The Eternal Darkness (23 page)

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Authors: Steven A. Tolle

Tags: #Teen & Young Adult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Sword & Sorcery

BOOK: The Eternal Darkness
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Moshanna waited until the enemy had massed near the gates, the battering ram in their midst.  Before the ram could reach the gates, he cried out, “Pitch!”  His men rushed to the barrels and began to pour the hot sticky oil into the flumes.

The pitch rained down on the enemy below, covering men and equipment in black oil.  Even as they tried to shield themselves and withdraw, it was too late.  “Fire arrows!” Moshanna ordered.  His men loosed arrows lit with fire into the chaotic mass of the enemy.  With a sudden roar, the pitch exploded into flame, the fire consuming men and wood.  Few of their foes were able to escape that inferno.

With the area directly in front of the gates engulfed in flames, the enemy withdrew again.  Moshanna waited for another assault, but with the sun rising over the mountains, Tomaris came to him.  “I believe that they will wait until nightfall before they attack again,” he said as he gazed sadly over the carnage below.  “I will return to the Keep.  You should get some rest while you can, as well.”

In the late afternoon, Moshanna sat on the balcony of his suite, gazing out towards the walls.  Thin tendrils of black smoke still rose from the gate area.  He sipped the cold water in his cup as he contemplated how to approach what he needed to do.

After escorting Tomaris to his rooms, he had returned to his suite to bathe and sleep.  Sharin was not there when he arrived.  Used to managing a household, she could not simply sit idle and had volunteered to help with the teaching of the children.  He had hoped to see and speak with her, but weariness overtook him and he had drifted off into sleep.

His sleep was not restful.  He was troubled with dark dreams, scenes of the Keep being overrun by the demons.  Over and again in his dream, he had tried to defend Sharin from the dark peril, but failed each time.  After see her fall to the demon forces, he had woken with a start, covered in sweat.

He heard the main door open behind him.  Turning, he saw Sharin enter the room.  She was dressed in a plain gown, her hair hanging free.  The gold band of her wedding ring stood out against her cocoa skin.

“Hello, my love,” she said when she saw Moshanna standing there.  She came over and embraced him.  He held her tightly, savoring her body against his.  Even though he could have stayed like that forever, he gently released her.

“We need to speak, Sharin,” he said softly.  Holding her hand, he led her to the sitting area.  After she had sat down, he pulled a chair close and took her hands again.

“I’m not sure we can withstand this army, my love,” he said, looking into those beautiful brown eyes.  “If they breach the gates, we will have to retreat to the Keep.  We can hold, but if Tomaris or the clerics fall, then it will only be a matter of time before they take the Keep.”  He paused.  “There are several tunnels out of the Keep that end in the Gray Ridges near the Aletonian border.  If the time comes, I want you to lead the people out of the Keep.”

“Why do I need to do that?” she asked calmly, though her hands tightened on his.  “There are others whom the people know and trust.  They would be better choices.”

“You are a noble and cousin to the queen,” he said.  “You can secure refuge and safety for the people in Aletonia.  You are the best person to lead them.”

“I can easily send a letter requesting the same thing,” she countered.  “Nenia will not abandon these people, you know this.”  She smiled gently.  “Tell me what is really on your mind, Moshanna.”

“I fear for your safety,” he admitted.  “I will not abandon my oath to defend the Keep nor leave the men that follow and depend on me, so I must stay to whatever end.  But I have also sworn my love and devotion to you.  If you go, you will have a chance to live.  In that way, I can honor both of my oaths.”

She shook her head.  “I meant what I said.  Your fate will be mine, as I will never be parted from you again in this life.  If that means death here at the Keep, so be it.”  She reached out to touch his face.  “Know that I love you, now and forever.  Whatever comes, we will face it together.”

Seeing that she would not be dissuaded, he pulled her into his arms and held her close.

As dusk settled over the mountains, Moshanna walked back to the gates.  Part of him still wished that Sharin would flee, but her presence strengthened his will to find a way to defeat the enemy forces.  As he approached the walls, his way was lit by the globe of golden fire still hanging in the air above the gates.  When he reached to the top of the walls, he spoke with Hansa about the positioning of their forces.

