The Everlasting Covenant (2 page)

Read The Everlasting Covenant Online

Authors: Robyn Carr

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Fiction

BOOK: The Everlasting Covenant
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Peeking around the corner, she saw that her brother had pushed Cameron deFrayne, who was larger and stronger, against the wall.


Cameron returned, and by the sound of the reply, the men had indulged in equal amounts of wine and ale.

Truth, Gifford, you are a coward!

We shall see who is a coward when we test the matter with blades,

Bart challenged.

The argument was quickly noticed by other men, who backed away from the two combatants. To judge by the eyes of the spectators, they hoped for a fight. Gifford against deFrayne always made an interesting fray, whether in a legitimate tour
nament or like this.

Hah, as if you could lift a blade,

Cameron flung back.

Bart lifted his arm as if to deliver a punch, but Sir Quentin pushed his way through the crowd and grasped Bart

s raised arm at the wrist, pulling his brother away.

Wine makes men brave,

Quentin blustered.

Drink makes for clumsy contests. Let us meet at dawn, refreshed, and consider whether we need to prove ourselves further. Our host de
serves better than a mined hall.”

Bart, temporarily subdued, glared at Cameron.

In the morn
ing then,

Cameron said.

Quentin, firmly holding his younger brother

s arm, pulled him aside and through the gathered revelers. Anne pulled back into the stairwell. Quentin pushed Bart up against the wall within earshot and gave him a tongue-lashing.


she heard her eldest brother say in a fierce whisper.

Is it not enough to act like an idiot on the field in front of hundreds of people? Must you goad them the more?

They were awarded their points at my misjudgment,

Bart argued.

Why then need they insult me further? Is not payment for our losses enough?

When the cups are full a wise knight turns his back on nonsense. I

m sure you said your share.

How can you take their side?

There is no side. But I tell you this, little brother, if you
dishonor this family in su
ch a way again, you will meet me
on the field. Go find some woman to appreciate your loose tongue. I

ve had enough of battles for one day.

Anne leaned against the stone wall. Like Quentin, she had had enough for one day. If it had had any advantage, the ar
gument had taken attention from her. She found her parents in discussion with Quentin and Bart and curtsied before them, asking to be retired with her nurse, Minerva.

Old Minerva was relieved when she was excused, and Anne, being Minerva

s favorite, brought a large chalice of heavily spiced wine to their closet for the servant. Despite the noise that echoed through the keep, it was only moments before Minerva

s snores rivaled the shouts from below. And Anne quietly rose, fixing her quilts in a comfortable mound on her pallet. She pulled her dress over her shift, put her heavy chopines on her feet, and ran her fingers through her raven black hair.

Lifting her skirts, she fled through the upper halls, down the backstairs, winding down, down, and down. This was a route discovered in daylight, but she held her breath the whole way, for these stairs were dangerously steep and dark and there was but one torch lit at the bottom. She went through the buttery where kegs of ale and casks of wine were stored, the sour aroma penetrating the room and causing her to wrinkle her nose. The rear door, used only for bringing in supplies and food, was locked from within, but it opened easily and the squeaking could not be heard above the din in the common room and courtyard. The moon was high and full and her way was well lit. The stable was dark and foul and the door to the back room creaked as she opened it, causing her to tremble anew.

His arm came around her from behind and the moment she turned, his lips took hers. Her surprise lasted only a moment, and to her benefit, for her gasp left her lips parted and Dylan savored in the wine-sweet taste of her mouth. She pressed herself against him, holding him fiercely, holding him forever. Finally he released her mouth, but only to gather greedy fistfuls of her hair and roam the softness of her neck and shoulder with his lips.

Anne, my love, my beautiful angel ...

Dylan, this is such madness. We will both be killed for it.

But her protest was breathless, and she had come as he requested as she always did.

How did this begin, Dylan? Where does it end?

He held her back a bit and smiled down at her. He touched her nose with his lips.

It began when you snubbed me at the Lincoln fair, minx. And the next year, when the rain separated you from old Minerva, you were at my mercy in the gardener

s pavilion.


s eyes were moist with frustration and sadness.

A year has come and gone, Dylan, and a dozen times I have crept away from my family on some excuse to be with you. What is to become of us? I have never been so afraid as I was today.

Afraid that I would win? Afraid that I would lose?

She began to cry as emotion spilled down her cheeks, al
though she wished to be strong and brave. When their moment finally arrived and her lips could touch his, the fear that she might never be in his arms again came instantly.

Dylan held her gently, stroking her back, letting the tears come. He knew this was too much for her, but he could not abstain. Each time he saw her the longing became more intense within him
each time he touched her, he wanted more of her. And the poor little demoiselle, so in love with him, could not refuse these dangerous encounters. He wanted better for her, better for himself. But for now, this was all they had.

