The Eternal Darkness (40 page)

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Authors: Steven A. Tolle

Tags: #Teen & Young Adult, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Sword & Sorcery

BOOK: The Eternal Darkness
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“But it took all of those years,” Jake protested.  “All of the people that died.  That seems a stupid way to do things.”

“Again, His purposes are not our own,” Tomaris said.  “Also, I told you once, what is a thousand years to those who existed before time was time?  It is hard for the human mind to comprehend such time frames, as your physical lives are like flashes of light in comparison.”

Tomaris stood.  “However, I have not come to debate the actions of the Creator.”  He smiled down at Jake.  “Regardless of how or why you came to be the one selected, you have freed the people of my world.  However, you were placed in that position without your consent.  Because of that, you have been returned to your world.”

“For your efforts and sacrifice, you have been given a choice; you can remain here or return to my world and your friends,” Tomaris said.  He gestured as Jake began to speak.  “You do not need to make that choice now.  You may find that once you have settled back into your life here, you do not wish to leave.  Besides your family, your world offers many comforts not found on mine.  Simply think on it.”

Jake looked down at the picture with Hailyn.  His heart swelled at the thought that he may be able to see her again.  “How will I let you know?”

“Simply come here and call my name,” Tomaris said.  “I will come for you.”  He reached over and lightly touched Jake’s head.  The pain and discomfort of his injuries faded.  “I left the physical manifestations of your injuries.  It would be difficult to explain how they disappeared, but I can give you relief from the pain.”

Stepping away, his body transitioned back into the Guardian.  “You have my gratitude for what you have done, Jake.  Even if you choose to stay here, know that.”  With a nod of his head, he disappeared.

Jake, his body feeling as refreshed as his heart, gathered his phone and ran back to the house.

Hailyn walked through the halls of the Keep, greeting the servants as they passed.  She was headed to her suites after a day of teaching the children.  She had also met over the evening meal with Taric and Halana, who oversaw the healing clinic.

She saw Moshanna and Sharin in an adjacent hallway, speaking with friends.  Sharin was positively glowing as she stood there.  Hailyn smiled as she continued on.  It was only days ago that the clerics in the clinic determined that Sharin was carrying her and Moshanna’s child.

Hailyn reached her suite and went in.  She took off her cleric’s robe and dressed in a comfortable sleeping gown.  Taking a cup of wine, she went out onto the patio.  Below, she saw the torches of the workmen as the job to repair the damage from the demons’ attack continued.  The night was cold and clear, making her shiver, but she sat down on one of the chairs and gazed up at the night sky.

As she looked up at the stars, she wondered if Jake’s world was around one.  The Guardian had appeared in her dreams, reassuring her that Jake was alive and on his own world.  Her happiness that he was alive and the pain that she would never see him again tore at her heart.

It had been nearly three months since the battle with the demon lord.  After they had emerged from the fortress with Celric, Redric and his friends had escorted Hailyn back to their village to wait for Uncle Norai.  As he had said, when the two weeks were gone, he returned to where he had left them.  Hailyn smiled as she remembered his expression when she told him that he would be sailing to the city’s harbor.  He thought she had lost her mind, but when one of the Karnath ships came to provide an escort, approaching slowly and carefully, he immediately saw his advantage.  When they arrived, Norai carved out an agreement with Celric and the other clan leaders to act as their exclusive representative to the eastern nations.  He stood to make a fortune as trade expanded.  She had received a letter from her mother telling her that Norai had even recruited her father to join him on his ventures.

Once the negotiations were done, Norai had sailed her back to Sanduas, but Jonas decided to remain on Karnath.  “I have an opportunity to help these people and bring the word of the One to this island,” he had told her.  “With some training, Elis will be the first Karnath cleric.  He will be able to reach the people in ways I can’t.  Also, there may still be demons hiding in the hills or on the outlying islands.  I can help our friends destroy them.  Tell Brother Trence that I resign my position as Chief Cleric of Sanduas.”  He gave her several letters to take with her.  At the dock, he embraced her tightly.  “You are as a daughter to me, Hailyn.  I know that losing Jake is a terrible hurt, but I hope that, one day, you will be able to find love again.”

Dominic chose to stay with Jonas and went out often with the warriors to hunt any remaining demons.  She heard that several of the clans had sought to adopt him.  Apparently, as his story spread, they saw great honor in having him as a member.  He finally allowed Celric and the Gabo clan to lay such a claim to put an end to the nonsense.  After he dropped Hailyn off, Norai brought Shadow back for Dominic.

Hailyn had spent some time with her family, relaxing, and finding comfort in their presence.  Finally, she had taken Dontas and rode back to Sanduas.  When she arrived, she spent time with Norlan and Madalin, telling them about Jake and his sacrifice.  She also spoke with Keria and Marcus about all that happened.

After Hailyn had explained what she had learned on Karnath, Keria agreed to allow the Karnath warriors held at the Keep to depart.  Hailyn returned to work in the Temple, as there were many things to rebuild after the fighting and honors to be held for those who had died.

After a respectable time had passed, Keria and Marcus announced that they would wed.  Since she was still in the city, Hailyn was invited to their wedding and given a place of honor.

The ceremony was beautiful, the Temple filled with lovely flowers.  Keria looked beautiful in her gown and Marcus as handsome as ever.  Madalin and Norlan were asked to stand with the couple as witnesses.  She watched the ceremony with bittersweet feelings, thinking of Jake.

Shortly after the wedding, Norlan and Madalin departed for Aletonia.  Apparently, he had become friends with the Aletonian commander and was invited to the capital.  Cherise and Maxis remained at the palace while they were gone.

Then one day, Brother Trence called her to his office.  One of the letters from Jonas recommended that Hailyn be sent to the Keep to represent the Sanduan clerics.  So, she had come to the Keep to help rebuild and study in the library.

Tomaris had left instructions that the Keep was to be open to all of the people to use and study, with the clerics overseeing its operations.  The chief clerics of Aletonia, Beragan, and Sanduas had agreed to allow Hailyn, Taric and Halana to run the Keep until they could meet and decide on a permanent governance structure.

As she gazed into the night sky, she absently turned the bracelet on her wrist.  One night, she had come back to find the Guardian’s bracelet on her table.  There was a piece of parchment under it and on it was a note in an elegant script. 
May this be an aid in all of your work.

  The chill began to be too much, so Hailyn finished her wine and stood.  As she began to turn, there was a sudden noise and flash of light behind her.  Reacting on instinct, she pulled in her power, shining brightly, and spun to face whatever it was.  As soon as she turned, she let her power go, her heart suddenly soaring as she saw who was standing there.




Steven Tolle was born in Hanford, California, a farming community in the Central Valley.  After high school, he attended California State University in Sacramento, graduating with a degree in International Relations.

In the 90's, he served on active duty in the US Army, where he was trained as an interrogator and to speak the Lao language.  He worked on the POW-MIA searches in Southeast Asia as member of Joint Task Force-Full Accounting.  After he left active service, he served in a psychological operations unit in the Reserves, deploying to Thailand and Korea to support missions there.

He has served in a variety of positions with the State of California.  In his career, he has been an Executive Fellow, an appointee of the Governor, as well as a civil service analyst and manager.

A long-time fan of fantasy and science fiction,
The Jake Thomas Trilogy
is his first writing effort.

He resides in Northern California with his wife, Emily.


The Jake Thomas Trilogy

A World Apart

Sword of Light

The Eternal Darkness

Table of Contents



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

About the Author

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