The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (126 page)

BOOK: The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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“Prescription drugs kill some 200,000 Americans every year. Will that number go up, now that most clinical trials are conducted overseas--on sick Russians, homeless Poles, and slum-dwelling Chinese--in places where regulation is virtually non-existent, the FDA doesn't reach, and ‘mistakes’ can end up in pauper's graves?”
‘Deadly Medicine’, Vanity Fair magazine, 2011

As people’s scepticism about the efficacy of vaccination programmes begins to gain momentum, the medical mainstream fights back with such blatantly fascist tactics as...

“Local councils could boost immunisation rates among children by making it part of the preparation for going to school.
Parents could be asked if their child has been immunised. If they haven't, this could be done by the school nurse as a matter of routine when the child visited their new school before enrolment.”
Charles Waddicor, writing in the Local Government Chronicle in the UK

And this extremist nonsense, which could have been lifted verbatim from the pages of Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’:

“There also seems to be no way to avoid the conclusion that we need to fight fire with fire - fear with fear.
We have to make parents more scared that their children will contract serious preventable infectious diseases than they are about the false fears surrounding vaccines.
And I need to emphasize - parents should be more scared of this.”
Steven Novella, writing in ‘Science-based Medicine’

I am not entirely sure what is ‘science-based’ about that, but nevertheless that is where the quote originated.

“The bloodline families (Elite) and the higher levels of the Big Pharma pyramid couldn't give a damn about protecting the health of the population.
Like almost everything else in this crazy world we need to reverse their statements to see their true motivation.

They want to cull the global population and reduce human numbers dramatically and there can be few more effective ways to access the body than compulsory vaccination.
Once these laws are passed anything goes with regard to vaccine content because you will see the demands increase for another kind of immunity - immunity from prosecution for drug companies who kill and brain-damage people with their witches brew. (Note - this has now already happened in early 2011 and the legislation is now in place protecting these murderers from liability – JH)

Those they don't kill directly they plan to do so indirectly by devastating the immune system and opening people to death by other means that the human defences would otherwise eliminate.
This is why the number of vaccines and combinations go on being increased for children under 2 while the immune system, and indeed the brain, is still developing and getting up to speed.
They want their immunity to disease and their potential for clear thought dumbed-down and ideally eliminated.”
David Icke, researcher, 2009

Strong stuff, but absolutely true.
Vaccinations are nothing less than part of an elaborate Elite plan to reduce the population of the world to their own stated ‘desirable’ levels whilst making obscene amounts of profit from their victims in the process.

The ‘safety’ of vaccines is a complete myth.
Under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System was established.
Annually, it reports about 11,000 serious vaccine reactions, including up to 200 deaths and many more permanent disabilities.
However, worryingly the FDA estimates that only 1% of serious adverse reactions are actually reported.
And worse still, several medical school students testified before the US Congress that they are instructed not to report these incidents.


According to the National Vaccine Information Centre, only one in 40 New York doctors reported adverse vaccine reactions or deaths yet international studies show vaccines cause up to 10,000 US SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or ‘cot death’) deaths annually and at least half of them are from vaccines.


Another American study revealed that 3000 US children die annually from vaccines and that the measured incidence of non-reporting of problems in America suggests that annual adverse vaccine reactions, in fact number from 100,000 to one million!


Since 1988, the US government's National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid families of affected children $1.2 billion in damages.
It should also be noted though that in settling vaccine damage suits, drug companies impose ‘gagging’ orders as part of the deal, to keep vital information from the public and additionally, insurers refuse to cover adverse vaccine reactions because of the high potential liability they would face.
This of course distorts the true figures in a downward direction.


Vaccinations cause high numbers of severe reactions, permanent disabilities and deaths as well as an enormous personal and public cost.
Virtually none of this is reported.


Medical literature documents significant numbers of vaccine failures for measles, mumps, smallpox, pertussis, polio, bacterial meningitis and pneumonia.
In 1989, the Middle Eastern country of Oman experienced a widespread polio outbreak six months after completing a population-wide immunisation program.
In Kansas in 1986, 90% of 1300 reported pertussis cases were ‘adequately vaccinated,’ and 72% of Chicago pertussis incidents in 1993 were also similarly vaccinated.


Between the years 1850 to 1940, well before mandatory vaccination programmes, the British Association for the Advancement of Science reported a 90% decrease in childhood diseases due to improved sanitation and hygiene practices.
By 1945, US medical authorities noted a 95% drop in deaths from the leading childhood infectious diseases (diphtheria, pertussis, scarlet fever and measles) again well before mass-immunisation programmes began.
This is the real reason for the decline in mortality, disingenuously attributed wholly to vaccines.


A recent WHO report found that third world disease and mortality rates had no direct correlation with immunisation programmes, but were closely related to hygiene and diet standards.
There is no evidence whatsoever that links vaccines with the decline of infectious diseases.
Proper hygiene, clean water and diet are proven to be far more effective.

