The Escort (9 page)

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Authors: Harmony Raines

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Escort
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Dan, well he seemed to be a different matter. His hands told her how experienced he was, his mouth convinced her he could show her more ways to climax than she ever thought possible. Especially when they touched her right there...

"Oh," she gasped. His fingers were inside her again, he was teasing her, probing deep before sliding out along her inner walls until he touched a spot that made her body tremble. How could she not have known about that special place. He slid across it again, more pressure this time. Her hips bucked, and when she caught his eye he was watching her, smiling.

"I want to watch you come, Max."

She covered her face as he brushed the spot again, knowing she was close, and her face would look ugly when her orgasm hit her. Moments of stress always made her ugly. Gently he prised one hand away, so she could see his face. "Don't hide from me. Or I will tie you up and make you come over and over again while I watch."

Max didn't know which she would rather choose, but she wasn't ready for him to take away the last bit of her self control by tying her up. Not tonight anyway.

One finger at a time she opened her other hand, biting her bottom lip to keep her self-control. He was good, so, so good. She pushed down onto his fingers, and shivered when they slid back out of her. In a moment she was a trembling mess, her hips rolling to catch every moment of his fingers inside her. When his thumb brushed her clit, she fell apart, unable to coordinate her body, other than to let the feelings of intense pleasure wash over her. His mouth covered her nipple, and he sucked hard, his eyes still fixed on her face as he pulled it sharply between his teeth. If her first orgasm had been intense, this was something else. Endless waves of pleasure hit her, and she spiralled out of control.

Unrelenting, he made her come again, until Max thought her body would disintegrate atom by atom into nothing. Her back arched, legs trembling, while his finger probed her so intimately, so deeply, she guessed he would know her better than she knew herself. And then he eased her back down to earth, gathering her to him, and cradling her against his body.

Kissing her head, he murmured, "I wanted you to see what I have to offer, Max. No fancy cars, no big house, but I know how to treat and respect a woman."

"Those things don't matter to me," she answered quietly, unsure of what he was trying to say. But before she had a chance to ask, his lips were on hers, softly teasing her, his tongue probing for entry into her mouth. She gave in, sighing contentedly against him. He made her feel safe, and loved. Something she had long ago given up on feeling. It was the very reason she made herself go into work, and play hard ball. Her parents had taught her one thing, she had only herself to depend on. Anyone else, no matter how close, or how much they should care for you, were more than capable of letting you down.

"I can't get enough of you Max, your soft skin next to mine." He trailed his fingers across her stomach, leaving fire in their wake.

"Why me, Dan?"

"Why not? Who knows what attracts two people together. Fate? Chance? I don't care, all that matters is this moment."

She lay content in his arms, her body sated, but only just. He had brought out a side of her she had never known existed, one of desire and longing. Dan had shown her how her body liked to be touched, to be teased, and it would be hard for her to forget. He was an addiction. Over the last two days he had got into her bloodstream, and already she craved him.

"Let it go, Max. For tonight, it's just you and me, in the morning we can talk. But for now, I want you again."

Feeling the press of his hard length against her thigh, she turned into him, kissing his lips, and lifting her thigh to slide over his. He sheathed himself in a condom, and guided his cock into her wet sex. Slowly this time, he inched in little by little, pulling back before pushing deeper. Their legs and arms entwined, skin on skin, joined as one. He pushed a little harder, and her sex yielded to him, her inner walls gripping him tightly, as he filled her. No hard thrusts, not yet, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensations, his mouth skimming kisses over her breasts.

Max slid her hand down his back, stroking his hard muscles, feeling him move under her fingers. So strong, so confident now. She wanted to know everything about him, but dreaded the answers he might give. Was this a one night stand, and if it wasn't, how could she date an escort. There was no way she could share a man like this.

He filled her completely, slowing to make small movements inside her, the tension between them building little by little. His hands stroked her skin, his fingers teasing her nipples, then his mouth gently kissing them. Her sex ached, wanting him to move, to make her come around him, but he didn't rush, savouring the moments of intimacy. In a bid to make him insane, she nipped his nipples, her teeth grazing the flesh while her hands slid lower to cover his butt.

