 85, 87, 88, 131, 154

Rupert (1352–1410), palatinate count of the Rhine (1398), Holy Roman Emperor (1400): 237, 245, 247, 253, 261, 302, 326

Russell, Sir John (d. 1405): 87, 151

Russell, John, author: 127

Russia, Russians: 95, 105, 127

Ruthin: 225

Rutland: 124; earl of:
Edward of York

Sabato, Elias de, physician: 383

Saimpy, Jean de: 85, 87, 88, 131, 401

St Agnes: 110

St Albans: 74, 128, 291, 320, 378, 397; Abbey: 37, 223, 328; abbot of: 409

St Anthony: 110

St Asaph, bishop of:
Trevor, John

St Augustine: 114

St Bartholomew’s, Smithfield, prior of: 332

St Christopher: 110, 154

St-Cloud: 341

St David’s, bishop of:
Chichele, Henry; Mone, Guy

St-Denis, Abbey of: 86, 170, 183

St Edward:
Edward the Confessor

St George: 95, 97, 98, 104, 107, 109, 110, 112, 156, 198, 257, 269, 320, 321, 412;
see also
Garter, Order of the

St-Hilaire, Marie de: 390

St Inglevert tournament: 85, 94, 98, 107, 131, 262, 327, 400, 401

St John, Nicholas: 400

St John the Baptist: 413

St Lucy: 110

St Ludmilla: 107

St Mark: 109, 100, 114, 404

St Nicholas: 110

St-Omer: 133, 292, 408

St Oswald: 309, 310

St Osyth: 283

St Pol, count of:
Waleran; countess of:
Holland, Maud

St Simplicius: 385

St Thomas of Canterbury (Thomas Becket): 195, 296, 297

St Vitus: 107, 108

Saladin (1137–93), sultan of Egypt and Syria: 111 476

Salisbury: 53, 54, 129, 260;
see also

Salisbury, bishop of:
Hallum, Robert; Waltham, John; earl of:
Montagu, John

Salisbury, Sir John (d. 1388): 66, 78

Salutation, the: 220

Samogitia: 89

San Daniele: 109

Sanctuary: 16

Sandiway: 266

Sandwich: 283

Sangatte: 160

Saton, Nicholas: 400

Savage, Sir Arnold (1358–1410), speaker: 232, 233, 278, 311


Sawtre, William (d. 1401), heretic: 233, 236, 332, 424

Scarle, John (d. 1403), chancellor (1399–1401), archdeacon of Lincoln (1401): 234

Schievelbein: 106

Schirle, Hugh (d. 1403): 442

Schonec: 106

Scotland, the Scots: 3, 5, 22, 53, 55, 57, 79, 80, 125, 197, 198, 210, 220, 225, 226, 238, 241, 249, 252, 263, 273, 278, 281, 285, 307, 319, 420, 424; kings of:
Robert III; James I; Henry’s campaign in (1400): 221, 228, 230, 319, 358

Scrivelsby: 195

Scrope, Henry (d. 1415), Lord Scrope of Masham (1406), treasurer (1410–11): 329, 333, 334, 340, 439

Scrope, Richard (1327–1403), Lord Scrope of Bolton (1371), chancellor (1378–80, 1381–2): 49, 62, 63, 71

Scrope, Richard (d. 1405), bishop of Lichfield (1386–98), archbishop of York (1398): 69, 186, 191, 204, 294, 300, 350, 355; manifesto issued during Yorkshire Rising: 294, 420

Scrope, William (d. 1399), earl of Wiltshire (1397): 90, 142, 145, 148, 150, 176, 205, 410, 411;
see also

Seca, Godfrey de: 400

Segrave, Sir Hugh, treasurer (1381–6): 394

Segrave, Lady: 390

Selborne Priory: 241

Selby: 435; abbot of: 435

Sequaqueton (an esquire): 400

Serle, William (d. 1404), valet: 145, 202, 282, 285

Seton, David: 423

Severn, River: 290

Seymour, William: 400

Shakespeare, William (1564–1616), poet and playwright: 1, 2, 12, 32, 158, 165, 167, 352, 363, 413;
Henry IV Part One:
2, 165;
Henry IV Part Two:
Henry V:
Richard II:
1, 165, 167, 212

Shameful Treaty of Northampton (1328): 222

Sharnesfield, Nicholas: 391

Sheen Palace: 56, 121, 390, 437

Shifnal: 423, 425

Shipton Moor: 294

Shirbourne, Peter: 400

Shrewsbury: 69, 150, 155, 178, 227, 266, 274, 285, 423, 425;
see also
parliaments; battle of (1403): 12, 267, 283, 293, 301, 324, 362, 373, 378, 383, 428; Battlefield Church: 271, 274, 325, 359, 363, 373, 374, 428