Please, Dylan, have p
ity on me. Take me away now ..
. tonight.

He chuckled ruefully and touched the graceful curve of her cheek.

Now? Carry you away from the tournament grounds? Do you think there are quite enough knights to come after us? Ah, my love, Lord Gifford would sound the alarm and every knight would mount up at the first call. A maiden, s
tolen from the lists ..

Then soon, Dylan.

Soon, my sweet love.


she sighed, leaning her head against his chest.

I curse
our grandfathers, Dylan. I would go into hell to curse them.

Dylan groaned sadly. There was a heaviness in his breast, like a boulder on his heart.

It has little to do with our grand
fathers now,

he said quietly.

The curse of the late-born son is to hear too much, too soon. But I think I have good news. It may come to nothing, but we do have one sympathetic ear. Daphne, my mother.


s head snapped back and she stared into his eyes, stricken for a moment.


ve told her?

No, but Daphne has the eyes of a hawk, and, praise God, the heart of an angel. She has seen me watch you.
She told me she understands ..
. and if there is a way to help me without defying my father, she will do so.

Disappointed, Anne let her head drop to his chest again.

Oh, Dylan, there is no way for you to claim me with your father

s good will. If I go to the deFraynes as your wife, my family will only start more battles against your house. We must both leave our families. There

s no help for it.

Then we shall.

He lifted her chin with a finger.

If that is what must be, we shall leave them to their stupid war. I am a good fighter, I will do well anywhere. The inheritance my father has in mind for me will be nothing to dismiss ... he would be pleased to add it to Wayland

s or Cam

s small fortune. Your dowry cannot be ri
ch, little second-born lass ..
. what do they have that we cannot win in a few months from Burgundy or Calais? We mean nothing to the families. Do not lose heart, sweet, for we will have each other one day soon. All that delays us now is the best moment to flee.

She giggled suddenly.

My dowry? Oh Dylan, I am to go to the convent. Have you never suspected? It was decided at my birth. Twas not for my sweet disposition that they promised to send me to the church, for I was a horrid child. My mother near lost her life birthing me, and then the midwives could not keep me from crying.
Poor Lord Gifford ..
. three sons to train and two daughters to see wed.

A rich, handsome smile broke over Dylan

s face

You? In a cloister? Mon
dieu, the sisters would be outraged. You are the
most beautiful and the most passionate woman in Christendom.

He kissed her again, deeply, and her response to his touch gave lie to a life as a nun. He chuckled again.

You, a bride of Christ? Impossible! I am hard pressed not to spoil you, and all this time Lady Gifford thinks of you as a nun.

Oh, Dylan, I know you love me. And I will never be a sister. I will be your wife. Or your mistress. I will only be with you.

It is just as well, this plan they have. At least I shall never lose you to another man. And perhaps it will be easier to steal you from the convent than from your father

s house.

Do you promise, Dylan, my love?

I swear. Even though I wish it otherwise for both our sakes, it is you I love, Anne. I fear I always will.




The fair at Lincoln was a fall festival attended by noble and common families, knights, merchants, and monks. That of two years past was etched in Anne

s memory for all time. She was with her sister, he was with his brothers. Anne was allowed to go because she had argued and begged fiercely. She was three and ten. Dylan had a score of years. The streets were narrow and crowded, and as they came upon a leathermonger

s cart, Divina slowed her pace and turned
to Anne, directly behind her. “
They are deFraynes. Do not look at them.

This was said loudly enough so that the eldest deFrayne man turned from the leathermonger

s wares and snorted in the di
ction of the women, making some
uncomplimentary comment about their ugliness. Had they been Gifford men passing de
Frayne men, no doubt there would have been a fight. It had happened often over more than fifty years
But on this occasion, there was something rare in the crisp fall air. Wayland deFrayne ignored Divina Gifford as she lifted her nose and her hem to pass quickly, but his younger brother, Sir Cameron, watched her haughtily and with disdain. This induced the youngest deFrayne to turn his head.

Divina glided past with a superior air, Anne close behind. But Anne could not ape her sister

s manner, though she tried. She had never seen a deFrayne, and she had heard a lifetime of
wild and horrible tales about this wretched family who had cost hers so much. She glanced at them curiously, amazed to find them without fangs or horns. It was Sir Cameron who made her blush.

The little one has great mettle. Someday I will capture her and bait the Gifford bastards to come and fetch her.

If you touch her, I will kill you,

another voice said. Anne, young and only curious about these evil men, looked directly at Dylan

s beautiful face. He was a handsome youth, the most handsome she had ever seen. His eyes sparkled like jewels, turquoise and deep, his lips parted to reveal bright, even teeth, and his thick hair was wheat and rye, touched by the fire of the sun.

She is an angel,

he said in a voice that was both playful and seductive at once.

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