It had the desired effect, a sharp hiss of breath, a tell tale sign she had lit the spark in just the right place for him to lose control. His hips drew back sharply, and he ploughed into her hard. He turned her onto her back, raising her hands above her head, his mouth descending onto her breasts and sucking mercilessly. With no way to push him away she had to submit to his wonderful torture. Raising her legs she wrapped them around him, urging him on, although there was no need, his control had long slipped to be replaced by a primal need to make her come, to claim her as his.

This man who had taken her money in return for his company, prided himself in providing the most pleasure a man could offer. Giving rather than taking from her. A conundrum that she wanted to solve, but that would be after. Right now her brain zeroed in on his long hard strokes, her already sensitive inner walls stretched and a little sore, making the repetitive friction of their bodies increasingly intense.

Her orgasm shimmered before her, she wanted him to come at the same time, but her hands were of no use. Only her mouth was free. She nipped his ear lobe, sucking the soft flesh in between her teeth. His hips bucked, and she maintained her assault on his senses. Dan slid his hand under her bottom, holding her close and lunged into her, short sharp strokes taking them higher and higher until he cried out, exploding inside of her. The feel of his warm seed filling her made her come. Her body pulsing and throbbing in time with his.

He cried out, pushing deep inside her, one final lunge to drive himself deep into her. Max arched her back, her clit rubbing against his body, increasing her orgasm. Breathless, she gasped, too overwrought to cry out. Her vision blurred, the whole evening catching up with her, leaving her exhausted. Dan released her wrists, slumping forward, and then shifting his weight to lie by her side. Dragging the covers over their bodies, he held her close, and before she knew it, she was asleep. Her head filled with images of him, of sensations so new and raw. Things she never wanted to let go of.

Chapter Eleven

She woke up thirsty, wondering where she was. Then her memories hit her, and she jumped, looking over at the man lying next to her. Dan.

Damn, what had she done?

Had great sex. That was true, but now the excitement had passed her old self doubts came back. Why would he choose her? A man so virile, as their lovemaking had proved, so sexy, so everything she could ever ask for.

Don’t spoil this for yourself.

She relaxed, easing herself down on to the bed, her head resting on the pillow. It had been good. Her body ached, the thought of his touch, the feel of him inside her. A small smile flittered across her lips. Turning over onto her side, she snuggled under the covers, a warm happiness settling on her. Until her eyes caught sight of a photo beside his bed.

She stopped breathing.

Four smiling happy faces looked at her. Dan, a pretty blonde, and two adorable children. Dan and the woman were stood, arms around each other, very close. The children were relaxed and comfortable, this was a family. His family.

She couldn’t move.

Was this the thing he intended to explain to her? He was married, or at least in a relationship. He had kids. The thoughts ran through her head tumbling over each other in confusion. She was a one night stand, entertainment while his wife was away. Did she know he made money as an escort for lonely women?

None of it made sense, but her eyes would not leave those faces, and the feeling of guilt consumed her until she could no longer lie still. Very slowly, not daring to breathe, she slid out of his bed.

Once her weight had left the bed she paused, making sure her hadn’t woken up. She didn’t want a scene. She had paid him the money, he said their business was over, now they were quits. The only thing to do was leave, and hope she never saw him again.

One last lingering glance at his face told her that was a complete lie. Yet her head firmly told her there was no way she could ever be his mistress. He had a family. That was all there was to it.

Taking a step away from the bed she tried to remember what had happened last night, in sequence. The memories were hazy, the heat of their need for each other blurring the details. Finally she pieced together where her clothes had ended up, and retrieved them, dressing quickly. Feeling cheap.



Max soon realised her shoes were not practical for walking. That and she had no idea where she was. Feeling suddenly vulnerable, she stopped, huddling back against the side of a building, trying to piece together a plan.

