The Faerie Master (Aaron's Kiss Series) (17 page)

BOOK: The Faerie Master (Aaron's Kiss Series)
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Shawn’s voice was gruff, but she smiled at him and rocked up again.
This time, his cock slid into her several inches.
When he pressed down he groaned
when he was fully seated inside of her.
When she moved again, pulling him deeper, he growled at her.

“Don’t...Christ, I want to slam into you hard and take you, but don’t move.
I’m not going to last much longer.
I love you, Cade.
I’m going to spend the rest of my life making you happy.”

“Then do you think you could start right now and make me come?
Please, I want to feel you come deep...yes!”

He moved hard into her, pulled out to near the tip, and rocked again.
As he slammed back into her he nuzzled her neck.
When she moved her mouth over his throat he tilted his head to allow her whatever room she needed.
Her tongue felt like a torch across his skin.
Pulling out again, he moved slowly into her this time and felt her body pull then tighten around him.
When she clamped tight enough around him to bring him to peak he licked her pulse.
Feeling her do the same sent him over the edge.

“Now, baby, bite now.”
As her teeth broke the skin he did the same to her.
Her rich, hot blood filled him like never before.
As she drew against his vein he pumped into her hard.
Over and over as his seed filled her, she pulled and milked him both at his cock and at his throat, her grip on his cock hard and tight.
When she went limp beneath him, still suckling at his vein, he rocked again.
Then again until he was complete, his body sated.
When he licked the wound at her throat closed, Cade did the same and he dropped over her.
He knew he was heavy and was probably crushing her, but short of a fire there was no way he was moving from her.

When he finally rolled to his back on the narrow bed he pulled her with him.
Shawn was still deep within her, his cock semi-hard and pulsing again.
When she lifted her head and rested her chin on his chest he looked down at her.

“What happens now?
Are we finished?
Do I belong to you?
I’m sorry.
You must think I’m terribly stupid and naive.”

I don’t think that.
Are we finished? Not by a long shot.
We are only just starting.
And yes, you belong to me as much as I belong to you.
We are a mated couple, a pair.
Vampires go for centuries looking for their mate.
Some give up like I had.
I never thought I’d find you.
And now that I have I can’t let you go.
I’m not sure what the future will bring.
I still have a lot of memory loss that I feel I need to figure out before I feel safe enough for us to travel back to my home.”

Shawn rolled her to her back and followed.
His cock was hard now and he rocked into her heat.
When her legs wrapped around him he looked down into her eyes. “You’re healed now.
I want very much to kiss you, taste you.
I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you.
I want to take you home, make love to you in a proper bed, not this tiny thing we’re in where I can’t move the way I want.
Will you stay with me now, Cade?
All I have to offer you is a place in Aaron’s home.
But we’ll take care of that soon.”

“I’ll go where you go.
I don’t think...I’m not sure I could be anywhere that you’re not.
Are you going to make love to me again now?
I’d very much like that.
It’s a wonderful feeling having you deep inside of me.”

He never got a chan
e to answer her.
A knock at the door prevented it.
He did shout at whoever was at the door to go away, making Cade giggle again.
With a swift kiss to her mouth and another shout at the door he stood to get dressed.
He had to stop several times when he forgot what he was doing
just watching her.

“You wait.
When I get you home you’re not leaving the lair until I’m totally sated.
And that could be a very long time.”
Her growl made his cock twitch and the need to strip down again was overwhelming.

Shawn had never felt this way before.
Light, buoyant, and free.
He wanted to shout to the world that he’d found his mate and he wanted to hide her away from the others and keep her all to himself.
When he was dressed he went to the door and unlocked it.
Thomas Reilly came blustering in.

“I’m going to have those locks removed as soon as I can.
I swear there are more people getting laid in this clinic than there are in most human homes.
Hello, my dear, how are you feeling tonight?”

With a glare at Shawn
Thomas set to work. It took several tense minutes to assure Thomas that he wasn’t leaving.
Shawn seemed to think that as her mate it was his right and Thomas thought that since he was the doctor and the one in charge he had the same rights. Shawn, being older and much stronger both physically and magically, won.
Cade simply watched them and when Shawn sat on the bed next to her, she had the nerve to smack him.
Ungrateful wench, she was going to pay for that.
His excitement built as Thomas finished up his exam.
When Thomas declared her well and released her Shawn called Aaron for a ride home.



