Read The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire Online
Authors: Michelle Arbeau
Positive Keywords:
balance, cooperation, sensitive, intuitive, supportive, and harmonious.
Determining the Vibration of a Word through the Language of Numbers 61
Negative Keywords:
contrast, codependent, uncertain, submissive, passive, and hypersensitive.
3: Intellectual Socialite
Three (3) is the first mind-plane number. As the imaginative
yet rational and analytical number, it represents left-brain activity. The 3 is of imagination and memory and is linked to
the numbers 1 and 2. The 3’s expression is directly tied to the intuitive and sensitive energy of the 2 and the verbal expression of the 1. The 3 is symbolized by the triangle and the
mind (3), body (1), soul (2) connection.
Positive Keywords:
analytical, intelligent, humorous, social, sensitive, observant, unity, and inspirational.
Negative Keywords:
critical, vain, grandeur, self-doubting, self-critical, overanalyzing, and indecisive.
4: Practical Doer
Four (4) is the middle physical-plane number. It represents
stability, steady progress, practicality, and organization. It is the “anchor” of the physical plane and is represented by the
solid and stable construction of the square with four equal
sides. It is the most primitive of numbers.
Positive Keywords:
endurance, progress, foundation, practical, balanced, organization, solid, stable, and loyal.
Negative Keywords:
materialistic, impatient, addictive, instant gratification, and self-absorbed.
62 Determining the Vibration of a Word through the Language of Numbers
5: Expressive Artist
Five (5) is the middle soul-plane number and is also the cen-
tral number. The 5 symbolizes the heart and emotions; as the
center number, 5 links the energies of all the other numbers.
It is the “heart and soul” of the base numbers. The 5 must
have freedom to express itself as erratic, free-flowing change energy. The 5 energy lends us the ability to see the world
through the eyes of the soul.
Positive Keywords:
loving, sensitive, irregular, artistic, freedom-seeking, passionate, and flexible.
Negative Keywords:
uncertain, power-hungry, dominating, bossy, withdrawn, and moody.
6: Creative Visionary
Six (6) is the middle mind-plane number. It links both 3 (left brain) and 9 (right brain). It is the number of extremes with strong positive and negative sides. The 6 has an enormous
amount of creative potential as the number of creativity, but
when not positively creating, it can slip into the opposite (and negative) side of creativity—destruction. In the negative, 6 is dominated by worry, anxiety, and other negative thought patterns. In the positive, 6 can act as the “balancer” of the mind plane with its responsible, nurturing, and peace-making qualities.
Positive Keywords:
creative visionary, certainty, balanced, nurturing, peace-making, optimistic, and forward-thinking.
Negative Keywords:
pessimistic, judgmental, critical, “worry-wart,” people-pleasing, doubtful, and gossipy.
Determining the Vibration of a Word through the Language of Numbers 63
7: Truth-Seeker
Seven (7) is the last and most active physical-plane number.
As the teaching and learning number, it is high “doing” en-
ergy. The 7 learns through personal experience (often
through hindsight), preferring to leap first and think later.
Sacrifice and loss tend to be the rule of thumb for the 7 en-
ergy, but such learning sets the stage for accumulating a tre-
mendous amount of knowledge and wisdom in a short
amount of time, making 7 the self-made wise sage.
Positive Keywords:
wise, contemplative, achiever, truth-seeking, determined, and hands-on.
Negative Keywords:
stubborn, overactive, distrustful, hesitant, skeptical, and a loner.
8: Wise and Independent Leader
Eight (8) is the last and most active soul-plane number. It represents wisdom and independence. The 8 is confident, asser-
tive, naturally wise, and a leadership energy. At the same
time, 8 is loving and tender, wanting to love and be loved.
These conflicting aspects of the 8 energy create its main les-
son: to learn to recognize that openly expressing love and ap-
preciation will not subtract from independence, but add to it.
Positive Keywords:
wise, confident, assertive, independent, manifesting, assured, and loving.
Negative Keywords:
detached, selfish, greedy, dominating, bossy, and attention-seeking.
64 Determining the Vibration of a Word through the Language of Numbers
9: Idealistic Humanitarian
Nine (9) is the last and most active mind-plane number. Al-
though the 9 represents the right brain, it also combines the
attributes of the other two mind-plane numbers, 3 and 6.
Ambition (3), responsibility (6), and idealism (9) make up the whole essence of the 9 energy. Despite the idealistic and
driven nature of the 9, it is a seeker of peace and justice and is considered the humanitarian number.
Positive Keywords:
humanitarian, ambitious, responsible, justice-seeking, idealistic, and unselfish.
Negative Keywords:
driven, opinionated, judgmental, critical, black and white, and narrow-minded.
C H A P T E R 4
Your Top-Ten
Positive Power Words
We all have a handful of favorite words we use often—maybe
a little too often. The ten words you most frequently use on a regular basis could be the very reason you’re not living the
life of your dreams. The words and phrases we use on a daily
basis carry the most energetic weight when it comes to their
manifestation power because they’re spoken so frequently.
Words can uplift, inspire, and empower; they can also under-
mine, discourage, and block you from having what you de-
sire. What are your words doing for you?
Choose Your Words Wisely
“Chose your words wisely” is more than a meaningless phrase
your mother once used to remind you to speak positively. It’s
66 Your Top-Ten Positive Power Words
the next step in the art of successfully shaping your reality to match what you desire.