First she dug her cell out of her purse, the light in the street to dim to see by. At last, with trembling fingers, she phoned Robin.

“Well, hello you. At last you have something juicy to share. How did your evening turn out? You decided on the extras I hope,” Robin sounded groggy, and for the first time Max realised how late, or early in the morning it was. No wonder there was no one about.

“Robin. I’m in trouble.”

“Max. What’s wrong?” Instant concern came into her voice, and she sounded more awake. “Tell me how I can help.”

Stifling a sob, she answered, “I’m fine, Robin, I’ll tell you all about it when I get home. But right now I’m not sure how to get home.”

“Where are you?”

“That’s just it, I’m not sure. It’s an unfamiliar part of town.”

“Where’s Dan, can’t you ask him?” Robin probed gently.

“No. I was at his house, but I left.”

“He didn’t... force...”

“No,” Max interrupted quickly. “Nothing like that. I’ll tell you everything, once I’m home.”

“OK. Look keep talking while you walk to a road sign or something. Once we work out where you are I’ll organise a cab, OK?”

“Yes.” She began walking, not feeling so bad now her friend was on the other end of the line.

“I’ve dug out the cab number, so as soon as you let me know, I’ll phone them.”

“I see an intersection. A couple more minutes and I’ll be there. My feet are killing me.”

“Don’t worry, once you’re home you can soak them in warm water while you tell me everything.”

“Right, I see where I am.” She gave Robin the address.

“Great, now sit tight.”

The relief of getting a cab, and knowing she was on her way home, was intense, but she couldn’t let herself fall apart yet. Professionally she was very good at putting on a self confident air, it was this mask she grabbed hold of now, and held onto tightly until she reached her apartment.

She paid the driver, and headed inside, to be met by the all encompassing embrace of Robin. Only then did she let the mask slip, a sob shuddered through her body, and Robin guided her wordlessly into the sanctuary of their apartment.

“Come and sit down, I’ll make you some tea, and you can tell me what happened.” Robin made sure she was sat down comfortably, fetching a blanket to cover her with. “There, that’ll warm you up. You are sure I don’t need to call the police?”

“Positive,” she said, tears running down her face.

“But you did sleep with him?”



She nodded, noting Robin’s sigh of relief.

“I’ll make that tea.”

She pulled the blanket up under her chin, and closed her eyes, letting her mind go blank. Slowly her composure returned, she didn’t want to cry too much in front of Robin. Not because her flat mate would complain, but because she felt her injured pride to be so fragile, it might break into a million pieces.

“Here. Now, what happened? I thought you really liked him, hell, you must have really liked him if you slept with him.”

“I did... I do. It was fantastic.” She gave herself a moment, making her tears stay hidden, time enough later to let them fall.

“So what happened?”

“He’s married.”


“I slept with a married man.”

“Bastard.” She practically spat the word out. “How can he be an escort if he’s married? What creepy shit is that?”

“I don’t know. He’s got kids and everything.”

“Oh. Max, I’m so sorry. I feel terrible for setting you up like that.” She got up and grabbed her phone. “I’m going to ring him and give him a piece of my mind.”

“No. Don’t, please don’t make it worse.”

“I won’t. But you need an explanation.” She flipped through her contacts, and found the number, listening to it ring. She listened without talking, her face growing pale.

“Robin, you’re scaring me.”

“It’s nothing.”

“That’s not what your face says.”

Robin chewed her bottom lip, her mind working. Max knew this face, and her dread grew, but she waited for Robin to speak, knowing she wasn’t going to like it. Finally her friend turned to face her. “The message on Drake’s machine says he’s gone away, unexpectedly.”

Max frowned. “Unexpectedly.”

Robin came and knelt down beside Max. Reaching over she held her hand. “Yeah. A holiday, he’s gone for a week.”

“So, you think he’s done this and is now lying low. I don't blame him. Listen, we’ll just forget it ever happened.”

“The trouble is Max, he’s been gone since Tuesday.”

Max’s brain took a few seconds to make the connections. “The man who took me out wasn’t Drake?”

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