Siena: 408

Sigismund (1368–1437), king of Hungary (1387): 106, 108, 125, 131, 162, 231

Sittingbourne: 116

Skirgiello (
1354–1397), grand duke of Lithuania (1386–92): 95, 98

Skirlaw, Walter (d. 1406), keeper of the privy seal (1382–6), bishop of Durham (1388): 102, 125, 210, 394

Slake, Nicholas: 209

Sluys: 64


Soham: 41, 394

Somerset, earl of:
Beaufort, John

Somme, battle of the (1916): 267

Southampton: 259, 346

Southeray, Sir John: 34

Southwark: 15, 16, 322, 437

Souveignez vous de moi
(motto): 220, 385, 386

Sowerby: 325


Spalding: 377

Spilimberg: 109

Spurn Head:

Stafford: 379

Stafford, Edmund (d. 1419), bishop of Exeter (1395), chancellor (1396–99; 1401–3): 140, 150, 204, 234, 253, 261, 331

Stafford, Edmund (1378–1403), fifth earl of Stafford (1395): 266, 269, 428, 442

Stafford, Hugh (1342–1386), second earl of Stafford (1372): 49, 58

Stafford, Sir Ralph (d. 1385): 28, 33, 49, 58, 59, 63, 76, 79

Staines: 307, 309

Stamford: 103, 403

Stanley, Sir John (d. 1414), lieutenant of Ireland (1399–1401), steward of the household (1405–13): 80, 238, 384, 405, 442

Stadon, William: 400

Stapeldon, John: 396

Treason; Provisors

Staunton, John: 283, 284

Stettin: 97, 106

Stewart, David (1378–1402), duke of Rothesay (1398): 221, 222

Stewart, James:
James I

Stewart, Murdoch (1362–1425), later duke of Albany (1420): 253, 254

Stewart, Robert:
Robert III

Stewart, Robert (d. 1420), earl of Fife (1371), duke of Albany (1398): 80, 253

Stolp, duke of: 106

Stony Stratford: 381

Stow-on-the-Wold: 73

Strata Florida, abbey of: 242

Stratford Abbey: 336

Stubbs, William (1825–1901), historian: 2, 8


succession, order of: prior to 30 September: 30, 34, 67, 68, 74, 99, 119, 122, 123, 130, 137, 153, 166, 167, 183, 189, 192, 360, 366, 406, 417, 418;
see also
Edward I,
Edward III
Richard II ; after 1399, 199, 274, 308, 310, 328, 363, 417

Sudbury, Simon (d. 1381), archbishop of Canterbury (1375), chancellor (1380): 14, 15, 17, 38

Suffolk, earls of:
Ufford, William; de la Pole, Michael

surgeons: 26, 302, 308, 383

Surrey, duke of:
Holland, Thomas

Swallowfield: 326

Sweden, king of:

Swinburn, Sir Thomas: 87, 400

Swinderby, William: 423

swords of state: 35, 188, 194, 195

Swynford, Blanche: 27, 390

Swynford, Sir Hugh (d. 1371): 27, 390

Swynford, Katherine (d. 1403), duchess of Lancaster (1396): 27, 41, 102, 118, 130, 133, 159, 261, 390, 391, 425, 444

Swynford, Sir Thomas (1368–1432), chamber knight: 14, 61, 64, 76, 88, 94, 204, 216, 217, 390, 401, 444

Sycharth: 265

Taaf, Mary: 25

Tadcaster: 275, 320, 379

Talbot, Thomas: 117, 123, 124, 130, 135, 143, 400, 405

tapestries: 15, 16

taxation policies:
Henry IV; Richard II

Knights, orders of

Tenby: 210, 305

Teutonic Knights:
Knights, orders of

Teye, Robert: 151

Thames, River: 15, 16, 18, 72, 79, 127, 128, 336, 381, 390

Thetford: 377

Thirning, William (d. 1413), justice: 185, 204, 232

Thirty-One Articles, the: 311, 313, 315, 316, 431, 437

Thomas of Lancaster (d. 1322), earl of Lancaster (1296): 9, 19, 20, 64, 148, 149, 151, 166, 410

Thomas of Lancaster (1387–1421), duke of Clarence (1412): 71, 128, 159, 188, 195, 199, 206, 221, 274, 293, 318, 322, 338, 350, 371, 372, 393, 413, 431, 439, 442; argument with brother and Henry Beaufort: 327, 328, 343, 344, 351, 436, 440; created duke of Clarence: 343; lieutenant of Ireland (1401): 238, 239, 248, 278, 293; military commander in France (1412–13): 343, 346, 350, 351, 363