A cold wind picked up as night descended over the Keep.  Moshanna went down the walls, speaking with his soldiers, encouraging them as the tension of waiting rose.  He spoke with Taric and Halana as he passed them, and then returned to stand over the gates again, waiting for the inevitable attack.  As he stood there, Tomaris arrived and came to stand next to him.

“How are you, Moshanna?” Tomaris asked quietly.  “You seem troubled.”

“I’m fine, Tomaris,” he replied.  “I just wish I knew of a better way to counter the enemy forces.  In a battle of attrition, they have the advantage.” He paused for a moment.  “I sometimes think that you have erred in making me your captain.”

“These are difficult times for us all, my son,” the old man replied sympathetically.  “We must keep our faith and resolve, if we are to have a chance for victory.  Know that I have no doubts regarding your abilities.”

“I will try to honor that faith, Tomaris,” Moshanna replied.  Before he could say any more, he stiffened as a horn sounded from the end of the wall.  His men had spotted the enemy.

With a sudden howl, the demons came out of the night, in a formation numbering at least fifty.  They were grouped tightly together, their bodies wrapped in their dark power.  Ebon fire raced up towards the walls, driving Moshanna’s soldiers back.  Bowmen shot arrows at the demons, but they were unable to loose in coordination due to the demons’ fire.  Every time the clerics attempted to disrupt the demons, they were faced with an overwhelming response.

Tomaris stepped forward, his power gathered in his hands, and unleashed a tremendous blast of magic.  The demons’ leader barked a command and all of the demons directed their power at Tomaris’ attack.  Their combined response broke apart his assault in a blast that shook the walls.

Before Tomaris could react, the demons attacked together, sending a wave of dark fire at him.  He brought up his power at the last second, casting a shield of golden-white light against the demons’ power, but the magics collided only feet away.  The explosion propelled a blast of heat and a shock wave across the top of the wall, sending Moshanna tumbling back.

He shook his head as he regained his feet, trying to ignore the ringing in his ears.  He saw the nearby soldiers recovering, pushing up from the stone floor.  Glancing quickly around, his heart seemed to stop when he found Tomaris crumpled against the rear wall, blood trickling from his mouth, nose and ears, his eyes rolled back into his head.

“Get a cleric!” he yelled over to a nearby soldier as he ran over to the old man.  He gently lifted Tomaris, and then laid him down, cradling his head with his hands.  Tomaris did not respond, but Moshanna saw that he was still breathing.

Out of the chaos on the walls, Halana appeared, her robes scorched and torn.  She knelt down and laid her hands on Tomaris’ head, her power shining brightly as she healed him.  After a few moments, Tomaris’ blinked and began to move.  After another moment, Halana removed her hands.

A group of soldiers ran up, carrying Taric.  The cleric was conscious, but his robes were tattered and his skin was covered in burns.  Halana gasped when she saw him.  The soldiers set Taric down next to her and she immediately turned her power on him.

“He exposed himself to draw the demons’ power to allow the soldiers near him to retreat,” one of the soldiers told Moshanna.

Looking out over the walls, Moshanna saw that, without the clerics or Tomaris, his men were being driven back, taking many casualties.  Behind the demons, the enemy archers had gathered, sending flights of arrows against the walls.  He saw Hansa nearby, trying to coordinate the defense.

“Hansa!” he called out.  His second heard him and ran over.  “Release all of the pitch and fire it.  Once that is done, order the men to fall back to the Keep.  We are too exposed on the walls.  Once all are inside, we will seal the Keep’s doors and trust in their strength.” Nodding, Hansa ran back towards the fighting.

“Escort Tomaris and the clerics back to the Keep,” Moshanna ordered the soldiers nearby.  He saw Taric stand, his wounds healed.  Taric and Halana went over to Tomaris, who still seemed weak.  They helped him to his feet and the soldiers formed up around them as they made their way to the stairs.

Moshanna saw the other soldiers dumping the pitch into the flumes.  He glanced over the wall to see that the demons had stopped short of where the pitch would land. 
Pity that, but the flames and smoke will give us cover and time to withdraw

Grabbing a nearby torch, he tossed it over the wall.  When it hit the oil on the ground, the pitch exploded in a huge fireball, sending flame and smoke over the walls.

