The Everlasting Covenant (3 page)

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Authors: Robyn Carr

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Fiction

BOOK: The Everlasting Covenant
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Anne had smiled spontaneously. She met his eyes for only an instant, and in that first instant she was so filled with him, her life would be changed forever.

She is only a Gifford brat,

Cameron remarked.

Nay. She was stolen as a baby and only awaits rescue,

Dylan replied.

Look, she sports not the pale and gold of her sister and mother, but the ebony locks of the raven. She is not one of them. She is an angel.


Divina had broken the spell, brief though it was, when she realized that her younger sister was transfixed by their banter. Anne instantly lifted her nose, tr
ied to copy Divina

s regal bear
ing, and followed. But she looked over her shoulder to find Dylan smiling at her. Later, she was lectured and disciplined for pausing before any member of the deFrayne household, and Bart offered to kill the deFrayne bastard who had dared to insult her. Bart would have been doubly distressed had he known that Anne

s heart still beat wildly, excitedly, every time she thought of her brief pause to receive a smile from Dylan deFrayne.

A year exactly passed and it was again the Lincoln fair when a sudden downpour sent everyone fleeing to shelter. Anne

s arm was grasped by a young courtier who would help, and she was pulled under the cover of a gardener

s pavilion. Standing there
amidst the hoes, scythes, and pots for over an hour of dreadful rain, she became acquainted with Dylan, her would-be arch

Anne was only fourteen during her second harvest fair, but behind her was a full year of arousing imaginings that revolved around a dangerous intrigue with this handsome young man. He was exciting and forbidden, and little more was required to inspire a maiden

s curiosity. That, and closer attention to her family

s discussion of the Gifford-deFrayne feud, had begun to mature her. Her little-girl daydreams were changing into a wom

s desire.

Had Dylan been his family

s spokesman, he

d have laid the long-running feud to rest in an hour, for he won her heart in less time. He was kind, witty, charming, and courteous. He cared nothing about the old aches and accusations that had separated their households, and he was not even quite sure who had begun the dispute or how.

Perhaps I would feel differently if I were the eldest son, as does Sir Wayland, my brother. He has been schooled all his life on protecting Heathwick from the wicked Giffords. But I am unimportant and have not been reared with this hatred as the older boys have.

It is said that your great-grandfathe
r killed my great-grand
Anne pointed out.

Dylan laughed handsomely.

At my home, your great-grand
father killed mine. But if, indeed, it is the other way around, I apologize,

he had said with a deep bow.

And I accept,

she giggled, giving him a curtsy, equally deep.

They enjoyed an hour, but the rain would give them no more. As the downpour lightened enough so that the other side of the street could be seen, Dylan grew more serious.

I have thought about you for a year,

he told her.

Have you? I can

t guess why. ...

Have you thought about me?

he asked.

Once or twice,

she lied, her cheeks pinkening

Do not tell your family you have spent the hour with me, petite. Your brothers will hunt me down and have me hanged.

Would they?

It is a pact of honor. My brothers would do the same. Let us deny t
heir battles, cheri
e. Will you? With me?

Excitement filled her and her heart began to pound. To think that her own family would begrudge her this charming friend was deplorable.

If they
knew you, Dylan, they would ..

He shook his head and his eyes hardened.

They will not sheath their swords long enough to know me, Anne. I have risked much. Do not tell them, I pray.

Will you tell your brothers?

He laughed suddenly.

No, petite, but not because they would harm you. The only honorable thing between our families is that the men do not abuse the women of their enemies. But they would take you from me and boast of the feat. You must not trust them either.

I will not tell, Dylan.

He grasped her suddenly by the upper arms and covered her lips, kissing her deeply.

I must see you again.

It is impossible!

I will think of a way. Keep our secret, sweet angel. Until next I find you
and I will find you, Anne
I will dream of you.

And he had dashed away, disappearing into the sheet of rain, leaving her alone in the little shelter until the sky cleared and Minerva came frantically searching for her lost ward.

Good to his word, Dylan had found her again. She had gone with her mother on a pilgrimage to a nearby convent, escorted by a few men-at-arms. As their horses were taken, the handsome stableboy glanced her way, his turquoise eyes twinkling with mischief. She almost gasped aloud, but quickly realized that she alone recognized him. As her mother slept, she crept from their loft and went to the stable, although his only invitation had been his brief grin and shining eyes.

I am fortunate you are so young and innocent,

he had said.