Social movements, such as cults, slavery, the Holocaust,
Prohibition, and more positively, the Green movement, have
all been created by collective beliefs shaped by the power of
words. Millions of people died during the Holocaust because
of one man’s view, and he used words to convince an army
of men to do his bidding.
American slavery of the black culture was brought about
by the views of a few perpetuated with words over genera-
tions. Although slavery pre-dates written records and has ex-
isted in man
y cultures
, one of the slavery events most pertinent to today’s world is that of the institution of American slavery. An estimated 12 million Africans arrived in the
Americas from the sixteenth through the nineteenth centu
ries.15 Of these, an estimated 645,000 were brought to what
is now the
United States.
The views expressed or communicated by the elite society in the Americas were responsible
for horrible acts of enslavement being accepted as common-
place. Even though today slavery is outlawed in most places
in the world, it still exists prevalently, likely due to continuing collective consciousness beliefs set in motion many centuries
ago. This is truly evidence of the power of words to shape
the world.
The Green movement has been initiated through scien-
tific studies. Many corporations use “Green-focused” words
as marketing tools to leverage this movement that has caught
on like wildfire. For example, the reduce-reuse-recycle logo,
Your Top-Ten Positive Power Words 67
which was designed for a contest held on the original Earth
Day in 1970, has since become a widely known symbol.16
Given the above examples, it would seem that words can
be mesmerizing, hypnotizing, and magical. How could one
person or even a few shape the views of many by expressing
their opinions and beliefs through words?
Energy is contagious. Think of the last time you were an
innocent bystander in an argument. How did you feel after
being present while hate-filled words whipped around the
room? You probably didn’t leave feeling fantastic, and you
likely left the scene feeling nearly as attacked as the actual victims of the argument. This is how mass belief or collective energy is formed. Words are energy, and they transmit a
frequency to any situation. They shape destinies, change
minds, and sway even the most ingrained opinions and be-
liefs in an instant. This is the power of words.
Creating Your List
Pay special attention to the words you think, say, and write
for a full twenty-four hours. When you use a word you are
aware of using frequently, jot it down on a piece of paper. At the end of the day, you will hopefully have the ten words you
use the most (be honest with yourself ). Perhaps check with
your close family or friends to see if they think it is accurate, but remember that many of the words will be words used in
thought rather than speech. This list will change over time
and you’ll have to revisit and revamp it often to match what
you want to create.
68 Your Top-Ten Positive Power Words
In going through this exercise, examine every area of
your life to collect the most common words you use on a
daily basis. We all wear different hats, depending on different situations that call for a range of vocabulary. Social situations, work life, and even your inner vocabulary will differ.
Don’t worry if you have more than ten to start—you can ex-
amine and put them in an order later. The more precise your
list, the more precise your positive manifesting power can be-
Now that you’ve got your list, how does it look? A mostly
positive list may only need to be tweaked, while a nasty nega-
tive list may need to be totally overhauled. If you’ve got the latter situation, it’s not as dire as it seems. In fact, the solution is at your fingertips—pick up your pen and rewrite your
Your Top list might look something like this:
no way
Your Top-Ten Positive Power Words 69
Using the steps outlined in Chapter 3: “Determining the Vi-
bration of a Word through the Language of Numbers” along
with the alphanumeric word conversion chart, convert your
ten words to their vibrational forms. Beside each word, write
the energetic definition based on the number meanings in
Chapter 3.
The list in front of you is your new energetic exercise
program. It will take a bit of time to change your ways and
give your negative words the boot for good. Practice makes
perfect, and time is on your side. Place sticky notes around
the house, change your computer passwords to match your
new words list, or pick a new “word of the day” to use as
much as you can. These are all ways you can retrain your
brain to integrate a more positive word list. The simple fact
is, when you surround yourself with positive people, places,
or things, your energy shifts into the positive, too. Regardless of your current circumstances, changing your words from
negative to positive is something you have total control over
in this moment. It won’t be long before you’ll see your hard
work paying off in big ways. In Chapter 5, there will be more
specific ideas and tricks for integrating a more positive word list.
Using examples from your Top-Ten Positive Power
Words, let’s examine how you might use those words in the
context of a sentence. A word can have a different energetic
meaning depending on how you use it. Keep in mind that the
ingrained dictionary definition of a word will have an impact
on how you feel about it, adding to its energetic impact.
70 Your Top-Ten Positive Power Words
First, let’s examine the word “believe”; by the dictionary
description, it means “to have confidence or faith in the
truth.” Used in the positive, this word can inject some real
manifesting juice. “I believe I can achieve my goal” or “I be-
lieve in you” are very powerfully positive phrases. However,
an alternative dictionary meaning paints a different picture. A less-upbeat definition is “to suppose or assume.” When you
say, “I believe he was going to get that done,” the underlying tone is one of uncertainty instead of trust. If you use “believe” in the latter context, you’re certain to create uncer-
tainty in your life.
Numerically, “believe” is a 33/6 vibration. In the positive,
6 sprinkles creativity and the double 3 infuses inspiration and imagination. In the negative, the 6 brings worry and pessimism and the double 3 doles out self-doubt and criticism. So
in considering the meaning, think about how you use the
words most often.
Next are the words “no way.” Although this is a phrase
rather than a single power word, two-word phrases have a