The Escort (8 page)

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Authors: Harmony Raines

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Escort
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The music was coming to an end. Before she changed her mind she said, "I'm ready to go now."

His body stopped moving, other dancers kept going to the end, but he stared down at her, trying to read her expression. "You'll leave with me, right now?"

"Yes. Let's slip away, so no one will talk."

"I thought that was what you wanted?"

"Not any more."

"Then we'll work our way to the door, very slowly, and then slip out. "If you're sure."

"Absolutely." She didn't let on that she was going to get in a cab and go home. Until they were outside.

"Here's what I owe you for tonight. I had a great time, but now it's time to end the fantasy, and go home."

"Max, I..."

"Please, Dan, or whatever your name is." She tried to put scorn into her voice, but she couldn't. She’d known what she was getting herself into, there was no blame on his part. He had been upfront and honest, he was an escort,and she was his client. Nothing more. A deep breath to steady her nerves, and she continued. "I am not going to pay you for sex."

He rubbed his chin with his hand, eyeing the envelope held out to him. His expression of self loathing was quickly replaced by an ironic smile. "I had a great time too. I never knew I would feel so bad about taking your money."

"You have nothing to feel bad about. You fulfilled your end of the bargain."

She stepped close to him, opened his jacket, and inhaled the scent of him, all male, before slipping the envelope into his inside pocket. Then she stepped away, and held her hand out for a cab. Without looking at him she watched one pull up to the curb in front of her. Reaching out to open the door, she was stunned when his muscular arm pushed against it to stop her leaving.

"Max, the business part of our evening is closed. Now I want to ask you, if this had been a real date, would want to see me again?"

"Don't do this. It wasn't real, none of it was real."

"Tell me the feelings you have for me aren’t real? I want you, Max." His voice, filled with raw emotion, caught in his throat.

"Is this what you do, hit on lonely women?"

"No. None of this is what I do." He hesitated, and then shook his head. "I never expected it to turn out like this.”

“You asked me what I want. Now I’m asking you.” She turned her body so she faced him directly, this was no time to be timid. “What do you really want Dan?”

“I want to take you home, and make love to you.”

She sucked in air to stop herself from swooning into his arms. If he had punched her the gut it wouldn’t have taken her so off guard. A hotel, yes she would have expected that. But home. Somewhere personal, it made no sense.

“Max, please. Forget everything apart from this moment. Right now, standing here with you, I know I don’t want this evening to end.” He tilted her chin up so she had to look him squarely in the eyes when he said, “Tell me to walk away, and you’ll never see me again. But that’s not what I want.”

“I don’t know you. Not even your real name.”

“Yes you do. The real me is the man who took you dancing. And my real name is Dan. I realised I didn’t want to lie to you when we first met, and I plan to ever.”

“I don’t understand.”

He leaned forward, and very softly kissed her on the lips. “Come home with me. Make love with me, then I’ll try to explain all of this to you.”

The cab driver blasted his horn, looking up at them, annoyed at the delay. This was it, now or never, go home with Dan, or go home alone, and always wonder what if.

She opened the cab door, and slid in. Dan stood watching her, a look of pure disappointment on his face. Pausing, she looked up at him. “Coming?” she asked, and then slid across the seat to make room for him.

Very slowly, not taking his eyes off hers, he folded himself into the car. He looked as if at any moment someone would pinch him and he would wake up, realising this was all a dream. Damn him. He was either a very good actor, or not the man he was supposed to be at all. The question was, did she care?


Chapter Nine

Max wondered if her expensive dinner was going to make a repeat performance. Her stomach gurgled dangerously, and she swallowed hard, and then breathed deeply, in through her nose and out through her mouth. Slowly her nerves steadied, but she couldn’t look at him, her emotions too confused while her brain argued the pro’s and con’s of what she was doing.

When he placed his hand on her thigh, and squeezed it lightly, she nearly jumped out of her skin. Her first thought was that he intended to make out with her in the back of the cab, in full view of the driver. A swift glance at his face showed her that was not his plan. The touch was one of reassurance, no more. She relaxed slightly.

