The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality (48 page)

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Authors: Brian Greene

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The Fabric of the Cosmos According to String Theory

Even though much about string theory still lies beyond the bounds of our comprehension, it has already exposed dramatic new vistas. Most strikingly, in mending the rift between general relativity and quantum mechanics, string theory has revealed that the fabric of the cosmos may have many more dimensions than we perceive directly—dimensions that may be the key to resolving some of the universe's deepest mysteries. Moreover, the theory intimates that the familiar notions of space and time do not extend into the sub-Planckian realm, which suggests that space and time as we currently understand them may be mere approximations to more fundamental concepts that still await our discovery.

In the universe's initial moments, these features of the spacetime fabric that, today, can be accessed only mathematically, would have been manifest. Early on, when the three familiar spatial dimensions were also small, there would likely have been little or no distinction between what we now call the big and the curled-up dimensions of string theory. Their current size disparity would be due to cosmological evolution which, in a way that we don't yet understand, would have had to pick three of the spatial dimensions as special, and subject only them to the 14 billion years of expansion discussed in earlier chapters. Looking back in time even further, the entire observable universe would have shrunk into the sub-Planckian domain, so that what we've been referring to as the fuzzy patch (in Figure 10.6), we can now identify as the realm where familiar space and time have yet to emerge from the more fundamental entities—whatever they may be—that current research is struggling to comprehend.

Further progress in understanding the primordial universe, and hence in assessing the origin of space, time, and time's arrow, requires a significant honing of the theoretical tools we use to understand string theory—a goal that, not too long ago, seemed noble yet distant. As we'll now see, with the development of M-theory, progress has exceeded many of even the optimists' most optimistic predictions.

13 - The Universe on a Brane


String theory has one of the most twisted histories of any scientific breakthrough. Even today, more than three decades after its initial articulation, most string practitioners believe we still don't have a comprehensive answer to the rudimentary question, What is string theory? We know a lot about string theory. We know its basic features, we know its key successes, we know the promise it holds, and we know the challenges it faces; we can also use string theory's equations to make detailed calculations of how strings should behave and interact in a wide range of circumstances. But most researchers feel that our current formulation of string theory still lacks the kind of core principle we find at the heart of other major advances. Special relativity has the constancy of the speed of light. General relativity has the equivalence principle. Quantum mechanics has the uncertainty principle. String theorists continue to grope for an analogous principle that would capture the theory's essence as completely.

To a large extent, this deficiency exists because string theory developed piecemeal instead of emerging from a grand, overarching vision. The
of string theory—the unification of all forces and all matter in a quantum mechanical framework—is about as grand as it gets, but the theory's evolution has been distinctly fragmented. After its serendipitous discovery more than three decades ago, string theory has been cobbled together as one group of theorists has uncovered key properties by studying
equations, while another group has revealed critical implications by examining

String theorists can be likened to a primitive tribe excavating a buried spacecraft onto which they've stumbled. By tinkering and fiddling, the tribe would slowly establish aspects of the spacecraft's operation, and this would nurture a sense that all the buttons and toggles work together in a coordinated and unified manner. A similar feeling prevails among string theorists. Results found over many years of research are dovetailing and converging. This has instilled a growing confidence among researchers that string theory is closing in on one powerful, coherent framework— which has yet to be unearthed fully, but ultimately will expose nature's inner workings with unsurpassed clarity and comprehensiveness.

In recent times, nothing illustrates this better than the realization that sparked the
second superstring revolution—
a revolution that has, among other things, exposed another hidden dimension entwined in the spatial fabric, opened new possibilities for experimental tests of string theory, suggested that our universe may be brushing up against others, revealed that black holes may be created in the next generation of high-energy accelerators, and led to a novel cosmological theory in which time and its arrow, like the graceful arc of Saturn's rings, may cycle around and around.