You have none of the teasing, wily ways of these noble dames and you do not make me beg a kind word.

Were you any other man, Dylan deFrayne, I would make you come through my brothers to get the smallest smile, but, alas, you are my enemy and I cannot even practice all the clever
allures I have watched other maids use. But how did you ever find me here?

I followed the troop from your home, traveling through the wood and keeping my distance. When your mother mentioned the convent to her escorts, I overheard and rode ahead to bribe the stablekeeper. A few silvers in his hand made the stable mine for the night.

He had grinned brightly.

But at dawn I have to curry the horses.

You are indecent,
the sisters are shamed.

Her tone, as she well remembered, had been teasing and bright, for she not only liked Dylan a great deal more than she should, but the sheer adventure of sneaking behind her mother

s back to be with him was most exhilarating. Marcella was so caught up in the knightly accomplishments of her sons and a sound marriage for Divina, she had ignored Anne almost entirely.

Anne had been nursed by a servant and consigned to Minerva when she was weaned. Divina had followed her mother around the keep, while Anne remained closer to her nurse than her mother. It seemed to Anne, sometimes, that her mother looked at her as though she did not know who she was. She was all the more ripe for love when Dylan appeared.

Although Anne believed she had loved Dylan from the first moment their eyes met, it was that night in the cloister stable that the adventure turned from the youthful games of naughty children to the torment of forbidden lovers. And Dylan had been the first to see it through grown-up eyes. He touched her cheek with his hand and his warm lips touched hers briefly, lightly. His lips trembled and his voice was soft.

I have fallen in love with you, Anne. And I am afraid I will ruin your life. Leave me quickly. Never come back to me again.

Oh Dylan,
nay. I cannot! I love you, too!

He sighed deeply.

They may find a way to tear us apart, my Anne. Promise me that no matter what we have to endure, you will not let a beautiful love make you bitter and angry. Let it be your joy, even if it is a brief, secret joy.

A dozen times had been theirs since that rainstorm in Lincoln. Each encounter was more dangerous than the one before. That
they had not been caught was one miracle, and that Dylan had not given in to temptation and compromised her virtue was another. The first miracle was nothing more than luck, and the second, a true test of his strength, for Anne was so in love with him that she could never have denied him anything. She wanted nothing so much as to be his in body and heart. A little girl on her first outing had smiled at him
a woman was molded in his arms.

Every night before she slept her head was filled with each small memory, brief moments they had stolen to be together. This night after the joust was no different. She had crept into the bower that she shared with Minerva and her sister. Minerva

s snores were uninterrupted and Divina was peacefully dreaming of some knight who had flirted with her at the feast. Anne let her memories turn into dreams as she drifted off to sleep, the sun already struggling to rise as she laid down her head. This tournament was the finest thing God could give her, for five days would be spent here. And if she were clever and careful, each night she could spend precious moments in Dylan

s arms.

Her eyes had barely closed when she was rudely jostled.

Anne, wake up. Wake up.

The snappish demands could come only from her mother, and Anne opened her eyes slowly, the early morning light searing.


she questioned sleepily, confused.

Is it ..
. have
missed mass?

No, silly wench, it is early. Dress yourself carefully and come to my chamber. Hurry now.

Anne sat up unsteadily.

Is something amiss? Is there some trouble?


s brow was furrowed unhappily as she looked at her daughter, but her eyes were alive with intense concentration. Anne had seen this look in her mother

s eyes before, for Marcella was adept at plotting. The fear that she was caught and in trouble fled while she wondered at her mother

s new conspiracy and how it could possibly include her.

Naught amiss for you, lass. It seems you

ve caught the eye of one or two contestants in the lists and it happens a man of
some wealth who is a friend to the Duke of York is interested in you.

Me? But

I have already confirmed that it is not Divina he seeks. Hurry now. He will come to our chamber this morn and you will meet him.


s eyes grew round.


Marcella rose above her pallet, her glittering eyes bearing down on her daughter, her smile strained. Anne tried to un
derstand the expression. She assumed that the prospect of a marriage to this friend of the duke

s pleased Marcella, but that the betrothed would be Anne and not Divina did not.

I said, dress yourself prettily. Your father has a suitor for you to meet.

But madam, the convent! The sisters!

It appears you will be more useful as a bride. Now hurry. And do not be impudent. If all goes well, you will soon be married, and our family will profit by the match.





