The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire (12 page)

BOOK: The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire
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personalized positive affirmations. She was then able to focus on releasing control over the outcome of any situation, allowing it to manifest in the form it was meant to. Most im-

portantly, it helped her relinquish her sense of a constant fear of failure. Now she believes she doesn’t have to push so hard

all the time. If it’s meant to be, it will be:

Sometimes when things feel especially trying and I

need to stop pushing and just let things unfold as they

will, I like to use “everything is unfolding in perfect di-

vine order.” This helps me to step back and give

something time for the event to unfold as it was

meant to. It’s difficult to see why something is not

happening at the time and in the way we think it

should, but this affirmation reminds me that every-

thing has a time and a place. It gives me inner peace

and reassurance.

One of the key words in this positive affirmation is the word

“perfect,” which vibrates at the frequency of the perfect 10. It literally combines the energies of heaven and earth with the

first physical number 1 and the 0, which is the symbol of the

infinite or spiritual awareness. The word carries a balanced

energy—body (1) and soul (0)—attracting additional people,

Personalized Affirmations that Really Work 91

places, things, and circumstances that are also resonating at

this frequency.

Step 3: How do you want

to rewrite your story?

Once you’ve matched up your negative words with the expe-

riences that caused them, the last step in creating your cus-

tomized affirmations is to change out the negative words for

words with positive frequencies. Like the example above,

substituting the words “I can’t” with “I am open” pinpoints

the energies that will allow you to move forward. If you

sense you’ll need to take baby steps at first with a particular pattern, choose a word with a frequency that gives you room

to change and grow slowly but isn’t pushing you off the cliff.

Like all major changes, it’s best to start slowly and work up

to bigger steps. It will make the difference between success

and failure, much like crash dieting versus simply eating


Here’s an example of a common pattern to help you get

started. When reviewing her childhood, Sara found that her

most stand-out, memorably traumatic experience was from

elementary school. Fourth grade was harsh for Sara. She was

picked on because she was very skinny, shy, and got braces

that year. One girl in particular bullied her at least a couple times a week, calling her “metal mouth,” “beanpole,” and

“dumb blonde.” The feelings she associated with that experi-

ence were insignificant, helpless, lost, and frustrated.

Sara’s main issue in her current life is that she feels help-

less much of the time, having to rely on others to help her

92 Personalized Affirmations that Really Work

make decisions, giving away her personal power, and being a

doormat more often than not. Although Sara has a university

degree with honors and is a successful lawyer, she admits she

feels inadequate much of the time, especially in her personal

life. Some of the words on her negative word list that she

matched to this experience are: “well,” “maybe,” “if,” and


Armed with the knowledge she was giving away her per-

sonal power in her adult life because she felt helpless in the bullying situation as a child highlighted for Sara that she needed to regain a sense of personal power in her present life. Choosing powerful and self-assured words like “certain,” “yes,” “absolutely,” and “capable” to replace her negative words has

allowed Sara to regain her sense of personal power. From an

energetic standpoint, the new energies she infused into her life were self-trust (“certain” = 7), solid foundation, (“yes” and “capable” = 4), and creative power (“absolutely” = 6). (Visit Chapter 3 for complete number meanings.)

As you can see from Sara’s example, it’s that easy to re-

word your story in the positive. How long have you been liv-

ing a mediocre life when you could have been living your

best life? Don’t wait another second—get out your pen and

paper and reword your story to change your life!

C H A P T E R 7


Maximize Your Manifesting Power

If you’re reading this book, there’s a good chance you al-

ready know something about the law of attraction. For those

of you less familiar, this chapter will give you the nuts and bolts of how to create the life you desire through the law of

attraction combined with your newly learned missing key:

the energy of words.

The spiritual laws that govern us on an unseen level are

very much tied into the laws of physics—actually, they’re one

and the same. The basis of the law of attraction is very simple: like attracts like. We attract into our lives whatever we focus on. Here’s a catchy phrase to help you remember this

important law: what we think about, we bring about.

Unlike traditional science, which is based on a system

that states everything is fixed with a predictable outcome or

reaction based on an action applied, quantum physics is


94 Maximize Your Manifesting Power

based on the theory that nothing is fixed and there are no

limitations or constraints because the essence of all things is energy.

Quantum physics has often been referred to as the “sci-

ence of possibilities,” but the law of attraction takes it one step further by giving us direct control over our destiny. We

are not at the mercy of our outer world but only bound by

what we believe to be true. The thoughts we hold are the

driving force behind the world we live in each day. The law

of attraction works every time it is correctly applied, yet so many people aren’t successful in using it and wonder why.

Armed with the knowledge that thoughts shape our reality

minute by minute and that any form of language is shaped

first in the mind, it is clear that the words we choose to use are the key to successfully applying the law of attraction.

Recognizing Doubt-Filled Words

There is no gray area with the law of attraction. This is precisely where most of us get caught up and why it doesn’t al-

ways work consistently. Perhaps you’ve created a vision

board, complete with a picture of your dream car, house, ca-

reer, and partner. You look at it every day, putting a great deal of thought, focus, and feeling into imagining yourself having

all of these things, but months go by and not a sign of any of them materializes. Most law of attraction books say this is

where doubt starts to creep in, destroying any efforts or

progress you might have made thus far. You start to doubt

whether you will have that perfect car, house, or partner.