“If you change your mind, Max, that’s fine. No pressure.”

She nodded to acknowledge his promise, but couldn’t open her mouth to speak. Her head was too busy screaming at her.

What kind of fool was she to go home with a stranger?

Anything could happen. Then her mind wandered into the dangerous zone of what could happen, but not in a threatening way. No, instead all the things she had dreamed of him doing to her came back to her. Fear slowly dissipated, to be replaced by a calm expectation, which slowly grew to desire.

She was a grown woman, and grown women slept with men on their first date.

Anyway, this wasn't her first date with him, it was their second.

She didn't watch the route the cab took, even though her gaze was fixed squarely out of the window. Dan shifted nervously beside her, if she didn't say something soon he would probably bottle out and stop the cab. Wouldn't that be easier, she could go back to her old life, the life that was easy.

Easy yes, but it was also unfulfilled and boring. Robin was her only real friend, the only person she was close to. It wasn't healthy. For a successful business woman, she was acting like a coward. Grasp this opportunity with both hands, let him explain things, and see what happens after that.

Her mind made up, she was about to turn to him when the cab stopped.

"Here we are, Max. Say the word and I'll get out and the driver will take you home."

"That's not what I want, Dan."

"Good," he said, smiling that wonderful smile which left her warm inside.

Opening the door he slid out, leaning down to offer her his hand. As though shaking hands on an unspoken deal, she took it, and allowed him to help her out of the cab. Although her legs trembled, she managed to stand steady, and reached into her purse for the cab fare.

"No. This is on me. Like I said, business is over. This is the real me, and I like to pay my way."

A small frown creased her forehead. "OK. If that's what you want." It wasn't that she wanted to pay, but his behaviour reminded her of Jekyll and Hyde.

The fare settled, he stood next to her, a distance between them. Now the financial arrangement was over, neither of them knew how to behave. When he was the escort, she knew where she stood, she was in control, now she had given that over to him. And Dan seemed a little unsure of this shift in power too. Or so she thought.

Before the cab's tail lights had blinked out of view, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her fully on the lips, not caring that they were in full view of everyone who might be watching. Max was not one for public display, but before the instinct to pull back overtook her, she succumbed to the warm sweet taste of him. Her whole being waking to his touch as he ran his fingers down her spine to rest on her bottom. He needed little pressure to pull her close, she was willing, obedient to his touch.

With a groan he pulled back, in one hand he felt in his pocket for his keys, in the other he held her hand tightly as if he were worried she would evaporate before him if he let her go. Leading the way he took her by the hand, she followed, her eyes fixed on his back. Mentally she was already removing his jacket, her fingers undoing his crisp white shirt. The hidden treasure under it would be hard toned, perhaps a sprinkling of hair would lead her down to his hard length. She had felt it pressed against her, now she would see him in his full aroused glory. It was hard for her to imagine how he could be so aroused for a woman like her. But that was one thing he couldn't make up, she had felt him, and now she wanted him to be inside her.

In response her sex ached, needing to be filled by him, to have him thrust inside of her until she came, shuddering around him.

The front door was open, they were spilling into his house, his hands going to her coat, dragging it off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Before she could take a breath his mouth kissed along the swell of her breast, his hand cupping it while his thumb brushed her nipple. She thought she would explode. Fire coursed through her, like nothing she had ever experienced before. Max wanted to tear the fine fabric of her dress off with her bare hands, to offer herself to him. He could worship her body with his lips, kissing every inch of it, and then plunge his tongue deep inside her wet sex.

"Fuck me," she begged.

"Max, let's take it slow."

"I don't think I can wait."

"Flattering, but isn't it usually the man who says that."

"I can't remember the last time I had sex. But I do know I need you right now."

"Slow down."

"Dan please."

The urgency in her voice took hold of him, and he caught her need, and it inflamed his own. Reached to undo her dress, letting it slip off her shoulders to lie in a pool of silk at her feet. Kneeling down in front of her, he leaned forward and kissed the damp patch at the front of her panties, sliding the fabric aside and pushing into her wet depths. Her hands fisted his hair, not caring if she hurt him. It was unexpected, and incredible. Two fingers stretched her inner walls, his tongue tracing a line along her clit. She eased her feet apart, allowing him better access to her aching need.