Chapter Two


Ferris Gifford
looked as though he had been dragged too early from his rest by the same impatient demands that had aroused Anne. Dark circles from a night of high revelry hung under his eyes and he slouched in his chair with a horn of cool ale to ease his head. He straightened slightly as Anne entered, and as he looked at his youngest child his eyes began to glow. He patted the stool beside him, and with a nervous smile she perched there.

Could you have chosen no better gown?

Marcella ques

Anne looked down at the mauve velvet. A trousseau is not sewn for a girl preparing to enter the cloister, and the dress was a year old and tight-fitting. Her hem was too high and her breasts strained at the bodice. The sleeves rose above her wrists.

It is one of my best, madam,

she said quietly.

Could you have used one of Divina

s, then?

But, madam, you told me never to touch her things. And she does not share them freely.

A girl destined to the convent did not need fancy clothes, but a girl in search of a husband required a more elaborate wardrobe. Anne

s wardrobe consisted
of old dresses handed down from her sister and taken in to
fit, for Divina was much larger;
a new gown was rare.


Marcella huffed,

in this instance

Leave the lass be,

Ferris gruffly ordered.

There is no more beautiful woman in all the world, as the Earl of Ayliffe

s notice will attest.

The Earl of Ayliffe?

Anne whispered, looking at her father.

Marcella was busily searching through her coffer, her back to her husband and daughter, and Ferris

s words were soft and almost consoling.

He is a rich man, petite. And powerful. It is fortunate that he has noticed you, but that does not a perfect husband make. He is also good and kind, a man I admire.

With that final endorsement, Ferris squeezed her hand.

But Father, the convent ...

You are too good for the convent, Anne. And the earl

s offer is too good for this family to be ignored.


tis done?

Ferris looked at her sympathetically.

Nearly done, lass. Your mother has been busy.

His eyes drifted toward Marcella, and Anne could see that her father was unhappy. Marcella was ac
customed to taking control whenever she pleased, and she often assumed tasks that should belong to her husband, though she had failed to completely control Ferris. Lord Gifford

s influence was at test here, for Anne was the only one of their five children who did not hang on Marcella

s every word.

Your mother did not consult me, but it is true that the earl

s influence is important to us all.

Marcella rushed toward Anne and swiftly draped a gold neck
lace laden with diamonds around her neck.

At least you have a comely figure, if a little thin.

She is not thin, madam. She is young. And the gown is too small for her growing bosom.

Anne flushed scarlet as a knock sounded at her parents

ber door. Marcella lifted a brow as she considered Anne

s chest, then grabbed the tight waist of Anne

s gown and tugged it down with a sharp yank, exposing more of her breasts. Ferris

s face slowly grew purple. Marcella turned to open the door, and

s rough fingers pinched the fabric of Anne

s gown at her cleavage and yanked it up. Anne looked at her hands in her lap, helpless tears smarting in her eyes.

Good morningtide, my lord,

Marcella simpered, curtsying low, her wide velvet skirts lying in even pleats on the rushes.


the earl returned.

Lord Gifford slowly stood up, and Anne cautiously glanced at the man whom her parents wished her to marry. She watched as the earl and her father approached each other in the small room, each bowing at the waist, wordless. Then the earl offered his hand. His lips curved in what seemed to be a shy smile.

Anne instantly saw what had excited her mother, and indeed, what might be the answer to the prayers of any other marriage
able maiden. The earl was a stately man of well over forty years, his clothing rich and newly sewn, his neatly trimmed dark hair barely kissed by new silver at the temples, and his physique that of a much younger man. Anne was impressed, for money and power did not guarantee manners, cleanliness, nor hand
someness. But he was nearly as old as her father.

And is this Anne, your lovely daughter?

Ferris stepped aside that the earl could look at her. She saw his intention in his eyes. They turned from a hazy to a deep, smoldering blue as he looked at her. A smile slowly formed on his lips and he held out a hand. Anne cautiously put hers into his, and she felt him tremble. Or was it herself? He bowed low over her hand, gently brushing his lips on her cold flesh.

I am honored, mademoiselle.

The honor is mine, my lord,

she said softly, nervously.

Your parents have told you, I trust, that I am interested in a bride?

She nodded weakly, looking into his eyes. He did not appear to be cruel
in fact, there was a certain gentleness in his de
meanor. But just the same, her chin quivered. When she was in Dylan

s arms, she felt beautiful. At this moment she felt like livestock at barter.