Thomas of Woodstock (1355–1397), earl of Buckingham (1377), duke of Gloucester (1385): 9, 33, 34, 39, 42, 45, 52”4, 56”8, 60, 64”6, 68, 70, 72, 74, 82, 83, 85, 99, 102, 116, 120, 122, 123, 128, 129, 131, 137, 168, 209, 219, 358, 367, 371, 386, 398, 403, 405, 409;
see also
Lords Appellant; death of: 139, 142, 149, 153, 158, 179, 189, 199, 211, 410; preliminary creation as duke of Aumale: 58, 60

Tideswell: 426

Tille, John (
1393–1428), Dominican friar, Henry’s confessor (1412–3): 349

Tillingbourne: 138

Tiptoft, Sir John (
1378–1443), later Lord Tiptoft (1426), speaker, treasurer of the household (1406–8), treasurer (1408–10): 307, 309, 311, 312, 316, 324, 327, 329, 334

Tirwhit, Sir Robert (d. 1428), judge: 339

Topcliffe: 294, 295

Tottington, Alexander (d. 1413), bishop of Norwich (1406): 331

Toty, Thomas (d. 1404?), usher of chamber: 401


Tower of London:

Towton, battle of (1461): 375

Treason, Statute of (1352): 70, 78, 199

treasurers under Richard II:
Fordham, John; Gilbert, John; Hales, Sir Robert; Mone, Guy; Segrave, Sir Hugh

treasurers under Henry IV:
Allerthorpe, Laurence; Bowet, Henry; Mone, Guy; Neville, Thomas; Norbury, John; Pelham, Sir John; Tiptoft, Sir John

Trefnant, John (d. 1404), bishop of Hereford (1389): 187

Trent, River: 290, 315, 380, 433

Trésilian, Robert (d. 1388), justice: 69, 72, 77, 82, 102

Treviso: 109

Trevor, John (d. 1410/12), bishop of St Asaph (1394): 190, 291

Trinity, the: 196, 197, 217, 220, 235, 246, 255, 323, 331, 344, 350, 354, 355, 383, 418; Fraternity of:

Tripartite Indenture (1405): 290, 291, 294

Trivet, Sir Thomas: 57

Trumpington: 281

Tuchet, John: 160

Tudor, brother of Owen Glendower:

Tudor, Rees ap: 424

Tudor, William ap: 240, 424

Tunis: 89

Turks: 232

Tutbury: 127, 138, 284, 286, 409

Tutbury, Thomas (d. 1403?), treasurer of the household (1399–1401): 234

Twelve Conclusions: 126

Tyburn: 203, 426

Ufford, William (d. 1382), earl of Suffolk (1369): 49

Ufford family: 58, 90

Ufford, Sir Thomas (d. 1368): 90

Ulster: 238

Umfraville, Sir Robert (d. 1437): 224, 228

uroscopy: 302

Usk: 292, 304, 373; battle of (1405): 292, 430

Usk, Adam (
1350–1430), chronicler: 184, 197, 212, 237, 245, 302, 321, 430

Utrecht: 168

Vache, Philip: 417

see first names

Venables, Sir Richard (d. 1403): 275, 442

Venice: 108, 114, 116, 404

de Vere

Vernon, Sir Richard (d. 1403): 275, 442

Vertain, Fier-a-Bras: 131, 160, 408

Vienna: 107, 108, 116

Villach: 108

Vilnius: 95, 97, 98, 171, 348, 402

Visconti, Bernabo (1319–1385), lord of Milan (1349): 114

Visconti, Gian Galeazzo (1351–1402), duke of Milan (1385), the count of Virtue: 114, 134, 135, 137, 155, 168, 170, 237

Visconti, Lucia (1372–1424), countess of Kent (1407): 114, 115, 134; 138, 312

Visconti, Valentina (d. 1408), duchess of Orléans (1392): 135, 170

Visconti, Violante (d. 1386), duchess of Clarence (1368): 114

Vitold or Vytautas (1350–1430), grand duke of Lithuania (1392): 95, 105, 168

Waferer, Gilbert: 407

Wake, Lady:
Blanche of Lancaster

Walden, Roger (d. 1406), archbishop of Canterbury (1397–99), bishop of London (1404): 204, 206, 209

Waleran of Luxembourg (d. 1415), count of St Pol: 133, 155, 277, 278, 283, 284, 292

Wales: 5, 12, 177, 179, 200, 210, 225, 238, 240, 25:, 254, 255, 257, 261, 263, 265, 266, 274, 277, 279, 284, 286, 288, 294, 303, 307, 319, 347, 357, 424;
see also
Henry V; campaigns in:
see below;
diplomatic dealings with French and Scots: 243, 277, 284, 291, 304, 305, 318; legislation against: 233, 234, 240, 278; native princes of: 226;
see also
Glendower, Owen; parliament of 1404, 285; parliament of 1405, 291; princes of:
Edward of Woodstock; Richard II; Henry V; princess of:
Joan ‘the Fair Maid of Kent.’

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