He ran down the walls, using the smoke for cover.  As he went, he sent his men racing back towards the Keep.  Dodging the enemy arrows that continued to fly, he wanted to make sure that all who were still living were accounted for.  When he returned to the gate area, his uniform and armor covered in blood and soot, he found Hansa waiting for him with a group of soldiers.

“It is time to leave, Captain,” Hansa stated.  “There is nothing more to do here.”

Moshanna nodded as he turned to look back over the walls.  The black smoke from the burning pitch rose in large plumes, obscuring the globe of fire that Tomaris had made.  The empty walls seemed to him to be a premonition of their fate.

Grimly shaking off those dark thoughts, he gestured for the others to start back.  He was the last one off the walls.  They passed the still glowing gates and hurried through the courtyard, back towards the Keep.

As they entered the tunnel into the Keep proper, Moshanna turned to watch as the large main gates swung shut with a loud boom.  Once he was satisfied that they were secured and buttressed, he cleared the tunnel and ordered the inner doors shut and sealed as well.  Just inside the Keep, he saw Tomaris and the clerics healing the injured.  Sending the soldiers from the wall to get rest, he climbed up the stairs that led to the overhang above the gates.

He greeted the soldiers who were stationed there, but went over to the edge of the overhang, standing alone.  Food was brought for him, but it grew cold as he watched the abandoned walls.  He saw the demons attack and destroy the globe over the gate, their dark power striking it repeatedly until it exploded in a final burst of light.  Even from this distance, he could hear the attacks against the gates themselves.

The gates held out for a long time, but finally with a terrific clatter, they collapsed, the power that Tomaris had set in them exhausted.  Moshanna watched as the demons and their forces began to pour into the courtyard.  They occupied the buildings closest to the wall, but did not approach the Keep.  It appeared that they would take their time before they attempted the Keep itself.

After studying the enemy for a while longer, he turned and headed back inside.  Gathering his officers, he went to make plans to defend the Keep and its people.



With the sun still below the horizon, Norlan kissed Madalin and Cherise goodbye and stepped out onto his patio.  The morning was cool, with clouds covering the sky, making things darker than usual.  He stopped to buckle on his breastplate as he prepared to begin his rounds.  While he would have preferred to head to the smithy to check up on things, he had little time for that.  Fortunately, Helman had agreed to run the smithy and oversee Dern and Almos while he commanded the City Watch.  He picked up his spiked maul that was positioned near the door and went to the side of the house.  He took the leash from its peg and opened the gate.

“Come here, you big brute,” he said playfully.  With a rush, Maxis ran over to him, nearly knocking him over with his enthusiasm.  He patted the big dog on the side, and then reached for his collar.

Once he secured the leash, he slung his maul over his shoulder and turned to leave his yard.  Cherise had insisted that he take Maxis on his rounds.  “Please take Maxis with you.  He is smart and brave.  He will help keep you safe, Father,” she had pleaded with him.  Not wanting her to worry, he had agreed. 

As he made his way down the darkened street, Maxis staying close to his side, he mused over the sudden twist in his life.  He had always regarded himself as a lucky man.  First of all, he was married to his true love and they had a beautiful daughter.  He was content with being a blacksmith, using his hands to fashion metal.  He had made a comfortable living for his family, trained many apprentices who had started their own smithies, and had the respect of his friends and neighbors.  He felt great pride that important men like Jonas and Dominic regarded him as a friend.

Then Jake appeared
.  He loved the boy, but with him came turns in Norlan’s life that he would have never expected.  He suddenly found himself involved in momentous events, some beyond what he thought himself capable of handling.  Still, in spite of the dangers that had presented themselves, he found that he did not regret taking Jake in. 
I wonder where he is and if he is safe
, he thought glumly.

Of course, their decision to open up their home to Jake had introduced him to Marcus and Keria.  He liked Marcus immensely.  Even with the family issues he had faced, Marcus was a solid and honorable man, especially for a noble. 
I still can’t believe that he comes to me for advice
, Norlan thought, shaking his head.  As he told Marcus, he thought of Jake and Marcus as sons he had never had.

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