The Second Superstring Revolution

There's an awkward detail regarding string theory that I've yet to divulge, but that readers of my previous book,
The Elegant Universe,
may recall. Over the last three decades, not one but
distinct versions of string theory have been developed. While their names are not of the essence, they are called Type I, Type IIA, Type IIB, Heterotic-O, and Heterotic-E. All share the essential features introduced in the last chapter—the basic ingredients are strands of vibrating energy—and, as calculations in the 1970s and 1980s revealed, each theory requires six extra space dimensions; but when they are analyzed in detail, significant differences appear. For example, the Type I theory includes the vibrating string loops discussed in the last chapter, so-called
closed strings,
but unlike the other string theories, it also contains
open strings,
vibrating string snippets that have two loose ends. Furthermore, calculations show that the list of string vibrational patterns and the way each pattern interacts and influences others differ from one formulation to another.

The most optimistic of string theorists envisioned that these differences would serve to eliminate four of the five versions when detailed comparisons to experimental data could one day be carried out. But, frankly, the mere existence of five different formulations of string theory was a source of quiet discomfort. The dream of unification is one in which scientists are led to a unique theory of the universe. If research established that only one theoretical framework could embrace both quantum mechanics and general relativity, theorists would reach unification nirvana. They would have a strong case for the framework's validity even in the absence of direct experimental verification. After all, a wealth of experimental support for both quantum mechanics and general relativity already exists, and it seems plain as day that the laws governing the universe should be mutually compatible. If a particular theory were the unique, mathematically consistent arch spanning the two experimentally confirmed pillars of twentieth-century physics, that would provide powerful, albeit indirect, evidence for the theory's inevitability.

But the fact that there are five versions of string theory, superficially similar yet distinct in detail, would seem to mean that string theory fails the uniqueness test. Even if the optimists are some day vindicated and only one of the five string theories is confirmed experimentally, we would still be vexed by the nagging question of why there are four other consistent formulations. Would the other four simply be mathematical curiosities? Would they have any significance for the physical world? Might their existence be the tip of a theoretical iceberg in which clever scientists would subsequently show that there are actually five other versions, or six, or seven, or perhaps even an endless number of distinct mathematical variations on a theme of strings?

During the late 1980s and early 1990s, with many physicists hotly pursuing an understanding of one or another of the string theories, the enigma of the five versions was not a problem researchers typically dealt with on a day-to-day basis. Instead, it was one of those quiet questions that everyone assumed would be addressed in the distant future, when the understanding of each individual string theory had become significantly more refined.

But in the spring of 1995, with little warning, these modest hopes were wildly exceeded. Drawing on the work of a number of string theorists (including Chris Hull, Paul Townsend, Ashoke Sen, Michael Duff, John Schwarz, and many others), Edward Witten—who for two decades has been the world's most renowned string theorist—uncovered a hidden unity that tied all five string theories together. Witten showed that rather than being distinct, the five theories are actually just five different ways of mathematically analyzing a
theory. Much as the translations of a book into five different languages might seem, to a monolingual reader, to be five distinct texts, the five string formulations appeared distinct only because Witten had yet to write the dictionary for translating among them. But once revealed, the dictionary provided a convincing demonstration that—like a single master text from which five translations have been made—a single master theory links all five string formulations. The unifying master theory has tentatively been called
M-theory, M
being a tantalizing placeholder whose meaning—Master? Majestic? Mother? Magic? Mystery? Matrix?—awaits the outcome of a vigorous worldwide research effort now seeking to complete the new vision illuminated by Witten's powerful insight.

This revolutionary discovery was a gratifying leap forward. String theory, Witten demonstrated in one of the field's most prized papers (and in important follow-up work with Petr Ho ava),
a single theory. No longer did string theorists have to qualify their candidate for the unified theory Einstein sought by adding, with a tinge of embarrassment, that the proposed unified framework lacked unity because it came in five different versions. How fitting, by contrast, for the farthest-reaching proposal for a unified theory to be, itself, the subject of a meta-unification. Through Witten's work, the unity embodied by each individual string theory was extended to the whole string framework.

Figure 13.1 sketches the status of the five string theories before and after Witten's discovery, and is a good summary image to keep in mind. It illustrates that M-theory is not a new approach, per se, but that, by clearing the clouds, it promises a more refined and complete formulation of physical law than is provided by any one of the individual string theories. M-theory links together and embraces equally all five string theories by showing that each is part of a grander theoretical synthesis.

