The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality (47 page)

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Authors: Brian Greene

Tags: #Science, #Cosmology, #Popular works, #Astronomy, #Physics, #Universe

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String Theory and Hidden Dimensions

In addition to the difficulties Kaluza-Klein theory encountered in trying to describe the microworld, there was another reason scientists were hesitant about the approach. Many found it both arbitrary and extravagant to postulate a hidden spatial dimension. It is not as though Kaluza was led to the idea of a new spatial dimension by a rigid chain of deductive reasoning. Instead, he pulled the idea out of a hat, and upon analyzing its implications discovered an unexpected link between general relativity and electromagnetism. Thus, although it was a great discovery in its own right, it lacked a sense of inevitability. If you asked Kaluza and Klein
the universe had five spacetime dimensions rather than four, or six, or seven, or 7,000 for that matter, they wouldn't have had an answer much more convincing than "Why not?"

More than three decades later, the situation changed radically. String theory is the first approach to merge general relativity and quantum mechanics; moreover, it has the potential to unify our understanding of all forces and all matter. But the quantum mechanical equations of string theory don't work in four spacetime dimensions, nor in five, six, seven, or 7,000. Instead, for reasons discussed in the next section, the equations of string theory work only in ten spacetime dimensions—nine of space, plus time. String theory
more dimensions.

This is a fundamentally different kind of result, one never before
encountered in the history of physics.
Prior to strings, no theory said anything at all about the number of spatial dimensions in the universe. Every theory from Newton to Maxwell to Einstein assumed that the universe had three space dimensions, much as we all assume the sun will rise tomorrow. Kaluza and Klein proffered a challenge by suggesting that there were four space dimensions, but this amounted to yet another assumption—a different assumption, but an assumption nonetheless. Now, for the first time, string theory provided equations that
the number of space dimensions. A calculation—not an assumption, not a hypothesis, not an inspired guess—determines the number of space dimensions according to string theory, and the surprising thing is that the calculated number is not three, but nine. String theory leads us,
to a universe with six extra space dimensions and hence provides a compelling, ready-made context for invoking the ideas of Kaluza and Klein.

The original proposal of Kaluza and Klein assumed only one hidden dimension, but it's easily generalized to two, three, or even the six extra dimensions required by string theory. For example, in Figure 12.8a we replace the additional circular dimension of Figure 12.7, a one-dimensional shape, with the surface of a sphere, a two-dimensional shape (recall from the discussion in Chapter 8 that the surface of a sphere is two-dimensional because you need two pieces of information—like latitude and longitude on the earth's surface—to specify a location). As with the circle, you should envision the sphere tacked on to every point of the usual dimensions, even though in Figure 12.8a, to keep the image clear, we draw only those that lie on the intersections of grid lines. In a universe of this sort, you would need a total of five pieces of information to locate a position in space: three pieces to locate your position in the big dimensions (street, cross street, floor number) and two pieces to locate your position on the sphere (latitude, longitude) tacked on at that point. Certainly, if the sphere's radius were tiny—billions of times smaller than an atom— the last two pieces of information wouldn't matter much for comparatively large beings like ourselves. Nevertheless, the extra dimension would be an integral part of the ultramicroscopic makeup of the spatial fabric. An ultramicroscopic worm would need all five pieces of information and, if we include time, it would need six pieces of information in order to show up at the right dinner party at the right time.

Figure 12.8 A close-up of a universe with the three usual dimensions, represented by the grid, and
two curled-up dimensions, in the form of hollow spheres, and
three curled-up dimensions in the form of solid balls.

Let's go one dimension further. In Figure 12.8a, we considered only the surface of the spheres. Imagine now that, as in Figure 12.8b, the fabric of space also includes the interior of the spheres—our little Planck-sized worm can burrow into the sphere, as ordinary worms do with apples, and freely move throughout its interior. To specify the worm's location would now require
pieces of information: three to locate its position in the usual extended spatial dimensions, and three more to locate its position in the ball tacked on to that point (latitude, longitude, depth of penetration). Together with time, this is therefore an example of a universe with
spacetime dimensions.

Now comes a leap. Although it is impossible to draw, imagine that at every point in the three extended dimensions of everyday life, the universe has not one extra dimension as in Figure 12.7, not two extra dimensions as in Figure 12.8a, not three extra dimensions as in Figure 12.8b, but six extra space dimensions. I certainly can't visualize this and I've never met anyone who can. But its meaning is clear. To specify the spatial location of a Planck-sized worm in such a universe requires
pieces of information: three to locate its position in the usual extended dimensions and six more to locate its position in the curled-up dimensions tacked on to that point. When time is also taken into account, this is a ten-spacetime-dimensional universe, as required by the equations of string theory. If the extra six dimensions are curled up small enough, they would easily have escaped detection.