Although some vaccines can stimulate antibody production, no evidence suggests that this alone assures immunity.
In 1950 the British Medical Council published a study that found no correlation whatsoever between antibody count and disease incidence. Natural immunisation involves many bodily organs and systems and artificially producing antibodies cannot achieve that.


Research also shows how squalene adjuvants, rife in vaccine serums, actually cause harm to the human immune system, making it susceptible to numerous illnesses and diseases ranging from very irritating to life threatening.
In addition, the ‘herd immunity’ notion of mass-immunisation’s effectiveness is totally discredited.
In fact the exact opposite is closer to the truth and evidence shows that fully-vaccinated populations have experienced numerous epidemics in the past.


Furthermore, vaccine effectiveness remains ‘scientifically unproven’ because no double blind studies are ever conducted to test the theory.
Significantly, recent disease outbreaks have affected more vaccinated children than un-vaccinated ones and the common practice of ‘one size fits all’ is worthless, if not downright dangerous as it allows new-born babies to be given the same dosage as a twenty five year old and tolerates dubious quality-control practices.


Shockingly, but maybe not surprisingly knowing what we know about the modus operandi of the FDA, it absolutely refuses to act preventatively against vaccines.
In fact, individual vaccine batches have almost never been recalled even when proven to be associated with severe adverse reactions or deaths.
Instead, they are administered under the assumption that all recipients respond the same, regardless of age, size, gender, ethnicity, genetics or any other characteristics one can name.
There are even reports that suggest that ‘bad’ vaccine batches that are withdrawn are then sold-on or generously ‘donated’ to third world countries.


A recent study reported in the New England Journal of Medicine found that a significant number of Romanian children receiving polio vaccine actually contracted the disease.
One dose alone raised the polio risk eight-fold.

“Unbeknownst to most doctors, the polio-vaccine history involves a massive public health service makeover during an era when a live, deadly strain of poliovirus infected the Salk polio vaccines, and paralyzed hundreds of children and their contacts.
These were the vaccines that were supposedly responsible for the decline in polio from 1955 to 1961!
But there is a more sinister reason for the “decline” in polio during those years; in 1955, a very creative re-definition of poliovirus infections was invented, to “cover” the fact that many cases of ”polio” paralysis had no poliovirus in their systems at all.
While this protected the reputation of the Salk vaccine, it muddied the waters of history in a big way.”
Dr. Suzanne Humphries, ‘Smoke, Mirrors and the ‘Disappearance’ of Polio’, 17th November 2011

New research may reveal other unknown hazards, but public safety will not be addressed adequately until government health officials act ethically, report accurately and adequately protect their populations from vaccines they never should allow in the first instance.
How much chance is there of that coming to pass under the current medical regime?
I am afraid the answer is ‘none at all’.


Medical institutions tell us that childhood diseases are extremely dangerous or so they would have us all believe.
This is absolutely false.
Centres for Disease Control (CDC) data shows a 100% pertussis recovery rate during the period 1992-94.
One Cincinnati Children's Hospital infectious diseases expert said at the time: "The disease was very mild, no one died and no one went to the intensive care unit."


Nearly always, childhood infectious diseases "are benign and self-limiting. They usually impart lifelong immunity, whereas vaccine-induced immunisation (even when achieved) is only temporary."
In fact, it can increase vulnerability later in life by postponing better tolerated illnesses in childhood, until adulthood when death rates (though still low, relatively speaking) are far higher than would normally be the case.
Most importantly, nearly all common infectious diseases are rarely dangerous and in fact, strongly contribute to the development of robust, healthy adult immune systems when they are most needed ie. in adulthood.
Additionally, it is commonly known amongst honest medical practitioners that children who did not contract measles in childhood have a higher incidence of skin diseases, degenerative bone and cartilage issues and tumours, while ovarian cancer is higher among childhood-mumps-free adult women.
The human immune system benefits greatly from common childhood infectious diseases, so why do we have dangerous and unnecessary vaccine programmes effectively hampering our immune system’s natural development process?
Freedom from the normal childhood ailments may well be very harmful to us later in life.

It is my firm belief that the dangers of childhood disease are greatly exaggerated to scare parents into having their children vaccinated with dangerous compounds.


What about polio though?
Surely that is a classic example of a vaccination programme eradicating a disease?
Was it not completely conquered or made almost non-existent by the mass-immunisation programmes in the US and Europe in the late 1950s?
Unfortunately the real facts say not, despite the mass hysteria and propaganda generated at the time.
In 1955, when Jonas Salk’s polio vaccine was introduced, polio was considered the most serious post-war public health problem.
One year after the vaccine was widely deployed, six New England states reported sharp rises ranging from more than double in Vermont to a 642% increase in Massachusetts.
Other states also were so badly affected that Idaho and Utah to name but two, halted immunisations due to a greatly increased incidence of adverse reactions and soaring death rates.

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