The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (107 page)

BOOK: The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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The highly symbolic 2012 Grammy awards ceremony

Whitney Houston’s untimely death is strikingly similar to many other celebrity ‘sacrifices’. Accounts of strange events before the death, the bizarre behaviour of the so-called authorities when the death was discovered, conflicting reports, the vagueness surrounding the cause of the death and last but not least, a typical response from the music industry via the Grammys ‘ceremony’.
Her case indeed followed the same pattern as several other celebrity deaths that were blamed on drugs excesses, despite much conflicting, albeit circumstantial evidence to the contrary.
As was the case for other celebrities, the controlled media almost immediately began a campaign depicting Whitney as a hopeless drug addict.
Maybe she was a drug addict, but if so, that is probably just a convenient side-issue, a symptom of the true killer of Whitney, ie. the much vaunted entertainment industry itself.

As with the recent cases of Michael Jackson, Amy Winehouse, Heath Ledger, Brittany Murphy and many others too numerous to mention, going back through the years, bizarre events both preceded and followed the death of Whitney Houston and after even a cursory examination of those events, it is impossible not to ponder as to whether her death (and the others) was truly an accident or a deliberate ‘sacrifice’ planned and undertaken by hidden hands?
The majority of mainstream media sources have emphasised the drugs connection ad nauseum but several, more reliable sources have revealed other details that may provide evidence for an alternative view of the situation.

At the Beverley Hilton where Whitney Houston died, in the ballroom several floors below her suite of rooms at the time of her death, there was a ‘pre-Grammys’ party in full-swing.
As the news broke regarding her death, Whitney was still lying there in her room in her fourth floor suite.
She had been discovered dead in her bath, but it is unclear exactly by whom as there were several people in her suite at that time (3.50pm local time).
Her body was not moved out until shortly before the party ended around midnight.

What has not been made public (at least in the mainstream) is that at around 11pm, paramedics were called again and security services and police also rushed to the scene and a medical-type wheelchair with restraints was also wheeled-in as Whitney’s daughter Bobbi Kristina had become hysterical and paramedics were on the point of removing her to the hospital.
Why should this happen, at least seven hours after Whitney’s death?
Very strange indeed.

Also, at 2.30am during the night immediately preceding Whitney’s death, a man in a 3rd floor room immediately beneath her suite complained that water was cascading into his room from above.
This was no mere trickle this was a full-blown gushing of water.
He called security and accompanied them upstairs to see for himself what on earth was going-on.
According to this man, it was the bathtub that was overflowing but he noticed that a large-screen television had also been smashed.

Significant or not, neither of these incidents were reported by the mainstream media at the time or as far as I know, since the event and from an organisation that usually picks-up on the most trivial of incidents and blows them out of all proportion, I have to say I find that fact more than a little strange, to say the least.

So as it turned-out then, there was a party in full-swing going on three floors below Whitney’s body whilst it just lay there for hours on end.
Is this not more than a little distasteful especially given the fact that many of the attendees were Whitney’s close colleagues and friends and acquaintances in the music business?
Why was it not simply cancelled out of respect for her death or was there some kind of warped thrill to be had in partying-on below the dead body?
Could it even have been part of some sick ritual or ceremony?
It would not surprise me in the least, given the track record of these people.

Immediately before Whitney’s death, in another strange occurrence, she had been seen fraternising with a person who had also been hanging around Michael Jackson through his last few months alive and in the hours leading up to his death.
This man goes by the name of Raffles van Exel (a pseudonym if ever I heard one).
He apparently is from Amsterdam in Holland and has also been known to use the aliases of Raffles Dawson and Raffles Benson.
He was present in WH’s suite of rooms at the time of her demise and apparently appeared downstairs in the hotel lobby shortly thereafter wearing aviator-type sunglasses and ostentatiously weeping and wailing.
His usual entourage was there with him, including Quinton Aaron, a Hollywood B-grade movie actor and despite his terrible shock at Whitney’s death he still managed to force himself to attend the party in the ballroom.
He was bearing Whitney’s entry ticket in his hand when he entered the room to what was apparently an outpouring of sympathy, but obviously not enough sympathy to actually halt the party.

A security guard confirmed that Exel had been hanging around Whitney for a few days and was actually pictured standing behind her as she emerged from a nightclub earlier that week, looking confused and disorientated.
So who really is this Exel character?
He apparently was to be seen hanging around Michael Jackson and his family and friends during Jackson’s child molestation trial also.
No-one really seems to know who he is for sure, but he is often seen and pictured around celebrities.

Exel claims to own several companies including Raffles Entertainment and also claims to be the manager of Chaka Khan.
There are a multitude of photos of him on the Internet posing with almost everyone who is anyone.
He apparently does not respond to any emails or phone messages to his published contact points and thus very much remains the archetypal ‘mystery man’.

So, was Exel an instrumental part in Whitney’s death in any way and had she become persona non gratis to the Elite’s music industry in some way?
Was she becoming ‘out of control’ or ‘losing’ her programming perhaps?
It has been reported that she had had premonitions about her own demise (where have we heard this before?) and shortly before her death she allegedly passed a note to her friend, the singer, Brandy who flatly refused to reveal its contents, other than to ambiguously state that ‘Whitney meant everything to me.
She’s the reason that I sing’.