Doubt is the number-one wrench that gets thrown into the

Maximize Your Manifesting Power 95

machine of manifestation. Could it be that you were doubt-

ful right from the start because you subconsciously infuse

doubt-filled words into your daily life?

These doubt-filled words may not even be directly associ-

ated with what you’ve been attempting to manifest, but they

would certainly hit the kill switch on your manifesting


Here’s a prime example of why the law of attraction

doesn’t always work, even if you have the best of intentions,

due to the words you choose to use on a daily basis. Mary was

a Realtor who had worked very hard to climb to the top of the

sales force. She had won many accolades and awards for being

top seller and she was very pleased with her career. Her love

life, however, was anything but successful. She was lonely, and because she was thirty, she felt her biological clock ticking. Her friends tried to set her up on dates, and though she met some

really great men in the process, none of them felt “just right.”

Mary was a firm believer in the law of attraction because she

had used it successfully many times in her career life.

Mary created a checklist of the qualities she desired in a

potential partner and father to her children. She looked at

this list every day before going to work, putting a great deal of thought and emotion into imagining her ideal mate.

Mary had no idea that the words she chose to use daily,

which really didn’t directly have anything to do with attract-

ing her soul mate, were the very things that were hindering

her from attracting the love of her life.

Mary was quite an indecisive person, especially in her so-

cial life, using phrases like “well, I don’t know” and “maybe I
96 Maximize Your Manifesting Power

will.” Her energy was teeming with indecisive and wishy-

washy energy, which translated into a lack of success with

the law of attraction in her personal life. It wasn’t necessarily that she doubted what she wanted in a partner—she was

clear in that. It was the energy she was injecting into her life from the words she chose.

Mary was imagining the perfect man, but she counter-

acted her manifestation by using words that hold the fre-

quency of doubt or indecisiveness. The energy she held

created resistance in the form of doubt-filled words. The

word “don’t” vibrates to the frequency of 8; in the negative,

8 lacks its self-assured confidence, which is its main trait in the positive. “Maybe” vibrates to the 1; in the negative, 1 is very ego-focused as it is the only isolated number (not divisible by another number). We can’t be clear in our decisions

without consulting our soul for the truth; the result of not

doing so is an unclear, on-the-fence thought process, which is the very definition of the word “maybe.”

If you are consistently applying the law of attraction in

your own life and not seeing your efforts manifesting your

desires into physical reality, it’s time to reexamine your daily personal word list and match it exactly to what you want to

create. Everything is energy (including words), and that en-

ergy permeates every part of our reality.

Of all the things the law of attraction is used for, one of

the most popular intentions is manifesting wealth in some

form. There’s a reason why only about 1 percent of the

world’s population holds all the wealth. The following exam-

ple shows why.

Maximize Your Manifesting Power 97

Todd came from a very impoverished background during

which his family struggled with money issues most of his

childhood. He was proud that he had earned a university de-

gree in business and was working in sales for a large market-

ing firm, given his financially challenged background

growing up. He watched some of his friends who had the

same childhood experiences go on to not amount to much,

working menial jobs, continuing the financially challenged

legacy passed on from their families. Todd vowed to himself

that he wouldn’t end up like that and worked hard to achieve

his current level of success. Despite all his gains, Todd still found it difficult to feel comfortable with money. He felt he

deserved to be paid more, yet part of him felt undeserving of

it, even though he knew he was overqualified and underpaid

for his current position. This was a common theme through-

out his work life thus far: overqualified and underpaid.

Although he rarely showed his doubtful side at work, he

admitted he often thought about the fact that he didn’t truly

feel deserving of more money. The word “deserve” vibrates

to the energy of 6, which in the negative holds the qualities of pessimism, judgment, and criticism. Interestingly, in this case, Todd was using the correct word but in the wrong energetic context. The positive side of 6 is creativity, human effort, and self-nurturing. Simply by utilizing the power of the word “deserve” in the positive, Todd could create the financial abundance he’d been blocking for so long. An example

of an affirmation Todd could use to attract financial abun-

dance would look like this: “I deserve financial abundance

because I’ve earned it.”

98 Maximize Your Manifesting Power

It’s clear that the law of attraction works, but if you feel it’s not working for you, it’s time to examine your approach

from a broader viewpoint. It’s a wonderful idea to have a

checklist, vision board, or plan of action to assist you in manifesting what you want, but it is important to also comb

through all areas of your life for opposing energies. For

many, the key to those opposing energies is in the words you

choose to use every day, regardless of whether or not those

words seem to be directly related to what we desire.

Considering Your Feelings

Let’s not forget about the feeling factor with the law of at-

traction. It’s not only in the words you choose to use, it’s in the feelings you have about those words as well. In the example with Todd and his inability to attract strong financial

abundance, he was using the right word but had the wrong

feelings behind it due to his past experiences. His past experiences shaped his perception of the word “deserve.” Feelings

serve as amplifying “juice” to accelerate the manifestation

process. Todd’s underlying feelings of not being deserving of

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