Wondering how he was controlling himself, her mind centred on each minuscule movement he made. The tip of his tongue firm against her little bundle of nerves, creating a throbbing sensation that thrummed through her body. His thick fingers inched deeper inside, probing her slick heat. She whimpered, thrusting her mound forward onto his face. Dan kissed and sucked her clit, making it engorged and terribly sensitive. Her nipples ached for the same treatment, and she used her hand to rub the taut buds, trying to satisfy the cravings of her flesh.

His fingers left her sex, his hand sliding down her thigh until they rested on the back of her knee. Lifting it he placed it over his shoulder, before setting to work, hungrily lapping her dripping juices. He took her to the edge of her orgasm, his fingers and mouth more than she had ever experienced before. Aroused beyond what she thought possible for a woman to endure without release, he made her hover on the edge, and then pulled away.

She looked down at him, wanting to know what she had done to make him stop. Every part of her throbbed and pulsed, the need to find release agonising.

"I want to feel you come around me, Max."

She knew what he was asking, and slowly nodded her head, because it was what she wanted above all else.

"I thought I could hold it in, make you come first before making love to you slowly, but I'm going to explode, and I want to be buried deep inside you when I do."

In response she pushed the lapels of his jacket back off his broad shoulders, watching it slide off. Then her fingers fulfilled her dream of unbuttoning his shirt, although they fumbled in their haste. He watched her every move, his hands roaming her body as though they owned it, unclasping her bra to allow her voluptuous breasts to burst free. He sighed contentedly, before sucking on her nipple, rolling his tongue over it until she could no longer send coherent messages to her fingers, and they stopped their work.

His hands went to the elastic of her panties, and eased them down over her thighs. Once she was open to him, his pushed a finger inside her again, teasing her, making ready for what was to come.

From one of his pockets he produced a condom, vaguely she was aware of the sound of his zipper. She knew he was sheathing himself with protection, relieved there was no awkwardness. Then he lifted her, opening her legs wide for his body to nestle between, his thick cock solid against her moist sex. His mouth found hers, his kisses hard and fierce while he pushed into her, spreading her tight sex wide with his thick cock.

She had never been filed by a man in such a wonderful way. Thick and long, he filled every part of her until she thought he would split her in two. Her back against the wall left her with no escape. He had complete control over each hard thrust. Deeper and deeper he went, and she matched his urgency, her fingers digging into his back as she clung to him.

Dragging his mouth from hers, he cupped her breast in his hand and sucked hard on her nipple, his tongue torturing the hard little bud mercilessly. It was enough to send her over the edge, her voice a high pitched cry of ecstasy. His fist banged the wall behind her, his thrusts short and hard as he came, filling her with his seed, she only hoped the condom would remain intact from the force of his orgasm.

Clinging to him, she buried her face into his shoulder, muffling her cries, embarrassed. Sex was never like this, it was always quiet, in bed with the lights off. Always with the lights off.


Chapter Ten

He never gave her a chance to apologise for being so loud. No sooner had her climax subsided, he picked her up and carried her upstairs. Straight into his bedroom, and onto his king size bed.

Did he use it for more than just sleeping usually, or was there a string of women who fell for his good looks and innocent charm? She brushed that away, time for questions later, right now he was planning on a second helping of sex.

With the sheets pulled back he lay down beside her. There was no covering herself up, she had to lie still and endure his gaze. She blushed bright red, thinking how unattractive she must look sprawled naked on his bed. All rounded bottom and curvy thighs. But when his fingers began to explore every inch of her ample flesh, it no longer mattered. He made her feel sexy and desirable, especially desirable looking at the way his cock was rising back up as if by some hidden force. How many times could he perform in one night? Her sex ached to find out. She might be in for more sex in this one night than she had had in her whole life. Max was not exactly a virgin, but she could count the times she had slept with a man on one hand, easily.

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