The Power of Translation

Although Figure 13.1 schematically conveys the essential content of Witten's discovery, expressed in this way it might strike you like a bit of inside baseball. Before Witten's breakthrough, researchers thought there were five separate versions of string theory; after his breakthrough, they didn't. But if you'd never known that there were five purportedly distinct string theories, why should you care that the cleverest of all string theorists showed they aren't distinct after all? Why, in other words, was Witten's discovery revolutionary as opposed to a modest insight correcting a previous misconception?

Figure 13.1:
Schematic portrayal of the five string theories, prior to 1995.
Schematic portrayal of the meta-unification revealed by M-theory.

Here's why. Over the past few decades, string theorists have been stymied repeatedly by a mathematical problem. Because the exact equations describing any one of the five string theories have proven so difficult to extract and analyze, theorists have based much of their research on approximate equations that are far easier to work with. While there are good reasons to believe that the approximate equations should, in many circumstances, give answers close to those given by the true equations, approximations—like translations—always miss something. For this reason, certain key problems have proved beyond the approximate equations' mathematical reach, significantly impeding progress.

For the imprecision inherent in textual translations, readers have a couple of immediate remedies. The best option, if the reader's linguistic skills are up to the task, is to consult the original manuscript. At the moment, the analog of this option is not available to string theorists. By virtue of the consistency of the dictionary developed by Witten and others, we have strong evidence that all five string theories are different descriptions of a single master theory, M-theory, but researchers have yet to develop a complete understanding of this theoretical nexus. We have learned much about M-theory in the last few years, but we still have far to go before anyone could sensibly claim that it is properly or completely understood. In string theory, it's as if we have five translations of a yet-to-be-discovered master text.

Another helpful remedy, well known to readers of translations who either don't have the original (as in string theory) or, more commonly, don't understand the language in which it's written, is to consult several translations of the master text into languages with which they are familiar. Passages on which the translations agree give confidence; passages on which they differ flag possible inaccuracies or highlight different interpretations. It is this approach that Witten made available with his discovery that the five string theories are different translations of the same underlying theory. In fact, his discovery provided an extremely powerful version of this line of attack that is best understood through a slight extension of the translation analogy.

Imagine a master manuscript infused with such an enormous range of puns, rhymes, and offbeat, culture-sensitive jokes, that the complete text cannot be expressed gracefully in any single one of five given languages into which it is being translated. Some passages might translate into Swahili with ease, while other portions might prove thoroughly impenetrable in this tongue. Much insight into some of the latter passages might emerge from the Inuit translation; in yet other sections that translation might be completely opaque. Sanskrit might capture the essence of some of these tricky passages, but for other, particularly troublesome sections, all five translations might leave you dumbfounded and only the master text will be intelligible. This is much closer to the situation with the five string theories. Theorists have found that for certain questions, one of the five may give a transparent description of the physical implications, while the descriptions given by the other four are too mathematically complex to be useful. And therein lies the power of Witten's discovery. Prior to his breakthrough, string theory researchers who encountered intractably difficult equations would be stuck. But Witten's work showed that each such question admits four mathematical translations—four mathematical reformulations—and sometimes one of the reformulated questions proves far simpler to answer. Thus,
the dictionary
for translating between the five theories can sometimes provide a means for
translating impossibly difficult questions into comparatively simple ones.

It's not foolproof. Just as all five translations of certain passages in that master text might be equally incomprehensible, sometimes the mathematical descriptions given by all five string theories are equally difficult to understand. In such cases, just as we would need to consult the original text itself, we would need full comprehension of the elusive M-theory to make progress. Even so, in a wealth of circumstances, Witten's dictionary has provided a powerful new tool for analyzing string theory.

Hence, just as each translation of a complex text serves an important purpose, each string formulation does too. By combining insights gained from the perspective of each, we are able to answer questions and reveal features that are completely beyond the reach of any single string formulation. Witten's discovery thus gave theorists five times the firepower for advancing string theory's front line. And that, in large part, is why it sparked a revolution.

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