The Shape of Hidden Dimensions

The equations of string theory actually determine more than just the number of spatial dimensions. They also determine the kinds of shapes the extra dimensions can assume.
In the figures above, we focused on the simplest of shapes—circles, hollow spheres, solid balls—but the equations of string theory pick out a significantly more complicated class of six-dimensional shapes known as Calabi-Yau shapes or Calabi-Yau spaces. These shapes are named after two mathematicians, Eugenio Calabi and Shing-Tung Yau, who discovered them mathematically long before their relevance to string theory was realized; a rough illustration of one example is given in Figure 12.9a. Bear in mind that in this figure a two-dimensional graphic illustrates a six-dimensional object, and this results in a variety of significant distortions. Even so, the picture gives a rough sense of what these shapes look like. If the particular Calabi-Yau shape in Figure 12.9a constituted the extra six dimensions in string theory, on ultramicroscopic scales space would have the form illustrated in Figure 12.9b. As the Calabi-Yau shape would be tacked on to every point in the usual three dimensions, you and I and everyone else would right now be surrounded by and filled with these little shapes. Literally, as you walk from one place to another, your body would move through all nine dimensions, rapidly and repeatedly circumnavigating the entire shape, on average making it seem as if you weren't moving through the extra six dimensions at all.

Figure 12.9:
One example of a Calabi-Yau shape.
A highly magnified portion of space with additional dimensions in the form of a tiny Calabi-Yau shape.

If these ideas are right, the ultramicroscopic fabric of the cosmos is embroidered with the richest of textures.

String Physics and Extra Dimensions

The beauty of general relativity is that the physics of gravity is controlled by the geometry of space. With the extra spatial dimensions proposed by string theory, you'd naturally guess that the power of geometry to determine physics would substantially increase. And it does. Let's first see this by taking up a question that I've so far skirted. Why does string theory require ten spacetime dimensions? This is a tough question to answer nonmathematically, but let me explain enough to illustrate how it comes down to an interplay of geometry and physics.

Imagine a string that's constrained to vibrate only on the two-dimensional surface of a flat tabletop. The string will be able to execute a variety of vibrational patterns, but only those involving motion in the left/right and back/forth directions of the table's surface. If the string is then released to vibrate in the third dimension, motion in the up/down dimension that leaves the table's surface, additional vibrational patterns become accessible. Now, although it is hard to picture in more than three dimensions, this conclusion—more dimensions means more vibrational patterns—is general. If a string can vibrate in a fourth spatial dimension, it can execute more vibrational patterns than it could in only three; if a string can vibrate in a fifth spatial dimension, it can execute more vibrational patterns than it could in only four; and so on. This is an important realization, because there is an equation in string theory that demands that the number of independent vibrational patterns meet a very precise constraint. If the constraint is violated, the mathematics of string theory falls apart and its equations are rendered meaningless. In a universe with three space dimensions, the number of vibrational patterns is too small and the constraint is not met; with four space dimensions, the number of vibrational patterns is still too small; with five, six, seven, or eight dimensions it is still too small; but with nine space dimensions, the constraint on the number of vibrational patterns is satisfied perfectly. And that's how string theory determines the number of space dimensions.

While this illustrates well the interplay of geometry and physics, their association within string theory goes further and, in fact, provides a way to address a critical problem encountered earlier. Recall that, in trying to make detailed contact between string vibrational patterns and the known particle species, physicists ran into trouble. They found that there were far too many massless string vibrational patterns and, moreover, the detailed properties of the vibrational patterns did not match those of the known matter and force particles. But what I didn't mention earlier, because we hadn't yet discussed the idea of extra dimensions, is that although those calculations took account of the
of extra dimensions (explaining, in part, why so many string vibrational patterns were found), they did not take account of the small size and complex
of the extra dimensions—they assumed that all space dimensions were flat and fully unfurled—and that makes a substantial difference.

Strings are so small that even when the extra six dimensions are crumpled up into a Calabi-Yau shape, the strings still vibrate into those directions. For two reasons, that's extremely important. First, it ensures that the strings always vibrate in all nine space dimensions, and hence the constraint on the number of vibrational patterns continues to be satisfied, even when the extra dimensions are tightly curled up. Second, just as the vibrational patterns of air streams blown through a tuba are affected by the twists and turns of the instrument, the vibrational patterns of strings are influenced by the twists and turns in the geometry of the extra six dimensions. If you were to change the shape of a tuba by making a passageway narrower or by making a chamber longer, the air's vibrational patterns and hence the sound of the instrument would change. Similarly, if the shape and size of the extra dimensions were modified, the precise properties of each possible vibrational pattern of a string would also be significantly affected. And since a string's vibrational pattern determines its mass and charge, this means that the extra dimensions play a pivotal role in determining particle properties.