There is also an occult/numerology connection to Houston’s death, in this case a connection with the number 11.
In occult rites the number 11 is a master number as it cannot be reduced and because it exceeds the number 10 (regarded as perfection) by 1, it is also linked to black magic and ‘bad vibrations’.
Kabbalists tend to associate this number with transgression of the law, sorcery and possibly significantly, martyrdom.

It is also linked to sacrifice. For example, 9/11, the twin towers looked like a large number 11 and Remembrance/Veterans Day the 11/11 at the 11th hour.
There is yet another link to consider and that is concerning Lady Gaga (another mind-controlled MK Ultra slave) and previous Grammy awards ceremonies.
Gaga had close links to the fashion designer, Alexander MacQueen who was strongly involved with the occult and mind control and who himself died on the 11th February 2010, exactly two years to the day before Houston.
Could it also be significant that Whitney Houston’s room number the day that she died, was 434 which in numerology equates to 4+3+4 =11.
Again, certainly food for thought.

At the Grammy awards ceremony in 2011, Lady Gaga said, “I need to thank Whitney Houston.
I wanted to thank Whitney, because when I wrote ‘Born this Way’, I imagined she was singing it because I wasn’t secure enough in myself to imagine I was a superstar.
So, Whitney, I imagined you were singing ‘Born This Way’ when I wrote it.”

‘Born this Way’, surprise of surprises was released on the 11th February 2011, exactly one year to the day before Whitney’s death.
Most certainly, I would venture to suggest.
It is highly likely that Gaga (or more likely her controllers) in conjunction with Houston’s, planned it all very carefully.
Gaga’s outfit for the 2012 awards was all-black, possibly symbolically signifying death?

Celine Dion was extraordinarily quick in apportioning the blame for Whitney’s death.
During a TV interview shortly after the event, she blamed the bad influence of the industry and even stated the need to be ‘afraid’ of it and its over-reaching influence.

“It’s just really unfortunate that drugs, bad people or bad influence took over.
It took over her dreams.
It took over her love and motherhood.
When you think about Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson and Amy Winehouse, to get into drugs like that, for whatever reason, is it because of the stress and bad influence?
What happens when you have everything? What happens when you have love, support, the family, motherhood?
You have responsibilities of a mother and then something happens and it destroys everything.
That’s why I don’t do parties and I don’t hang out.
That’s why I’m not part of show business.
We have to be afraid.
I’ve always said you have to have fun and do music and you can never be part of show business because you don’t know what it’s going to get you into.
You have to do your work and get out of there.”
Celine Dion

“I think we all, as artists, because we’re highly sensitive people and this machine around us, this so-called ‘music industry,’ is such a demonic thing.
It sacrifices people’s lives and their essences at the drop of a dime … I had a manager once say to me, ‘You know you’re worth more money dead than alive’.”
Chaka Khan

Are Chaka Khan’s references to ‘demonic’ and ‘sacrifices’, to be taken literally?
Judging by the symbolism at the Grammy awards and the strangeness surrounding Whitney Houston’s death and that of many others down the years, it would certainly appear so.

Please understand however that the above events are just one example and one tiny pinprick on the finger-tip of the very large body of evidence linking show business to the satanic arts.
Many, many artistes are said to be involved in this whole charade, many knowingly but nevertheless unable to escape its clutches for fear of the Michael Jackson / Whitney Houston experience befalling them and many unknowingly through subtle mind-control techniques as described previously in this book.

The presence of occult, satanic and Illuminati/freemasonic symbolism throughout the whole entertainment industry is rife, to say the very least.

During the 1950s and 60s, occult practices were slowly but surely absorbed into popular music and today the industry literally thrives by using an outward spectacle of occult and satanic rituals and symbolism.
The entire music and entertainment industry is an important indoctrination tool used by and for the Elite and many musicians are introduced to Satanism and occultism.
Today, the most popular musicians, such as for example, Lady Gaga and Britney Spears are totally controlled by the occult and the music industry and Hollywood are fixated by Black Magic and Witchcraft.
Music has always been associated with the occult and can be effectively used as a tool for programming minds.

Satanism and the occult are also known to specifically extract energy from humans who are manipulated into trances.
Throughout the twentieth century and now into the twenty-first, music has been manipulated from its initial state of innocence, goodness and wholesomeness to become in many cases, downright vile and nasty.
Throughout the world many people, especially the 10-30 age range are listening to vacuous, emotionally-numbing and trance-inducing negatively-vibrational music and demonic lyrics, which at one time were uniquely present within heavy metal rock, but now seem to emanate from and be present in all genres.

‘Rock and Roll’ originally emerged as a defined musical style in the United States in the early to mid-1950s.
It is descended directly from the rhythm and blues music of the 1940s, which itself developed from earlier blues, jazz and swing music and was also influenced by gospel, country and western and traditional folk music.
Rock and Roll in turn gave birth to ‘rock music’ in general and over the last fifty years the individual musical genres have expanded greatly, presumably in order to cater for everyone’s individual tastes and ensure that no-one escapes the net.

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