The End of Detroit (40 page)

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Authors: Micheline Maynard

BOOK: The End of Detroit
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Nunez, Lou

O’Connor, Jim

Odagaki, Kunimichi

Ohio: American carmakers in; governor, Taft; Honda in

Ohno, Taiichi

Okuda, Hiroshi

Olson, James

O’Neill, Finbarr

Otto, Gustav

Padilla, Jim

Panke, Helmut

Pawley, Dennis

Penrose, John

Penske, Greg

Perkins, Jim

Pestillo, Peter

Petersen, Donald

Petersen, George

Pinelli, Ron

Platform sharing

Porsche; Cayenne SUV

Portera, Malcolm

Press, James

Quandt, Herbert and family

Rapp, Karl

Reichardt, Carl


Renault; American Motors sale; CEO (
Schweitzer, Louis); Megane; Megane Scenic; Nissan and; plant closing, Vilvoorde, Belgium; Twingo; Volvo merger attempt.
See also
Ghosn, Carlos

Renschler, Andreas

Rental car fleets: GM and; Taurus and

Ritter, Andy

Ritter, Kurt

Rover; BMW and; Land Rover; Range Rover.
See also
BMW, Mini Cooper

Runge, Jeffrey


Sandlin, Mark

Scaffede, Russ

Scheele, Nicholas V.

Schrempp, Juergen

Schroer, Jim

Schweitzer, Louis

Sheridan, Steve

Sloan, Alfred P.

Smith, Dan

Smith, Jack

Smith, Roger B.

Spinella, Art

Sprinzen, Scott

Stempel, Robert

Stewart, John

Sugimoto, Tomiji

Suzuki, Ichiro

Suzuki Motor Company; Samurai

Taft, Robert

Taylor, Bill

Teixeiria, A. J.

Tennessee: Nissan factory, Smyrna; Saturn factory, Spring Hill

Tewell, Mike

Texas: pickup trucks; Toyota, San Antonio truck plant

Thursfield, David

Togo, Yuki

Toyoda, Akia

Toyoda, Akio

Toyoda, Eiji

Toyoda, Kiichiro

Toyoda, Risaboro

Toyoda, Sakichi

Toyoda, Tatsuro

Toyota Financial Services

Toyota Motor Corporation; AA; Ann Arbor, MI, Technical Center; Avalon; board of directors; Cambridge, Ontario, plant; Camry; CEO (
Cho, Fujio); Chairman (
Okuda, Hiroshi); Corolla; Corolla FX; Corona; corporate culture; corporate headquarters; crossover; customers; dealers; employee wages and benefits; engine plant, Huntsville, AL; Ford and; founding family; 4Runner; French plants; Georgetown, KY, factory; GM joint venture (NUMMI); global and projected growth; goal to be world’s biggest; “go to the spot” approach; Highlander; Honda comparison; hybrids (
see also
); independence;
; Land Cruiser; as leader in industry; leadership; Lexus; Lexus dealers; Lexus ES; Lexus ES 300; Lexus GS 400; Lexus GX; Lexus hybrids; Lexus IS 300; Lexus LS 400; Lexus LS 430; Lexus LX 470; Lexus RX 300; Lexus RX 330; Lexus SC 430 coupe; luxury market; market approach; market share, Camry; Mexican plant, Baja; minivan (
see also
); Nagoya offices; nonunion workers; Ohno and; operating margin; origins as carmaker; platform sharing; Previa; Princeton, IN, plant; priority of vehicle; Prius; profit margins; profits and finances; “pull system” (just-in-time); quality; ranking in Japan; RAV-4; rebates and sales incentives; repeat customers; resale values; research and development; San Antonio truck plant; Scio; Sienna; SUVs; Torrance, CA, sales headquarters; Toyopet, 20; Toyota City; Toyota Production System (TPS); Toyota Way; trucks, Tundra (full-sized pickup), T-100, Tacoma, and light truck market; U. S. Army truck orders; U.S. factories; U.S. management, building of; U.S. market; U. S. sales; World War II

Trotman, Alexander

Turner, Todd

United Auto Workers (UAW); concessions; Detroit contracts; politics and; right-to-work states

Volkswagen; Beetle; Beetle convertible; Bus; free-maintenance plan; Karmann Ghia; market approach; Passat; Phaeton; sales; Tourag

Volvo: Ford and; Renault and; safety and

Von Cannon, Theodore

Von Kuhnheim, Eberhard

Wade, Neal

Wagoner, G. Richard

Walton, Mary

Watson, Carroll “Lew” L.

Werner, Helmut

White, Bob

Williams, Arthur

Womack, James

Yoshino, Hiroyuki


Zetsche, Dieter


Published by Doubleday

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Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file with the Library of Congress.

Copyright © 2003 by Micheline Maynard

All Rights Reserved


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eISBN: 978-0-385-51152-0


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