This is a key realization.
The precise size and shape of the extra dimensionshas a profound impact on string vibrational patterns and hence on
particle properties.
As the basic structure of the universe—from the formation of galaxies and stars to the existence of life as we know it—depends sensitively on the particle properties, the code of the cosmos may well be written in the geometry of a Calabi-Yau shape.

We saw one example of a Calabi-Yau shape in Figure 12.9, but there are at least hundreds of thousands of other possibilities. The question, then, is which Calabi-Yau shape, if any, constitutes the extra-dimensional part of the spacetime fabric. This is one of the most important questions string theory faces since only with a definite choice of Calabi-Yau shape are the detailed features of string vibrational patterns determined. To date, the question remains unanswered. The reason is that the current understanding of string theory's equations provides no insight into how to pick one shape from the many; from the point of view of the known equations, each Calabi-Yau shape is as valid as any other. The equations don't even determine the size of the extra dimensions. Since we don't see the extra dimensions, they must be small, but precisely how small remains an open question.

Is this a fatal flaw of string theory? Possibly. But I don't think so. As we will discuss more fully in the next chapter, the exact equations of string theory have eluded theorists for many years and so much work has used
equations. These have afforded insight into a great many features of string theory, but for certain questions—including the exact size and shape of the extra dimensions—the approximate equations fall short. As we continue to sharpen our mathematical analysis and improve these approximate equations, determining the form of the extra dimensions is a prime—and in my opinion attainable—objective. So far, this goal remains beyond reach.

Nevertheless, we can still ask whether
choice of Calabi-Yau shape yields string vibrational patterns that closely approximate the known particles. And here the answer is quite gratifying.

Although we are far from having investigated every possibility, examples of Calabi-Yau shapes have been found that give rise to string vibrational patterns in rough agreement with Tables 12.1 and 12.2. For instance, in the mid-1980s Philip Candelas, Gary Horowitz, Andrew Strominger, and Edward Witten (the team of physicists who realized the relevance of Calabi-Yau shapes for string theory) discovered that each hole—the term is used in a precisely defined mathematical sense—contained within a Calabi-Yau shape gives rise to a
of lowest-energy string vibrational patterns. A Calabi-Yau shape with three holes would therefore provide an explanation for the repetitive structure of three families of elementary particles in Table 12.1. Indeed, a number of such three-holed Calabi-Yau shapes have been found. Moreover, among these preferred Calabi-Yau shapes are ones that also yield just the right number of messenger particles as well as just the right electric charges and nuclear force properties to match the particles in Tables 12.1 and 12.2.

This is an extremely encouraging result; by no means was it ensured. In merging general relativity and quantum mechanics, string theory might have achieved one goal only to find it impossible to come anywhere near the equally important goal of explaining the properties of the known matter and force particles. Researchers take heart in the theory's having blazed past that disappointing possibility. Going further and calculating the precise masses of the particles is significantly more challenging. As we discussed, the particles in Tables 12.1 and 12.2 have masses that deviate from the lowest-energy string vibrations—zero times the Planck mass—by less than one part in a million billion. Calculating such infinitesimal deviations requires a level of precision way beyond what we can muster with our current understanding of string theory's equations.

As a matter of fact, I suspect, as do many other string theorists, that the tiny masses in Tables 12.1 and 12.2 arise in string theory much as they do in the standard model. Recall from Chapter 9 that in the standard model, a Higgs field takes on a nonzero value throughout all space, and the mass of a particle depends on how much drag force it experiences as it wades through the Higgs ocean. A similar scenario likely plays out in string theory. If a huge collection of strings all vibrate in just the right coordinated way throughout all of space, they can provide a uniform background that for all intents and purposes would be indistinguishable from a Higgs ocean. String vibrations that initially yielded zero mass would then acquire tiny nonzero masses through the drag force they experience as they move and vibrate through the string theory version of the Higgs ocean.

Notice, though, that in the standard model, the drag force experienced by a given particle—and hence the mass it acquires—is determined by experimental measurement and specified as an input to the theory. In the string theory version, the drag force—and hence the masses of the vibrational patterns—would be traced back to interactions between strings (since the Higgs ocean would be made of strings) and should be
String theory, at least in principle, allows all particle properties to be determined by the theory itself.

No one has accomplished this, but as emphasized, string theory is still very much a work in progress. In time, researchers hope to realize fully the vast potential of this approach to unification. The motivation is strong because the potential payoff is big. With hard work and substantial luck, string theory may one day explain the fundamental particle properties and, in turn, explain why the universe is the way it is.

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