Are you frightened of me, maid Anne?

he asked, his voice
soothing and kind.

Or is it the prospect of marriage that fright
ens you?

... I was to go to the convent

His complexion seemed to darken as he gave an embarrassed chuckle, and he squeezed her hand softly.

I realize that I do not have the appearance of a young swain, nor that of a saintly mother superior, but you needn

t be afraid.

The earl looked at Ferris.

The girl is breathtaking, yet sweet.
would be honored to take her to wife. But she is too young. Too skittish. I do not wish for her to be damaged by the prospect.

But my lord, she will ..

The earl held up his hand to silence Marcella

s interruption and continued speaking to Lord Gifford.

I think it is in the maiden

s best interests to extend our courtship. If I can show that I can be trusted before we are wed, the marriage will be more pleasurable to us both. If it suits you, we can draw up betrothal contracts now and be married some months hence. During the next several months I must travel to attend to many affairs of state, during which time I can make an occasional visit to your family at Raedelle. We will become better acquainted. Anne will become assured that marriage to me will not be a fearsome ordeal.

Fearsome ordeal, indeed,

Marcella grumbled.

Lord Forbes, if you desire a bride this eventide, she will oblige. You needn

t coddle her to this degree. She is a sturdy girl, though small. And she can read and speak French and Latin. She

Marcella stopped in midsentence when she saw Lord Forbes frowning.

My lady, I would expect you to be more sensitive to her age and inexperience than I. But never mind, a few months will serve us all.

Anne felt a smile come to her lips. She had never seen anyone manage Marcella so deftly. And he promised her time. The earl looked at her.

Does that meet with your approval, my dear?

You are very generous, my lord.

He reached for her hand again and this time she was more willing.

My name is Brennan Forbes, and you may use it freely.
Despite your youth, you have submitted to my sudden request to meet you with poise and elegance, Anne. I thank you. You will find my disposition generous and I hope you will be pleased with what I can offer you. Your servant, mademoiselle.

He turned to Marcella.

Call on me for any needs the girl may have. I will extend my purse to her clothing and travel costs.

He then gave an abrupt nod to Lord and Lady Gifford and departed.

As Anne watched his aristocratic departure, she was sorry for him. He seemed a good and decent man, humble and polite for one who could, through money and power, be demanding and coarse if he so chose. He was handsome, kind, and sensitive. It was a shame that her heart was no longer hers to give.

Many young women were given to older men, for often women died in childbirth. Thus, a great number of wealthy men were twice and thrice widowed before they themselves died. Often a maid was
wed only for the sake of money –
it was rare that the man was also civil and handsome. Brennan Forbes would be considered among the finest looking and most courtly.

Yet Anne said a silent prayer of thanks that she had been given the gift of time. She would not
be married to Brennan Forbes –
she must tell Dylan at once. They must flee.

Well, daughter?

Ferris asked.

Anne answered with a calmness that she did not feel.

I find it hard to believe he is interested in me.
Surely I am too young for him,
surely he could find a prettier maid.

Ferris shook his head, and Marcella frowned. Anne was the most beautiful woman in their household, and Ferris tended to think there was no greater beauty in all England. And her dis
position was sweet. Her humility was a product of careless brothers who only teased her if they bothered with her at all. Trenton, the youngest boy at two years senior to Anne, had been her friend and playmate when they were younger, but lately achieving knighthood took precedence over attention to his little sister. The other boys had never been attached to her at all. And her older sister was as selfish with her kindness as she was with her gowns. Marcella had no time for Anne, except
to pause to scold her occasionally, and Ferris was away from her more often than he liked. He knew that only he and old Minerva ever spoiled her.

Ferris had been bothered by more than one old lord about this pretty little maid, but had feared to tell his wife. Marcella seemed unconcerned with her children

s feelings and might have swiftly married Anne to the first lucrative offer. And yet Anne had so many visible attributes that Ferris often wondered why his wife put so much energy into the marriage of their other daughter. It often seemed as though Marcella could not ac
knowledge their youngest except to push her aside. His wife

s treatment of Anne hurt him deeply.

I will walk with you to your bower, petite,

Ferris said, holding out his hand to her.

Marcella grasped her to retrieve her jewelry.

Mind your manners, Anne, or you will be punished.

Yes, madam,

she said. Ferris frowned at his wife.

Anne walked down the dark gallery with her father. The hour was still early and few people were astir. When they had traveled some distance from Marcella

s bedchamber, Ferris paused.

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