Cade woke to a dark room.
She could feel Shawn lying next to her and started to snuggle up next to him, but realized that she had to go to the bathroom.
Getting up, she realized she was naked.
Picking up the shirt that Shawn had had on when they came here she smiled, went to the bath, and closed the door.

Flipping on the light she took a look at herself.
She didn’t look any different.
Her skin wasn’t marked anymore.
The bruises that Garrett had given her were completely gone.
Opening her mouth she willed her fangs to show.

It was very odd to see them come in.
They dropped from her gums just above her eye teeth.
It didn’t hurt.
On the contrary, they felt sort of nice, sexy.
When she thought about biting Shawn, they actually got longer and thicker.
Running her finger over the point she was surprised at how sharp they were.
Moving back from the mirror she removed his shirt.

Her body didn’t look any different either.
She turned to her left and then to her right to examine herself and that’s when she found the mark.
It wasn’t very big, but it was bright.
Sitting up on the counter after not being able to find a little mirror, she looked at it.
It was a small faerie.

The faerie was golden, its hair, clothes, and shoes. The wings at her back were long, reaching from the top of her head to just to her knees.
In her hands were flowers, golden and yellow-colored ones.
The fairie’s eyes were dark blue like Cade’s were.
When Cade put her hand over the tattoo she could feel the heat emanating from it.
Deciding to keep this little bit of news to herself, Cade took a shower.
Her clothes were hanging in the closet, what little she had.
Grabbing the first things she touched, she pulled them on, walked over to the big bed, and kissed the man lying there.

Cade knew that Shawn had to sleep during the highest point of the day.
He’d told her last night that she wasn’t to leave the mansion until he could go with her.
She knew that he had her personal wellbeing in mind so she had full intentions of listening to him.
That was until she got to the kitchen and Duncan told her that Paul had called.

“Cade, he has my daughter.
He has Daisy.
He said that if you didn’t call him back that he’d kill her and that it would be your fault.
I don’t know how he got her.
Her room is on the third floor and her windows where all locked up.
Please tell me you’ll call him back.
Please, I need my little girl.”

“I’ll call him right now, Paul.
I’m so sorry.
I never thought to have him...I’ll call him right now.
I’ll call you back when I’ve talked to him.
I’m so sorry, Paul.”

After she hung up the phone she felt someone touch her mind, then speak softly to her.
It was Shawn. He’d felt her emotions through their connection.

“Are you all right, love?
I can feel your anger and your sorrow.
Come back to bed and let me hold you.
Then whatever it is, we’ll work it out together.”

“I’m fine.
I’m just nervous.
I’ve never been...I was nervous that I’d burn up in the sun is all.
I’m fine now.
I need you to be at full strength for tonight.
I plan to take your cock deep into my mouth and have you come down my throat.”

“If you come back to bed now, I might let you do that to me now.
Christ, my cock is hard.
Come here, Cade.
I need you.”

“I have to get online and order me some clothes.
I have nothing to wear in public.
And as much as I love being naked with you I can’t spend my days and nights in that state of undress.
What would the household think if I did?”

“Fuck them.
But I can see your point.
All right, but I expect to see your naked body right here next to me when I rise.
I can’t wait to feel you take me into your mouth.”

He sent her images of them from last night.
Need rippled over her body and made her almost want to just go to him and tell him everything.
But she couldn’t.
She’d hoped that Gabriel would have finished with her by now but she was wrong.
She knew that the last move she’d made for him had been well over ten million dollars.
And that was only less than a week ago.
Trying hard not to cry Cade asked Duncan if there was a phone she could make a private call on.

“It’s Cade.
If you want my help then you’ll take Daisy back to her parents right now.
When I have proof that she’s home and fine I’ll do this one last move for you.”

And since when do you make the rules?
You’ll do as I tell you when I tell you and nothing more.
I fucking own you, you stupid bitch.
You think that you can—”

She hung up.
It was risky, she knew.
For one thing, he didn’t have any way to call her back. For another, she wasn’t sure that little Daisy wasn’t already dead.
Watching the minute hand move slowly around the face, she waited five full minutes before she called him back.

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